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Sun Alley (1999)
Delightfully humorous but realistic film about life in the former East-Germany.
3 February 2001
I had absolutely no idea of what this film was about (other than that it was supposed to be a comedy of some sort) and therefore had hardly any grand expectations of it. A German movie? Right... well why not give it a try anyways... and what do you know, this film turned out to be an excellent one!

Fresh, funny and tragic, full of lively acting (Thanks to great actors albeit rather unknown to bigger audience I presume), clever script and witty and eloquent dialogue. A sort of coming-of-age story in a disturbing setting which is not exactly the world of opportunities to say the least. Craving for something so bad it's about the only thing you live for (be that a new rock album, a girl you've fallen in love with or something else), rise of counter-culture idealism, loss of innocence, making important choices for the first time in your life (and having sex with more partners than with just yourself, heh).

Altho an average American might think this story must have been a vastly exaggerated, it's not (I'm not of German origin either so I don't have a strong personal feel on the topics this picture deals with but I've read my share of history books so I dare to say I have the basic facts right in which to back myself up). Strip down the humorous elements and I bet you get what life pretty much was back then in the East-Germany. Strong censorship, limited freedom of speech (banned topics, one-party politics), one of the closest guarded boarder lines in the history of mankind with extremely thorough customs procedures etc etc.

It now seems more than unbelievable that there once was a huge wall (and mind you people just 12 years back in history!) which divided a whole city in the middle thus separating an entire nation in two: to the rich west and the poor east. People in the East-Germany forced to live under the forever observing eyes of the Big Brother in the communists' utopia while the better-off people of the West-Germany lived the capitalists' dream...

But still entire families were simultaneously torn apart, former friends and neighbors now living on the other side were seen as traitors and enemies of the state by both sides. The threat was always coming from "the other side" depending on which side you were living in! West-Germans looking down and pitying on their Eastern neighbor while East-Germans envy the western lifestyle but want to hold onto their pride. Common shared past is something you just can't wipe out altogether. Ridiculous times but unfortunately true nevertheless.

I felt that this movie dealt with important issues and things which we should never forget. We all know it's easier to cope with difficult situations if you can filter them through humor and see something good and redeeming in most things rather than always seeing the worst in everything.

Don't get me wrong this isn't a serious movies or hard one to watch per se (except for the ending)- it's great fun but if so desired a great opportunity to start a discussion. There were many outrageously funny scenes and on more than one occasion I burst out laughing out loud!

I strongly recommend seeing this movie. Saved my day at least!
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Much potentiality gone to waste.
2 February 2001
Warning: Spoilers

You could say I'm a fan of King to some respect but that doesn't mean everything he touches (or writes) turns to gold. This one had potential but due to weak script didn't deliver.

Despite SOTC is solid 4h movie it kept me quite nicely at its grip. To me it never felt uncomfortably boring, it was slow sure but there was undeniable building of suspension going on in the film right from the start so it didn't bother much.

I didn't particularly care much for the other characters (surely not for the goody-goody hero Mike Anderson, constable/deacon/grocer whose biggest vice is having cheated in the exams... Yes Stephen we get the point!) except for the movie's villain Linoge. Yes certain similarities with Hannibal Lecter's character can be seen in Linoge at times but not so that it would ruin the whole character for us. I give my thumbs up for Feore's excellent portrayal of the bad guy.

None of the one-dimensional islanders depicted in this movie evoked any sympathy from me or much other feelings for that matter. They felt pretty secondary except maybe for that Hatch character who seemed to be about the only one who reacted like a human being would react to things he can't explain and is afraid of. Also I thought that Tim Daly as the hero wasn't that bad... except when giving his final speech at the gathering. Once again I have to roll the blame to the script not to the actor. From his part he saved what little could be saved.

What did bother me was the utter thinness of the script. In a word it was pointless. Seemingly unbeatable evil in a form of Linoge suddenly appears and starts killing people one by one in no particular reason or order and always leaving behind a same repeating demand. But for some dubious reason he can't just take what wants? And why's that exactly? His motivations are never explained. Did he ever let them know what he wanted before killing them? No and how idiotic is that? Only in the film's climax he explains why. Doesn't work this way Stephen I'm sorry to say! Basically none of the killings he committed are justified in any way.

