
21 Reviews
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Dubbel-8 (2000)
22 July 2001
This is probably one of the best movies ever made in Sweden. Totally wonderful photography and an amazing cast makes this movie a masterpiece.

I fell in love with both the stunningly beautiful Jenny Ulving and the amazingly cute Nadine Kirschon.

This one belongs right up there together with Lasse Hallström's "My Life as a Dog" and I believe the director Fridell soon will follow in Hallström's footsteps and become an internationally acclaimed director.
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Something that doesn't happen so often...
11 July 2001
I've seen "BWP" twice and the second time I really loved it... so I looked forward to this sequel. And what did I get? A sequel that was better then the original. That's something that doesn't happen so often, but this time it did. 9 out of 10.

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Shark Attack 2 (2000 Video)
Lions in the ocean
11 July 2001
Excuse me... but when did sharks start sounding like lions. In this movie they do and I have no idea why. And another thing... can divers talk to each other under water. In other movies they wave to each other to communicate. Strange...

I didn't like this movie. I really hope the novel "MEG" will be made soon and scare us half to death. This one is just boring and stupid. The first movie is much better.
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Deep Rising (1998)
An ocean full of secrets
13 April 2000
The ocean... think about the ocean... What is it really? There's more water than everything else in our world. Do you really think we know what's in there... in those deep waters.

The director of the excellent "The Mummy" has probably made the most slick and entertaining creature movie this far. "Deep Rising" is so incredibly underrated. I really think this one should be there in the top... together with Carpenters "The Thing" and Camerons "Aliens".

I think this special ocean is really frightening. In one scene Famke Janssens character goes out on deck and looks out into the dark night... and in the background we hear the creatures roar. Scenes like that gives me a sense of, something I use to call, a "clear cold". I don't expect you to understand, but I have the same feeling in movies like "Deep Blue Sea" (when Skarsgard is pushed by the shark) and especially in "2001: A Space Odyssey". Even if that movie takes place in space... there's is that feeling of an empty helplessness... a "clear cold" so to say.

But don't think "Deep Rising" is like "2001". No... this is a highly effective action/adventure where a great looking and really quick creature appears and gives the hero and his crew a really hard time. Treat Williams is good and the beautiful Famke Janssen does one of her best performances. I really like her character.

Everything about this movie is cool and so very entertaining. The ending is really funny and I would love to see a sequel on the new-found island. Great director Sommers went on to make "The Mummy", which sometimes is very similar to this one. He has the touch of style and knows how to entertain an audience. I look forward to "Mummy 2".

If you love monster-movies, you have to see this one. I don't think you will be disappointed. Have fun!
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18 March 2000
In 1990 there was a TV-show that changed everything for me. It was called "Twin Peaks" and ever since then I have felt that there was a time before "Twin Peaks" and after "Twin Peaks".

Now I feel that same way the second time in my life. There was a time before "American Beauty" and after "American Beauty". This masterpiece is so beautiful that I can't believe it has been made and that I have been given the permission to see it. It's worthy every Oscar Award it can get.

If you should see one movie this year... there is no question about it... you have to see "American Beauty"... the most beautiful movie ever made.
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12 March 2000
A lot of films are scary. When I was young I was totally frightened after seeing Michael Myers in "Halloween" or watching Jack Nicholson becoming crazy in "The Shining". After I saw "Halloween" I remembered that I was afraid of having dreams and see Myers standing outside my bedroom window. I never had any bad dreams about him, but each night, a week after viewing, I really was afraid before going to bed.

I still find the scenes in "The Shining" when little Danny drives around the corridors horrifying. And the scene where Jamie Lee Curtis looks out the window and see Myers hiding behind the laundry in "Halloween" must be one of the most chilling moments I've experienced in a movie.

But if you for a moment forget Myers, Jack Torrance, Freddy, Jason and Pinhead and looks for the source in true horror... What will you think about? I can only name two horror movies before "Halloween" that really made a milestone in cinematic history. First we have "Psycho", made in 1960 and then we have the "Texas Chainsaw Massacre", made in 1974. Of course there have been milestones before "Psycho", but not in the same kind of way.

