
36 Reviews
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Break Ke Baad (2010)
Lacking in imagination
3 December 2010
I don't go into bollywood romantic comedies expecting much. Some charm is enough to suffice and real characters are simply a bonus. But, no matter what your criteria consists of, Break Ke Baad is bound to let you down. The characters in this movie are so annoyingly prototypical that they might as well be made of cardboard with a pullstring dialogue. Deepika's character is uninventive and predictably loathsome. I'm not sure how the director/penman fooled themself into thinking she could be stretched thin over a two hour runtime. Khan was such a stereotypically crafted polar opposite of her that the movie might actually give a viewer whiplash. To be fair, in the second to last 30 minutes of this movie, I almost stopped punching myself in the balls for sticking past the interval. But, the ending was so ridiculous and insultingly far-fetched that it took away any sympathy I had for myself. I'm basically an idiot that wasted a full 2 hours thinking that it could somehow provide catharsis for the $20 I wasted on our tickets. Don't be that idiot, there are so many more productive things to do with your day, like trying to see how many cc's of activated charcoal you can hold down while juggling bowling pins.
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My Sassy Girl (2008)
Horrible attempt at an adaptation
28 September 2008
When I heard Hollywood was working on an adaptation to "My Sassy Girl", I was fairly apprehensive. After all, there were several aspects of the original movie that relied on Asian culture to contribute to the punchline. That said, they deleted many more elements than necessary to adapt this movie to American culture and in the process they cancelled out most of the story's humor and all of its charm. Even though sets were lifted directly from the original, I don't even care to call it an adaptation, because neither of the main characters survived the rewrite; the entire essence is different. Where the girl in the original was fearless, relentless, and mysterious, the adaptation's girl was with restraints and ultimately boring. I'm not sure which is a worse western remake of an Asian movie: My Sassy Girl or One Missed Call. If at all possible, get your hands on the original and just skip this movie altogether.
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Karma (1986)
12 December 2005
Discount comments by existenz-6: He merely wanted to see an exact replication of Hollywood cinema, and he's disappointed the *Indian* film had any roots other than his own. If you're used to conventional western cinema, and that's all you want to see, you simply aren't going to like this movie! If you fall into that category, and yet (for some inexplicable reason) you still want to see a bollywood flick you're going to want to check out the more recent ones (something by Ram Gopal Varma, perhaps). They're much more "westernized". That said, Karma is one of the greats of the 80's. It has comedy, action, tragedy, and excellent acting. Dillip Kumar, as usual, plays his role well. A. Kheir steals the show as Dr. Deng, there was something so morbidly dark about the look on his face when Dillip Kumar's character slaps him, he suddenly transforms from a comical amusement into a character to be taken dead seriously. He remains so for the rest of the movie. As cinema in the 80s was, there are a few shoddy moments in transference from humor to tragedy. If you can deal with that roller-coaster, and the fact that bollywood flicks don't pack budgets comparable to Hollywood, you may want to give this movie a peak!
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the oppenheimer project
22 January 2001
I've noticed either people despise this movie, or else they're very ardent fans of it. There are very few people who are inbetween... The best way to describe this film is the following word: creepy. That's what it is, it isn't scary, it isn't terrifying, it's just creepy. If you go out into the woods after watching this movie, you will jump when you hear wierd noises, it's just that type of movie, like it or not! The acting is pretty good for such a roughly shot film. And the plot is certainly original and so are the basic ideas in shooting this. Whether you hate this movie or not you're going to have to accept the fact that multiplicatively this is probably one of the most successful movies to gross the charts. The budget was merely a few thousand dollars, the movie produced a few hundred million dollars! Lucky for the 3 actors they don't really have to pay many people since they did everything, making them instant multi-millionares. The location enhances the effect of the movie,and so does the atmosphere. Alot of the scenes are shot at night. 100 years from now this will still be a remembered movie, not because of it being great, but because of what it achieved.