Altho Linoge is never portrayed as some mindless monster (except on the occasional close-ups of his fine teeth he could be counted as one?) who kills just for fun, why is it then that that is exactly what he does in the movie? Simply moving on to another victim never explained the reason why. I don't buy it because he seems to be intelligent and having a planned purpose which he follows.

The ending done this way cancels all the previous development in the plot. We could just as well have skipped right from the start to the scene where the whole community must make a choice (Why didn't Linoge just gather them up and confront them right in the beginning? There are no reasons why he couldn't have done that!). This way the movie would take less than half an hour and we'd still know exactly the same what we now know... and that is nothing much to begin with. And this storm of the century... what's that all about? With this script there's no need for one. It doesn't explain or clarify anything or make the storytelling impossible without its existence. Now it's just a filling in the movie and nothing more. If he wanted to make a catastrophe movie I'd understand but now... it's pointless. Really cheap trick to add ruthless atmosphere and few thrills.

As it comes to our attention, mr. Linoge is not immortal and therefore it is natural to think he can be killed right? Yet nothing was tried to overcome him. No resistance by anyone whatsoever, they simply give in to his demand. Unacceptable! In my opinion it would have been essential to explain Linoge's character and motivations in much more detail and the reasons why he was here.. why in Little Tall of all places? Why were the children smiling -perhaps even happy- when flying with Linoge? Who was he really? The death (my strongest guess would be this one not least due to that grim reaper scene)? Maybe even the devil? Or something else? Could he have been in some manner if not good... but needed never the less? An important part of life circle? Refers to the bible and historical events didn't much help either altho they did (as they always do) give certain credibility and add to the overall mood. Too many guesses for this flick to work sad to say. Now we'll never know.

The most interesting point in this film is the dilemma "give one, spare the others". A question which ordinarily wouldn't take four hours to answer but does so in this movie. I felt cheated by this movie because the real story should have just taken off from the point where it now finished at. After the gathering to the scene where Mike Anderson after many years sees mr. Linoge again but this time with his own son now "adopted" by Linoge as his apprentice. This is the appropriate story in which the plot should have concentrated on but didn't.

Yes, I was gravely disappointed in this flick because I know the level which King can achieve if so desires. Now, only much potentiality gone to waste. Tisk, tisk.
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Isänmaan toivot (1998–2002)
Without a doubt the best Finnish sitcom in the 90's.
14 March 2000
Talented young actors and actresses combined with witty and sarcastic script are the essential factors what "Isänmaan Toivot" TV-series is made of.

If there ever has been such a thing as well-made Finnish sitcom for audience ranging from say 16-35 years, then this has to be the one.

Take my word for it and check this out if you ever get the chance.
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RoboCop 3 (1993)
If you're a 9 year-old: why not. If above that: only good for a few laughs... really few.
14 September 1999
Ok, so I was bored out of my mind. ;) But since it happened to be on TV and I hadn't seen it before (what a loss!) and I really had nothing else to do, I thought what heck I might as well give it a chance. Well now I've seen it and yes, it honestly stank all the way thru.

While the original 'Robocop'-flick had some idea, this 3rd one (and hopefully the last one!) entertained me as much as seeing a real bad mime act. Really, I thought I had seen all the thrash there is. Well... Obviously I had missed this one.

Not quite dumb enough (altho very, very close to that) to be funny, just embarrassing really. But then again, I'm pretty sure that most 6 to 9 year-old males will find this movie to be "way cool!". So, if you don't fit in that criteria, I suggest passing this film.

"Dead or alive..." Brings absolutely nothing new to the genre.
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The Matrix (1999)
There's definitely fresh originality in this great movie. Most thrilling and exciting stuff! A MUST SEE!!
13 September 1999
Warning: Spoilers
Be advised; the text below *** CONTAINS SOME SPOILERS ***

Only thing that kind of disturbed me after seeing this great entertaining action/thriller was that why on earth those machines granted us humans with that pseudo-world in the first place? I don't think that machines would care less if we'd see our actual horrid reality rather than that artificially created 'nice' one. Am I supposed to believe that a machine has a sense of morality and pity? A machine with a consciousness? That's a good one. ;) That's not even too unique idea to begin with and even if so, that's really not too plausible here when considered how gruesome and ruthless those machines and their world is portrayed in this film's actual reality -not in that VR called the Matrix. Slightly controversial, yes, but if you can get past that you're facing a truly mind-blowing action/thriller movie experience!

