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AK vs AK (2020)
Experimental Theatre
26 December 2020
Pulling off such a script is no mean act. The target audience are expected to find many flaws and script-holes from start to finish, and probably, they would find many. But the Udaan director and both the AKs have tried their best to pull this bizarre experimental movie off, and boy! It was such a fun movie to watch!.
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Mockumentary on 80's Mumbai
21 April 2012
Probably, the biggest contribution of this movie is the name "Albert Pinto". You would find references of this name in many other occasions, most of the times mockingly, often targeted towards a short-tempered man.

In my venture of discovering the gems of yesteryear and also, in this particular case, to find the legend behind the legacy, I watched this movie with great anticipation. And as one of the other reviewers has said in this forum, I was disappointed because of my wrong expectations. The movie is more of a mockumentary on the socio-economy situation of 70s/80s Bombay especially the life and strives of working class people, than a full-fledged movie with a plot exploring the idiosyncrasies of the hotheaded Abert Pinto. It's not that the movie didn't have any characters. Rather, it had many parts enacted by the legends of parallel cinema in India, the likes of Naseeruddin Shah, Shabana Azmi, Smita Patil, Om Puri, et al. But, most of the characters are underdeveloped, solely because the intent of the movie has never been to tell a story, rather to depict life in its rawest form, in the slums, in the garages, in the mills of Bombay. Be it economic exploitation of the under-privileged by the capitalists, or the sexual abuse faced by the working women by the unscrupulous bosses, or the rise of mafia and paid-goondas in order to curb the rising rebellions, or the constant striving of the young men chasing dollar dreams, or amidst all these chaos how existence holds on to equanimity – the movie chooses carefully not portray any biased picture, but to present to the spectators the true sense of life and struggle. The movie doesn't show anything that we don't see in our everyday life – and that's simultaneously the plus and the minus of the movie.

Unfortunately, the movie doesn't fulfill the huge expectations I had. If you really love it, probably you belong to the intellectual class who appreciate movies on various other aspects than mere story or performances. If you are looking for only entertainment, stay away.
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Andhaa Yudh (1988)
On-the-Edge-of-the-Chair Thriller
18 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
When I first saw this movie some 16-17 years ago (I was a teenager then when I saw it part of DD's late night movie telecast), I was awestruck. It was quite unlike any movie I had seen till then. A movie with no songs, no love interest, no comic moments, yet gripping as hell.

Frustrated with existing state of politics, a misled Youngman kills the ruling CM of the state when he is addressing a rally. He is chased by an efficient and idealistic cop when he tries to flee the scene. When the road of escape is blocked, he enters into the nearest house and takes into hostage the only person present at that time – a crippled unmarried girl. He reflects upon the happenstances of his life that led him from a cowardly regular boy to a rebellious ruthless killer, amidst the discomforting morality questions asked by the girl, inside and the incessant endeavours by the dedicated policemen to capture him, outside the house.

The performances of the actors were exemplary for those characters. Nana Patekar as the committed police delivered an admirably believable act. So did Raj Babbar as the confused, yet remorseless killer. Other supporting casts did their part almost in flawless manner, especially the young Pallavi Joshi who played the physically challenged girl. I remember, I was so impressed with the movie then that for the next few days in our friend circle, that movie was the only discussion point. We all believed, Indian movie had finally come of age.

Recently, while discussing the poor state of Bollywood with some of my well-informed friends, I suddenly remembered this movie and wasted no time in getting a hold of it.

Having seen numerous movies of myriad genres over the years, my expectation was not to find any novelty, but just to relive those memories.

However, I was little disappointed to find so many plot-holes that I had failed to catch previously, like - why would a nurse be sent to go into the house to the killer, wouldn't she be also be held as another hostage? Why would the cops kill the murderer who they could have easily caught alive? Why would the cop kill the corrupt politician who masterminded the assassination without any investigation? And so on.

Nevertheless, the movie is still riveting as it was 25 years earlier and most of the bollywood blockbusters of today can't hold candle to it. I wish, the movie would have been little well scripted to rank it as a classic.

The most catchy part of the movie was the brilliant background score that played a major role in intensifying the tense moments.
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Dumb Dead Assassins
29 September 2011
There are two ways one can simultaneous watch and enjoy this movie. 1)Watch it in fast forward mode. (4X preferable, 2Xmanageable). 2) Watch it after 3 bottles of beer.

Else, there is no way one can watch this dead pan performances of JCVD and co in a dumb, action-less and predictable story and say WOW.

Plot dumb. Direction pathetic. Performances miserable.

There is another way to enjoy the movie. Be in the age group of 13 to 14.

