
20 Reviews
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A Cross between Crap...
28 December 2003
and a really HUGE warm pile of crap. This stinker can be smelled from a country mile away. Dont go too close or might get some on you. Idiotic story and even worse acting..if thats possible. Run! and dont look back, or you may just turn into a pillar of salt.
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The 39 Steps (1935)
Dated? ....umm, no.
24 December 2003
Odd to see this word crop up in reviews so frequently. Its almost become a sort of pet quote for those with lack of something more insightful to say. Now let's see..this film was made almost... 70 years ago! Yes that would sort of 'date' it a little; I'm sure that in 1935 Hitch wasn't losing any sleep over the chance that certain concepts might not gel with those living in 2003. What he did accomplish however is making one heckuva fine flick. Just one look at the list of imitations it spawned should somewhat prove this. The pace is fast and the action hooks you from the beginning with all the usual Hitchcock elements added in - some of them being used here for the first time. Considered to be the true first 'typical' Hitch movie and therefore a must see.
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Torn Curtain (1966)
Those 'in the know' ....
21 December 2003
... have 'know' idea what they're talking about. It may not be Hitch's best movie, but 'watch at your own risk' is an utterly ridiculous appraisal of this movie. But yes, when discussing a Hitch movie, all the normal conventions of movie analysis fly straight out of the window; now it's time to take out the REALLY big magnifying glass. The nitpicking borders on the outrageous. The story is actually quite enjoyable, no more implausible than that of many of his other films, and contains the usual Hitchcockian set pieces and camera work. Whats not to love? Ya, Newman doesnt exactly carry around Jack Nicholson-like expressiveness; there may have been better actors up to the task, and the Old Woman scene feels strange and out of place not to mention over-acted, but even these cant bring the movie as a whole down. Seems like for years this film has the unlucky honor of being the scapegoat in the Hitchcock stable...unfortuanate, really. If you haven't already, see it for yourself, you wont be disappointed
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Spellbound (1945)
Salvador Dali = Genius
8 December 2003
Yes, its been said before. But what the heck, once more won't hurt. If for any other reason, see this movie just for the Dali dream sequence. Possibly, it's the one time the overarchingly loud musical score fits in well alongside the narration and the visuals. The tension builds appropriately, and the camera work is perfect. It the first truly engaging moment in this flick and at the end you're left trying to figure out what means what. The stylishness of it almost seems out of place in an otherwise ho-hum movie. Everything comes together here, taking surrealism from canvas to celluloid. If youre a fan of this genre you cant afford to miss it.

As for the rest of the film, thankfully the last 1/3 of the movie picks up the pace with a couple of classic Hitch twists thrown in for good measure. Ya, it's dated as people love to point out, but Hitch wasn't making movies for 2003. Yes, the music is constantly blaring, but that just about describes 90% of this genre of movie made during the 30's and 40's anyway, so why fuss? Still, required viewing.
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Hulk (2003)
The Incredible Sulk
22 July 2003
Yes, the movie is bad. Quite bad at that. Connelly and Bana have the chemistry of two primates grooming each other, but without the excitement. How Bana could have turned in such a yawn-inducing, stiff performance in a movie who's character is founded on extreme emotional mood swings is beyond me. Connelly seems to have had her lines phoned in....long distance even. But maybe it's not completely their own faults, one couldn't do much better with a script the likes of this one. Honestly, she sees a 20 foot naked green monster who's face resembles her boyfriend baring down on her for the first time, and barely let's out a halfhearted sigh? And that's just the tip of the titanic iceberg of laughable scenes. Too, the comic-book-page style editing might have seemed like a smart idea on paper, but it winded up looking instead like someone's housecat jumped up on the editing board and ran across the keys. If you really want to see the movie there is one saving grace, however; Sam Elliot's perfectly coiffured moustache. Coincidentally, it has some of the smartest lines in the film too.... ;-)
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I always knew God was black...
10 June 2003
.... *< :-)
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25th Hour (2002)
Spike Lee, Spike Lee, Spike Lee...
23 May 2003
It never ceases to amaze me that when reviewers comment on a movie made by the ever-so-recognizably bespectacled and vertically challenged man himself, the views almost always seem to focus expressly on his ability and credibility as a director.

Even the blame for the actors "wooden" performances as one person wrote, falls solely in the lap of Mr. Lee - they're wasted talents be damned.