But what about the city of Zion -humankind's _last_ refuge? We didn't get even a quick peek at it, why? And why did the machines just let Reeves escape from that alien fish tank (whatever it was!)? He simply pulls those freakish tubes off, after that the creepy spider-like machine comes poking around and decides to lift him up and throw him in the sewer pipes. Which it does. Reeves lands in water, tries hard to stay in the surface and *WHAM* the next moment he wakes up in Morpheus' and his crew's ship. (I'm not 100% sure if that's how it went, I might have missed something during these two scenes but I simply can't remember anymore since -let's face it- everything in this flick seems to happen at triple fast-forward! Heheh!)

I mean what the **ll was that suppose to be? While they're examining Keanu in the ship we learn that he's too weak to use his muscles (They in fact have to be re-built!) let alone use his eyes (Having never before used them in real life.)! And still he had somehow managed to get rid of the tubes stuck up in his a... body while being trapped as a human battery (Now that's witty, really!) in that container and struggled to stay afloat in water JUST a few moments ago! There are even more confusing stuff in the film than just these that I mentioned. I just hope the sequel(s) will provide us with well-reasoned answers to all those questions troubling -at least- me but hopefully you too. ;)

All those biblical referrals and enough ambiguous and cool philosophical one-liners and quotes plus a dialogue and a plot which messes with you head more than you'd like to, are pretty easy ways to make a movie seem more intellectual, sophisticated and even artistic to some content than it really is. Basically you can come up with any conclusions and try your best to reason what this flick really was about and still you don't know if you're right or wrong. I suppose everybody can see this movie in so many different ways if so wants. And that's just great! At least I personally like movies that really make me wonder and question stuff -no matter in what way that goal is achieved.

Cool, cold and distant acting. Some may consider that as bad acting, but frankly said that sort of style fits like a glove in the film's dark and "mildly" bizarre atmosphere. Great mind-boggling plot. Really far-out wicked special FXs! And maybe most intense (read: FAST!!) action scenes I've ever seen. Visually stunning. What else you wanna hear?? Go see this in some quality movie theater. Hold on to your seat and enjoy the ride!

PS. Would _you_ have taken the blue pill...? I would have.
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If you don't understand this... Your loss. This is a real killer!!
13 September 1999
If you consider that 'James Bond'-films are something holy and not to be blasphemed at: Don't see this one. If you're totally lacking a sense of humor: Again, don't see this one. If you only understand (excuse me, pretend to understand) films that no one else you know understands: Get a life. BUT if you like to have a good laugh at those 007-flicks and similar movies and you appreciate the good old 'tongue-in-cheek'-humor: This is the movie you should definitely see!

However this movie is not for those hypocrites who think a movie is failed just because there's vulgar use of words and *oh my gawd!* childish content. Because it doesn't have the word TRUE ART printed in the film cover, it simply can not be any good no matter what. And therefore it doesn't even deserve a chance. Gotcha. How boring those people and their lives must be. I am truly sorry for them. *sniff* *sob* *sob*

Easy? OF COURSE! Funny? YOU BET! Entertaining? FOR THE LAST TIME: YES!!! What more does a comedy movie need -or better yet- what more can a movie of that category give you? Nothing else! All the necessary ingredients are there and mixed with true love to humor. There ya have it, like it or not.

There's no way I'm missing the sequel!

TIP OF THE CENTURY: See/put things in the right perspective. That's all I'm really asking you people. Just that...
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Nothing good ever lasts for long.
31 August 1999
As far as I can remember this was a great show. Weird to some content, maybe? I call that originality. And believe me that's exactly what's missing in TV-shows today in the same category.. errmm... family soap for teens(?). ;)

If it was up to me I'd rather watch Byrds of Paradise than Party of Five. Don't get me wrong. PoF is watchable for the most parts, but I considered BoP had some real potential... Well, I suppose we get what we deserve.

