
9 Reviews
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The Rescuers (1977)
Underrated Retro Disney Gem of adventure, whimsy, action, cuteness and raw imagination
17 January 2010
The "Rescue Aid Society" is a centuries-old organization that was founded by the helpful little mouse of the old "Aesop's fable". It's a secret organization of adventurous, intrepid, yet perfectly civilized mice from all over the world who lend a helping hand to anyone in need.

Our hero mice of the film are, the beautiful, sophisticated, & sweet-natured Miss Bianca (Eva Gabor) and her partner-in-adventure and admirer: the mild-mannered, and cautious Bernard (Bob Newhart). They are out to rescue a kidnapped 6-year-old orphan named "Penny".

Penny has been kidnapped by the slimy, greedy old pawn shop owner Medusa (a "Cruella De Vil" prototype no doubt) and her bumbling windbag minion Snoops who just isn't as intimidating no matter how hard he trys. Penny is small enough to squeeze into caverns & tombs and retrieve valuable diamonds for them.

Though cherubic & innocent, but snaggle-toothed & drab-clothed Penny often lacks confidence in her looks & "adoptable" factor, she's brave, strong, and resourceful, cooperating with her captors just long enough to stay safe, and sends messages for "help" and keeping faith that she will be saved.

The movie's animation has a wonderful classic 70's feel to it, without looking "cheap" or like it was just thrown together. Though not in "musical/song-and-dance number" format (thank goodness) there are a few haunting, yet heartwarming songs playing as we stay hopeful that precious Penny overcomes this ordeal. It's quite evident that a lot of heart, soul, and creativity was put into both the story as well as the animation. Though there is no "violence" in the film there is much suspenseful peril and well-animated "action sequences" that our mice heroes must face on their journey for Penny's rescue, that keeps the viewer on the edge of his/her seat.

Unlike most animated family films of *this* generation, the comic relief is kept to a minimum and a subtle degree for *most* of the film, but boy the villains, the climax, and their fates do not fail to bring the "lols".

This is one of Disney's more underrated & thoroughly charming & heart-warming animated films from beginning to end. Fun for the whole family, and a flawlessly executed animated action/adventure with no gimmicks, snark, pop-culture name-drops whatsoever.

It's a wholesome, heartwarming and quirky animated film that was conceptualized & powered by nothing but good old-fashioned raw imagination.

Definitely worth a watch : 10/10
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Formulaic yet Fun!...An enjoyable family flick but had the potential to be more
1 April 2009
"Monsters vs. Aliens" is the latest (as well as, most aesthetically engaging & impressive;even sans 3-D) CGI animated film to date.

It follows Susan; an amiable, relatable girl-next-door/bride-to-be, whose wedding day is horribly interpreted when a meteorite hits her & causes her to sprout to 50 feet, and captured by the U.S. government as their latest imprisoned top secret monster : "Ginormica".

Away from her family, friends, fiancé & society for almost a month, she befriends the other captured govt't-contained monster.

A scientist mutated into a cockroach, an amphibious monster, and a blue amorphous gelatinous blob.

Susan/Ginormica & her monster co. are quite likable amusing & it would've been nice if they had more screen time & funnier dialouge to work with...But the aliens' motives & plot must be explained in the meantime.

Like many animated family films these days, "Monsters vs. Aliens" contains humor primarily aimed @ children & for the adults: silly random homages payed to adult genres.

Example: Pixar's "The Incredibles" payed homage to the superhero genre Another Example: yet another Pixar favorite of mine, "WALL*E" payed homage to the sub-genre of post-apocalyptic dystopian sci-fi.

The "Shrek" movies etc...' "Monsters vs. Aliens" obviously pays homage to monster movies, alien movies & disaster movies (the San Fransico bridge sequence was fantastic to watch) but I just feel that it had the potential to be something as excellent as "The Incredibles" but was stymied by Dreamworks' unwavering dependency on "saturday morning cartoon" dialog, formula, & delivery.

Though I praised them earlier the interactions between the mad roach scientist, the blob & the sea monster do not seem fresh; like they were ripped straight out of a standard Saturday morning cartoon & I've seen them before....These 3 characters have an inspired backstories that are briefly explained in the movie, so I was expecting them to be a little more engaging.

