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Columbo: Columbo Likes the Nightlife (2003)
Season 10, Episode 14
Double Murder, Double Thumbs UP!
30 January 2003
Columbo at it's best. Good fun. This movie seems to be a little darker than usual in the sense that it seems to take place mostly at night. The main character(The killer), is a little weak but Falk is in usual top-form. The obviousness of every columbo script remains alive but the matter-of-fact/ness was not as evident as portrayed in the classics. Good and interesting twist in the end by solving the first murder through the process of solving the second by default. As usual, top notch with a surprise appearance by a Sopranos Regular. The only thing I particularly didn't like was the movie soundtrack. Techno to suit the movie theme, but not to suit the Columbo dynasty. I recommend it if you enjoy the masterfullness of Columbo himself.
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Very Sad
12 January 2003
The accounts seem real with a human factor added to the mix. A lot of sadness. I'm sure glad that I wasn't him....another thing to add is that all the women in this show were not really pretty accounts of the real women. But, I don't think that it was about the women, although it was to JFK Jr's passion. What a shame. any loss of life is a real shame.

Seemed like a good account of his life. I recommend it if you are into biographies and melodrama!
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28 December 2002
I truly wasn't impressed with the first one. This one was a little better. I stress - A little! Absolutely ridiculous story line with unbelievable characters. The main characters were by far eligible for the Razzie awards (For worst actors). The best part of this movie was the end battle and the New Zealand scenery. Thats it. Terrible dialogue and even worse premise to boot. Actually I must add that the virtual character Gollum/Sméagol was the best character in the entire movie. his schizophrenic personality always made you wonder if he would 'lose it' or not! He was amusing and actually should win the Grammy for best actor. Cause the others were so thin, weak and unimportant.

what a terribly sad waste of time that 2.6 hours was. YAWN!
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Solaris (2002)
10 December 2002
The Pros': 1) The movie finally ended 2) A new found appreciation for the passive art of watching PAINT DRY!

Con's: 1) I wasted my hard earned money and time. 2) My date wasn't impressed

If you go see this movie...Be prepared to bring a cushion. You will definitely sleep right thru it! Or maybe then again.. Don't go see it and have a nice nap and a dream. That will certainly be a better thing for you all to do...Waste of time!!
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Signs (2002)
What's the hype all about...
11 September 2002
Quite frankly though...The hype around this movie is unfounded. Signs? Is there an implication there? I watched the flik twice. The reason?! Everyone said it was great. This movie sucks to the max. Mel is Mel. But man oh man. Did this movie ever suck the BIG royale with cheese. Don't waste your time folks. Better of watching plants grow. Cheers. Bissimo =';'=
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Signs (2002)
Huuuuuuuge disappointment
8 August 2002
I figured Mel was a sure thing. Goes to show that a name can definitely not carry a movie. This movie was such a disappointment. It simply just went nowhere. Sure the family values were wonderful and the unite as itself was strong. Yet the movie as a visual medium does absolutely nothing for the viewer. Wasn't this supposed to be a movie about aliens? Well, they were there but man oh man...2 minutes worth just does not cut it. I bet that the book (If there was one) was a masterpiece. In summary, the movie was a flop. The TLC - CROP CIRCLES T.V. show was a better and more entertaining value. Don't waste your money.
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I Am Sam (2001)
Heart Felt & Moving
30 January 2002
The reality and altruism in this movie puts you in touch with your senses of reality and the human condition of love. Who is to say how and who is to raise our children?!?! Has love and compassion become a federal and or state affair?!?!? I think not! And this flik exposes and challenges just that. Love for our children has become an editorial for the masses in this movie. And Penn's character (Sam) albeit that he is retarded shows us that we are quite simply able of caring for ourselves without any intervention from the aforementioned state. We are loving beings (retarded or not) is the message I get from the flik. Show your love no matter what challenges you undertake, and then take it a step further to challenge anyone who may intervene upon your convictions. Prepare to open your heart and eyes when you sit yourself down to watch this movie. You just may leave the theater with your cell phone in hand to call the ones you love the most.

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Smokin' Scenes.
22 January 2002
Literally. The scenes were smokin'. I started watching this flik and I imagined another platoon. Talk, Talk, Tragedy, morbidity, talk, talk. Man oh man was I wrong. This movie sizzles from the inset. The actors are introduced and Whammo! Action, Action, Action. Granted that it is a sad and depressing account of true events. Yet, I am glued and cheering on the U.S Army. I feel for the soldiers and I just want them to crush the vilains. If there as a movie you watch this year. This is the one. If you like action and the video game "blast 'em all" gendre. Then you will not be disappointed and most of all - Hit the can before you plant yourself in that seat of yours. Cause you won't wanna miss the extraordinary visual interpretation.

95mustang 10 / 10
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Vanilla Sky (2001)
Absolute Waste of Time
22 January 2002
I figured I had a good thing going when I reviewed this movie for free. Little did I know that the hype was ...well, just that. Hype! There is no thread of commonality other than that the thread is severed. No plot and no continuity. It jumps all over the place and certainly makes no statement worth noting. If you can get this movie for free...don't bother. If someone rents it and invites you over for a screening. Go get your root canal. You just may enjoy that more.

95mustangs rating: -1 / 10
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