Check this out if you ever get the chance.
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A must for a fan but also great entertainment to people who are not so familiar with Star Wars films.
28 August 1999
Now what can I say? I can't much (or more like don't even want to) analyze this movie at this point... if ever. ;) This only begins the great story that goes on in the Star Wars films and that story is in nowhere near completion, so it's pointless to criticize this one particular flick when no one hasn't yet seen the whole story. So much more is to be revealed in the upcoming films that will patch and then continue with the story... probably for generations to come! ;)

As just a separate story alone this one would have been an excellent one also. The performance of the whole cast and the plot turned both convincing and very much enjoyable and thrilling. Special effects are getting so unbelievably real-looking these days that it was just amazing, honestly. You didn't need to concentrate on or get annoyed by them because they were there so naturally that they weren't the main interest (altho spectacular nonetheless!) but vividly supported the story being told by their half.

Great action scenes (that 'supernatural martial arts'-fighting choreography is way cool, and it's always a magical moment when they combat one to one with old trusty light sabers), humor (which I've always liked in SW-flicks), lack of romance (ehh.. that kinda stuff just doesn't fit in too comfortably in SW's.. This is not the Titanic... Not meant as an offense tho -ed), aliens/creatures/droids/ships/etc (it's always fun to see how the artists or whoever like to picture them and portray how they act or function), stunning scenery and the whole concept of the Force. ;) You can catch all that just by watching this film.

Just awesome film. Can't wait to see more! Hardly any Star Wars fan finds this pure trash (on the contrary) but also I'd like to think that people who are not too interested in this whole entertainment product called Star Wars still find this movie a great one despite that. Highly recommended to anyone who likes a good fairy tale. That's just what this movie is about. Where the good ultimately conquers the evil. GREAT!
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The Grave (1996)
Macabre? A bit. Scary? Not really. Funny? You bet!
25 August 1999
I don't think this flick was that bad. I rather enjoyed watching it to be honest. Witty dialogue. Hillbilly humor. And although the actors are pretty unknown they all pull it off quite nicely. Especially the narrator does a great job. Creepy! ;)

Like he cleverly points out: "In the end everyone gets what they deserve." I think this movie wasn't even meant to be taken seriously. It's just fun to watch because you can never know exactly what's going to happen next. And that's refreshing for a change. ;)
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Truthfully the worst film I've ever laid my eyes on.
24 August 1999
I wrote my comments about this film some time back ago, but unfortunately they didn't publish it for some dubious reason. Maybe my use of words might have been a bit too colorful. ;)

So, having learned my lesson(?) I won't degrade myself again to use foul language or mock this film beyond any limits.

In short this movie was the most agonizing and frustrating movie experience I have ever witnessed in my entire life. I watched it from a tape and believe me I was _this_ close at... (I'm sure you can imagine the rest.) But having superior (hah!) tolerance I managed to watch it all the way through but it sure wasn't an easy task to accomplish.

Only good thing I learned from this movie is that when I previously thought that movies do not affect in negative ways to people who are totally sane, I've been compelled to think a bit differently. This is really insane film and I'm not surprised if someone gets totally wrong ideas into his/her mind after seeing this one. I am surprised though in case anybody finds this movie entertaining or amusing in any part, let alone hold this film as a masterpiece. Sickening, honestly.

I refuse to recommend this film to any living soul.
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Clever crime film with good cast.
24 August 1999
Warning: Spoilers
Since this movie is a crime thriller, I don't want to spoil your fun by revealing any facts.

I think Liam Neeson is very charismatic actor and he's done some great movies and I'd like to consider this to be well made and acted as well. Sometimes Neeson just ends up in the wrong movies. Dark Man for instance would've been terrible if it hadn't been saved by Neeson's melancholic and anguished performance. But this film is not a failure. In the movies he so commonly portrays a man who's weak and strong. Good and bad. It's somehow so human. You can feel that same thing in this particular movie too.

English atmosphere always makes films look more intelligent if compared to those made in Hollywood. ;) Maybe it's largely due to a fact that what foreign films lack in production costs they gain in realism. And realism is always a good thing.