Now before you die-hard "Dreamworks" fans out there say this user comment isn't useful & submitted by a biased Pixar fangirl, I actually enjoy many Dreamworks movies; even the ones that are usually bashed like "Bee Movie".

Although I laughed harder @ Bee Movie than I did "Monsters vs. Aliens", the latter movie is superior as a MOVIE but like the former Dreamworks flick, I think there was a lot of untapped potential.

The visuals were excellent (the most beautifully animated Dreamworks film yet) but it wasn't as funny as it could've been even though there were many jokes & one-liners.

However, I'm not a child nor do I have a family of my own, so maybe I'm being a tad bit harsh.

Children (and most parents) will Definitely enjoy this movie, so I do recommend it.
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Watchmen (2009)
Doesn't hold a candle to the novel, but Snyder understood "The Big Joke"
6 March 2009
The undeniably brilliant & beautiful graphic novel masterpiece about the archetypical conflict of the "superhero" :"saving the world", inevitable war, and the human condition is now an enjoyable, but not "perfectly" competent film adaptation.

For those who didn't read the book: "Watchmen" is set in an alternate universe where Nixon serves under a 3rd term in 1985, battling the Soviets despite impending worldwide thermonuclear holocaust...The film follows washed-up formerly-masked vigilantes who were all active until they were forced by the gov't to retire in the Keene Act of '77.

Though the film leaves out a significant amount of information & emotional scenes of certain characters that the book contains, such as,Laurie Jupiter,Rorschach & the New Yorkers surrounding the "Gunga Diner", Snyder obviously read the book & although he watered down some emotionally gripping scenes or left them out completely; he understood the *primary" point of "Watchmen" Humanity's "Big Joke"....These superheros goal is to "save the world"...But will the world let them? Is chaos inevitable? Do perfectly moral masked saviors really exist?

"Rorschach" :a mysterious, monotonous hero in a trench coat fedora & earie moving "Rorschach" blotted mask that is still "active" even after the Keen Act, therefore a much feared fugitive, merciless interrogator ; never spares evil-doers, fights viciously to punish the amoral & he never surrenders even in the face of Armageddon. He's a crusader for black & white justice. Black white forces bouncing off of each other, NEVER mixing of grey as Rorschach says, the mask is his "face".

"The Comedian" is a "superhero" "war hero" with sadistic tendencies who sets the stage for the film's themes in the beginning, as well as the very end.

He really just fights evil for something to "fight", he knows humans will inevitably kill each other off, and chooses to revel in the chaos.

Then there is "Dr. Manhattan" a REAL superhuman...An indestructible immortal nuclear force who can do virtually *anything*, manipulate basic physics that were once thought to be written in stone...He is fighting for America, yet the Soviets are not surrendering..The world is proving The Comedian right.Also due to his condition of no longer being a "normal" human,due to tragic circumstances, he becomes unmotivated to defend humanity.He no longer sees the value in humans.

The only retired hero who seems to genuinely care about the world, and promises to end all wars is the retired-hero & self-made millionaire Adrian "Ozymandias" Veidt...He is also the only retired hero with the most positive public image, selling action figures & other self-endorsing merchandise.

He's a hero we can completely trust & believe in...Or is he? This film is a rather difficult one to review...I've read the graphic novel before watching this film adaptation which is probably the BEST way to enjoy & understand the film and the movie's opening & ending are the perfect interpretations of the book.

In the middle, it meanders a bit and isn't paced too well IMO...However as adaptations go, I can tell the filmmakers truly understood the book & interpreted it accurately save for, as I mentioned earlier, the strong emotional impact the book provokes.

Even if you didn't read the book, this is definitely an enjoyable film, never a dull moment, and you may not look @ the superhero genre the same way again.

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Coraline (2009)
A wonderfully whimsical ly cute feast for the eyes with a somewhat touching message
21 February 2009
There comes a time (well MANY times really) in a percosious tween's life when he or she feels lonely, bored, ignored or all-of-the-above.

