
32 Reviews
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Hunted Australia (2022– )
One of the most cringeworthy shows on television
21 July 2023
The only reason I haven't rated this lower is because the gameplay element of the show is entertaining. But all the "drama" that happens in "Hunter HQ" is among the most cringeworthy television you'll ever see.

The highly staged performances in the HQ "Dave! We've just had a ping!" are so obviously scripted that you expect someone from HQ to look out the window, shaking their fist, and saying "I'll get you next time you meddling kids" (a la Scooby Doo).

It isn't even easy to take the game itself seriously when rule changes are implemented (such as freezing one team's bank accounts) to provide the hunters with an unfair advantage.

The premise for this show is well thought out but unfortunately, the execution is not worth tuning into.
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Gladiators (II) (2008–2009)
There was definitely potential...
27 June 2023
The main problem with reviving a program such as Gladiators is that people will always compare it to the original. This remake was not that bad, as you could see a lot of hard work and good effort was put into it, considering they had a smaller venue and less financing. It's a shame that this show was axed after only two seasons, as viewers were starting to bond with the new Gladiators, the number of events were increasing and the contestants were diverse and unique. Even though the gladiators themselves were very different from the originals, the show was still entertaining in its own unique way.
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Modern Family: Australia (2014)
Season 5, Episode 20
Modern Family sells its soul
14 October 2021
Money clearly talks in this weak episode of Modern Family. How disappointing to see that one of the best comedies on television has turned into a billboard for product placement (Qantas! Optus! AussieBum!), while bolstered by a weak storyline. Even the reason given for why these beloved characters are all Down Under defies logic and breaks with the usual MF reputation of good writing and witty dialogue.
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Wonder Woe
26 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The good thing about the original Wonder Woman movie was that, whenever we were reminded of former DC movies such as "Green Lantern" or "Catwoman", we could always say "well, at least Wonder Woman was a great movie".

Well sadly, DC have just killed their Golden Goose. This is like Wonder Woman's version of "Superman: The Quest for Peace", or "Batman and Robin", proving that even the greatest heroes (or heroines) can still get a lousy film once in a while.

I'm not sure if Patty Jenkins was feeling the pressure to produce this sequel quickly but to call it a disappointment is an understatement. With a boring storyline, low excitement and an otherwise drawn-out drama, this is truly the kind of film that has you checking your watch and secretly wishing something would happen. For me personally though, the greatest disappointment was that Wonder Woman's greatest foe Cheetah was reduced to a five minute cat fight, and was given a dull and uninteresting origin storyline.

I have always been a DC fan, but looking at their track record compared to the Marvel movies, it's sad to see this happening to such well established and loved characters.
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The Crown: Margaretology (2019)
Season 3, Episode 2
There's something about Margaret...
19 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
You can guarantee that every episode of this show with Princess Margaret as a centrepiece will be worthwhile viewing. This episode provides a combination of laughter, sibling rivalry and empathy as it further explores the complicated relationship between the two royal sisters. This show may not always be historically accurate but it is certainly compelling and entertaining.
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Titans (I) (2018–2023)
Giving up on this one...
2 November 2019
At best, this show is polarising. Some episodes will knock your socks off whilst others are lacklustre. I am a huge Titans and DC fan but the inconsistency with storylines, the excessive violence and the somewhat poor casting has made me given up on this show mid-season 2. I've always though the Titans were much more appealing than the JLA but unfortunately I just can't find anything that makes me want to continue watching.
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Titans: Trigon (2019)
Season 2, Episode 1
8 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers's hard to say what I think about this episode. After last season it seemed kinda flat. The acting was forced, the characterisation was weak and nothing much really seemed to happen. Maybe it's just a theory but this episode seemed somewhat rushed. I always viewed the Titans as having much more depth than the Justice League so hopefully the writers can explore this further.
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The Golden Palace (1992–1993)
Better than I'd expected
18 April 2019
I didn't know what to expect from this show, especially since Beatrice Arthur was one of my favourite actresses on "The Golden Girls". This spin-off though, definitely does have its charms.

It's a shame this show did not continue longer as some of the episodes are really funny and enjoyable. The new supporting cast adds some variety to the show, and the three remaining Girls are still as comical as before.