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ho ho ho, I'm gonna blow your house up
22 January 2001
Parents were not very happy when their kids saw previews of Santa chopping up lil kiddies with an axe around Christmas! So as you can imagine the movie's release date was pushed back a few months. This is one of those movies which has been overlooked for a very long time in the horror genre. I mean, the name is ridiculously corny! The previews weren't that great, and there just isn't too much killing in it. Around the time peroid when this was released, the more the body count, the more the audience that came to see it! And if for some reason a movie didn't have a body count they better make up for it by having a large amount of suspense instead. This movie had neither, and that is why it's not that special. Don't get me wrong, a decent amount of people do get killed, but they get killed very abruptly, we don't get to know them, and if we don't know them, why do we care whether they die or not! Which kind of cancels the whole purpose. The acting is done decent by Robert Brian Wilson until he turns bad! He acts like a good guy fairly well, but when he flips and becomes evil he is just not very good at it. The plot is very unoriginal, but the setting makes it seem like it's different. There aren't any twists, turns, or surprises, so I don't know what to make of this film. It is worth a see I guess, but don't expect anything too great, because you're not gonna get it!
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Maniac (1980)
22 January 2001
Joe Spinell wrote and starred in this very raw horror movie. There is no putsing around here, the killer begins the killing spree from the beginning and doesn't often take rests inbetween executions. Joe Spinell's only starring role was this, and it is his most memorable one. 20 years ago this movie was banned and unappreciated for the most part. Even gore master Tom Savini (who did the gore in this film) disowned this film, saying that it was his most sick work ever. This movie was slapped with an X rating and was not distributed very well, not to mention the friday the 13th series were ruling the horror sections in these times. However, that was then, now suddenly it seems that there has become a renoticing of Maniac. It has hit the lime light and more and more people are going to rent this once disowned video. As the taste for horror feels a rebirth movies that were once overlooked (primarily because of how gruesome they were) will not be missed out, Maniac is a prime example of that. The acting in this movie is just decent, nothing more! Joe Spinell is said to have done an excellent job but I don't agree, his acting was not very polished for this type of a role. Otherwise he would have been great for the role. The atmosphere is very strong, dark, and even a bit depressing. The gore fx were fabulous. You are going to be astounded by the work that Tom Savini does on himself when his head literally get annihilate via double barrel shotgun. Supposedly a sequel was being produced named "Mr. Robbie". But Joe Spinell died before the movie could be completed and it was never finished. Before this movie Joe Spinell was virtually only to be seen in small roles in gangster movies, but after this movie he was taken up for some horror movies, that's certainly where his interest was. If you're a slasher/psycho-film fan, you should definitely see this very daring movie.
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Blade (1998)
snipes explodes bloodsucker hands with his blade
21 January 2001
Action, Action, Action. That is what you're going to get by watching this movie, not very much horror. But when I say action, I mean the very best of action, the caviar of action! I don't know about you guys but that is definitely good enough for me. Snipes is an @$$-kicking brotha/vamp who has a mean streak when it comes to other vampires, especially Deacon Frost (portrayed well by Stephen Dorff). This movie has everything going for it. Good plot, great acting, EXCELLENT CAMERA WORK, EXCELLENT SOUNDTRACK, EXCELLENT FIGHT CHOREOGRAPHY, and EXCELLENT LIGHTING!!! Did I specify that enough? The fight scenes are just plane and simple astonishing. The way they introduce us to blade is very slick, you can tell you're in for a lot of action just by the first 10 minutes of this film. The beginning was magnificent, and what most movies do is that they start out great and slowly plow downhills, Blade does not fit into that category. The movie stays on par with the trend that it's beginning sets to the most extent, which counts for a whole lot. Acting is done great by Kris Kristofferson as Blade's mentor, and newcomer N'Bushe Wright has an appealing prescense in the movie also. You will enjoy this no matter who you are. It really adds alot of technology into the whole vampire idea. Bram Stoker would be proud to be a forefather of this movie ; )
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Basket Case (1982)
bomb case
21 January 2001
This wasn't your usual horror movie, it's was pretty much original, and that counts for alot in the horror genre. What we have here is a touching tale of a boy and his basket. And touching it is, you actually feel sorry for the poor boy carrying around his siamese twin. This movie attempts to create a dark atmosphere, does it succeed? Yes it does. The film has a very grey overtone to it and that is exactly what the producers were trying to create when they made this film. The death count is very low in this, and so is the gore. As you can guess this is all because the budget was low too. The shots of bilaal (the hideous siamese twin) moving are very amateur creations, probably with animation other than anything else. Unfortunately for them, computers didn't have too big a role in movies at this time. The producers kept it appropriate by not having too much humor involved, a movie like this isn't meant to have humor in it. If they had been blessed with a bigger budget this could have been a better film. But it is still an above average horror flick.