Everything in this movie is clearly targeted towards teenager who love senseless action.
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Blitz (2011)
Killer Cop killed Cop killer and Me
15 September 2011
I would blame only person for the horrible wastage of time courtesy this movie - me. I had promised myself that I won't watch any Jason Statham movie ( especially the solo action lead ones) after experiencing too much crap. But, I failed to keep my promise, when I went ahead to watch a no- brainer.

It may not be the worst movie I have ever seen, but it would definitely be one of them. No sensible script, no character development, no performances, no nothing. Nothing in this movie I found worth mentionable.

If you have any sense, stay away. And if you don't, don't ever dare to recommend any movie to me.
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Big Brotherly State
15 September 2011
Those people who are in the field of IT like me, would definitely wonder at the extent of sophistication in the use of technology in the movie. Just to add a field in the database table, intelligent developers in my team would say - it would take 2 days.Now, tracking every muscle movement of any person in US of A in real time - I am wondering which year we are talking about.They say "Not a single leaf moves without Allah's wish". I might not be sure about that statement, but from movie I can safely say, "Not can a single leaf move, without the NSA's notice." There is nothing great about the plot. One lawyer gets entangled in the affair of the State inadvertently and seeks the help of a proficient ex-Security professional to get out of the mess.

Star of the show is clearly Gene Hackman, without doubt, in this high-profile thriller. Will Smith, as a sometimes-clever-sometimes-stupid lawyer gives a very usual performance. Others are OK.Some of the sequences in this seemingly high-octane thriller might look little far-fetched, but nevertheless it is an enjoyable. And if you really loved the movie, it won't be too difficult to guess your age.Tony Scott (Man on Fire) is known as the master of espionage thrillers, knows quite well how to hook his audience.
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Delhi Belly (2011)
Bhaag D K
22 August 2011
'Delhi Belly' is an honest attempt to provide apt entertainment for the English-speaking, tweeting, facebook-ing, blogging, muliplex visiting middle class Indian (wanna-be-) yuppies. And it delivers.

After a long time, an adult comedy which is not just collection of kitsch double-meaning jokes, rather a comedy-of-errors which revolve around the misfortune of careless few and hapless others.

I laughed out loud lot of occasions and would love to watch it once again, even if I wouldn't put it in my favourite comedies. One basic rule to enjoy this movie - Don't ask a lot of WHYs.

And let's not be paranoid about the expletives. We use more expletives in our daily life than the movie uses. Those high-priests of the society (read samaaj ke thekedaar ) who want to protect the kids from getting spoilt, the day is coming soon when their kids will tell them 'go f*ck yourself'.
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Rango (2011)
The Spirit of West
22 August 2011
If you are a sucker of the genre 'Western' ( those lull before the storm moments, those slowly rotating noisy fans, those dimly lit bars with filthy looking goons gulping beer, those cow boy hats, those smoking barrels) and a big fan of Johnny Depp, and don't think animated movies are only for kids - you are absolutely going to love this movie.

Rango is an ordinary blabbermouth wannabe-hero chameleon, who in search of adventure and spirit of west, reaches the drying city of 'Dirt' that awaits a saviour. And as expected Rango rises to the occasion.

Rango is a work of genius - Best thing to come out from the association of Gore Verbinski and Johnny Depp. (I never liked the Pirates of the Caribbean series)

Johnny Depp is brilliant or Wha What What???
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Point Break (1991)
100% Adrenaline and That's it
22 August 2011
Well, watching this movie you would know why they are so critical about Keanu Reeve's acting skills. Though I don't have much appreciation for his performance, I must commend on his choice of movies. Not this one though.

If you love adventure sports especially surfing, and consider heist jobs to be the most intelligent course of human mind, you are going to love this movie. It has surfers, sky-divers, bank robbers and FBI agents. Point Break has everything for the suckers of adrenaline rush, but nothing much for sensible minds. There is no chemistry between the actors whatsoever.

Patrick Swayze's free-spirited performance would make you want to be like Bodhi. Some of his utterances are prophetic for the young and restless. Visuals are stunning, and that's about it.

When the man and woman (Cameron and Bigelow) were together, they created this one. All I can say that I don't share Bigelow's cinematic view.

This could have been so much better.
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22 August 2011
Mumbai is not a mere city. It's a phenomenon. Paragon of diversity. Umpteen movies have explored its idiosyncrasies multitude of times that now any movie on Mumbai, honestly, looks the same. But somehow, I had a positive expectations from 'Shor in the City'.

