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Book lover service
11 June 2024
Maybe this is just my own opinion, it seems that most of the people praising part II have read the book. Anyone who loves a book wants to see what's in the book presented as beautifully as possible. And they don't care much about how the story is told, because they already know it all. I wrote a review in part I, and here I still stand by that opinion. Everything about the Dune movies is like a gorgeous and shiny coat, covering up the many shortcomings underneath. The music is perfect, the sound editing is excellent, the set design and costumes are perfect, these points are commendable. But what about the story? Unworthy. What was Paul's purpose? Did he want revenge from the beginning, or was it influenced by the people around him? It is not clear. Not to mention idealistic elements such as dreams, illusions... making the story even more vague and unrealistic. The love between Paul and Chani is quite trivial, if not lacking in emotion. The I guess love triangle between Paul, Chani and the princess at the end among the fates of people across the planets looks like a high school play. Paul is an attractive character, unfortunately the movie doesn't fully exploit half of that appeal.

I think with these people and budget, if this were a show, I'm pretty sure it would be much better when the political elements were depicted more clearly. What about this movie? A little Star Wars, a little Game of Thrones? Worse than both.
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Everything is quite funny
2 June 2024
I don't mean action scenes. The movie's action scenes are quite attractive and dramatic. The director tried to show everything as best as possible. But maybe because the plot is not good, there are scenes where we feel everything is quite predictable or quite funny. Remember these are giant robots. They cannot have feelings of pity. Or at least the reason for this needs to be mentioned in more detail. Instead of focusing too much on action scenes without enough depth, the film no longer has story continuity or realism, which the previous two parts did better. The music still completes its mission. But even if Sam changes girlfriends, everything in this story needs to be accurate and realistic. Moon? An interesting topic. Unfortunately, other things on Earth aren't as exciting.
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Uniqueness beats content
2 June 2024
I don't think people who don't like this movie really understand its value. Firstly, the movie is the next step of an expensive franchise that was created 2 years ago. Second, the value of the movie about robots, the categories related to the development of science and our future, isn't this inspiring? And third, entertainment value is always guaranteed, for me, this type of movie alone is more than enough. Look at Devastator, many years from now I will still remember this transformation. Regarding music, it continues to be a positive point of the film. And Cybertron's search for energy sources isn't too bad either. I still enjoyed the movie a few more times.
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Transformers (2007)
Every boy's dream
2 June 2024
I still remember the feeling of watching this movie for the first time. It is very great. Every boy has that feeling and the CGI brought it out clearly and completely. The feeling of witnessing a giant robot transforming, with the sounds of machines colliding as they move, is truly thrilling in a joyful way. The story about Sam is also quite simple. A foolish boy gradually becomes a brave protagonist who saves the earth and gets a beautiful girlfriend. Everything is a bit like comic style. But it's convincing enough to watch and enjoy. I quite like the music and sound editing. If you are a boy, you should watch this movie at least once lol.
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I want to remind myself that this is a documentary
25 May 2024
A long time ago, I heard about these banned clips, but I didn't dare watch all of them. I didn't expect them to have such a connection. I quite like street scenes combined with music. Those scenes without dialogue are very valuable. The story about Luka makes me ponder. First, a lot of people will hate him. I don't object. But from a social perspective, it's clear that his family played a major role in making him the person he is. I heard that Anna published a book defending her son that caused controversy. I read a few pages and the way she influenced Luka was clearly not positive. Second, returning to this documentary, although the surprising appeal is partly due to the way this mini-serie is edited on purpose to bring "entertainment" to the story, and this There is no small contribution from the interviewed characters themselves. I don't know if they did it on purpose or not, but personally I still want a documentary about such a case to have no exaggeration or intentional editing to make the story thrilling. Documentaries should stick to the facts. No need for imagination or overacting. Anyway, the last episode made me quite satisfied because it revealed real emotions and messages. And remember, this is a true story. And it's terrible ofc. However, I'm sure, what Luka did still happens everywhere and is more scary than we think. So when I saw the anger and sadness expressed so much by the people in the story when watching those videos, I thought maybe they lived in an environment of kindness for so long that they didn't realize how scary is the world we live in? As the world develops, the truth is that there are people who go through terrible things and they can also be so hurt that one day they will bring it on to others.
