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Brother Bear (2003)
A "BEAR-ry" Delightful Film.
6 November 2003
Warning: Spoilers

This are some of the reasons why I am a huge Disney fun.

Disney, has yet again wave its magic wand and created some wonders. Brother Bear is one of those wonders, and will go down as one of Disney's finest creations.

Brother Bear is the story of a person, a native American - Indian, desperate for revenge,who was magically transformed into a bear. The only thing that can change him back to his human form, is to go to a place where "lights touches the earth". He then began his amazing, incredible journey into finding the "lights" - and eventually finding his own self.

As every Disney film, a touch of comedy and colorful characters were added to this film to reach out the younger viewers. Contrary to most Disney's fairy tales, most of it's non-traditional movies (Lion King, Lilo and Stitch) follows a very simple pattern: Entertain and Educate. Most fairy tales are basically based on magics, princess, warriors; mainly made to entertain us and to remind us of our childhood fantasies; where a princess and his knight in shining armor overcomes many obstacles and in the end lives happily ever after. A few films made by Disney has made us laugh along the way and yet delivers a very strong message. Messages that teach us in a very entertaining way - the Disney way.

Brother Bear's message was simply the form of acceptance and understanding. Disney may have delivered it in a very unique way, but the main point of the message is still very strong. In today's society, many of us are caught up with our own ignorance, our lack or our own understanding towards others, or our own passion for revenge, usually blinds us from the truth. One of the main characters said "bears do not feel anything, they are stupid.." is a symbolic approach of how humans hate things they do not consider "normal" or like them. As the story goes along, The human transformed into a bear, saw how bears live and interact with each other. He saw a side of the bears he never saw before. He then realize that beyond the grizzly, terrifying features of the animals is just one part. His previous thoughts about how he labeled bears being "monsters" while he was still human, completely change when he saw how these animals live - a lifestyle no farther from humans.

Simply put, Don't be too quick judging others. What you see is just one part; you haven't seen the part we share together. Brother Bear, I must say, is one of the few animated film that teaches us lessons we need to learn.

Many may have given this film some very poor ratings and some may say it's not one of Disney's greatest films. Do yourself a favor and get past all the negativity. May not be one of the best, but rest assured you won't leave dissatisfied. Treat yourself for some wholesome laughter and genuine lessons.

Rating: 10 out of 10. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
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Austin just lost his powers..
3 November 2003
Yet another trashy sequel.

Aside from few laughs now and then, I was basically quiet the whole time. I really thought that this film would be even funnier than the first two, but this was really a big disappointment. While watching the previews, I can't even wait to see this film. When I finally saw it, I wish that I should have waited for it to come out on video. Mike Myers is one terrific actor and one funny comedian, but despite his talented acting skills, he himself couldn't even save this film. Beyonce is a very beautiful, sexy talented musician, but she really should stay in the music business. Even with the cameos of some of the big names in hollywood, did nothing to help this rather poor, trashy film. This film only proves that most sequels to great movies do not survive. If they ever make another installment of Austin Powers, let this be a lesson to all parties involve. Another poor film, and Austin Powers might not even survive.

4 stars out of 10
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3 November 2003
This just in: "Sources just declared the break-up of one powerful duo- MIB. More at 6 o'clock"

Okay, what the hell is going on in Hollywood? Already I've seen enough bad sequels that would last me for a lifetime. Every movie sequel I watch, I would always come out of the movie theaters disappointed. Haven't they learned that most sequels DO NOT SURVIVE! Why do most people behind the camera thinks that if they make one great movie, the next logical step is to make a sequel. This formula never works!

Men In Black 2 is one of the many trashy sequels ever made. The first one was already a hit, why follow it up with this? Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones is one powerful, funny duo, but in this film, they played some really tasteless, boring, dry characters. The duo magic that was present on the first part is now gone. Combined this with one terrible, poor storyline and you got one recipe for a "Sequel Disaster".

To all producers, writers involve, please let's just leave this great films alone. Making a sequel is one great risk and almost everytime, it doesn't work. Take a lesson.

3 stars out of 10.
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Is this film even legal?
1 November 2003
Oh, I was very disappointed after watching this film. This movie has yet to be another victim of the "sequel" curse. What happened??