Babel like concept of showing several loosely connected events happen in parallel, the characters fading in the chaos of the city. Three petty thieves trying to cash in every opportunity, one NRI trying to establish his own business, One struggling cricketer trying to get entry to the big stage. It's not an out-and-out comedy. So expectations to have lots of laughs is going to fall falter. Promising start. Unfortunately, lost me midway because of mundanity. The last 15 minutes was the saving grace for the initial tedium. Overall, a pretty average movie. Could have been so much better. Watchable. Some appreciable performances (the NRI part is good).
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Stone (2010)
The Cold Stone
4 July 2011
Well, when a trailer of a movie would have Robert De Niro and Edward Norton sitting across a table, background score of a thriller, naturally the expectations from the flick would be so high, that anything lesser than 'great' is going to doom disaster for it. And that is precisely what happened.

'Stone' is not a bad movie even if not a great one. But the trailer promised a psychological thriller with an adultery angle, and when midway the movie took a de-tour along the philosophical path dealing with existential angst of a reformed prisoner, most of the audience felt betrayed. That is why there are some rave reviews about the movie. Not the best movie of Norton or De Niro.

I liked it.

At one point two sequences were juxtaposed - a gruesome murder and an erotic act of adultery - diluting the intensity of both with each other - that is the best scene of the movie according to me. Good direction.
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Potty on Potter
23 June 2011
Being a die-hard Potter fan previously (though I must admit there has been too much time gap between my Potter-craziness and now), I must say now emphatically, the Potter movie franchise has gone nuts. HP 7.1 is not only the worst movie of the series, but also definitely one of the horrible movies I have ever seen. Potter fans have never found to claim that any of the movies has made justice to its book, but never have I imagined in my wildest dream that I would yawn during a Potter movie - thrice, yes, I distinctly remember, thrice . Two or three times I felt like leaving the theatre swearing at the creators.

I was little angry with Rowling for the 7th part, which I felt fell much shorter than my expectations. Now HP 7.1 version of the movie, reminded me of the frustration.

Now the rest of my post will contain some swear words (censored!!!) $%#&$$%%^^ %&^% %#$#$ 6$$%^%&^*%%%%$#%$#@##@@$^&
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Coraline (2009)
The Other World
23 June 2011
I had an impression that an animated movie should --- show heartfelt emotions --- teach values like friendship, loyalty, family bonding etc. --- have villains who can be either destroyed or transformed in the end --- have many funny characters --- have lots of ROFL moments

Well Coraline stands negative in most of the counts. Instead of big a kiddish entertainment full of life, love and empathy, this off-beat animated movie is dark. And I am happy it is so.

An author and his busy wife shifts to secluded old mansion with weird neighbourhood. Their daughter Coraline feels neglected and bored. While exploring their new old house, she finds a secret passage that leads her to a whole new world which is an exact replica of her own world, but with a nicer feel. But soon she discovers the sinister intent behind the nice camouflage. Now she needs courage and some divine intervention to escape from the other world to her new world.

Animation fantasy finds a new light - Black.

Kudos to the team - Henry Selick(would watch more from you, Sir), Dakota Fanning(I have a feeling she is going to make it big).

(originally posted @
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Straw Dogs (1971)
A Man's gotta protect his Honour
23 June 2011
When the name Dustin Hoffman comes on table, people instantly talk about Kramer vs Kramer or Rainman and bestow all the plaudits on this twice Oscar winner for his phenomenal performances. Yeah Yeah!! It's with maturity good actors act better (exceptions some megalomaniacs). But the signs of virtuosity are evident of great actors in their earlier roles. "Midnight Cowboy" is one of the early movies of Hoffman that I became his fan. Now with 'Straw Dogs' he substantiated why he is always put in the list of all time greats.

"Straw Dogs" was made in 1971 and got heavy criticism ( and a later ban) for it explicit contents (rape and violence). But now that the world has seen Saw series and other filthy bloodshed gores, 'Straw Dogs' is like 'Titanic' infront of them.

But don't dismiss this movie as sexist or violent movie. 'Straw Dogs' gives immense importance to character development of a man (Hoffman) from a mellowed and cowed down self to a violent retaliating one when his self-esteem is being challenged. Hoffman's performance as the silent mathematician transforming into explosive man in protecting his own house and honour from a gang of ruffians is simply outstanding. When the gang attacks his house his determined but clueless reactions to protect his house (that symbolizes the man's honour) is one of the finest points of the movie.

The direction by Sam Peckinpah is affecting and engrossing. Especially, check the sequence of rape where Susan George struggles to find the balance between her erotic lust for her former lover and a moral dilemma that wrecks her honour as a married woman.

