
15 Reviews
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Avatar (2009)
The best movie of the year if not decade!
19 December 2009
I just can't tell enough good words about James Cameron's AVATAR. It's not state of the art movie - IT IS ART itself! What you see in the trailer can barely scratch the surface of the movie and while the plot seems to be predictable the whole realizm and beauty of this movie makes me simple cry!!!! The whole world of PANDORA seems so much realistic that you literally live the screen. Every tiny bit of pixel is alive - it's pure and it's all love! Bravissimo! This is the best movie I seen in year and I will go to see it again and again! Personally I won't be surprised if it will go for Oscars not just for visual effects but for a BEST film and director too...
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Hancock (2008)
Much less than I had expected. Disappointed.
4 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers

Even though that I won't go into such drastic comments as some people suggest that this movie is crap etc, I would say that this movie (which started off in Latvia 2 days ago) is MUCH WORSE than I had expected from film and from Will Smith personally.

If I compare with the current box office hit WANTED I would rather go 3rd time to see WANTED than any more on HANCOCK.

Simple argumentation - while WANTED delivers much more than it's trailer (regardless of the script quality speculations which appear here on IMDb). The HANCOCK actually delivers much less than it's trailer, or better say - it almost has no more anything interesting inside.

Basically what you see in the HANCOCK trailer is 90% of the coolness you see in that film. And if you are serious action/comedy fan in the term of the films like "MEN IN BLACK 1/2" - this film is clearly a weak weak underperformer of such genre.

Most of the film deals with HANCOCK being lonely, how he is unhappy and how a PR manager tries to get his life back. The film starts to teach us from the face of Hancock how we should care about the people, and how bad is drinking etc. While in general may be it's not such a bad thing. There is not much more of an action, than in the trailer. It's clearly NOT enough for this film to be a strong ACTION/FX/COMEDY contender.

I wouldn't say if you SHOULD or SHOULDN'T GO to cinema. If you are a fan of Will Smith - then you could probably still see it, but I tell you very honestly (being a fan of a genre and Smith myself) - this film is a serious underperformer! I will not go to see it again or buy on DVD (which I definitely do with IRON MAN and WANTED).
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Wanted (2008)
WANTED is an EYE CANDY and delivers more than expected...
2 July 2008
Hello folks, First of all I must admit I am huge fan of Timur Bekmambetov and his previous Russian/international hits NIGHTWATCH / DAYWATCH (although he's done some pretty good other Russian-only movies). Also I tell you that I am huge fan of action thriller movie genre at all and I seldom miss any decent film which comes out of this genre.

So, to start, when I first seen WANTED trailer - I thought to myself that this movie would be average action fx movie, kinda NIGHTWATCH themed. Because I can feel that Timur used his same visual style in it.

However when I have watched it - I thought that it is absolutely one of the most entertaining action movies of the Spring/Summer this year (of course I have so far IRON MAN as #1 and waiting for DARK KNIGHT as main summer event).

I won't fo into details describing the movie plot etc - there's plenty in other comments. I do understand that this movie of course is not perfect.

The story is clearly ZERO. And the all it has is a very typical MATRIX style clichés like THE FAITH concept, CHOOSE YOUR OWN DESTINY. It also has some pretty similar parts and even dialogs that were extremely close to the original MATRIX.


This should not mislead you that this movie is worthless. All movie is done as a remarkable EYE CANDY. All film like an complete 2 hours FX sequence. Plot is not smart but the action entertains and great lead actors DO manage to keep the tone of the film. Indeed there are too many SLO-MO sequences, but they actually cool. There is a dark humor and self irony in that film. What else - some graphical and this bullet bending thing - is not done (as far as I know) in previous movies.The score and song by Danny Elfman is clearly great shot to deliver the film.

I really laugh out loud when people say that other films has some more sense - COME ON - this is just action movie! It get's you entertained.

As a bottom line I just say 2 things: 1. I have seen this movie already twice in cinema and will plan to go with my family again this coming weekend. 2. Today as a first day of start HANCOCK I went to see it too and I found it really MUCH LESS entertaining that WANTED.

I think you guys (thous who say this movie is crap and ripoff) need really make your mind. How many movies actually don't rip off others? OK there was a Matrix, but what? There was for example DARK CITY ....

Also if you say that IRON MAN (my fave) is not a ripoff of a SUPERMEN crossed with TRANSFORMERS and BATMAN BEGINS - I would say that you do only jealous that Russian director did that.