I loved the first part. Good story line, terrific humor, and Reese Witherspoon is such a talented actress. Legally Blond, was a very funny, sweet film. The sequel however is such a disappointment. Reese's character totally lost her touch in this film. I'm not even impress anymore. I'm sorry, but her character portrayed on how really dumb the blonds are, not to mention quite very annoying. I really thought this film would be funnier as the first one, but clearly I was wrong. This film is a waste of time and money. Might contain some funny highlights but overall tasteless and boring.

Go watch this film on video.

3 stars out of 10.
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Don't serve this "PIE" again.
1 November 2003

C'mon people, American Pie 2 was already bad enough, then came "American Wedding'? I may be wrong, but this has to be the worst movie I've seen this year. Aside from the fact that most of the original characters are gone, this film is tasteless, boring, and it's not even funny. Full of crappy jokes and very predictable efforts to make the audience laugh. And what in the world those writers were thinking when they were writing the script? They think that by making this film more nastier than the first two parts, this movie will still have the "American Pie" magic? NEWSFLASH: The magic's gone! Even Jim's dad is not that tasteful anymore. He is one boring character. This film is basically a waste of time and a very cheap addition to the American Pie Saga, if you call it that way.

If you want some tasteful, intelligent humor, avoid this film. And if you really want to see this, wait for it on TV, that way you'll see this film without spending a dime.

1/2 star out of 10 stars..... for the effort.
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Finding Nemo (2003)
"I'm having fish tonight!"
26 October 2003
Whoa! I couldn't even remembered the last time I laughed so hard like I did watching this film.

I must say, Disney has done its wonders again! Finding Nemo, in my own opinion, surpass every computer-generated animations. Although they are also Disney & Pixar's incredible works, Toy Story and A Bugs Life never gave me so much fun and excitement as Finding Nemo did.

  • and Dory? The best character ever! I LOVE THAT FISH!! from her short term memory loss to that "whale talk" she did, I was basically on the floor with laughter. The sharks, "Marlin", the seagulls - "Mine, mine", the whole aquarium gang, the "little crab", the turtles, "Nemo" combined with a terrific plot and incredible computer graphics and effects made this whole film one of the best Disney & Pixar's film. Worth your time and money. Lots of laughter - Guaranteed!

Rating: Totally awesome, DUDE!
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The Ring (2002)
Okay, now I'm scared!
26 October 2002
Okay, this film is sure freaky! I must admit that this movie gave me the creeps, and just blew me off right there and then. Performances of such very talented actors gave this film it's life and brought this film close to a scary reality. This is not your average horror flick, where you can find some psychotic killer running around slashing its victims. No, this is way better, no annoying, freakish music to warned you when it's going to hit you, it just happens - and that's the scary part. This movie pushed the the world of horror films to the next level. Very scary.

So, thumbs up to the cast and crew of this film. Well done performances. Highly recommended.
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Jason X (2001)
Jason should have stayed in hell.
19 October 2002
Now I don't know if I watched the same movie or a completely different one. I must admit that I am surprised to see that some IMDB members gave this poor film some "positive" feedbacks. Did they really watched the film?

Okay, first of all, I've seen all the previous parts of the "Jason" series and each and every film was good. This film lacks the same excitement and thrill all the previous parts had. What happened?? New writers? They couldn't think of a more better plot than this? also, who the hell came up with the idea of Jason terrorizing people in the future, not to mention in space? And what's up with the cheap-fake-aluminum-terminator-wannabe costume? Plus, annoying characters. Kay-Em14? Is this the best they could come up with?

Okay, now don't get me wrong, beneath all that, there was still a good part ---- THE END CREDITS! -

Rating: Avoid at all cost!
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The Lion King (I) (1994)
Lion "KING"
15 October 2002
Once again, Disney has done it again. The Lion King will go down in history books as one of Disney's great animated films. The voices of such very talented actors, it's brilliant artistry, together with it's humorous and good moral lessons made this film one of the classic masterpiece of the animated world.

Truly one of the best. A great film for the whole family. Highly recommended.
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Charmed (1998–2006)
The Power of Three
24 September 2002
Okay, I just watched one episode a few week ago, and that was it for me. I AM HOOKED! I admit that this show is very addicting! Now, my Sunday's night are booked.