"Why don't my parents listen to me?" "Why can't I ever get anything want?" Sometimes we just wish our lives were full of magic, joy and indulgent parents...That's the perfect life! Or is it? The lush, exuberant stop-motion vehicle "Coraline" asks these questions, telling a tale of a wayward bored blue-haired little girl whose emotionally-distant preoccupied parents move into a dreary seemly-ordinary ancient house, that is a tunnel to an alternate world, discovered by the disenchanted girl.

There is never a dull moment in this film....The colors & animation techniques pop right off the screen (and I didn't even SEE this in 3-D! I doubt there's much of a difference) I don't know if it's too late for this to be an Oscar-contender but it definitely deserves a nod.

Now does this has any "re-watchability" appeal?...

I'm not quite sure; time will tell.

But I enjoyed myself in the theaters & for a family or just an animation fanantic such as myself this is a must-see.

However, you may want to keep the very "small" and/or "sensetive" children home with the babysitter, because there are many parts (including the climax) that would probably frighten kids under those 2 categories...

Also a very "cheeky" (and flabby) scene involving the two resident eccentric retired burlesque/circus performers of the Pink Palace may be inappropriate as well.

Other than that, the film is perfectly innocent and you just might walk away appreciating your "real" parents & kids more than you did before walking in the theatre.
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WALL·E (2008)
Not just another Pixar masterpiece....A modern day SCI-FI masterpiece!
27 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This truly is one beautiful, touching animated sci-fi film....I cannot stress this enough. It's a unique cinema experience that you must enjoy firsthand.

The tale is set in the 22th century , Earth has become a lifeless wasteland full of garbage, that the human race evacuated nearly a millennium ago....Lifeless, that is with the two exceptions being the "artifical" life form "WALL-E" & his pet cockroach.

WALL-E is a squat humble trash-compacting robot who while continuing to fulfill the duties he was programmed for ( even though it's pointless considering there are no more humans on the planet ) collects certain leftover nicknacks, novelty items and even old films that he can still play. He mentally stimulates himself and enjoys fragments of the culture that is now gone ( that of the human race ). Though, WALL-E has imprinted on his little cockroach & vice versa, the little robot longs for more companionship.

He receives it in the form of a beautiful, sleek, defensive "fembot fatale" "EVE "....In their own little forms of robotic communication ( repeating each other's names in various connotations depending on moods ; "WAAAALLL-E," "EEEEEEEE-VAH!" ) and WALL-E's Chaplin-esquire clumsiness that amuses EVE, the pair imprint on each other and enjoy each other's company.

Sadly, EVE has located a small plant and must return it to her mother ship and leave WALL-E forever...But WALLL-E hops aboard the ship in pursuit of his darling "EEEEEE-VAH".

And yes this film has very little dialog, but guess what, IT DON'T NEED NO STINKIN' DIALIOUGUE!....The brilliance and beauty of the film is in the interactions and responses of the little robots : a great representation of what "artificial intelligence" really is and what it may actually be one day!

And how ironic it is that in this film the organic HUMAN RACE has become soulless, mirthless, artless, jaded, self-centered cogs in a machine of blind consumerism, yet the mechanical artificial beings still respond to their surroundings like a toddler or pet : with curiosity, wonder, and delight in communication & learning.

And yes there is plenty of comic relief ( albeit sans dialouge ) so no this movie is NOT BORING....It's beautiful, it even made me a little bit misty-eyed.

So yeah if you're an a fan of animated films, sci-fi films, and romance you should definitely check out this movie.

Obviously, it is going to win a very well-deserved Oscar for "Best Animated Film".
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Dreamgirls (2006)
Finally an African American film with substance soul & entertainment
20 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Lemme just say as a black person I often get annoyed with the stereotypical dreck that Hollywood markets toward us....Garbage like Tyler Perry,Martin Lawrence & thug/gangster hip-hop/dance films aren't only generic but they're embarrassing & offensive to the African American community.

DreamGirls however is a beautiful story with a talented black cast that EVERYONE of all ethnicities can enjoy & empathize with the characters....The film has depth, heart & amazing acting...Qualities the other films I mention lack.