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Saw VI (2009)
A bit of detective work is quite effective
10 March 2024
Actually, I feel like this is the part where I find the FBI's investigation process in this series reasonable and worth watching, at least they show something worthy. After the lengthy and rather ridiculous process in part 4, in this part everything is worth watching. Although it is difficult to say that this is a high-level investigation film, the bloody horror accompanied by the urgent and suspenseful atmosphere shows success. Jigsaw's trial process is no longer weird and ridiculous, the characters' stories are described more reasonably. Hoffman's character was well portrayed and I quite liked him. But his motive for passionately pulling the strings in these life-and-death challenges has not been made clear. I couldn't ask for deeper conversations and deeper stories because after all, this is a horror franchise that has spanned 6 parts. I'm quite satisfied and enjoying this part.
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Saw V (2008)
Jigsaw fans will be pleased
3 March 2024
It is not easy to make such horror movies with the aim of making a profit while still ensuring attractive quality. This is the 5th part and it's surprising that the story is still connected to the developments of the previous parts. I thought part IV would start the boredom because they had to make up new stuff about Jigsaw. But at least until this part, everything is still in the circle of enjoyment. With the gory horror genre, I think the quality of the gore scenes has been well served for viewers. And the overall story continues at an acceptable level, or we can say it is quite interesting. Of course, everything is not presented in a truly convincing way, there are still absurd points related to the characters, scenes that look fake, details that don't make sense... that I don't need to say them out. The music and visuals are also just okay, still familiar melody, green film tone. What caught my attention were still the mechanical traps. Can two people really complete those projects? I do not believe. And the movie still ignores the reaction of the media and people... making the story look even more unrealistic. I don't think if Saw's story crossed this event timeline, it would still maintain its appeal. But in part V, the first trap is quite offensive. I'm quite uncomfortable. But I quite like the last trap. They could have made it bloodier.
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Saw IV (2007)
I don't want to watch an episode of some TV show
28 February 2024
Even though the opening scene is quite impressive, the story that follows is long and bizarre, leading to an ending like an episode of a TV show. I didn't expect this at all. I want the ending to have a worthy climax, if not the quality of the story, then at least the enjoyment. The unfortunate thing here is that they really tried to create an interesting and misleading story but I always felt confused and quite sluggish. I no longer feel the excitement of what will happen to every character. There are characters that are shown to be quite weird and Jigsaw is portrayed so absurdly that it seems like he possesses everyone. And remember that Jigsaw is a scary phenomenon, so what is the reaction of the media and people, what are the other supporting characters in the previous parts doing, how do they feel? The movie doesn't talk about it at all. John's past is shown simply but takes up a lot of time. The FBI is like children. How did they go in and save the hostages without searching and knowing everything about the location? Many weird things in this part. And especially I didn't find any special details, even though there were many behind the scenes scenes from previous parts.
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Saw III (2006)
Effective shocking details
28 February 2024
I actually quite like the scene where Dr. Lynn operates on John, this scene could represent the whole series and the character of Jigsaw. It's quite detailed and scary. I'm not a fan of the gore genre, but the final scenes are quite impressive. Perhaps the story of the twist has been taken care of and its effect is quite effective. Although the story of Jeff's "tests" goes by quite normally and is nothing too special, of course Jigsaw movies always try to create unique and creepy mechanical traps. I understand, but I was only impressed with the scenes with John and was quite surprised that it was able to carry the quality of the whole story. The supporting characters involved in Jeff's son's death are also very bland. The filming technique in this part overuses shaky and flashing scenes, making viewers uncomfortable. Overall, part 3 had a lot of things that weren't done well, but the enjoyment of watching a Jigsaw movie was still there and I still enjoyed it quite well.