"The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" really shook everything up. It has a reputation of being gruesome, but it doesn't show us much gore at all. Sure, this guy.. Leatherface chops up a couple of people, but we doesn't really see anything. The first time you see it you will probably (like me) think there will be bloody as hell, but you will soon realize that the horror doesn't lie in the blood... it lies in the mind of the story's sick family.

There are two parts in this film. The first reaches until the moment when Mr. Sawyer lets Sally into the gas station after she's being chased by Leatherface. Up til that moment you haven't seen nothing yet. Now the second part starts and soon reveals the sick truth about the family she has met. I think the scene when actor Siedow is pecking her with the broom in the truck must be one of the most bizarre scenes ever... only to be beaten by the scene when Grandpa will show he's the best killer ever.

You can't really grasp what you see. It's so totally disturbing and bizarre. Wayne Bell's music makes everything even more disturbing. Some times you don't know how to feel. Hooper shows us something that we, even in our wildest dreams, can't comprehend completely. You really starts wondering what goes on in Hooper and Kim Henkel's minds. The script is like nothing else.

The actors are quite good. Siedow is perfect in his sick role and Burns is great doing a woman who experiences something so awful and twisted that it's impossible to know how the reaction of the character would be.

Just like "Psycho" this movie doesn't end in ones mind after the last scene. You start thinking and after a while you realize that you just have seen one of the most horrifying movies ever. The first scene when Leatherface appears and closes the iron door is still the scariest scene in the whole movie. It's so sudden... surprising and out of nowhere

Tobe Hooper has made one the best horror movies of the century. I will always recommend it and even if the sequels aren't nearly as good as this one... I think you should see them also. Hooper made the first sequel where Siedow co-starred again and co-writer Henkel did the third sequel where Burns and Partain had smaller roles.
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An underrated masterpiece...
22 February 2000
I must confess something about this movie... I really think this is one of the best ever made. The first time I saw it I didn't know what it was about or who appeared in it. When Lance Henriksen and especially Eric Roberts were in the lead I felt the title and the combination of these two character actors must be quite good. Now after seeing it I can most surely say that it wasn't good.. it was totally DYNAMITE!

Eric Roberts is a great actor. Even if he sometimes takes on a movie part too much... I love some of his work. Especially "The Specialist", "In Cold Blood", "Runaway Train" and this one. His worst is "Rude Awakening". There is something in his acting that can't be seen anywhere else. His Adrian is by far one of his best performances.

Lance Henriksen has much in common with Roberts. He also has his own acting way and all who have seen him in the great show "Millennium" knows what I'm talking about.

Both Roberts and Henriksen should be bigger stars in Hollywood.

The great story with its oddities and chilling atmosphere have made me seen it about four-five times already. I think I will look at it again tonight, because I know I will be in a good mood afterwards. I feel "Nature of the Beast" is my own movie. I found it before others and made my point of view before any judgment was typed down by anyone. Still it's very unknown, but this movie has proven that you can and will find unknown movies that is much better than many of the big productions Hollywood give us.

I specially love the ending, even though it's a masterpiece all the way through.
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A movie made for everybody
22 February 2000
After reviewing much horror I felt I need to change my comment history a bit. This is a cute and totally wonderful Disney-classic with amazing Hayley Mills ("Pollyanna") in the leading roles as twins. She's one of the best child actors ever.

"Parent Trap" is a movie you can't dislike. Every family member will love it with its great story and acting. I saw this a couple of weeks ago and I really felt it should had been great if I had seen it when I was a child. Then it had been one of the best movie experiences in my life. It's so warm and friendly. I feel I wanted to live at that time, in the United States. Sometimes I feel that being young in the 1950-60's must have been great, even if I really like growing up in the 90's as well.

I recommend this movie to everyone. You can't be anything else than happy afterwards.
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A story with the most horrifying ending of all times...
17 January 2000
As a horror movie, "The Blair Witch Project" isn't very scary. There is only one time it felt really intense... and that is in the final shot. Still I can't explain the feeling I got. That scene was completely horrifying. It changed the whole movie. I must confess it was boring at times and I waited for the scary stuff to come.. but it never did, except in the final shot. A final shot that raised the grade quite a bit.