A great, even if dated, movie.
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Henry's Crime (2010)
Crime Time
22 June 2011
Some movies are of confusing genre. After watching 'Henry's Crime', the first question came to my mind what genre should I attribute this to - crime/heist, romance, drama, comedy, what? Initially I presumed it would be an intelligent crime thriller, slowly it moved into romance and finally settling for intense theatrical drama. Probably, the creator of the movie were as confused or I don't have the maturity to understand.

A detached man gets convicted for robbing a bank he never intended to. After serving the sentence, now he decides to actually commit the crime (If you've done the time, do the crime). And in turn falls in love with a theatre actress who becomes accessory to the crime inadvertently.

I completely fail to fathom if Keanu Reeves character (Henry) was really that dull and stone-faced or it was Reeves' disinterested sleepwalking performance. Vera Farmiga was fantastic. Top notch act it was. James Caan's role was commendable. I have problems with slowness and divergence of the script.

If a movie is slow, does it necessarily mean it is subtle?

(originally published at
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Ghostbusters (1984)
The Ghost Catchers
21 June 2011
Ghost Busters is not just an ordinary movie. It is a huge phenomenon which has left behind a great legacy. Movies, TV series, musicals, plays - it has inspired many, time and again.

Unfortunately, it failed to make that impression on me. I missed the humour behind it.

Three unemployed para-psychology scholars set up a unique shop that claimed to specialize in catching ghosts. Weird? But they were successful. Coz, there were so many pesky ruckus creating ghosts at large. In their expedition, however they came across some ancient Sumerian spirits that had plans to doom evil upon the city.

Well, I have like Bill Murray, but in Groundhogs day, not this one. I found the humour to be little dated. Or did I miss the subtlety?

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The Town (2010)
Heist in the Town
21 June 2011
All the heist movies have more or less the same story - bunch of tough guys (sometimes an odd girl with mannish persona) plan together to pull out the perfect crime. Everything goes on fine with a hair line finish. And finally some goof up happens. An idiosyncratic intelligent cop gets to the root and nabs them. One of them dies heroic and the other surrenders. Well, there are some movies where the thugs are never get caught, but you can expect a sequel of it soon.

What distinguishes a good heist movie from a bad one - is the ingenuity of the plan.

The town is not ingenious but rather it has got a romantic angle to it. Rest predictable. I was not a fan of Jeremy Renner in The Hurt Locker, but in this one, he impresses. Ben Affleck directs himself and Rebecca Hall pretty well.

Watchable, if not memorable. Masks were good.
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Crazy Maniac Stranger
21 June 2011
Two complete strangers meet on a train. Two entities with different priorities in life. No commonalities, except one - each has one person to dispose of. Why don't they swap murders? Each kill other's nemesis. Perfect plan, isn't it? Each would have unshakable alibi. Nothing can link them to the murders.

Interesting premise - isn't it?

First day I stopped here ( don't ask me how could I) and let loose my imagination. Next night, by the time I resumed, my expectations from the master of mystery ( Hitchcock, who else?) was at its peak. But, the second part was like having barbecued chicken with risotto for the main course and then phirni for dessert.

Its not only that second part was disappointing, but also it has gone to the extent of ludicrousness. I know, I'm taking a big risk of being called naive or inane when I am pointing finger at a movie directed by a person who is revered highly in the directors fraternity, especially for this movie, but I must admit the movie frustrated me that much to worth this outburst. I really couldn't understand the so-called tensed forever-going tennis match and revolving merry-go-round, neither could I understand the logic of the seemingly sane protagonists. The climax was unbelievably anti-climax.

Performance of the actors were fine. Even, I have no issues with the direction as well. But the concluding plot - could have been so much better.
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Teen, Fantasy
21 June 2011
Well...this is one of the movies that I didn't check in IMDb before I watched. If I would have checked, at least the genre (Teen, Fantasy), I would have saved one hour of my time. I remember once I had seen the book with the same title being placed on the 'bestsellers' rack of a popular bookstore and hence, the wastage.

There is no point in talking more about the movie which is clearly targeted towards dreamy-eye teenagers turned on by blue eyed romance, extra-terrestrial conflicts and superhuman fantasies. If you are one of them, you can watch it. Else, if you are an oldie like me, skip it.

(originally posted @
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Love and Mayhem in Africa
21 June 2011
When the white make a movie on the black especially in Africa, usually the story shows an white-man's travails in the insensitive circumstances created by the inhumane black people and how the saviour inside him makes him a messiah for some of the downtrodden . Of course there would be depiction of innocence, victimhood and helplessness, and mostly it would show the manipulative big corporates (read assholes) exploiting the ignorance and penury of the under-privileged. Did I sound too negative? Well, I never intended to. All in all, these movies would be great - laced with great performances, graphic visuals and thought-provoking direction. You would love these movies which would be favourite in many award nominations.