Performances of such talented actors truly ignites the screen. Piper, Phoebe, Paige, Leo, and Cole are such great, and very talented performers. I hope this show will run for a very, very long time. I will truly recommend this show to all my friends. Thumbs up to the creator, writers and all the crew. This show rocks!!!!
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Skip the movie, read the book!
21 July 2002
I know I'llbe making an unfair comment to this film considering I didn't finish the whole film, but from what I saw I knew I didn't miss anything special.

First of all, I liked the book, maybe that's the reason that forced me to watched this film. The movie is just the complete opposite of the book - bad acting, terrible script, and uugghh.. it's just plain bad. I was wondering what's Hollywood greatest talents were doing in this film? Did they read the script before saying yes to this project? For all die-hard sci fi fans out there, save your buck and read the book.
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Lilo & Stitch (2002)
Cowabunga! Go Disney!
20 July 2002
Yeah, Disney has done its magic again. Lilo and Stitch is really one of Disney's greatest animated film. A very enjoyable, fun-filled movie suited for everyone in the family. This film also delivers strong messages that is usually uncommon for animated films. It teaches us life's important lessons, such as the true meaning of the word family. The phrase "Ohana means family, and family means no one gets left behind" clearly displays the true importance of family unity.

It's very rare that animated films entertains as well as educate both major age genre. Lilo and Stitch is an excellent example. To all the millions and millions of Disney fans out there, I totally recommend this film.
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What a CRAP!!
17 July 2002
What the hell is this? A friend told me to rent this movie because it was worth watching. Now I'm thinking if my friend is just playing some cruel joke or he's just plain mean.

This movie is CRAP! What a waste of good money. Is this film to low on budget that they really need to hire actors from the streets? Geesh, I've seen school plays way better than this, and oh, the actors were a bunch of pre schoolers!! Over all, annoying actors, terrible script, bad acting, stupid film! Do not watch this film if it's the last thing you'll do.
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X-Men (2000)
X - marks the spot
19 July 2000
Well, what can I say, this movie was x-cellent! though I have not been really a fan of x-men, when I first saw this movie, it changed my whole perspective to comic books. Although there has been many comic stories brought to the big screen in the past, this movie was so far the best of them all. The special effects and action sequences were the strongest point of this film. So, if youre into this kind of thing, brace yourself, this is one kind of a ride.

Highly recommended! Worth your time and money!
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The Patriot (2000)
Masterpiece... Brilliant!!
10 July 2000
Well, what can I say? this movie is truly one of the best. Astonishing! Heartbreaking! Although historically inaccurate, performances of such talented actors truly ignite the screen and brought this movie to life. It clearly displays our heroes hardships, sufferings, sacrifices, the joys, tears and countless lives they have to give up to mold and to present the gift of freedom to this country. Although this movie may not be suitable to everyone (due to violence) but beneath the external bloodshed and brutality, lies its true meaning: The family bonding, which may be one of the strongest point of this film.

I would highly recommend this movie to everyone. Even though this film may received bad comments, get way past that and treat yourself to one of the greatest film created.
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U-571 (2000)
U-571 is not a "documentary".
10 May 2000
Okay, as i was reading some of the comments, i must admit that most of you guys out there gave this film a rather poor comment. Of course, why not, you based this movie to a much better one, AND you're still digging for the solid facts. Of course this movie would be a BIG TIME FLOP!

U-571 was not designed to educate us on what really happened, this film was made to entertain. Thats what Hollywood is all about. U-571, although based on a true story, is still a fiction. Do you think you would rather see this film based on the naked truth? on what really happened? I think not. If, yes, go watch a documentary.
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Frequency (2000)
Past, Present and Future
9 May 2000
Ever wondered how it would be like to talk to someone in a different time dimension? Maybe Frequency would help.