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Santa's not the fusing on this screen
21 January 2001
This is the very first of it's kind in more than one aspect: 1) It is basically the first real slasher film. 2) It is the first movie to really employ the phone terror tactic. 3) It is the first movie to show the film through the killer's eyesight. This are 3 very big firsts, because they have shaped the horror genre very drastically. So this is like a monument to the whole genre of horror. Is it worthy of this title? Yes, it was a very daring, slick movie that was overlooked when it came out, but it has now quickly become a classic. People are finally recognizing it for what it was. It isn't fair to compare this movie to Halloween. Halloween had a much bigger budget, and more polished shooting. The guys that made Black Christmas didn't have very much to work with, but they still pulled something tremendous off. The gore is basically non-existant in this film, but there is a fair amount of suspense to it which is a plus to most people. Now what really makes this movie shine is the atmosphere, it is really straight to the point and very dark. The movie begins immediately, there is no beating around the bush! And the movie also ends very abruptly leaving you in question at times. That is another plus. Basically, all appreciators of the slasher genre should check this movie out, if they haven't done so already. I don't know if others will enjoy this though, as it doesn't have much else to offer.
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The Birds (1963)
Bodega Bay, bombs away
21 January 2001
grrrrr!! This movie is terrifying. Another masterpiece from the late great maestro, Alfred Hitchcock. This is one of the slickest animal attack movies along with Jaws. If you are going to expect not to be too impressed by this movie because it was made in 1963 I think you got a very big surprise comin for ya buster. Go out and rent it and know what I'm talking about. This movie gives a whole new meaning to suspense. Saying that this movie is suspenseful is like saying the Atlantic Ocean is wet. If you get what I'm sayin ; ) What makes this movie so terrifying? Well, besides the suspense there is also the fact that, when Jaws scared people they just stayed out of the water, because a shark can't get you if you're not swimming. But what do you do when the enemies can get you inside of your own home with their kamikazee type attacks? Had they done this movie in 3d I can bet there would have been many heartattacks! The scenes of gore are very realistic in this movie also. But that isn't what the film is riding on. It just makes it more realistic, along with the impeccable acting. I highly recommend this movie to all people, not just horror fans. You will enjoy this fast paced thriller.
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Breeders (1997)
Boooooooooooooo!! MBBBBB
19 January 2001
This was a pathetic movie. The Alien was decent, but the movie itself gave a new meaning to pitiful. The plot is something that's been done over and over again! However, this one does it the worst! The acting was c**p, the scenes were often too dark to get what was going on. No one developed any concern for the main character. The movie was far too slow paced, and the murder scenes that there were were foolishly crafted and ended up looking no more interesting than the rest of the movie. There are some movies which "suck" but can still be enjoyed because of there total outrageousness, but this doesn't even have that!! Whoever made this film thought that they could make something good and they failed miserably. There is nothing this movie has to offer except a headache. Avoid it!
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Apt Pupil (1998)
bomb the Nazis
19 January 2001
Stephen King is a genius... I repeat, Stephen King is a genius (that was just for the record, I have to pay tribute to the King before I have the right to continue this commentary). Moving on, I have to say two words that made this movie great, only two words to describe the main reason for success in this production, the first is "Ian" the second is "McKellen". You put them together and you get the name of the BEST actor for this part. He wasn't just brilliant in this role, he literally WAS the role, you couldn't see him as an actor in the movie, he was just too good for that. You see him as the role. What more can you ask for from a actor? The story is extremely original and slick. (which are rare combinations considering that almost everything has been done by this time). Whoever did the casting on this movie deserves a kiss on the cheek! They choose the best people for their suitable roles. Even these new actors and actresses fit into their roles great. From start to end you will be interested in this movie. If you haven't seen it, I suggest you see it. To all you out there who think that just because it's written by Stephen King it's going to be horror I remind you of this: Lean on me, The Green Mile, and Shawshank Redemption were all written by Stephen King.