Really curious....
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Door to Door (2002 TV Movie)
5 March 2003
William H Macy is good. Really Good. So good it's almost scary. This guy can play any role without breaking a sweat. This movie and Focus are easily his best roles. When you can watch a film and see the character and not think about the actor behind it, then it's believable. The supporting cast does a good job as well. Enough already, just see it...
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Rat Race (2001)
Let the Hilarity Ensue!
11 February 2003
Side-splittingly Funny! The jokes are slapstick, crazy, off the wall, and they come one after the other. If you just want a good time, rent this now! This is one of those movies that is actually FUNNIER than the reviews and trailers would imply. The best jokes are in the movie and not the trailer, as is the case so often these days. I laughed so hard I nearly gagged, and had to actually rewind the tape to catch what was missed! The absolutely hilarious "heart" scene will make you wet your shorts, so come prepared...dont say I didn't warn you!
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He's all washed up. Sad. Grim. Pathetic.
4 February 2003
I want my time back. I'll even pay for it, which gladly I didnt do for this garbage, thank God. Robin Williams in the old days - funny. Robin Williams on TV guest appearances - funny. Robin Williams in interviews or talk show appearances - funny. Robin Williams resorting to the tactics of washed up, dried out losers ala Andrew Dice Clay to buy laughs - not funny. Pardon me that supplanting half of every sentence, with the word "F**k" to squeeze out laughs from the audience, or even worse, using it as the punchline to every other joke is just plain tired. *yawn* It's not as though he isnt talented enough not to do it, either; just laziness, I guess. Then the making fun of *ahem* "retarded people"?? Yikes! Wha? Et tu, Robin? What's next?, the arrow through the head like Steve Martin of old?, or perhaps Knock-Knock jokes? Puh-lease.
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Absolutely Hilarious
1 February 2003
Eddie Griffin can be extremely funny when he wants to be. The serious look on his face while pulling off these gags made my sides hurt. A white version of "The Thong Song" played as muzak will make you double over and spit up whatever you're drinking. Chris Kattan is his usual over-the-top self, and the cameo with James Brown is priceless. Much, much better than expected!
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Shallow Hal (2001)
Word to the Wise.....
13 October 2002
Dont EVER meet up with Tony Robbins in an elevator any time soon...or you'll be sorry

"Hal dont you think youre being a little bit shallow in the way you look at women? , Ah, well, no think I'd like her to be into culture and sh-t too.."

"Hypothetical question, which would you choose - a girl missing one breast or one with half a brain? - Hmmm....tough's the remaining breast, is it big?"


Unfortunately the funny bits are few and far between though. The movie itself seems to defy categorization, too. Although billed as a comedy, it is very serious throughout, and as usual with farelly brothers flicks, sometimes you almost arent sure when they are trying to be serious or sarcastic. Overall still fairly good and rentable. If anything, rent it just to see "the tail" - truly gross!!
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What a Pathetic, Sad, State of Affairs...
8 October 2002
this world must be in, for this non-sensical pile of drivel to garner this much positive attention.

It never fails in modern-day cinema, that whenever over-the-top gory, pointless violence is dressed up in hip clothing, and wrapped around so-called "cool" fast dialogue, that every Mutton-headed, knuckle scraping Baboon with an internet connection, a keyboard, and a desire to be as "hip" as the idiots they heap their praise on, will show up and make excuses for it. Inspiring?, as one reviewer mentioned? Puh-lease. If this garbage is where you look to for ANY kind of inspiration, you're even worse off than first believed. Dont see this movie, unless you believe true 'art' can be supplanted by the shallow surface of today's jaded gen-x-speak, a fast soundtrack, and neo camera work. A less painful alternative to seeing this? - try performing open heart surgery...on yourself!
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The New Guy (2002)
Hilarious - Lighten up Already!
21 September 2002
Funny, hilarious, feel good movie. Dont listen to the naysayers. It's a teen movie for god's sake - what were these reviewers expecting? Shakespeare? The movie does start a little slow, but unlike the other teen movie releases recently, this one has some good surprises, not to mention the cameos - look out for Tommy Lee Jones, funny scenes with Tony Hawk (of skateboarding fame; another indication that the movie is geared to the X-games type crowd), David Hasselhoff, and even Vanilla Ice! LOL :)) The "Braveheart" scene is just too much. And if you have even the remotest appreciation for real music, the soundtrack is full of some wicked funk, from James Brown all the way to Outkast. See ya!
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Makes ya Feel all warm and Fuzzy inside
17 September 2002
While the movie is typical fare of the genre, what is refreshingly surprising is the setting. This location is so gorgeous you almost overlook the wafer-thin characters and plot. The series of shots of the resort and it's surroundings almost make one want to transport back in time to enjoy it. But as regards the characters, I mean honestly, what was Vivian Dawn's biggest crime? Not wanting to ski?? :) now there's a reason not to marry! And Sonja Henies perma-smile resides somewhere slightly above annoying......kidding...not :) You'll laugh with and at the movie, which in a strange sort of way is what is endearing about these sorts of things.

But while sitting in front of your TV, don't forget to wake up for the part with Dorothy Dandridge and the Nicholas Brothers - what a great surprise!! W-A-Y too short though. Um...Fred Astaire who???
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Moulin Rouge! (2001)
23 April 2002
It must be said that a standing ovation, and world-wide recognition must be given to someone who had a great influence on the outcome of this film....

And the award goes too...... (drumroll please).....

The amazing, the fantastic, the incredible.....PLASTIC SURGEON who worked on Nicole's b@@bies! YAY! CHEERS! WHOO-HOO!! AND THE CROWD GOES WILD!!! A masterful job if there ever was one

Those two inspired me to continue to watch from beginning to end - through all the sappy-yet-sometimes-really-cool love songs, the ridiculous casting of Ewan McBoringCantSingSoTheyDubbedOverWithTheVoiceofA20YearOldSopranoWhoSoundsNothingLikeMeGregor, and the greased-lightning fast camera cuts through the opening 20 minutes. Yes, through it all, there they stood, proud, magnificent, defiant, and against the wind like a bulwark to a raging storm.