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Saw II (2005)
Jigsaw is still there and that's enough
25 February 2024
Obviously the effects of part 1 were quite impressive, that movie created a brand character and now the effects of Jigsaw have overwhelmed the quality of the movie in part 2. The story of part 2 still creates excitement entertaining and has a successful twist. The horror and thriller are still portrayed well enough. However, it is difficult to say whether the quality of this part is a breakthrough or an attractive continuation. In contrast, part 2 almost seems like an episode from a TV show and has more of a fan service effect than a deeper character development. Anyone expecting this will likely be disappointed. The supporting characters exist like some game characters in some whatever PC game, with almost no special emotions. The story about the detective and his son only stops at a mildly interesting level and does not go into much depth. Some details are sketchy and weird. I've watched this movie several times, and to my surprise I can still enjoy it. Perhaps that's enough for an impressive horror character.
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Saw (2004)
The Pride of horror movies
24 February 2024
First of all I want to thank James Wan and Leigh Whannell created such a good movie. Imagine horror movies coming out one after another with low quality and Saw not existing? That scenario is really boring. I have watched this movie several times, and this is truly a rare bottle of wine. It is not too special and received prestigious awards in film categories, but its entertainment quality is truly amazing. The movie is not too complicated and detective-like like Se7en, nor does it have a lot of inferences and confusing editing like Gone Girl, those movies always need to be watched again and again to understand. This film also does not contain metaphorical details or references to literature. There may be people who like those genres more than me. But for me, these are the movies I want to experience. Shocking plot twists, creative plot, and more specifically, this is a horror movie. Of course, this movie has not yet reached excellence, the character Jigsaw was raised to the level of someone so outstanding that he could predict the police and all developments everywhere, and the story was also edited so that Jigsaw there can be perfect safety. There are characters that are not really clear like Zep, how did Jigsaw manipulate him? And Dr. Gordon's flashback about Jigsaw's cases is quite disturbing but not interesting enough. But we can ignore all that and enjoy the feeling of fear that Saw brings, because certainly Jigsaw and that doll have become an icon of horror movies.
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Loki: Ouroboros (2023)
Season 2, Episode 1
The new department cannot repair this show yet
17 February 2024
I don't know if Ke Huy Quan's appearance as OB is related to Marvel's promotional campaign or not, but clearly this character's lines bring a new feeling to TVA, along with the emerald color. However, most of the fun lies in OB's "scientific" explanations rather than the story itself. Therefore, the emotions it brings me are not many. What caused the chaos of the sacred timeline that Sylvie caused at the end of Season 1, nothing but an outdated TV screen with longer drawn lines and flashing lights, and everyone running and running. This is not what I expected from a multiverse-level disaster. Multiverse? Nope. Loki was only sent back to the past and he moved between past - present - future of a single timeline. And Loki's time slip isn't even portrayed properly or interestingly, except for the scene with OB, which was just for comedy purposes. Loki's sudden "disappearance" was actually not sudden at all, but seemed to be arranged for the story to continue, too obvious and ineffective. The story of Morbius saving Loki is presented with much promise of a shocking and intense event that ultimately ended quickly and safely. Morbius hasn't even aged at all. All of OB's "advertisements" disappoint viewers. Overall, TVA may be boring, but this show can't be anything like TVA. New things like R & A bring a certain amount of fun, but characters like Dox, Gamble, X5, war room... are just boring. The music and the design of every scene in this season are quite good, but I'm quite skeptical about the depth of the theme.
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Loki: For All Time. Always. (2021)
Season 1, Episode 6
Is there a trash can in the sacred timeline?
15 February 2024
Just kidding, but this ep really has problems with enjoyment. They were so engrossed in trying to logically explain the story of the multiverse that they forgot about the necessary drama. Who cares who He Who Remains is and what he wants to say, I just see this actor effectively trying to portray an ineffective character with lines on the page and with no emotions. The characters in this ep really bored me. Sylvie unreasonably tries to kill HWR despite Loki's reasonable explanation, we don't even understand why she is so stubborn and easy to hate while a Loki must be cunning and devious. I'd be happier if she showed even a little bit of mischief. HWR_ a 31 century space-class scientist with no proof other than that boring Tempad watch. Loki from beginning to end was like a guard for Sylvie, although Tom's acting was still great. Every character at TVA is boring btw. The story of time and the multiverse is just explained more like... a comic book than a live-action show. It seems too difficult for the people behind this show to create a really good theory of time. Putting the voices of random people in the opening of the ep is not interesting either. Although the ending creates some things to look forward to in season 2, I don't have that much excitement. The action scenes are also quite normal, Morbis and Ravonna? Too bad. There are a few things that impressed me, namely the CGI and the music. And Miss Minute, she's the most interesting of all. The retro design and art in the ending is eye-catching and elaborate, and HWR's citadel has a bit of appeal but not for long enough.