Actually you should not blame Timur for plot as the script and story was not his... As director he did a great job and I already got myself a complete Danny Elfman soundtrack to this movie.

OK enough of this. I this this movie deserves to be watched.
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Not a masterpiece but STILL deserves your attention.
11 December 2007
I am not a remarkable writer so please excuse me for stylistic misbehave. ;-)

To me this movie was highly anticipated for several reasons:

1. it features great cast 2. but mainly it was said that it's depicted Russians (living in London) and Russian's underworld (that is 'mafia') in a very remarkable and true way. It was also said that it was considered almost best David Cronenberg film by critics... Was also said (by Russian press) that it's one of a VERY VERY few movies that Russians are not showed in a grotesque way like DRINKING VODKA WITH SIBERIAN BEARS etc etc

Well. What can I say. They are right.

The film DID managed to depict the bit 'mafia' part of Russian sub-culture REALLY REALLY well. Starting from the prison etiquette and finishing with rules of tattoos etc etc This film surprisingly showed Russian mafia as a real part of the Eastern and Western society (since the show take place in London).

About the film itself it was a drama and sad story with fine ending. The acting was good.

However what can I say, this is it. The film itself (as a piece of art to say) did not managed (for me) to pull the trigger. The story was an average and the film didn't have anything to be amazed of.

My opinion is that - what in THIS film considered as major achievement - the realism of showing Russian people in _appropriate_ way (played by NON Russian actors) and realism especially concerning to REAL Russian criminal culture - perhaps it is an achievement for Hollywood production but I must admit that what I have seen is not too much different from the average-good modern Russian criminal movie what has been almost "every day" produced in Russia. That is of course an irony. Although the cast was great and they did their roles perfectly.

I didn't find this movie anything too special to feel that it's A GREAT DRAMA, like GODFATHER or something. The only good in this film is a 'Russian depiction' as I already said. Perhaps for non 'qualified' western viewer this film will be interesting as one of the rare cases with Russian realism, however for me they just showed a part of something which I have seen a LOT on our local TV and a know a lot while being a Russian myself.

Forget about if you read on forums for this film that it showed Russians not correctly. God bless I am not criminal but as a Russian myself I see that the representation is quite good.

The press said that they have spent several months in Russia talking to ex criminals and visiting some remote villages etc etc to FEEL the culture. Well done.

Not really a masterpiece but still deserves your attention.


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The best Duma adaptation, if you like musical.
27 September 2007
To put it simple, from my point of view this is the best A.Duma's / 3 Musketeers adaptation on screen ever, of course if you like musical.

This movie seamlessly blends the action and adventure of historical movies, with great spirit of classic 'D'Artagnan's ' tale and great, great taste of music and songs which blend in.

You get a movie with unexpectedly fresh and charming characters, lots of fun and humor and great songs.

This is one of the best movies of the Russian 'Soviet' era.

Of course a non-Russian speaking person (even with subtitles) would be hard to get a full at this movie, but the only with I have is that somebody actually do release this on DVD with English dubbing and subtitles.

People who love music movies and movies like ORIGINAL CHARLIE AND CHOC FACTORY etc - most probably be able to enjoy it....

Really a cult classic.
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Simple and funny comedy about simple Russian folk people
13 January 2007
I really liked this movie. I consider it's the best comedy of Mr. Evdokimov (actor turned a Russian governor) who sadly passed away in a tragic accident.

Anyway - this film is very simple, yet it's has a lot of things that so common in Russian's deep down country - drinking, stupidity, naivenes and good and bad.

The plot is really mixed up and actually really funny.

Just to say a small outline - the film begins when one of the village people in Siberia finds a barrel floating in the river. The barrel turns out to be a barrel full of concentrated drinking spirit (alcohol). Then all things get havoc afte this moment and there is a mix up of local humor and even a politics.

Bottomline: very funny film. But you have to understand a bit of Russian culture at least to get a feeling of it.
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Where's the plot?Where's smart lines? KILL TARANTINO! (sorry guys)
18 December 2003
I just seen it yesterday. What can I say? Just WHOOPS!

Not what I expected. The movie kept me watching but I was not happy with the experience. It's just NOT Tarantino anymore. Exhausted.