I must confess that at least I got thoroughly fooled by this movie. I didn't realize the plot until it was revealed to me because not in any point of the film I ever even considered that as a one possible scenario. Man, I felt dumb but in some way I also felt betrayed since I genuinely felt sympathy for the wrong person. I just kept on waiting for the bad guy to show up when it had been there all along. ;)

Check this out. I found it very clever and full of good actors.
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Show Me Love (1998)
Altho little predictable this movie is hilarious!
15 August 1999
Well I finally went to see this movie with a few friends since it 'arrived' to our small town's crappy movie theater just recently. About time! So as you can expect being born and having lived my entire life in a small town where everyone knows your business better than yourself (you know what I'm talking about), I could relate to this movie in that sense. Basically it's just a story about bored young people with nothing much developing or creative to do in their little ***ked up town, so they just kill time drinking booze, going to lame parties and just hanging out on the streets, even though they'd rather wanna do something else. But what that 'something' is they don't really yet know.

A small town with prejudiced minds, teenaged angst, peer pressure, dating issues/problems, and general annoyance about how things always seem to be the same old same old **it. And why nothing -ANYTHING- interesting ever takes place in our community!! I think we've all been there. ;)

This movie's pretty much as realistic as a movie can be without turning into a documentary. Hugely raved about by the critics is a fact that always make me _really_ suspicious, but in this case at least they were pretty much right. It is indeed a great entertaining movie that's not to be viewed as some 'lesbian love' movie. It's even a tad annoying and superficial but hey, that's how your life was when you were in that age.' Elin' and 'Agnes' act well and so does Agnes' whole family. Other characters' acting is pretty standard.

If you're already post-teen (hehe!) this is your chance in taking a trip down to memory lane and realizing how boring and frustrating teenagers' life really was back then when you were young kid. At least I'm satisfied that those days are behind... if not entirely forgotten. ;) In case you just wanna check out if there's some hot nudity and love scenes, don't waste your time. Rent a blue movie for that. This movie really isn't that shocking, but it's simply fun to watch!

By far the best Swedish movie I've ever seen. ;)
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Good Will Hunting is simply one of the best films I've ever seen!
15 August 1999
I won't reveal anything about the plot, it just wouldn't be fair. But I will say one thing: Unique screenplay and great actors always guarantee a memorable movie. And this film makes no exception to that. I've never seen Matt Damon in any other film before this, and I have to say I was simply blown away by Damon's superb acting and his and Ben Affleck's first-class screen writing skills. Robin Williams is the right choice as the unconventional psychiatrist, Will's friends all do a great job and Minnie Driver plays an excellent role too. Good Will Hunting is at the same time funny, fascinating and touching, and avoids turning into an embarrassing study of how human mind really works. Even clichés don't feel like clichés in this brilliant film. These kinds of movies really make your brain tick. Well.. Mine at least.


(You won't be disappointed or if you are, blame yourself for not understanding a masterpiece when you see one.)
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Summer of Fear (1996 TV Movie)
Have I seen this movie before...?
7 June 1999
Average cast. Predictable plot. And a happy ending... Uhh.. What kinda movie is this supposed to be anyways? Too lame to be a thriller, so let's say it's one of those semi-suspense flicks. Pretty standard film all in all that really has not much new to offer... If you don't have anything better to do, you might as well watch this.
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Misery (1990)
Quite good... but nothing compared to the novel!
17 May 1999
I just recently watched this film again, because I had read the novel (in English) a few months ago and I liked the book a lot. So after reading the book and now watching the movie again... Well let's just say, the film doesn't match up even close to the excellence of the book. The growing suspension, agony, frustration and desperate waiting described in the novel are things that just can't be explained in hour and a half...

Still the film isn't bad. It has its downs and highs. Nevertheless quite good all in all, but if compared with the novel: the film lacks so much. Do yourself a big favor and read the Misery novel if you haven't done so yet!
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The Ren & Stimpy Show (1991–1996)
One of the best shows ever broadcasted in the history of television!
15 April 1999
The Ren and Stimpy Show is the next best thing to The Simpsons. It's not educational. It doesn't even try to lecture about life. Those are some of the reasons why this show is as awesome as it is! And it's killingly FUNNY!!! Guaranteed laughter!