If you compare "The Golden Palace" to "The Golden Girls" you may be disappointed, but if you'd like to see the ongoing adventures of three wonderful characters, you will enjoy this show.
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Aquaman (2018)
DC does it right again
18 December 2018
After all the depressing and dark DC films lately, it's a refreshing breath of air to see a superhero film that is both inspiring and fun to watch. The film is visually spectacular, without all the drab scenery and dark lighting some previous DC films have relied on. Just like after seeing "Wonder Woman", this film has you leaving the cinema feeling entertained, enthusiastic and hungry for more superhero ass-whooping!
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Titans: Jason Todd (2018)
Season 1, Episode 6
This much violence?? Seriously??
18 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This show has so much potential but seriously, do we really need this much gore and violence? Hey I get the fact that there's always going to be punch ups in any superhero show but this episode seemed way excessive. Maybe the writers should concentrate more on story telling, and less blood splattering to entertain the audience
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Titans: Together (2018)
Season 1, Episode 5
Five episodes in...
10 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The Titans continues its story telling and this episode didn't disappoint. The Nuclear Family are a formidable group of foes with their effervescent cheeriness and penchant for violence. The fight scenes were the highlight of this episode and shows great potential for future team ups.

Having said that though, this episode was otherwise slower than normal. I am still hoping Hawk and Dove make another appearance very soon. I am hoping we see more amazing villains in the future. And more than that, I'm hoping that Gar can turn into something else besides a CGI tiger for once!

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Titans: Titans (2018)
Season 1, Episode 1
Better than I'd expected
15 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I am a huge Titans fan and wasn't really that thrilled by the trailer that was released for the show. Regardless, I ended up liking this more than I expected.

The characters are interesting, the storyline is intriguing and the mood is obviously dark. I admit that the violence is excessive. Knocking out the bad guys is something we all like to see, but do we need to see these so-called heroes beating them to a pulp or incinerating them?

I am definitely interested enough to continue with this series as the acting was also better than expected. I just hope that they don't lose complete focus on these beloved characters and keep them entertaining
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Disappointed DC fan
16 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Being a DC fan all my life, this movie was something I was really waiting for. It's somewhat disappointing then when, never having read a Marvel comic in my life, I enjoyed the movie "The Avengers" more.

No doubt one of the biggest issues was the length of the movie. Everything seemed to be somewhat rushed, and not even when the Flash was on the screen. The choice of villain was poor too - Steppenwolf is hardly known by any non-DC comic book reader, which wouldn't provide a good stepping point for any new fans.

But I do admit - I was secretly expecting a surprise at the end of the movie, and didn't receive one. The most obvious one I hoped for was the arrival of the Green Lantern Hal Jordan. I know I'm being a traditionalist here, but he was a member of the JL way before Cyborg was even considered. As it happened, there was no surprise.

The movie started really quite well and definitely piqued my interest, particularly with the battle on Themyscira. Unfortunately by the end of the film, I left the cinema feeling flat. Aquaman and Cyborg were both bit players, and we learned nothing of their origins (nor the Flash's). And the final battle just seemed to involve a lot of hitting in a less than spectacular setting.

I really wanted to love this film. Unfortunately I just liked it. The teaser for the next film looks promising, so lets hope we get the DC smack-down we're all hoping for soon.
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A lot of missed potential
13 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I had been really looking forward to this title, as I was a fan of both "Justice League" and "Young Justice". Unfortunately, this really falls flat. It was certainly not what I was expecting.

For starters, it was disappointing to see the JL operating with an incomplete roster, with Green Lantern and Aquaman missing. The opening scene, where mention is made that they're fighting The Legion of Doom, piqued my interest briefly. This was far from entertaining though as there were only 4 villains involved, without a Black Manta, Giganta or Sinestro anywhere to be seen.

My interest again returned when the image of Titans Tower appeared. Sadly, once again, a mere cast of 4 uninteresting and somewhat flat Titans appeared, with irritating character voices and 2 dimensional personalities. So in short, the characterization was really poor in this movie.

As an adult, I found some scenes embarrassing and cringe worthy to watch, and chose to Fast Forward the entire carnival scene. Maybe this movie was made to appeal to children, but I have felt more comfortable watching "The Challenge of the Superfriends".

By the time the final battle happened, I was already checking my Facebook messages on my iPhone, and wondering what housework needed to be done.