Looking to the film in a very short note I can say 2 things:

* The only good thing in this movie was UMA THURMAN, who was Looking cool, nice; acting nice and fighting real. and Lucy Liu - who was also a killer beauty in her own way. * yet it looks like Quentin totally exhausted himself lopoking to this serious piece of crap. Saying that he overdone Wachowski is plain stupid. Matrix has a UNIQUE plot (except Part 3 well) and there are NO such moview at all. More about plot later. Eye Candy also much more nice in the Matrix thank in KIll Bill. And while I say that I am still a huge Tarantino lover - it's just not ol' good Tarantino!

Pardon me Tarantino lovers ( I am too one of them) but this film is an empty hole.

I don't know - I heard that many people loved this film and said it's Tarantino's best, but to me it's just not right. From ALL points of view.

1) Being a TARANTINO film. It almost lost 'TARANTISM'. There almost no humor in it, no dark humor. almost. = but people vs me may say - come one it's different genre it's an action film. It also lost twists - if we take a look of say RESERVOIR DOGS - also a bloody shotout film - it has so many angles to it so many interpretations. Here- nothing. Dialogues - same - WHERE THE HELL IS TARANTINO???? Almost EVERY line of EVERY Tarantino film can be pronaunced over and over again and kept in the memory. What here? "Kill motherf***ers???" Or what?

2) OK It's an action film, but what we see is just a lot of fights, lot of blood that's it. There is no plot. Almost. You may repeat it's a kung fu film and action film....

3)The plot is FLAT to the bone. She just out on revenge and have to kill everybody. The film , even an action film and kung fu film should have a smarter plot in order to keep the smarter audience happy. Of cource all people who just want to see aslasher film without any meaning - go for it, but it's not me. Let see - I have seen several Jet Li movies or even if we say MATRIX. Actually I should take them separately. Matrix HAS A PLOT (except maybe last)- and what a plot!!! WhoA! Most Jackie Chan movie have good plot. Van Damme movie are a bit dumb but still have a plot (I liked DOUBLE TEAM).

4) The ART of action. The whole brutal sequences are completely flat, dull, and NOT nice. If we take back to Jet Lee movies, movies like CROUNCHING TIGER HIDDEN DRAGON, THE HERO etc - the whole samurai action looks like AN ART. Here we see stupid fight with EQUALLY stupid blood fontaining from bodies at a most stupid volume and speed. Finally if we really want to take a serious NICE kung fu/samurai action - take Akira Kurosava. What a masterpiceces. Here we watch stupid and even though it was chareographed by "MATRIX" kung fu master - all scenes look stupid to me.

5) Finally Quentin tries to get to his role of finding artistic ways of capturing this whole s***. But to me it's just doesn't make sense, and doesn't get the effect. The whole transitions of REAL CINEMA, JAPANIMATION, BW CAMERA - to me they don't make this movie better in any way.

So my score is 3/10: One point for keeping me awake sort of. One point for being an like-an-average action movie. One point for being still a Tarantino film.

Otherwise it would be 1/10.

So mach ado about nothing....
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16 May 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Well folks, I have just returned from the premiere here in Riga and if I might say it in one word - THE FILMS IS FANTASTIC. The early critics and press that said that the force is STRONG with this one were right! Completely! Or Almost... But first the good bits: A) The film completely satisfies both in term of action, eye candy and just everything you hear and see. B) It's definately stronger than PHANTOM MENACE and it really shows to a die hard STAR WARS fan, what a good star wars movie can be. This film definately worth seeing. I try to avoid spoilers, but there were just everything you, a star wars fan need: lots of action, cool fx, the scale of everything is fantastic, the love story behind is great. You'll love the moments when you see Jango Fett vs. Obi Wan. You'll love fighting Joda as much as fighting Samuel L. Jackson. Good acting of Hayden Christensen, now showing his anger and probably future look of Darth Vader (hope this is not a spoiler). Despite the fact that this movie rules 100%, something is missing and it's very difficult to say what. 1) When you leave the movie, you get the feeling that it's incomplete, and it seems this way, as Joda say his final line, like it should be more of it. 2) All the cool things in the movie are not very long and you don't have enough time to enjoy the coolness of a certain moment. For example the Jango Fett fight or finale lighsaber duel - THEY ARE GOOD, but they seems to be short, far too short. They should have been more expanded. I love them and for me there is not enough time given to them. I could give more examples. 3) The whole movie you wait for something big, and when it seems to be coming- the movie ends. So that's of a minor complaints. But heck, bollocks to complaints. Go and see the movie! It's still rules.
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That was NOT funny at all - crazy and moronic experience...
28 July 1999
Very difficult to understand (though I read the original book). First 1 hour you desperately try to do it, then forget and just ~enjoys~ the remaining of the film. Ironically, when the end comes - you left with complete emptiness and disappointment.