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A Canadian bomb in Paris
19 January 2001
18 years after the original American werewolf flick came out the scriptwriters began working furiously to produce another American Werewolf movie to live up to its predecessor. Did they succeed? Certainly not. So does that mean the film was bad? Certainly not! This movie isn't anything near the first one because it's nearly impossible to do something like that. It's not just a once in a full moon occurence, it's a once in the blue moon occurence. But the first one was so amazing that another film can be 1/2 as good as that and still be an above average horror film! And this movie was more than 1/2 as good as the original so, there you have it. It's not bad at all. The special fx are better than in the original (that's a gimme). The humor is about on par with the original. And the budget was alot better than the original. But as I said, this just isn't the original! But this movie is saved brilliantly by the humor. It is such a funny movie! It is amongst the most humorous horror movies within the last 5 years. And it's not corny, unoriginal humor. You have simply not seen this humor before! It's slick and it's memorable. I easily think this earns a spot within the top 10 werewolf movies ever made. That says alot for a sequel, mind you.
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lions are more devastating to India than Pakistan's bombs!
19 January 2001
This is the second adaption of the actual event which took place during the construction of railroads in much of Africa. The first adaption was not very good, but this one just hit it off brilliantly. There was a tremendous amount of suspense and humour involved and there was a lot of cultural traits portrayed. You cannot help but like a movie like this. The acting was top of the line, and the producers made sure they kept you on the edge of your seats. I saw it in the cinemas so it was more intense there. There are many historical events in History which are terrifyingly amazing. And many of them have been turned into movies, and most of those movies turned into c**p. For instance, in 1982 there was a real drought around the Kiliminjaro mountain in africa and the baboons began killing people to drink their blood since there was no water. This was a real life event that could have been turned into a superb movie but it was turned into trash in the movie "In the shadow of Kiliminjaro". However, the guys who made this movie did not let that happen this time. The 120 some people that died by those lions (120 reported deaths) were remembered by an excellent movie. It is a movie for everyone. I guarantee you all will enjoy it. Watch it!
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Bomb on the producers!
19 January 2001
Warning: Spoilers
Warning: Spoilers!!!

Stupid, racist film again. I don't care about the rest of the movie, all I remember are negative stereotypes. I think Islam is a big Religion and we have NO right to offend it so much, especially when we are basing it all on inaccuracies. How would we like it if they made a movie making fun of Christ and refering to his disciples as women raping terrorists? It is just as offensive to Muslims that we made this movie. I think it is the responsiblity of all people to stick up for others when they see a pathetic movie like this come out. I boycott this movie, and I urge others to boycott it also. I would love to see it's production recalled permanently. If people can't learn to make movies without so blatantly offending a group of people (obviously purposely by the way the scenes were shot) then they should STOP MAKING MOVIES. PEOPLE'S FEELINGS ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN AN ACTION MOVIE.
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not very bombastic
19 January 2001
I have always been a fan of the Cryptkeeper, if I had been a woman i would have probably had a crush on him. However, this was not nearly as good as I was expecting it to be. The Soundtrack was great and quite well choosen, however, it just didn't work out well. The peak of the plot was quite similar to Night of the Living Dead, in so far as there were a whole bunch of demons outside of the house trying to find ways in, as the people were trying to prevent them from coming in. Except there were several things thrown in here, for one there was the devil like character played fairly well by Billy Zane. As I said, this is similar to Night of the Living Dead, don't expect this to be as good because you will be in for a huge disappointment. The acting was good, obviously the special fx was good also, the script and planning were excellent (They implied alot of stuff on a symbollic level), and that's the only things which saved this movie. Otherwise it would have been a complete failure, but with these elements intact it's almost impossible for a film to finish below par, this is no exception. So yes, it is worth your rental dollars, but it isn't any Night of the Livin Dead (to say the least).