I really wanted this movie to be better, but truthfully, this was a really poor effort. When you hear that the two greatest DC superhero teams are battling each other, you expect fireworks. Unfortunately this provided less sparks than a wet Roman Candle.
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When worlds collide...
23 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly to be fair, I did not enjoy neither Man of Steel nor The Dark Knight Rises. I found the former to be overblown and loud, and the latter to be slow and dull. This movie however seemed to put the better elements of both characters together in a fast paced, enjoyable film.

The thing I enjoyed most was the contrasts between the characters. You begin to understand the two different worlds these characters come from, their different purposes, their different methods, and their differing moral compasses. Thrown into the mix is the first big screen and long awaited introduction of Wonder Woman. Fortunately she doesn't derail the other two characters, and her scenes are always a welcome change.

The film is not without its faults though. There seemed to be some plot holes I haven't quite figured out, such as how Luthor figured out Superman's secret identity, or how Lois Lane seems to know where their battle was taking place. Also, I thought the introduction of The Flash, Cyborg and Aquaman was poorly done and should have been much more subtle. This scene really diverted greatly from what this film is meant to represent.

Otherwise, the good definitely outweighs the bad and I would definitely recommend this to all DC fans, superhero worshippers, and those who just love a good action flick. Unlike the last Avengers movie, if you're not familiar with these characters, it can be figured out without leaving you feeling lost and scratching your head figuring out the plot.

Overall, worth seeing.
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Deadpool (2016)
We walked out of this movie...
1 March 2016
We went to this film not knowing anything about the Deadpool character, but after seeing the positive reviews this film had received, we thought we would give it a try. We had similarly known little about other Marvel characters (X-Men, Avengers), and since we had enjoyed these other films, we thought Deadpool would be a funny and entertaining experience.

We didn't walk in expecting it to be anything like the former mentioned films, and we knew this was an anti-hero movie. We aren't particularly turned off by violent movies if there's a purpose to the story, but nothing prepared us for this. The constant on-screen assault we experienced was humorless, pointless, convoluted and cringeworthy.

It was after half an hour of constant swearing, graphic violence, smutty innuendo and jokes about cancer before the faint hope that the film would improve disappeared and we walked out.

Don't think for a second you can take your kids to this movie. It isn't anything I'd ever want my kids to see. I'm already dreading the fact that a sequel is apparently in the works. Needless to say, I wont be spending my money.
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DC's Legends of Tomorrow (2016–2022)
The show definitely has potential....although I am slightly biased
22 January 2016
It's difficult writing this review as I am a big DC fan and was anticipating this show for a while. But from a critical perspective, this show definitely utilizes some of the lesser known DC characters and groups them together in a new superhero offering, with a certain degree of success.

The story-line is not too difficult to follow, and the first episode certainly paints a picture of things to come, so I am quietly optimistic the concept will deliver. There are plenty of angles to explore with the idea of time travel, so hopefully this show has proved it has created an unusual yet refreshing team worth watching.

There are some downfalls - some of the dialogue seems strained, and at this early stage there isn't a lot of character interaction, much like a JLA comic from the 1950's. I am personally not a fan of having Captain Cold nor Heatwave on the show, as their combination of sneering and screaming acting is somewhat cringe-worthy. I would've preferred to see some of the lesser known JLA instead, such as Vixen or Zatanna.

Brandon Routh seems to be the standout star of the show as his character is the most likable and appealing. The rest of the cast...well, time will tell.

The makers of this show have done a thorough job and it shows. I am hopeful this show will create a whole new direction in superhero television programs.
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I liked this film but.....
10 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is actually one of the better Justice League movies I've seen. Anything with an Elsewords theme always makes you think, and it's a fantastic way to see your favourite characters in a different light.


Why do these movies have to be so violent? I'm seriously not expecting the Super Friends here, but when you see Kimiyo Hoshi burned alive, or Karen Beecher stabbed through the head, the film tends to disappoint. It shows how lazy film-makers are becoming when they are adding extra violence just to titillate the audience, without letting the viewer paint their own picture of what is happening.