I don't love it and I don't hate it. I just like it a little. But I have only seen it ones... with a very negative audience, so I don't think I really can give the proper judgment at the time. I will see it again and hope I will like it more then.
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Too much... even for me
7 December 1999
After the viewing of "Cannibal Holocaust" I must say that I probably have seen the most unsettling movie ever made. I've seen two cannibal movies before ("Eaten Alive" and "Cannibal Ferox"), but they didn't have the same effect on me. Those movies were at some moments very laughable, but this time the actors and the dialogue are better and more believable.

This isn't such a bad movie. Sometimes I find it very intense and frightening. Deodato is a good director and some scenes are very professional. But there is one thing that shouldn't have been there and that is... of course... the real authentic animal killings. Some scenes were just too much. Why? Why was it needful to kill those animals. I mean... how could one do that and be sick enough to record it on tape. Those scenes were too strong... even for me.

The absolutely best thing in this movie is the music by Riz Ortolani. I was quite surprised when I heard the intro music. A couple of tunes played throughout the whole movie... giving it a special atmosphere which was lacking in the other cannibal films.

I can't recommend a movie like this... and I can't say I like it a lot... but it's much better than I'd expected. You must have seen much if you decide to see this. Remember that a movie like "Seven" is kiddie stuff in comparison. If you have seen another Cannibal-film or "I Spit on Your Grave"... maybe you're prepared to watch "Holocaust".

Warning! If you're a true animal friend you must stay away at any cost.
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When the little scenes are everything
6 December 1999
Here we have one of those movies that doesn't look like anything else, but still I feel I've seen it all before. I feel the resemblance with titles like "Destiny Turns on the Radio" and "Black Magic". Movies that are totally weird, but you still like them in a special way. Some of the music and the scenes with the pool in "Destiny..." makes that movie better than it really is.

This is about a little forgotten American town, called Exceptional Vista. One day it is visited by aliens who slow but safely starts killing the population. That story we already know all about, but I promise this movie will be a surprise for everyone.

The town isn't like any other town. All since the nut factory (???) was closed down almost every soul moved out. Left is a bunch of fishing-crazy fools who likes sex a lot.

"Top of the Food Chain" is at some points a very enjoyable little flick which probably will make many viewers crazy of boredom, but I must say I saw the good in the movie. I took it for what it was. Were you a fan of the two movies I mentioned above, I think you will like some of the ingredients in this one too.
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Unpleasant originality
5 December 1999
"Sleepaway Camp"... it sounds pretty good. Another "Friday the 13th"-ripoff that I probably would like. I heard that it has a very special ending... unlike any other ending in movie history.

With these thoughts inside my head I bought and watched this movie. It begins with a camera moving (by day) over a deserted camp. A bit curious! Then we see a boat accident with two children and their father. The dad and one of the children dies. Suddenly it has gone eight years and we see a horrific woman that could scare everyone. She is the aunt of Angela, the child who survived, and she's sending her son and Angela to camp over summer. At the camp Angela is bullied by some people and soon those people turns up dead one after another. Who is the killer?

It's a standard horrorflick, but in comparison to "Friday"-movies this is really bad. It's so poorly done and extremely bad acted. I find myself hating almost every character. Some characters is totally dislikable with bad language and bizarre thoughts. It's a very unsettling atmosphere in the whole movie.

The ending is... different, but incredibly stupid at the same time. If it had been done more professional I would have liked the ending, but now it just makes the movie even more unpleasant.

Something makes the movie worth watching though, but what that is I don't know. Maybe the original unpleasantness also is the strength of the movie.
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Twin Peaks (1990–1991)
The ultimate story
23 October 1999
Warning: Spoilers
Almost ten times..? Yes... almost ten times I've seen this incredible, wonderful and original story. "Twin Peaks" is IT! The one filmed story that is THE BEST THING EVER MADE.

Brilliant genius David Lynch became my idol after this. Daring to make something like "Twin Peaks" was strong done. Many people didn't understand or didn't have the strength of watching the slow-made intrigue blossom. I didn't really care who killed Laura in the beginning. Well, of course I cared, but I didn't care if it would take a while. The show itself was enough interesting. The characters and the original camera work and, of course, the music was amazing. Even if you heard that "Falling"-song in the beginning every time, you never got tired of it.

