
16 Reviews
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The Directors (2018– )
'Money for old rope'
21 June 2024
Like you, I love the cinema, I've seen lots of films and yet I've hardly scratched the surface.

So, this is only reason I watch this show as I can catch clips (however short) of films I have not seen.

Each program is only 45m (when you take out the ads) and yet time is wasted on repetition (film name, stars etc.) not to mention errors in the narration e.g. Preston Foster and not Preston Sturges.

It seems these four 'celebrated' cinema critics have merely scanned your IMDB bios/reviews in order to appear like the one-eyed amongst the blind? The idea is just too lazy and we might have got more depth had each Director only been covered by one reviewer.

This must have been the easiest money each of them has ever earned?
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Garry Halliday (1959–1962)
Biggles, Dan Dare and all that
18 November 2009
Having just seen Elwyn Brook-Jones in 'Odd Man Out' it took my mind back to Gary Halliday, the first UK TV series to make a real impression on my young mind. I've never seen any repeats or articles on the series but the fact that it had an aviation basis and the mysterious 'Voice' was enough to hook me. Perhaps it's best that it remains a vivid, if slightly scary, memory as its production values may not stand up today? Of course Terence Alexander went on to be a television staple whereas Terence Longden and Elwyn Brook-Jones became rarer commodities. Anyway it remains stronger in my memory than all its contemporaries like Ivanhoe, Robin Hood and William Tell.
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People I Know (2002)
The Sad Smell of Slavery
15 October 2003
Definitely a 'tour de force' for Al Pacino, but with very effective cameos from Kim and Tia. A rather implausible thriller in that these men of power should have found the camera easily, but as a drama of a defeated liberal trying to make one last attempt to climb out of the swamp it is much more effective. Load up on your caffeine as you'll need to fight off Eli's tiredness as he stumbles through the New York night.
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The Matrix should be Rebooted after this tedious sequel
26 June 2003
The basic idea of The Matrix was interesting and the effects groundbreaking, however I should have known better than to expect an evolutionary development of the characters and plot. It is a shameful waste of money when they say just one 14min fight scene cost $40m. All the action sequences go on way too long and simply become tiresome with the directors incapable of knowing how to keep the drama tight. There's little humour to sweaten the pill other than Merovingian's swearing in French that he likens 'to wiping your ar.. with silk'. The appearance of Monica Bellucci did raise my pulse for a moment but she was little more than eye candy.
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Hurlyburly (1998)
No spoilers here I didn't wait for the end
23 October 2002
My Video/DVD shop manager recommended this turkey. It bypassed our cinemas (wisely) but it's pity it didn't skip going to video and go straight to the Recycle Bin. One can sum this up as a movie made by, with and for the stoned, which may be your bag ? We all think we are deep and coherent under the influence and so do our co-conspirators if they're in the same condition. I managed to stay with the film (but not the non-existent plot) for an hour until the buddy 'improv' dialogue brought my patience to an end. Surely the actors were actually high for some of their 'streams on unconsciousness' but that's no use to the poor viewer since they can't pass on the joint or blow on to us. What a terrible waste of talent and money and I'm sorry to see so many able actors and actresses compromising their ideals for this load of codswallop. (Yanks may have to look that one up)
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September 11 (2002)
This film might be better called 'Living in Another World'
20 September 2002
Given the nature and origin of the 11 filmakers it is not surprising that this film is at best neutral in its stance towards America. Probably the most 'anti' segment comes from Ken Loach who is definitely not towing the British New Labour party line. Although those events of a year ago are shocking and painful to most Americans and most spectators who saw them unfold live through CNN etc. the majority of the writers and directors choose to show that tragedy is not an American monopoly. Should anybody be surprised that these 3000 deaths are given the same weight elsewhere as the West gives to thousands Tutsi, Tamil, Bosnian, Chilean, Kurdish (need we go on) victims. If this was a 'wake-up' call for the States then it is equally tragic that in the subsequent 12 months the Israel/Palestine impasse is further from a solution while George Bush Jnr. would rather wreak revenge than make the world a safer place. I think many of the contributors wonder where the idealism of the Founding Fathers went, and why America orignally built as a bastion of freedom, justice and tolerance now sees its self-interest paramount while the Third World wonders where the next drink, meal or bullet is coming from.
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The Claim (2000)
Another opportunity to strike gold is lost
16 January 2002
I've waited a long time for its release here and have to express my disappointment at the final result. Hardy's work has long been a rich source for many British television dramatizations and a few successful films like 'Tess' and 'Jude'. Given the setting the film should have looked spectacular and yet colour, clarity and/or composition spoil beautiful images that Ridley Scott or Terrence Malick would not have wasted. The story of betrayal and shame is interesting but it is exposed by too many awkwardly staged scenes, often with banal dialogue. No role is given enough flesh by the screenwriter and much of the acting talent is wasted, particularly Wes Bentley after his electric performance in 'American Beauty'. There are too many snowbound vistas and insufficient character exposition. Like 'McCabe and Mrs Miller' the deprivation and conditions of a frontier town are not hidden, yet the only thing to thaw the ice and snow is the climactic fire rather than any real emotional warmth from the characters. However Nyman's music does do justice to the mountainous panoramas.
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More 'Twin Peaks' than 'Straight Story'
9 January 2002
And I'm not talking about Laura Harring ! When you see films like this it only reinforces the idea of the wonder of this medium. At times you think you are going 'loopy' as the story wraps around like a Moebius strip, but Lynch's style carries you through even the most surreal parts. This film has style and atmosphere in spades not to mention the cast of eccentric characters. I was half expecting a bit of tap from Ann Miller but we got jive instead. The two leads are excellent and their chemistry is amongst the most erotic I've seen on the screen. Was the Blue Box going to reveal a 'Kiss Me Deadly' secret or was it just made by McGuffin. It's not a story for the linear mind and you will find yourself thinking about it for hours (and who knows, maybe days) later, that is, if you've managed to shift 'Memento' ! We all know that David Lynch is weird and we know that there is nothing wrong with it as long as he can tell a story like this.
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Harry Potter didn't transfix this middle-aged Muggle
29 November 2001
As an adult with no children and having not read any of the books I was wondering what all the fuss was about. Obviously I can't make comparison or express disappointments between book and film but I can see enough strange, menacing and funny characters as well as myriad incidents to keep most children enthralled for more than two hours. We can clearly see where the money has been well spent in transforming this parallel magical universe into something that George Lucas would put his name to. I was rather surprised by the relatively subdued reaction of the(mostly under 15) audience both during and at the end of the movie, with few fearful gasps or hoots of laughter that makes me wonder that my simliar behaviour was not so off the mark. I feel there is not very much in this film for most adults (or their inner children) especially when one compares it to brilliant efforts like the Toy Stories, Shrek and not to mention all the Simpsons episodes. I'm sure my commentary is quite irrelevant to all the kids still waiting to see it (or see it again) so call my reaction humbug and I await a visit from the Ghost of Hogwarts Past anytime now !
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The drugs don't work, but we knew that didn't we.
9 November 2001
This harrowing film, though lacking the quirky humour of Trainspotting is a cinematic triumph. Although an equally dark subject to Selby's Last Exit to Brooklyn, this is a far superior opus thanks to Aronsky's direction and the performances of the four leads. Ellen Burstyn is superb and the next time my fridge starts making strange noises I'll call in an exorcist instead of the electrician. We always knew Jennifer Connelly was one of the most beautiful women around; we should all look this good when strung out, but the extension to her acting range with this role has been quite a surprise. The cinematography is excellent and the techniques for distorting reality and experiencing the rushes and the subsequent downs is exhilarating, if that's the right word. I don't think it can be called an experimental film, well not to the degree of Memento, but this unique medium must be exploited in the way these films do it.
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The Pledge (I) (2001)
One of the best of 2001 and Mad Jack doesn't overact
17 October 2001
This is a beautiful film to look at, with engrossing performances to match. A little Jack Nicholson can go a long way in some of his movies and if he can get an Oscar for 'As Good As It Gets' then with this one

