
13 Reviews
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Stop Whining!!! This is Great!!
5 April 2004
I finally saw revolutions after all the terrible mawling it recieved and I have to say that I don't know what most of you whining bunch are on - I thought this was better than reloaded - the effects were outstanding possibly the best CGI i've ever witnessed - the film flowed brilliantly and I have to give the directors respect for making such a bizarre story into a multi million dollar movie.

Revolutions is a great ride - the story of the Matrix reminds me of classic modern day comics such as The Invisibles, sure there are some moments that defy logic but so what - this is ultimately a comic book adventure, albeit a highly intelligent and stimulating one.

Quit jumping on the bandwagon of the moaning dissenters and just enjoy the movie!!!
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Macabre (1980)
The One With the Head in the Fridge
3 June 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Saw this for the first time today on the nift Anchor Bay DVD. I remember seeing the cover in video shops in the early eighties and hearing about weird horror movies from my school mates. This is the one about the head in the fridge. Forget the other reviews that pull apart the plot - this is a Horror movie! Who cares if it's unfeasable that the head would be there in the first place. There are only a hand full of characters. The acting is great and the atmosphere bizarre. If you like weird horror from the seventies and eighties you should love MACABRE!
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Suspiria (1977)
Psychedelic naive Horror !!
11 May 2003
Horror is one of my favourite genres and European horror is some of the most atmospheric and explicit horror in the world. Films such as Tenebrae and Contamination had me hooked from my early teens with there stylish direction and over the top gore! I didn't see Suspiria for years until it was released uncut on video in the UK in the 90s. Like many others who have commentated here the film didn't quite live up to my imagination's renderings of this 'Holy Grail' of Fantasy / Horror. It didn't help that the video was fairly washed out and that VHS is generally not a good medium for all that bold colour. However, I saw it by chance on Channel 4 last night and the cleaned up print made me realise what a work of art Suspiria is. Beautiful and inventive camera work and cinematography. Suspiria is an assault on the senses and probably works best after a little wacky backy if you're that way inclined - watching it on LSD may warp your mind forever so maybe best not go for that approach!!!

My main concern with Suspiria and many other Euro Horrors is it's attitude to Occult matters. The witches are portrayed as fairy tale evil doers and so called 'Occult experts' in the film turn up to warn our heroine of the evils of witchcraft. Argento states that he has undertaken Occult rearch for his films but also states that he doesn't believe in Witches !!! This suggests that he doesn't understand the reality of Witchcraft at all and has a simplistic (possibly catholic) view of the Occult and alternative religions. So if you are a witch, be prepared to be appalled at the bad rap you get in this movie ! Well, that's my little rant on the subject - just had to get it off my chest.