Frequency, as expected, would be one of the best films this year. It offers great performances of such talented actors. Dennis Quaid and Jim Caviezel is one powerful duo, and truly ignites the screen. The father-son relationship is so powerful that it creates the whole emotion of the film. The story may be confusing, and scenes between past and present may sum it up, it still provides the idea, the fun, emotions, and actions that would literally create the perfect movie. I would highly recommend this film to anyone, and this would even be a perfect idea for father's day...
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The Skulls (2000)
One word; BORING!
5 April 2000
Okay, i may be wrong on this one, but i found the movie a complete waste of time. Personally, i really thought this movie would be another one of a kind thriller that would drive you to the edge of your seat, boy was i wrong. Everything was poorly done. Poor acting, terrible script, and a really bad ending.. to sum it all, the movie sucks.. big time!

The film started fine, i must admit. It created the right "opening" for the climax and future conflicts of the film. As the movie goes on, it began to missed out on some of the important points of the story and wasted most of its time, leaving no space for the conclusion. I mean, what's up with that? Anybody could come up with a better ending. Overall, i wouldn't recommend this film to those who really care for their money's worth..
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Boston Common (1996–1997)
What happened??!!
1 December 1999
I still can't believe why would they take this good show off-air. This is one of the funniest shows on TV. The wild, wacky, and funny cast of Randolph Harrington delivers such great performances and gave "humor" a new meaning. Boyd, Wyleen, Tasha, Joy and the rest of the cast are really funny, and are such talented comedians. I would still laugh every time I watch this show.

Thanks to USA network, I'd still reward myself a few laughs..
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The Matrix (1999)
An excellent sci-fi action !!!
17 May 1999
An excellent, non-stop sci-fi action ever. Keanu Reeves, and the rest of the cast delivers a stand out performances. Fighting scenes, were great and will leave you breathless. Visual and sound effects are one of a kind , and will really take you off to the edge. The story is not spoon-fed on this film, but as it progresses, you'll have the wildest idea of what's going on. If you are into some sci-fi action, Well, buckle up, this is going to be some ride!
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Pleasantville (1998)
The Colors of Pleasantville
17 May 1999
While some of us may find this movie quite boring, I've considered this film as one of the best. Performances of such talented actors proved that this film is beyond ordinary. The cast delivers a stand out performances. The "black and white" visual effects, and the "black and white - color" combinations made this film unique and a classic of the present time. All this contributes to one of the many colors of Pleasantville
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The Mummy (1999)
Not bad...
17 May 1999
I must admit that this film did not turn the way I am expecting it to be. Many of us expected much more than this. The cast, overall, delivers a quite impressing performances. Brendan Fraser may have some "bad acting" scenes, but proves that he can also do better in the field of sci-fi actions. Visual and sound effects, I must agree, are great. From the burning hails through the tumbling "sand wave", visual effects are far more ordinary and beyond imagination. Overall, this movie isn't bad as it seems. I rate this film an 8 out of 10.
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Titanic (1997)
The Sinking Ship
14 May 1999
Titanic, for many of us, maybe one of the great films ever made, I beg to differ. Seeing this movie for the first time did not really gave me the intense and impact as it did on millions and millions of us. To be honest, I find this movie boring and really a waste of more than 3 hours.

The story is so much predictable. You can even guess what would happen, and even what's the ending. Performances, I must admit, are quite impressing. Billy Zane and Kathy Bates delivers a stand-out performances. Leonardo and Kate, also did well on this film, but truly neither of them deserves an Oscar. James Cameron, as far directing is concern, really deserves his Oscar. Effects on this film are also great, especially when the ship is sinking, but most of the time I find it lame. To sum up, this film has its own highlights, but truly I don't consider this as one of the greatest films.
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Full House (1987–1995)
Full "Haunted" House
26 March 1999
I can't even believe people watched this show. This must be one horrible show in the 80's, a "sitcom tragedy". They use the same jokes all over again, and uses such lame ones. From Joey's freaky imitations to Jesse's crappy music videos, I can't even believe it survived that long! Whew, Seeing this show again just give me the creeps!
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The Golden Girls (1985–1992)
A Sitcom's Victory!
26 March 1999
"The Golden Girls" is really one of the best shows ever. From its well done performances of such talented actressses to its wacky yet matured humor and jokes, this show change the meaning of sitcom forever. I'm really glad they came up with this show. I really love it! All the jokes are very funny. From Dorothy's facial expression, Blanche's wildest fantasies, Rose's St. Olaf Stories and Sophia's comments, It's a shame they have to end. I really missed this show.
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