I know I come from a generation when kids were generally the main audience for these original cartoons, and that the creators need to make the shows more grim to widen the audience appeal. But I would also like to feel comfortable taking my kid to see a movie about the heroes I grew up loving, instead of having them miss out on some wonderful fantasy story-telling.
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More of the same
16 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The problem I had with this movie wasn't just the fact that there was so much of the previous film in this one. It was more that there didn't seem to be any progress in the tale. Yes, there are some great scary scenes but basically it's just the same thing:

1. Person walks into the horror house 2. The ghost kills them


1. Person walks into the horror house 2. Someone meets the first person 3. The ghost kills the first person 4. The ghost then kills the second person too

I really thought one of the characters (Kyoko) was going to at least offer some defenses against the ghost as she seemed to display some psychic abilities but no, the ghost gets her too.

It's just a shame that a really creepy film with some scary scenes didn't have more depth than this.
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Independent in poor quality
5 May 2011
Every few years a really awesome film comes out. Unfortunately this wasn't one of them! With its hackneyed plot, feeble attempts at characterisation, and predictable finale, the second half of "Independence Day" becomes an extremely dull and lifeless affair. This film shows the gullible public's desire for more wham bam and less plot. This big, dumb, glossy blockbuster designed for mass appeal is massively appalling. "Independence Day" backs up the commonly-heard claim that movie success often has little to do with a good story and compelling characters and everything to do with big stars, big production values and good timing. And the President flying the aeroplane that eventually saves the day? Uh-huh.
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This film is dead!
5 May 2011
More so than any other type of film, monster movies undoubtedly produce the greatest amount of sequels. This is the absolute worst entry of the "Nightmare" series. Freddy Krueger has devolved from the horrific, ill-defined phantasm posited in the original film, into a bland and annoyingly predictable boogeyman. Plotted by the brain-dead, the story seems more like a crazed collection of cast-off ideas and scenes than a serious attempt at horror filmmaking. The last twenty-odd minutes of the film were shot in cheesy, anaglyphic 3-D, which only adds to its overall annoyance/headache level. So long, Freddy, your nocturnal mission is at an end.
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5 May 2011
Bruce Willis's technicolour trash heap of a film, with Milla whatsername babbling incoherently gets the worst futuristic film gong ever. Combining hokey science fiction, quasi-religious sentiments, and a garish French new wave fashion sensibility, this mess has a bad plot that just has a lot of stupid things happening very, very fast. Although this movie is literally dripping with eye-popping special effects, they're all hung on a scatterbrained plot that is incomprehensible. This overblown cosmic comic book was boring, idiotic and an over-priced sham. "The Fifth Element" ends up being a major disappointment, not because it doesn't provide enough, but because it provides too much.
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Bland Witch project
5 May 2011
After seeing the Bland Witch Project, now I can understand why so many people ran from the cinemas screaming...they wasted $10 for nothing! This fictional documentary within a pseudo-documentary form may be the most overrated, under-financed piece of film to come down the pike in a long time. Where is the suspense? Where is the involvement? Where is the identification? The spectacle of three film-student types traipsing off cluelessly into an unfamiliar forest with a reported history of gruesome violence is just plain stupid. We know from a printed foreword that the three young film-makers are doomed, and by the time I got to know them a little I didn't much care what happened to them.
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Epic Movie (2007)
Comatose movie!
5 May 2011
"Epic Movie" is epic in its crapness. This latest entry in the movie parody series is the most excruciating, unfunny film you'll see this year, if not your entire lifetime. The gutter-brow auteurs who helped write the first "Scary Movie" and created "Date Movie" milk their lame sketch-comedy minds for yet another punishingly uninspired skewering of Hollywood hits. Lacking any semblance of wit, the filmmakers generally go for the lowest common denominator with gross-out gags and slapstick physical comedy - if you still think a guy getting whacked in the balls is the apex of comic ingenuity, you're going to love this flick. The humour here isn't just tired - it's comatose.
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Oy Faye!
5 May 2011
This may very well be one of the most loathsome and sloppy screen treatments to ever have been derived from a literary memoir. I only noticed four distinct areas in which "Mommie Dearest" is a complete disaster: the screenplay, the acting, the direction and the editing. Other than that, this is a fine film. Director Frank Perry delivers what could be one of the sloppiest directing jobs ever released by a major studio. He simply sits back and lets Dunaway rip. He was either supremely untalented or he purposefully intended to sabotage her. The narrative is chopped up worse than a Thanksgiving turkey, with a bizarre and fragmented collection of scenes showcasing little but mass hysteria. Dunaway does not chew scenery. Dunaway starts neatly at each corner of the set in every scene and swallows it whole, costars and all. Oy Faye!
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