Besides all that - get the DVD - roll a fat one - and have your head twisted with some of the finest Cinematography ever to grace a Horror movie !!!!
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Session 9 (2001)
Excellent spooky thriller -----
11 March 2003
Didn't know anything about this movie before renting it and was pleasantly suprised to find how good it is! I've read some of the other reviews here and have to say that there are some pretty harsh criticisms. Sure there are some improbable moments, but nothing more than you usually find in a horror movie. This movie excels in creating a genuinely tense and disturbing atmosphere. The performances are great, the ending holds everything together and gives the viewer just enough info to backtrack and work it all out.
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Session 9 (2001)
Excellent spooky thriller -----
11 March 2003
Didn't know anything about this movie before renting it and was pleasantly suprised to find how good it is! I've read some of the other reviews here and have to say that they are some pretty harsh criticisms. Sure there are some improbable moments, but nothing more than you usually find in a horror movie. This movie excells in creating a genuinely tense and disturbing atmosphere. The performances are great, the ending holds everything together and gives the viewer just enough info to backtrack and work it all out.
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The Wind (1986)
stylish and charming horror thriller from the med
26 May 2002
Greek director Nico Masterakis brings us this little charmer. I've just watched it on video - here in the UK it's called Edge of Terror. They're are some great performances here, most notably Meg Foster with her amazing eyes (and great acting) and also Wings Hauser who plays the unhinged element to a tee. Also look out for Robert Morley, clearly enjoying himself, and David McAllum who probably took this job for a holiday in Greece as he's hardly in it even though he gets top billing. The camerawork and lighting are interesting and even though the plot is contrived and predictable there is something different about this one. Not much gore, but plenty of style - Giallo fans should like it. Not bad at all. Before I forget, the movie is shot in beautiful greek surroundings which are stunning in themselves.
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dangerous and disturbing this puzzle is.....
16 May 2002
Well, just seen Attack of the Clones here in the UK on its first day of release. I think i'd definately oversaturated myself with internet gossip and trailers and finally my excitement at the movies release had faded to a bit of a blip during the last couple of weeks. So how is the movie? It seems to me that opinion will really be divided on this one - I for one, enjoyed The Phantom Menace more than this episode. The pacing choreography and tone were all better in TPM, especially the lightsaber duels and the brooding presence of Darth Maul. Here we have much looser choreography, Haydn is not much good with a lightsaber, Dooku seems far too old and cuddly - like Chris Lee in fact, to be truly threatening. Like TPM, AOTC may improve with viewings and will probably look better on DVD than at the cinema (as did TPM in my opinion). By the way remember Ewan's disturbing habit of putting on weight and changing his hairstyle in different scenes during the first film - now he changes beard density and age (you'll see what I mean or rather I hope you don't notice for your sake). Ultimately, I came out of AOTC feeling like i'd finally outgrown Star Wars and if the kids loved it then thats ok with me. Who knows it might grow on me more with time..... 3/5
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27 April 2002
a beautiful film, very human, very funny...... faultless performances all round. Emily Lloyd is wonderful, this is a performance of real depth and adeptness. Wonderfully emotive and poignant whilst being funny. Where are you Emily?
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Unbreakable (2000)
so bad it upset me -----
22 April 2002
this film is a real contrived mess - it seems to me that people that think that unbreakable is an intelligent study need to check their IQ levels -- I was ok until the scene where Bruce Willis' son somehow manages to load 100 of pounds of weights onto Bruce's barbells - am i missing something? how is this possible? the twist is almost throwaway and is cringemaking - the representation of comic book culture presented by sam jackson is unconvincing and the art he sells is little more than awful ---- this is one bad movie !!!!!!
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good fun
14 December 2001
This is a well made, enjoyable action movie and so much better than many would have you believe. Come on people, lighten up and have some fun... Great sets, locations and kudos to Angelina for giving her all. The DVD is great with a ton of extras and some fantastic menus. Well, that's it, just thought I should stick up for a movie that so many seem to slag off........ go girl!!!
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26 October 1999
I really can't understand all the people that put this film down. I was astounded by this film. It is easily on a par with any of Kubrick's other movies.

Go and see it with a group of friends and you can bet that after the film each one of you will have different opinions and ideas about the film and what it meant.

The film really runs the full gambit of emotions. There are some of the most highly charged scenes of suspense I have seen for a long time along with scenes that made the entire theatre laugh.

Eyes Wide Shut is one of those classic movies that stays with you long after it ends. A masterpiece.
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Classic B Movie Fare
25 October 1999
I agree with the other posters on this page - Deathstalker II is a minor Classic!

The film succeeds in ripping off countless other movies whilst providing some truly terrible but hilarious gags for your delight. It's as corny as it gets - and it knows it! If you like your movies cheap and cheerful with loads of laughs then check it out!

The female lead plays two parts: A blonde bimbo who follows our hero around yelling "Stalker!" every few minutes, and a delightfully wicked queen.

One of the best "gags" I remember is the bar scene where Deathstalker goes for a drink and instead of tankards everyone is drinking out of pint glasses - ridiculous moments like this make Deathstalker II compelling viewing, especially with a few beers and some friends.

NB: The film contains footage from several over films - check out the hilarious celebration scenes culled from a completely different movie - some other footage is from "Amazons" which also contains the same sets and actors but fails as it tries to take itself seriously.
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The boots, put them back on....
20 October 1999
I'm surprised at the comments made by the previous poster as this film is quite graphic. Maybe he saw a cut version?

This film plays very much like "Carry on up the SS experiment camp" with Dyanne Thorne playing the evil temptress Isla. The film combines disturbing imagery of cruelty and torture (apparantly based on actual tortures used by the nazis - according to the prologue of the film) with camp humour - I should imagine that most people would find this offensive to say the least - but if you view it with an open mind you may find something of worth in this film.

The acting and characters are actually pretty good - check out the disgusting "Herr. General" and the prisoners of war.
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