The story begins in the 1960's & closes in the late 1970's...The DreamGirls are these Supremes-esquire singers who are a hit in MoTown but are struggling to make it big in mainstream white America...To appeal to this marketable & sought-after demo, the most talented & soulful member, Effie White (Jennifer Hudson), lead BIG girl with the big personality must sing back up & let the prettier,innocent, less threatening damsel, Deena Jones (Beyonce Knowles) lead the group....

For only Deena has the sleek Anglo body structure the submissive persona & fluffy "pop" voice to appeal to the "American Bandstand" consumers.

Of course this upsets Effie on many different levels.....She is after all the most talented & passionate of the three. She DESERVES to be the lead more than anybody. Yet she's denied that b/c of her looks.

On one hand Effie is pretty self-absorbed & petulant....Her friends, boyfriend Curtis (Jaime Foxx) leave her b/c she refuses to sing backup. If she just cooperated with what was asked, her life wouldn't had been so tragic & empty...But her song at this climatic scene, "You're Gonna Love Me" makes you do just that...Love Effie. And feel sorry for her that her talent is unappreciated & her career is over while Deena undeservedly becomes a wealthy Superstar.

Now this is a musical (there's more music then there is plot) so if you absolutely HATE musicals you should avoid DreamGirls of course.

But the acting & singing (esp. by Jennifer Hudson & Eddie Murphy) is phenomenal and mind blowing.....They both are definitely worthy of their Oscar nods and I hope they win frankly.

Esp. Hudson....I never thought a reality show loser could have so much talent (she wasn't even TRYING to be actress on American Idol!) I really hope she goes far.

This isn't a perfect movie...The story is a little cliché and the ending seems tacted-on and only semi-resolved.

But this is still worth watching if you're a fan of MoTown music & good movies....And if you can just tolerate musicals but love excellent acting, DreamGirls is still worth it.
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Robots (2005)
Pleasantly Surprised!
19 November 2006
I was expecting Robots to suck b/c in the trailers there were several "red flags"

1.) Trailers never explained story

2.) All-star cast...Usually indicating no one invested in the plot or hired actors with REAL vocal talent, they just wanted big names to attract people..."Shark Tale" is a perfect example of this.

3.) It was "Dreamworks" thus I was expecting fart joke after pop-culture pun every 2 minutes...(Again see "Shark Tale" or better "Shrek")

4.) Robin Willaims-I like the guy as an actor, I'm not knocking his methods but lately he just turns into one huge ham on crack when he voices cartoons...He thinks he's stealing scenes when he just makes the cartoon irritating.

But I rented this last year & was surprised at how much I enjoyed! I watched it over & over again...The story is very cute! Rodney is a suburban Robot (in a universe where there are NO organic creatures just machines) who dreams of being a big time inventor in Robot City...He finds that a corporate villain is out to melt down ALL Robots who cannot afford to get "up-graded" to look like a sleek chrome android.

The story isn't that original, but frankly neither are MOST CGI flicks...Also "The Incredibles" had better voice-acting...Mel Brooks(Big Weld) Craig Kilborn (Ratchett) Jennifer Coolidge(Aunt Fan) & Amanda Bynes(Piper) were the best voices...

Everyone else was okay and Halle Berry (Cappy) was absolutely bland.You can tell Dreamworks only hired her for bragging rights...So bland that you'd wish Rodney would fall in love with Piper instead...But I guess Piper was too young for him & that wouldn't be right.

Also the animation is amazing...The characters look like live-action toys & each Robot has a quirky intricate design...It almost looks like it was animated by someone with Obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Anyway I'd recommend this movie....It's better than most of Dreamworks CGI.

And there are a few fart jokes (not in excess though) & I actually thought Robin Willaims was tolerable...He didn't make the movie great but he didn't bring it down either.

So yeah if it's on TV or you wanna rent it, give it a chance.
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The Producers (2005)
Personally I loved it but if you DON'T like Mel Brooks or Over-the-top acting then DON'T watch it
18 November 2006
I apologize for the caps, but so many people who commented negatively on this movie are such idiots! Simply not liking it is one thing (with "The Producers" you either love it or hate it) but don't be a douche bag & write a review bashing the actors, calling them untalented! Any person with a half a brain can see that isn't true.