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True Lies (1994)
words can strike as hard as bombs
19 January 2001
I have rarely seen a movie so bloody stereotypical and offensive towards a group of people. How dare they produce something which is composed of nothing but blatant stereotypes on one group of people alone. It is terrible and I don't care that the movie was good besides that fact, because I do not support pathetic stereotypes like this. They made all Arabs look like women beating, anti-American, stupid terrorists that want to end the world. They portrayed Arabs worse in this movie than they portrayed Nazis in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. I have known many Arab Americans and I am sorry, I'm not such a weak minded fool that I'm going to sit through a movie which degrades them like this. The producers showed NO concern whatsoever about who they offend. Fine, they wanna make a movie that offends everybody that isn't as bad because it isn't a "racist" movie. But when they produce a movie that specifically points at Arabs with the finger and makes every other group of people look fine that's called racism. I do NOT think a movie like this is worth anything more than to spit on. Neither are the scriptwriters and the producers.
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Ghost (1990)
This ghost movie is no dud of a nuke
19 January 2001
Released in 1990. This film is still amongst my favorites to this day. The acting was great by every character. I know I'm a guy, but I was crying at the end, because it was really emotional! The movie is mostly a love story. We all have relatives we've known who are now dead and we can relate to the pain of loosing a loved one. But this movie shows something beyond that death. Love beyond the grave, and it just impacts you. The acting was wonderful, when they wanted suspense they made suspense, when they wanted to make you laugh they made you laugh, and when they wanted to make you cry they made you cry. You will never forget this movie, I was 10 when I watched it the first time and I have not forgotten this movie since then. I watched it again a few years ago and it was even greater than the first time I saw it. There is sooo much power in it. I can't even explain how deep it goes. This is a good alternative to "Sleepless in Seattle" to see with a girlfriend or wife. It is a very decent movie, not very much violence except towards the end, all in all this movie will be thoroughly enjoyed by everyone.
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976-EVIL (1988)
976 bombs on the wall
19 January 2001
What do we have here. A nerd who gains supernatural powers. A buncha punk wannabes that act like they're the in-crowd. A bunch of stupid bimbos. And a dumber Religious fanatic mother. This movie is not worth anyone's time. This is one of those movies about nerds get back that's been done several times. Maybe it's the better of the bunch but that doesn't say much. The acting ranges from pitiful-decent. The hero jumps in after most of the movie is over and then finally does something heroic instead of notifying the police! Otherwise throughout the whole movie we don't know who's the hero or who's the villian because everyone is so stupid that no one even cares. There is only one scene in this movie that's good, where the nerd is trying to impress a girl and gets onto his motor powered trashy bike and crashed into a wall! The nerd does try to be funny at times (in a Freddy Krueger type of way) but notice I say "try". The music is tasteless, and so is the script. I think you would be more interested if you called another 9 number ; )
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We be bombin'
19 January 2001
The same people that brought you Friday the 13th team up for another movie, since Friday the 13th is kicking up crap around this time! What do they hit? They don't hit oil like they did with the first two F13th's, but they don't hit manure either. This isn't that bad of a movie considering it is a slasher film. The only problem is that the ending is extremely predictable to anyone who pays attention in the movie, it just makes too much sense that this is the way that it's gonna end. The movie has many strong points in it: The suspense, the original ideas, and the location. All of these 3 aspects are what save this movie from falling, the suspense being the most important. What could have brought this movie down are the following: a little below average acting (save a few people), the lack of gore, and the predictability. But, luckily for the producers these elements didn't sink the movie. And a floater is like an endangered species in the slasher genre, so those of you on a quest for a decent slasher flick should consider this, chances are you won't be furious by the ending ; )
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Nuke the cornfields!
19 January 2001
What on earth was this movie? Started out as an average film, then turned into c**p. There was NO humour whatsoever, there was hardly ANY suspense, there was hardly any good acting, there was hardly any plot building, and there was hardly ANY gore! What on earth were they trying to create here. If they wanted to do a stupid, no brainer horror movie the least they could have done is thrown in some gore, but they didn't even do that. The original short story from Stephen King sucked too, it was one of the worst stories he's ever written, so God knows why they picked that out to make into a movie. Perhaps the movie had SOME LITTLE symbolic meaning, but who cares!!! Frankly the corn was more interesting to me than the rest of the characters and the plot, that says alot because I'm a very open-minded person when it comes to movies. This is amongst the most over-rated horror movies to ever hit the screen. The atmosphere and everything was just terribly planned. The shooting methods had nothing original to offer, and in the end even if it had it wouldn't have saved it. Don't bother with this unless you have a corn fetish.