The dialogue is phenomenally witty and sarcastic, and the story writing is simply ingenious! Not to even mention the incredibly well created characters in the show, especially Ren and Stimpy, of course! Despite their madness they seem so much human that it's weird. (Still I hope that Ren and Stimpy do not have even remote counterparts in the real life!! Hehehe!) Altho the series is not technically much of an eye pleaser, it's not even meant to be that. That's what gives it that unique surreal look and mood. The close-ups are plain sick! (And after seeing them _you_ start feeling sick!) Hehehh!! Also the music and sound effects used in the series fit perfectly in the stories. And the voices!!! They are brilliantly spoken! This series should get the recognition it clearly deserves.

If you don't understand this TV-series, there's something wrong with you man! And I can't but feel sorry for you. It's your loss. I wouldn't recommend Ren and Stimpy Show to just anybody. It's definitely NOT a children's cartoon and not meant to be viewed or judged as such. One of the best shows in TV!
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The Rock (1996)
If you want some heavy duty action... Don't miss this one!
13 April 1999
Ed Harris is a highly decorated officer and a man with a conscience. And he's had it with the wicked ways of the armed forces. Good man with a good cause? You'll be the judge of that. He only wants $100 million bucks (to donate some 89 mill to the families of soldiers 'forgotten' by the military and some pocket money for himself and his loyal army buddies of course) or else he'll gas the people of San Francisco with VX in no time... Well in 48 hours at least.

Sean Connery, man without identity. Aged man, left to rot in prison cell for stealing FBI boss Hoover's microtapes long time ago. And only man ever to successfully escape from Alcatraz, or The Rock as the former inmates call it. He's the only man familiar enough with the web of tunnels under the prison. When 'offered' a full pardon after being behind bars for three decades, it's hard to say no... And besides, it's his only choice really. They don't like him but they sure as hell need him.

Nicolas Cage, FBI's chemical weapons specialist, soon-to-be-father and a beatlemaniac. A sissy lab rat... But not for long! He's the man when bombs need to be defused. And believe me some mean fire crackers are needed to be defused and fast!

There's the main characters, tho I wish they would have given John C. McGinley a bigger role. Great acting nevertheless. And yes you really _can_ imagine what's going to happen and how it all ends. ;) Lots of dead bodies, wrecked cars, gun firing and explosions. Pools of blood, guts and new creative ways to die. Heheh!

But altho the movie is filled with old clichés, who cares?! It's still entertainment at best! The Rock is one of those movies where you can hardly catch your breath, when someone turns on the turbo switch again. ;) Phenomenal non-stop action!

A movie that you can just watch and enjoy and laugh about without giving it another thought after seeing it... _But_ there are important issues in the film if you want to start a deeper conversation. Shouldn't be too hard task to find what they are I'm sure.

I recommend to all intense action lovers.
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Häjyt (1999)
Probably my favorite Finnish film!
10 April 1999
If you are not a Finn, you might not fully understand this great movie at first. But don't be alarmed, you will get it eventually! But if you've lost all your interests towards Finnish movies (Maybe seeing one too many Kaurismäki films... Heheh!), the cure for that is this extraordinary excellent movie! If I should recommend one Finnish movie, I'd choose this one.

A tragicomic story of two ex-cons and their wild life at their birth region up north. A story that you just know can't end too well once started. The plot is so well written that you don't wanna miss a single scene or line! And the actors do a superb job. Especially Edelmann's performance as Jussi Murikka (the crazier of the two petty crooks) is as good as acting simply can get.

I won't reveal anything more of the plot because I wouldn't want to spoil your fun if you ever get a chance to seeing the movie. BTW. The soundtrack is also great, but foreigner people might not appreciate it like I would. I think the music used in the movie adds that extra flavoring and supports the story by its behalf.