Unfortunately, the film got better. And better. And better. Soon I found myself in a quandry.....torn between staring at the close-ups of Nicole, or ACTUALLY paying attention to the increasingly interesting film. Understanding there was no way I could preform both at the same time, alas, I eventually gave in and watched the movie, knowing full well that I would never overreach yonder mountains in this lifetime anyway. Undaunted, I proudly went back to the guys at the office, held my head up high and said..YES! I sat through an entire MUSICAL....and I LIKED it!

Suffice it to say that all in all, they, I mean.. it, was indeed, a Spectacular Spectacular!! >:-)
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An innocence that is lost in the present day world...
20 April 2002
The fact that there are actually very negative reviews of this movie shows that this world is really too far gone...

"Classic" cannot even begin to describe something this magical. The simple fact that most people can remember it coming on television only once or twice a year throughout most of the 70's and 80's only served to make it that much more treasured. I'm sure like many others, it was a family event to sit down and watch this film on those occasions on a Sunday afternoon - those were the days... Guess I'm biased having loved the movie since early childhood, but how anyone can hate it is BEYOND me. You truly must have a heart of solid rock not to be effected by the gut-wrenching storyline, timeless music, and breathtaking cinematography. A real masterpiece.

Yet for some strange reason, it has escaped most movie reviewers top ten lists - why? I guess some dont want to "admit" to liking it because it's a musical...oh well. You could do far worse for a guilty pleasure. But No.55 on AFI's top 100 list? - What's up with that? Films like this should be required viewing for Generations X through Z, if you enjoyed it as others have, pass it on.
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The One (2001)
Poor Poor little Jet meister
12 April 2002
So many kicks, so little time...

If it weren't for his board stiff, automaton, Channel 5 newsreader delivery of his lines, the Jet-ster might actually make a fully engrossing movie. Instead, every time the poor guy opens his maw for any lengthy dialogue, you find yourself cringing in your seat, hoping he wont flub the lines... Or more precisely, that the teleprompter guy behind the camera will speed up the scrolling motion so old Jetty can hurry up and get back to the arse-kicking already!!

Good thing he's barely likeable enough to digest. As far as plot goes, dont bother to look - you'll have better luck finding Area 51. The 'love interest' side story is as unconvincing as they come - I've seen better chemistry between two pieces of drywall (not to mention better acting). But maybe thats too harsh, hmmmm..... nope :) OK, so the special effects and punches make it worth watching. With Jackie Chan having way more persona, much better English, and commanding big $$$$ that get him the good roles, and Chow Yun Phat being a damn good actor in the more serious roles; this leaves Jet to bat clean-up with movies like these -

Just beware of those foul balls.....
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Halle Berry Cranks Her Legs Open and Its Called "Art"
9 April 2002
Dont even bother to waste your time or money on this trash.

Curious, only AFTER they award Halle with the Oscar do all these people come out here in praise of the film trying to sound intelligent and artsy, talking the usual existentialist BS of 'deeper meanings' and 'social commentary'. I will admit, however that Halle performs two things very well in this movie; Screaming and F'ing. Billy Bob plays his usual annoying redneck hick self. His whole 'aw-shucks' style is so tired and withered up. This is not even to delve into the completely implausible storyline or casting. You'll never see three completely different looking members of the same family, or a father and son who look almost the same age. Then the avowed racist does a full about face in such a short span? even eventually going downtown on miss Laticia? This from the same guy who didnt break a sweat when his son blew his brains out on the Lazy-Boy? And those awkward squirmy "love" scenes between Laticia and Hank can make you lose your lunch - not unlike many of the characters in this movie whose first reaction is to toss their cookies the instant they're overwhelmed by their own emotions. I've seen better chemistry between two rabbits mating. Also, the characters ability to put major crises behind them in 5 minutes, even when they happen in quick succession is quite amazing - this only serves to sink the already low "believableness" of the movie even further down the depths. Save your money and stay away! :) Have a nice day...
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Heist (2001)
People, Take a Vallium, Relax and Enjoy
5 January 2002
What's with the ridiculous over analyzation of this movie? There is a reason why they call them "movies" - if they were supposed to be completely believable then there would be no reason to go out and see them; you'd only have to look out of your window at real life.

It's fiction. It's escapism. Mamet's style dictates that there is going to be a lot of dialogue, INCLUDING the one-liners and EXCLUDING the ridiculously overdone shootout scenes, tiring car chases, and mind-numbing explosions every 10 seconds. His style is in the tradition of the classic era movies which were fast and smart and didn't rely on technology and special effects.

The movie is called "The Heist", if you want two hours of character development go see something like Sense and Sensibility (try to stay awake). And yes, real thieves dont delve into psyco-analyst babbling about their neglected childhoods with their fellow crooks, they ONLY talk about the "job". So let's all just chill out and enjoy :)
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