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Alone in an explosively stupid movie says Jack Palance
19 January 2001
What do you get when you add the following: wide scale blackout, 4 escaped lunatics, a family consisting of a stupid psychiatrist, a brat girl, a punk-rocker sister, and a few other idiots, widespread riots, and a lieutenant that wants to do something but is killed before he can? If I had spent half of the movie caring I would be able to tell you, but I am sorry, I was busy crying over the wasted $1.50. There is supposedly suspense in this, but how can there be suspense when you don't give a rats crap about anyone in the film? Most horror movies at least have a few really good looking teenagers who you care about because they look good and you don't want them to get killed, but the only good looking girl in this gets cut out pretty quickly! After that we have nothing to offer. Even the good acting of Donald Pleasance and Jack Palance are hopeless in saving this movie.
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Pieces (1982)
Cops in his movie are like Bomb-ay cops, without a clue!
19 January 2001
Oh yeah, there's pieces here alright, pieces of c**p! This movie is nothing new. The killing scenes are worthless and dumb. In one scene a girl that is about to be killed who is nude is more concerned with buffing up her breasts than she is with trying to protect herself or scream while the killer approaches her. The cops are hilarious they don't do any work, they grab a friend of one of the victims and have him do all the police work and grab a stupid blonde bimbo of a gym teacher to do all the undercover stakeouts! In the end scene they don't even clear out the murderer's house before they let civilians in and that leads to another surprise! The acting is ridiculous: The tennis teacher can't play tennis for one thing (her swing and stance were completely inaccurate), she horribly overacts when one of the students is killed yelling, "You b@stard" over and over again sounding like she is yelling to try to get a baby out rather than anything else. Then you have the principal of the academy who they tried to make into a casanova type fellow and he tried to fake a british accent throughout the movie that was terrible (it makes you wonder if they even called a linguist to help him develop his British accent). The victims who are getting murdered scream like they've seen a lizard rather than screaming for help! The plot is totally unoriginal. The scenes are shot foolishly. And in the end no one even cares who the killer is! What's the point! There is none, don't you dare see it.
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an irish bomb in london
19 January 2001
Owwwwwwww, oww owwww. I'm sorry, when I see a werewolf movie as brilliant as this I kinda begin turning into a werewolf me self! Pardon the howling. Wow, this is one of the best werewolf movies to EVER hit the screens. Howling was good too, but this outdoes that. The special effects were excellent for its time peroid and is not totally bad for this time peroid also. But thanks to monster creaters like Stan Winston they are no where near as respected as they were in those days. The plot to this movie isn't all that original, the budget was a little below sufficient, and the acting was just good (nothing spectacular), and the suspense is just average. So what makes this movie the best? It's witty sense of humor for one thing. The jokes are hilarious, whoever made the script was certainly not a corny individual, I mean if we can appreciate a joke told 20 years ago in a low budget movie that means it was a very good joke, and there is not a single joke that you don't laugh at here! The atmosphere was stunning in the movie. Very few movies can be as funny as this and yet be as dark at times as this. Another strong factor was the ending, you genuinely feel sorry for the poor kid. And instead of pressing on after the last scene it just ends in a snap. Which leaves you stunned. There is just something about this movie all in all that is beyond the screen... Why does a movie like this work? I wish I could answer that, but I can only to some extent. All I know was that it obviously was great because it has been copied by several other countries.
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Piranha (1978)
mmmm bomb
19 January 2001
The only reason this movie isn't a piece of c**p is because it is unintentionally funny!!! There are some very hilarious scenes. Such as when one of the boss's right hand men runs up to his boss and tells him, "Sir, The Piranhas", and the boss turns saying, "What about them?" in an annoyed voice because he's on the phone. The right hand man replies in a panicky tone, "They're eating our guests!!". I could not stop laughing at that scene. The gore effects weren't that bad, but the piranhas looked pretty lame, and so did the sounds they made. They sounded like they were drunk and making little burps that were rising!! The plot was a total disaster. But like I said, it is unintentionally funny, you won't find any suspense in it. If you are adament on watching this I suggest you do the following, get a buncha friends together, get drunk like crazy, and watch it really really late before you fall asleep, you will be surprised how much you'll be laughing at it!! But that's all it's good for mind you, laughs!
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