All actors are super, but there is one actor that I think is the main reason why this brilliant show became the BEST. And that is Kyle MacLachlan in the role of Dale Cooper. I had never seen him before. He was totally new for me. Later I saw him in "Blue Velvet", "Dune" and "The Hidden". He did something with Dale Cooper that I think no other actor could have done. You can't dislike him. He is (like Audrey says) perfect. Whenever I start watching the series again, I always wait for the scene where he drives into Twin Peaks... and when he meets Harry at the hospital (a terrific scene where they stand in the end of a corridor).

And of course we have amazing Sherilyn Fenn as Audrey Horne. In the first episodes she's mean, but after falling in love with Cooper her person alters and becomes wonderful. Fenn is probably the most beautiful actress in the world. Her Audrey is the best female character in Twin Peaks.

My favorite episode is the one where Maddy dies. My favorite scene is when Cooper throws rocks. And my favorite line is... "Black as midnight on a moonless night" (Cooper about how he wants his coffee).

When the final episode ended I didn't feel disappointed. I know many people became angry, but I think Lynch gave the series a great ending. I wanted to see the whole show again... and since 1990 I've seen it about eight or nine times. One time I saw it over a weekend. Maybe I'm crazy, but "Twin Peaks" changed everything for me. I see it as a long, long movie... the greatest movie ever made.
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The Nurse (1997)
Once again...
22 October 1999
We've have seen it all before. A person, often a female, gets angry about something that stands in her way of success or plain satisfaction. We saw that in for example "The Temp", "The Secretary", "Daddy's Girl" and "Fatal Attraction" by naming a few.

This time it's a nurse who infiltrates herself into a family where she holds the dad responsible for her own family's death. He has ended up in a wheelchair, totally invalid, still understands everything, but can't make himself heard. She plans how to kill his whole family right in front of him.

The main stars of the movie is Lisa Zane (Billy's sister) who plays the psycho-nurse. Beautiful Janet Gunn is the daughter who is the first to sense that things isn't alright with the new nurse. John Stockwell is the son who becomes attracted to the new nurse.

Even if I've seen everything before I think the movie is both exciting and fun to watch. Not a masterpiece, but also far from the opposite. An entertaining little movie.
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This one is SCARY
22 October 1999
If you decide to see this thriller you must be prepared to become afraid. I mean... the long and totally terrifying sequence in the gallery at the beginning beats almost everything I've seen in my life. My heart was really beating faster and faster. De Palmas camera work is so intense and unpleasant... but of course in a good way.

De Palmas early 1980's thrillers are still in the top of the scarier movies of all time. I think so anyway. Many people compare him to Hitchcock, and sure... there is some sense of Hitchcock, but De Palma is De Palma. He is in some ways unique. Movies like "Dressed to Kill", "Blow Out" and "Body Double" can't leave anyone unaffected.

"Dressed to Kill" is a masterpiece with an excellent cast and a terrific score by Pino Donaggio. I recommend everyone to see this horror classic.
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Psycho (1998)
A tribute
16 October 1999
Alfred Hitchcock... the best director of all time made the best movie of all time in 1960. It was called "Psycho" and changed the horror movies forever.

In 1998 this masterpiece was made again. An exact remake, word by word... scene by scene. A totally knew way of making movies. We have seen remakes before, but not like this.

I loved Hitchcock's classic. And I love this "Psycho" too. I mean.. it's exactly the same. Only more modern. I liked the idea... it was so very enjoying seeing everything again performed in a new environment.

The actors were great, even if liked the original cast better. Perkins is Bates, but both Henry Thomas ("Psycho IV") and Vince Vaughn have made good performances playing Norman. In some scenes Vaughn is amazing, but also the opposite sometimes. Heche is great. Her Marion Crane is not quite the same as Leigh's, but I don't think it's intended to be that either.

My following comment hasn't anything to do with the movie, but... isn't Heche a beautiful actress?

All in all I deeply recommend this "new" masterpiece. Gus van Sant did a remarkable job making it. It's made for people like myself and it's a tribute to the best director and the best movie ever. Thank you!
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A really bad cult-classic...
30 September 1999
The only reason why I would see this movie once again would only be because a friend wanted to see it. Watching it alone again will never happen.