Along side Blood Diamond, Hotel Rwanda and The Last king of Scotland, I would now stack 'The Constant Gardener'. It is a fantastic movie. Though the movie's backdrop is the exploitation of the poor African people by the big American pharmaceutical conglomerates, the movie focuses on the relentless search of one bereaved man to find the perpetrators of his outspoken wife's brutal murder. Great performances by Ralph Fiennes (I am a big, big fan now) and Rachel Weisz (wins an Oscar for her role). The 'City of God' director lives his name.

One example where the movie is more enjoyable than the book ( Or is it I have lost interest in fictions?)

A great watch.

(originally posted @
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Paul (2011)
Alien on Board
21 June 2011
Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz are considered to be comedy masterpieces, with the former also featuring as on of the 20 favourite movies by Mr. idiosyncratic Quintin Tarantino. Now, the comic duo (Simon Pegg & Nick Frost) collaborate again along with an alien ( Seth Rogen) for a fun filled cross-country drive, I expected a laughter riot.

Paul was a highly intelligent and sensitive alien with humane elements embedded in his heart and brain. While escaping the clutch of human authority, he chance-meets and befriends two British comic-book creators vacationing/researching in America's most UFO sighting area. Most of the things Paul does are regular alien stuff ( bringing someone to life, punishing the evildoers with some blasts) that we had seen before, but this time in a regular human way - which we have not seen before.

There were some lolz moments, but overall falls way sort of expectations.

Watchable if you have no other movies on desk.

(originally posted @
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Dreadful Sentence
21 June 2011
Action movies need not be realistic. True to this unstated axiom, multitude films are made just to boost in us that coveted adrenaline rush. Gravity defying, Physics law mocking, sense denying, the action sequences are there just to give us that vicarious feeling of possessing superhuman prowess and dispensing ruthless vengeance --- Nothing wrong in that. Problem arises when an action movie pretends to be closer to reality and at the same time be senseless, logicless. That is precisely the issue with 'Death Sentence'. Initially, the movie shows the life of a happy-go-rich average American family till tragedy strikes it and then suddenly it transforms into a murderous conniving vengeance story - reality thrown out of the frame. Result - after wasting a good one and half hour (the last part I just fast forwarded) the movie lands in the bottom of my list.

As the tagline of the movie says, Protect what's yours.......time.....stay away. The Saw (1 of course) director disappoints.

(Originally posted @
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Mary and Max (2009)
Unusual Friendship
21 June 2011
The girl lives in the suburb of Melbourne. And the boy in the posh location of Newyork. Bonding of an unusual friendship form between these two when the girl's letter finds the boy's address. Unusual - because , there was very few in common between them except their loneliness. The boy is obese - courtesy his diet include chocolate, chocolate, and did I mention chocolate, and he had to regularly see a psycho-therapist. The girl has an alcoholic mother and workaholic father, and believes the babies are just found in cola-cans. And, yes I forgot to mention - the girl was 8 and the boy 44.

The concept was novel. The animation was unlike any other movies I have seen before. The lines that made the script were brilliant. I would rather the ending not to be sad. But, in that sad ending I just found a sort of blessedness, as I had found in 'The Elephant Man' or 'American Beauty'

Films like these make the movie-viewing experience worthwhile.

(originally posted @
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The A-Team (2010)
Overkill is UnderRated
21 June 2011
The A-team is one of your those heart thumping, adrenaline pumping, gravity defying, miracle relying, bullets raining, logic draining, friends-turning-foes, high voltage action movies that you wow multiple times, trying to decipher the seemingly intelligent yet I-told-you-so plot.

Sometimes, I like those kind of movies.(If Liaam Neeson can be both Schindler and Hannibal Smith, why can't I like both?) I liked the team, especially Murdock. I wish they come together with another plan with insane entertainment.

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Faster (2010)
21 June 2011
When you don't want to invest even the slightest part of your brain, and still you have to watch a movie (yes, in the flight that is the only thing you can do after a small bottle of wine) it is always safe to go for a revenge drama.

A heinous act upon an innocent soul and then the brutal avenge follows and your adrenaline rushes in full speed.

But, not all revenge drama give that thrill. Some are grotesque - appalling, some others are senseless - annoying and some are slow - boring.

Faster for me is one of the boring revenge drama that I can never empathize with. I couldn't complete.

The Rock has rock like expressions.

(originally posted @
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