sainthood could be coming his way. He is on screen nearly the whole time, either listening to his voices, or going through the motions of dialogue until his own human interaction is finally engaged by his involvement in Robin Wright Penn's family. The cinematography is stunning, particularly the outdoor shots of the ice fishing and the spectacular mountain scenery. These contrast starkly with the first shots of the worn out Mrs Penn in the diner, with her scars and broken teeth. Despite Jack's character having retreated from two failed marriages into his police work it is not entirely clear why he loses his perspective so tragically since it is evident he has found fulfillment in his instant family. The casting of Tom Noonan is more red herring than Red Dragon, while the high profile cameos vary from a Twin Peaks type role for Benicio Del Toro to a very touching and grandmotherly one from Vanessa Redgrave. This film is what good, if not brilliant, film making is all about and Sean Penn shows mastery of the craft.
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Blow (2001)
An uncolourful film of a colourful life
17 October 2001
I suppose Traffic is the benchmark for drugs movies even if it isn't one strictly from the smugglers point of view. Perhaps Mr Demme should have partaken of the said title in order to give the audience a little buzz too. Despite the exotic locations of Mexico and Colombia this is really an unattractive film to look at. The cinematography is unimaginative and the colours themselves are anaemic. The storytelling is very conventional for such an interesting story and the dialogue seems to come from someone high on herb tea. The performances are generally good and it's very nice to see Ray Liotta not going over the top for once. Ms Cruise also does well with an unflattering role while Johnny Depp ages rather better than the real George Jung in this parable of dishonour among thieves. It should be left to Robert Sabbag to adapt his brilliant Snowblind and give us the 100% pure article.
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Our Man in Panama is a visit to Greeneland
19 September 2001
This is a very enjoyable black comedy that would do credit to Graham Greene. I truly hope these diplomats, attachés, spies and Pentagon bigwigs are more stupid than the real ones otherwise we could be in big trouble soon. It's cynical view of modern business and diplomacy is too close to the truth. Pierce Brosnan has a range as narrow as the Panama isthmus but it is nevertheless a Grand Canyon when compared to Roger Moore's. Only his character's greed and vanity blinds him to the implausiblity of the Tailor's tales, while Geoffrey Rush makes his rather sad character quite believable. This is not one of the Le Carré books that I have read so I was pleasantly surprised by the humour and carnality present, which I presume is in the novel too. It was nice to see John Fortune in a film and he plays his Ambassador's corruptibility and conformity to a tee. I was glad to see Panama from sleazy shore rather than from the veneered deck of one of those cruise liners passing through the canal.
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Original Sin (2001)
You must have something better to do than watch this.
13 September 2001
I had reasonable expectations of this film with the Woolrich source, the lead actors and the Cuban period setting. What I saw was an awful film with some very banal dialogue and affected performances from Jolie and Jane (sounds like a new double act). Angelina Jolie is certainly a good actress as witnessed by 'Girl, Interrupted' and can play a plausible seductress as in 'Pushing Tin' but here she is simply unbelievable as someone who can manipulate men without effort or conscience. She and Thomas Jane seem to play their parts from the view of what they think the audience expects, so that they are performing parts and not acting at all. Antonio Bandaras is the only one of the main parts who shows a naturalism and it is a shame to see Jack Thompson wasted in a small and unimportant role. The basic story is interesting and certainly the sets, costumes and music lend the film good production values. Oh and as for the card sharping I've seen children cheat with more conviction and skill !
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Barbarians at the Gate (1993 TV Movie)
I laughed so much I almost sold my Microsoft shares
13 September 2001
When you look at the dross that Hollywood throws money at and then forces on us at the local multiplex, one wonders why a TV film like this with so much intelligence and wit finds such a limited audience. 'Greed is good' as Gordon Gekko said and so believe just about all the protaganists of this wonderful script. James Garner is such a likeable actor that he makes his behaviour seem almost normal and natural. I'm not a great fan of Jonathan Pryce but he is perfect as the bloodless lizard Henry Travis. Larry Gelbart sustains the humour from beginning to end and the scene in the laboratory must be one of the funniest ever, and in laughing out loud I almost bust a gut as if I had been drawing on one of their new 'healthier' cigarettes.

