A must for a fan but also great entertainment to people who are not so familiar with Star Wars films.
28 August 1999
Now what can I say? I can't much (or more like don't even want to) analyze this movie at this point... if ever. ;) This only begins the great story that goes on in the Star Wars films and that story is in nowhere near completion, so it's pointless to criticize this one particular flick when no one hasn't yet seen the whole story. So much more is to be revealed in the upcoming films that will patch and then continue with the story... probably for generations to come! ;)

As just a separate story alone this one would have been an excellent one also. The performance of the whole cast and the plot turned both convincing and very much enjoyable and thrilling. Special effects are getting so unbelievably real-looking these days that it was just amazing, honestly. You didn't need to concentrate on or get annoyed by them because they were there so naturally that they weren't the main interest (altho spectacular nonetheless!) but vividly supported the story being told by their half.

Great action scenes (that 'supernatural martial arts'-fighting choreography is way cool, and it's always a magical moment when they combat one to one with old trusty light sabers), humor (which I've always liked in SW-flicks), lack of romance (ehh.. that kinda stuff just doesn't fit in too comfortably in SW's.. This is not the Titanic... Not meant as an offense tho -ed), aliens/creatures/droids/ships/etc (it's always fun to see how the artists or whoever like to picture them and portray how they act or function), stunning scenery and the whole concept of the Force. ;) You can catch all that just by watching this film.

Just awesome film. Can't wait to see more! Hardly any Star Wars fan finds this pure trash (on the contrary) but also I'd like to think that people who are not too interested in this whole entertainment product called Star Wars still find this movie a great one despite that. Highly recommended to anyone who likes a good fairy tale. That's just what this movie is about. Where the good ultimately conquers the evil. GREAT!
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