"I Spit on Your Grave" is one totally sick movie. The 45-minute rape sequence is very disturbing. How the hell can an actress choose a part like this... in a movie that doesn't even have a soundtrack????!!!!

And what's with that revenge. What rape-victim wants to have two of the rapists inside of herself again??? I think the retard's death sequence are so bizarre and weird.

Why anyone wants to make a story like this is beyond me. There is nothing in this movie worth seeing... but still I must say that I like owning it. Even if it's one of the worst movies that I've seen... it's a real cult-classic.

The best thing about this movie is the front cover... it looks quite nice.
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Orca (1977)
So very tragic...
30 September 1999
I don't like this one. It's not so very bad, but there is something unpleasant about the whole atmosphere of the movie that makes me uncomfortable. The problem is that it's so very, very tragic... in a eerie kind of way. Even if the music is quite beautiful it just helps the movie to be more and more unpleasant.

I can understand why some people like this movie, it's quite original, but for me it's just too sad. I only became unhappy after seeing it.
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A different opinion...
28 September 1999
I have always been in conflicts with almost everybody about the question: Who is the best Bond? After seeing the Bondmovies over and over since I was five years old I think I'm fully capable of knowing who is best. First I must tell everybody that Sean Connery is one of the world's best actors. Moore can't be compared in that sense. But.. as James Bond, I really think Roger Moore is the better one. The larger part of Moore's movies are better than Connery's (not including masterpieces "From Russia with Love" and "Goldfinger"). Moore's worst is "The Man with the Golden Gun" and his best

is his last one... "A View to a Kill".

There we have another different opinion. Almost everybody think "A View to a Kill" is the worst Bondmovie. And I just love it, with all my heart. I can see it over and over and over. It's magnificent.

Christopher Walken is far the best villain of all times and Tanya Roberts (besides her screaming of James) is a quite good actress and I must say one of the world's most beautiful. Look at her... she's unbelievable. She's in fact more beautiful than Ursula Andress when she came up from the water in "Doctor No".

But the main reason why I love this movie is some special scenes. I see the little things... scenes that is not any special for the ordinary person, but for me they say everything. For example.. the scene where Bond and Zorin meet for the first time. It's a masterpiece. Walken is amazing. Look at his face when Bond asks him about fly-casting... That is one of my favorite scenes of all time. I love the scene with Pola Ivanova too. (-The bubbles tickle my... Tjajkovskij!)

Moore maybe looks at bit old, but still... this is the best Bond-adventure yet.
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Best of the Friday's...
26 September 1999
I saw this one the first time when I was 14 years old. I became really scared. Earlier I had felt scares when I saw "Halloween" and "The Shining", but now it was different. This one was so damn cruel. Especially the machete over the handicap's face. That scene was quite disturbing. I had recorded the movie from TV, but I erased it.

As I grew older I came in contact with all of the "Friday"-movies and started to like Jason. Part 6 became a favorite when I was 16.

Now when I'm 21 I have bought all the "Friday"-movies. And I must say I really like them. I have seen them many many times and now I know that Part 2 is the very best in the whole series. I also like Part 3, but it is Part 2 that deliver the best scares and the best scenes.

I don't know exactly what it is with Part 2 that is so great. I just love it. Go rent it or go buy it at once. It's a real classic of the 80's horror movies.
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Loving it more and more...
18 September 1999
I was 12 when I first saw the series on swedish television in 1990. Never before in my life I had seen something that affected me so much. I recorded the second episode and all the rest. Since then I've seen the series about eight times.

In 1992 Lynch made this prequel. It's far more darker than the episodes. Some scenes are still confusing for me, but that only makes it more intriguing. Like "Lost Highway" this one is made for your inner, darker feelings.

If you really think about what "Twin Peaks" and the movie is all about, you'll realize that it's more scarier than any "X-Files"-episode. BOB is the worst nightmare you can experience. Jason, Freddy & Michael Myers are only kiddie stuff in comparison. BOB is the Evil, the total sense of Evil.

I love "FWWM" and I will always be grateful to David Lynch. He made a place and a cast of characters that changed my view of everything in TV and cinema.
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