I totally recommend everyone -man, woman, child and adult- to seeing this wonderful movie. WARNING: Contains bizarre humor! Please don't take the movie too seriously and make hasty presumptions of Finns and the characteristics of our nature... Which is nonetheless peculiar enough! ;)
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The X Files (1998)
Not bad but nothing spectacular either.
15 March 1999
I did in fact see this in the movies and all in all I think it was enough entertaining and action packed while keeping in mind the level of TV-series. Cool scenery too. I know this movie was meant to be played as a natural sequel to the TV-series, but unfortunately in Finland for instance we're way behind in the TV-series, so this movie might very well had much stronger effect on me if we hadn't been 'lagging' so to speak. And that's why I didn't really have any idea how they (Mulder & Scully) had ended in such weird situation. So because I didn't know what had happened earlier I couldn't really relate to the movie that good. I think in order to really know whats going on in the movie, it requires seeing at least some of the episodes preceding the movie. Well I think I have to watch the movie again when I have the chance to see those 'missing' episodes. ;)
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Intensity (1997 TV Movie)
Great chilling entertainment! I'd read the book if I wasn't such a lazy person.
15 March 1999
I just watched this mini TV-series a few days ago. A friend of mine recommended seeing it. So I did. And I wasn't disappointed.

The story was pretty ok, but what really caught my eyes were the two main characters: Chyna (the heroine) and Mr. Vess (the bad guy). Chyna is insecure but determined young woman who has been neglected as a child and thus she suffers from recurring nightmares and repeating flash backs from her miserable past. Mr. Vess on the other hand comes from a good loving family or so he states when Chyna tries to use inversed psychology with him (with no obvious luck) when she's being held captive at his house of horrors, aiming to save a missing girl named Ariel.

Well coming from a good background or not, Vess is not the man you wanna mess with. But what we also get to know very soon after seeing Mr. Vess for the first time in action, that he is in fact a genuine psychopath who likes to hunt not just game but also people during his morbid little trips on the road with his big bad VR in order to bring home some trophies to 'his' sweet Ariel.

He's handy with his knife and careful with his life... But not enough that his extremely sensitive senses and trained dogs will get him of the hook this time. _Intense_ suspense. Thrilling moments guaranteed and even some mysticism. I especially liked Mr. Vess' performance. Particularly his facial expressions and deep sighing and quiet murmuring when playing with his knives added some chilling effects on the character.

Now it's my time to recommend this great mini TV-series to all you people who haven't seen it. It's based on Koontz novel, but I can't make any comparisons with the book and the TV-series since I have never read any of his books. Maybe I ought to...
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A movie with a message. Definitely worth seeing.
15 March 1999
First of all I have to point out that I have never been to USA, so I can't say that all afro-americans have it wrong. But a lot of them do. But so does all the minorities in all around the world. Nor can I say that the lives of young black americans are exactly what's portrayed in the movie. Sure there are parts in US where gang fights and killings are nothing uncommon. So it's pretty hard for me to really relate to the feelings the characters in the movie are going through, because I've personally had a rather painless life myself... So far at least. None of my friends have been killed, none of us deals drugs let alone use them (Well except drink booze of course), cops don't bug us and we don't bug them etc. Some might say I've had a good easy life. Maybe so. But I know there are people who live crappy life or live in crappy neighbourhood or both. This movie is their story. And an excellent such.