Also to the people who are mad that Nathan Lane & Matthew Broderick are (in your opinions) inferior to Zero Mostel & Gene Wilder, therefore this is a "pointless remake"....Newsflash You Old Farts: its SUPPOSE to be different from the '68 version! It's a recording of the 2001 musical that was the highest grossing, most acclaimed musical of all time! Not everyone in this country are such philistines and homophobes that they won't tolerate a musical! So if you're an absolute purist of the '68 original, I recommend you don't see it...But respect that "The Producers" the musical is a part of history & many ppl wanted to see it and were satisfied.

But all hope isn't lost for you purists! If you love Mel Brooks's droll over-the-top cartooney humor...You'll love "The Producers"...B/c to me the first 30 minutes was like watching a living cartoon show (again if you don't like that sort of thing, avoid the movie) Which ISN'T to imply that the characters were one-dimensional jokes with no emotion! Nathan Lane & Matthew Broderick both have beautiful singing voices & you empathize for their down-&-out neurotics, Max & Leo.

If you're a more macho Mel Brooks fan I could understand if you don't like this version... In the '68 original Leo & Max weren't really "freinds" & the ending is darker.

But I still very much enjoyed this version...So if you are a Mel Brooks fan you should ignore the haters & give "The Producers" a chance.
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Smile Darn Ya Smile
17 November 2006
This movie is excellent! It's funny, suspenseful,& witty. The leads, Roger & Eddie are likable in their own unique ways and the FX are breathtaking! Bob Hoskins & Chris Lloyd deserved Oscar nods IMO.

WFRR is what most of today's CGI films "pretend" to be! A mature, family film that people of many generations can enjoy!

Anyone who hasn't seen this film I definitely recommend it! If you like quirky comedies,fantasies, suspenseful films, or are a cartoon geek watch WFRR!...

As a huge fan of all things comedic, I love the film's message about laughter!

When the film opens, detective Eddie Valiant (Bob Hoskins) is this disenchanted, cynical alkie who hasn't gotten over the murder of his brother who was killed by a toon...Because of this Eddie[ who was once known for his penchant for solving toon-related cases, getting the colorful playful creatures out of trouble] resents ALL toons now and refuses to work for or with them.

Too bad Roger Rabbit doesn't know this. He is a toon who is wanted for a murder he didn't commit and hounded by the creepy & corrupt judge/jury/executioner : Judge Doom. Thus he seeks Valiant's help. During their search for the true killer and their evasion of Judge Doom & his weasel cohorts, Eddie wonders how Roger can have such an exuberant clownlike spirit in the face of possible death. Roger tells Eddie "a laugh can be a very powerful thing, why sometimes in life it's the only weapon we have."

The tone of the film is a mixture of dark noir frenetic tooniness a sultry yet strong damsel (the one and only Jessica Rabbit) and social racial allegory.

The film's theme of minorities (the toons) vs. genocide & "the man" (Judge Doom)....And of Eddie's prejudices against toons (due to his brother's murder) disappearing at the end, thus he overcomes his alcoholism and grief or Roger's very motto of "Laughter is a powerful weapon" and how that helps Eddie in the final showdown (by killing the weasels with laughter and thwarting Judge Doom with a toon prop that malfunctions his diabolical machine).

American Pop-culture & escapism ARE powerful weapons against misery, hatred & life's hardships in general. And they help unite all different walks of life.

WFRR takes place in the WWII era towards the 50s...While the 40's were a time of American unity, escapism & pop-culture (what the "toons" represent) The 50's were more about cold hard, capitalism technology & being superior..I feel that the megalomaniac villain represents THAT as well as the racial/cultural insensitivity that came with the 50's.

But no matter how you interpret WFRR it's an American masterpiece! There seems to be some controversy on what age it is appropriate for....Be warned this film IS violent loud climatic and more likely than not, will scare a young child. But if you are a parent you have to know your kid and realize what will give him or her nightmares. Having said that, even if you won't let junior watch it, that doesn't mean you, yourself can't enjoy it, the next time it comes on Encore Mystery.

There are a lot of "Judge Dooms" these days...People who are perpetually serious & full of themselves & really have NO sense of humor at all...Don't be a Judge Doom...Watch this movie!
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