Overall movie seems as profane and ~strange~ parody on the TRUMAN SHOW (I know it was not meant to!), but it feels that way. Cast ensemble is good, but all act like a bunch of crazy people, trying to pretend that their heroes are crazy.

Here is best example: did you liked 'moronic' Bruce Willis in "DEATH BECOMES HER" (I did!). There he was acting very naturally and what you could see is his character. In the "BREAKFAST..." instead you still see that it is Bruce on screen, who is pretending to be that moronic character on screen. But it is still him (Bruce)!!! You can feel that UNNATURAL acting.

Overall suggestion: I wouldn't really recommend to see it. On showings in Riga, LATVIA (it was May) - 1/3 of the people were leaving the feature after 1 hour.

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Event Horizon (1997)
The only horror sci-fi I can watch anytime anywhere....
28 July 1999
I've seen a lot of counterpart thoughts about this movies. It is really a matter who 'get' it or not. It is a good scary movie set up in space and having a great cast on board. I like the dialogues and acting. I mean - this film is over and now on tapes, but I watch this tape probably each month.

It was not shown in Riga cinemas and now I am struggling with our local distributors to actually put in on big screen...

As some people said it was short - actually as Pete Hanson (one of the FX guys - read the end scripts) told me that it was hugely cut. The original version was about 2+ hours long. A lot oh hell scenes cut out because they thought it already pretty violent..

As for 'go'/'no go'. If you like horror+scifi (be honest to yourself) you'll like it. But if you are disgusted by blood then don't go - otherwise you would become another sarcastic critic here. Cheers people.
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Event Horizon (1997)
The most ADRENALINED film (plot/action) since ALIENS!
29 June 1999
All criticism towards this movie is nonsense! This movie rules: it shocks, it goes into your mind it captures and raises your adrenalin! I tell you one thing people - I specifically traveled to London to see it on the EMPIRE's LEICESTER SQUARE big screen!!! It is the only shocker I can watch over and over! It's not about torture only - it's about the technological discovery, which can bring hell on Earth! Awesome!... not for children though blood is very real. Besides Sam Neil vs. Lawrence Fishburne - great! Recommend: 4+ /Leon Sam
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The Siege (1998)
Fake, weak, stupid, vague...Well, some scenes may be fine.
30 March 1999
Clearly lack of good plot, na'ive storyline and finally full of cliches - this movie really disappointed me. I went to see cool thriller about politics, espionage and warfare with Bruce Willis. What I have seen is a people trying to act cool and each make the story even worse. Bruce was close to be cool, but somewhat not real. Finally - I thought to see something like DIE HARD, RONIN or ENEMY OF THE STATE. Well - abandon all hopes, who wants to get this... This one is a heavy looser. Far much heavy than ARMAGGEDON.
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Ronin (1998)
Smart, thrilling... a good example of really cool action movie
30 March 1999
This film you will watch at one breath! All actors act incredible. DeNiro + Reno - are at their best! Story is also smart and you won't get what will be the end until the end... Great!
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A bit lengthy, but colorful epic of a war drama
30 March 1999
This film was good. Even though a bit lengthy, but worth to see. Concentrates more on a human/phylosophycal aspects, than on blood scenes, so the picture looks very colorful and less bloody, makes you think. I didn't like _too_ much nature or natives in the movie, but overall acting of cast and the great shooting is INCREDIBLE. It is not good to compare it with 'Ryan' - though both about war - both taggles DIFFERENT view on it, so cannot be put together to compare them. Must see both to judge...
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Life Stinks (1991)
The best Brooks movie yet!
30 March 1999
The most hillarious and funny Brooks movie I ever seen. I can watch and re-watch the tape 100 times. I laugh my a** off and I cry on some moments. It is really good and funny movie, and if you like Brooks - this is a must! In short - Brooks (billionare) gets to the streets as homeless for 30 days in order to win the entire poor district from his competitor. The reality bites, but in the end - it is about warm relations between humans... Hightly recommend!
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