Creavity does live in Hollywood and this film is testimony to it, so Studio Bosses give it its head and drop the remakes, seqeuls and prequels.
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Quite simply the best example of 'film noir'
13 September 2001
I have watched this film countless times and cease to tire of its near perfection. Perhaps the story is a little convoluted but a couple (let alone my 50+) viewings will clarify the plot, and the complexity of structure only adds interest each time you watch it. It may not quite be Mitchum's best performance but is his (and Jane Greer's) best film.

It's a very unusual film of its time in the use of real locations and the minimising of back projection and artificial sets. I love films with exotic locations so Acapulco and San Francisco do very nicely. For example using real settings for the evening beach and human fishing scenes is so much superior to using a studio lot, and since this was a B film on its release we can only imagine how awful some of these sets might have been with its modest budget. The cinematography of Nicholas Musuraca is superb, lending realism so much so that you can almost smell the grease at the gas station and feel the breeze coming off the lake in the opening scene. The dialogue is both clever and witty and worthy of Raymond Chandler himself. It gives great lines to many characters in a film that has many interesting supporting roles and reveals enough about many of them to extend them to 3 dimensions. Whit Sterling, as played by Kirk Douglas, is a powerful villain with a certain sly charm. Joe Stephanos an apparently easygoing heavy still carries his inferiority complex (vis-a-vis Jeff Bailey) with an insight into his doomed future. Even the Kid 'speaks' volumes on his understanding of Jeff's confused and complex character. Jane Greer was perfect as the beautifully cold Kathie Moffat who has all the men wrapped around her fingers showing the lovability of a Preying Mantis. Well writting about this film just makes me want to watch it again, I just love this movie and you should too !
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