Great acting. Unembellished story. And a strong and most of all important message you can't possibly ignore, unless you watch the movie with your eyes closed. I know a lot of people live their lives with their eyes closed most of the time, thinking: "It's not my problem. I don't care." Open you eyes.
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This is NOT another typical Hollywood movie!
19 February 1999
Before seeing this movie, I thought that Cage's acting was limited only to portray either some mean macho man, or some wannabe-funny characters. Man, was I WRONG! The depth of his acting hit me in the face so hard (Auch!), that I was instantly hooked on to this movie from the very first minutes. (Because I roughly knew what the movie was about.) I had never ever before seen him put so much effort towards acting. The way he was as a suicidal drunk, was something I could actually relate to at the moment that I was watching the movie. (I had done some boozing over the weekend, and had this surreal hangover. Hehe.. Not those kinds of when you feel sick, but when you feel momentarily satisfied.) And altho this man finds a woman that has feelings for him and vice versa, his self determined 'fate' can't be changed by anyone or anything. Not even love. It's that final. I had this feeling that -of course- he'd eventually 'wake-up and smell the roses', but NO! This totally surprised me! The closing scene is unforgettable: He's barely in his senses when she comes to him. Dispite that, his hand reaches for the bottle one last time. Maybe thinking: "Time to finish what I came here to do." Then he exhales his last breath. Unforgettable. It's a touching film about a man, who simply has no longer the need to live. He's not afraid to die. He's not afraid of anything anymore. He's ready. NO MORALIZATION HERE.
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Postman Pat (1981–2017)
To praise the afore mentioned TV-series.
18 February 1999
Since there wasn't a single comment about this marvelous TV-series, I thought to share some of my thoughts about it. For the record: I'm not 6 years old anymore (sadly...), so please try to see my views expressed here in that perspective. ;) This show is not running in Finland anymore (doubt if anywhere?) and unfortunately I too have no idea on what time period this series was made, or for how long it was on TV. But it's OLD I tell you that! But enough of that. I used to love this series when I was a little kid! I remember that at some point I actually wanted to be him... Or at least a postman anyways!

For all of you who don't know what this series was all about, I'm now going to tell it to you fair and square. The whole idea is simply based around the life of this well-mannered and witty English postman. He always comes across with these problems that seem to make the deliverance of mail hard or almost impossible! Eg. road block of some sort, flat tire, weather conditions etc. But being a smart man, he always finds a way, one way or another. By his own or with help of other characters in the series. I can't remember much about the other characters, just remember the good-old Pat and his way cool lorry!

The roads portrayed in the series are really really winding and tiny plus they're surrounded on both sides by stone walls. So, Pat must have both eyes on the road at all times when driving around with his lorry through the bumpy scenery! Though, somehow I have this image that Pat used to be quite easy-going fella all in all and he usually was a bit heavy on the gas, if you know what I mean? ;)

As far as I can recall the series was 'acted' by puppets, which probably gave it that great and funny look. And the jingle was unforgettable too! I would sing it here, if I only could... Heh! So, in short: Postman Pat is awesome. I recommend to all the kids and child-like adults! ;) Enjoy! (And drive carefully!)
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Dark Skies (1996–1997)
Tells all you need to know...
18 February 1999
Like someone comments, Dark Skies is an excellent sci-fi type series, I couldn't agree more. It was exciting how the show so seamlessly put together sci-fi and past political events and social issues that took place during the 50's and late 60's. You could easily imagine and play with thoughts that that was exactly what _could have actually happened_ back in those days. ;) And while I was getting a bit bored with the current episodes in 'the files' in that time, Dark Skies gave me what I needed the most: the never ending discussions of UFO and alien conspiracy! For this series was truly just that and nothing else. About UFOs and alien life forms. No soapy relationships, no pathetic vampire stories etc. if you know what I'm getting at. ;) It is unfortunate however that they decided to cancel the show, just when it was getting really interesting. It would have had great potential in becoming the next generation X-Files, if it had only been given that chance to prove itself. Once again for the lack of viewers apparently. Shame on you! ;( Yup, in the end it all comes down to (not to providing some great entertaining experiences but...) MONEY. In any case, Dark Skies is a must see for all the UFO freaks out there! And I know there's lots of ya ppl!
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Johnny Bago (1993)
Did anybody even bother to watch it?
18 February 1999
Once again there wasn't any comments about the show... Wonder why? As far as I can tell Johnny Bago was hilarious! Remember one episode with the King (You know who I'm talking about!) in it. He was all bloated but still ate all the time. Heheh! He was like a perfect gentleman at some point, and the next he was talking gibberish, mumbling, or humming some of his old songs. That specific episode was as fun as fun can possibly get!! And in gereral too the show was fun to watch.

I can't really remember what the plot was all about, but who cares about it. In fact that was probably the best thing in the whole show: You never knew what crazy things were going to happen in the episodes! Man, sometimes I just wish I could live as easy-going life as Johnny did... Just cruising around the states with an RV with no worries on my mind! [Okay, I wouldn't want to get in all that mess he usually winded up!] If you ever get the chance to see it on a re-run or whatever, I strongly recommend watching it!
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