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Loki: Journey Into Mystery (2021)
Season 1, Episode 5
A let down
5 February 2024
A lot of people seem to be quite enjoying this ep, oh of course, the enjoyment is still there, especially the ending with the CGI party and music, although I'm no longer excited about the unknown giant monsters without any shape, accompanied by a cloud of black smoke and lightning clouds... just watch Fantastic Four 2007 to see how boring these creatures are. Anyway, with all that CGI, there will be people who will enjoy it, especially children. I prefer to comment on the story and characters, which doesn't satisfy me at all. In the end of this ep, with a universe-time story level, our boy and girl Loki opened the portal to a mysterious castle Wtf lol where the truth will be revealed in the final ep. For our couple to be there, this entire ep took us from TVA to the Lokis' hideout, a bland and disappointing journey. Even the love scene between Loki and Sylvie and the romantic green blanket was too long and nothing special. I don't expect them to kiss, but all the versions of Loki in this ep have nothing of Loki other than the horned helmets. The lines containing a lot of information about The Void and the nexus event do not bring as much excitement as episode 1 because everything in TVA is not new anymore, so viewers easily being confused. Tom still shines with his Loki character, but the others like Ravona, Mobius, B-15.. have weird and boring performances, we don't even know how Sylvie and Ravona left the Time-keepers room. And the world of The Void is also a limitation, with a world at the end of time, I expected The Void to be a more eerie and chaotic place than a green plain. In particular, we did not see any explanation of life after death for ordinary creatures, remember that our story is outside of the ordinary world. When I saw Tom's take on the other Loki, I thought this Loki had a bigger role. Damn.
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The Shounen Mask is Limited
26 January 2024
I think so. This Movie was released in the middle of the story of Sasuke and Orochimaru in the Manga, it can be said that this Movie was released in parallel with the main story of the currently airing Anime.

That's why the first restriction appears: they don't dare to break the old barriers of the characters, because this could affect the story in the TV Anime. We see the main and supporting characters, Naruto, Sakura, Hinata, Kiba... and their friends, nothing has changed, from personality to strength, those boring shadows just keep going back and forth in the middle of the screen and chanting about the power of friendship... Even Kakashi_ a beloved character, was sent into the "enemy zone" but didn't show anything special. Characters such as the three legendary ninjas, Garra team were also added reluctantly. Especially the villain Hiruko, oh my god what kind of character is this? A little bit of Kakuzu, a little bit of the "childhood underdog" and with Orochimaru's ambition, and in the end he became a loner who just wanted a friend... And next to him was Kakashi, not Naruto, who always comforts and inspires evil people to become good people after that... Where is Naruto? Oh, he's being thrown in the air by his beloved friends in celebration? Wtf what happened to the message of this story? Shounen spirit wins over "the one who doesn't have a single friend, is dying"? There are a lot of problems with the characters' conversations in this movie, many scenes show that what the characters are saying isn't even related to each other. And of course, Hiruko, the villain, with the giant Hologram shadow, is really not portrayed well, if not sloppy and indiscriminate. Character _ the weakest point of this Movie.

About art and music, what our eyes see, what our ears hear: What I like most. Art is so beautiful. I just wish Naruto TV episodes were all drawn like that, the drawings are smooth, the characters' actions are graceful, bearing a clear mark from Masashi. And the forests, the mountains with the huge gates... WOw this is the art of the Naruto world, and this is also commendable compared to the previous 2 movies: this world is very harmonious consistent with the Manga, there are no technologies or other out-of-this-world things in the Naruto story. Hiruko's outfit is also very beautiful. The music is so good, I quite like the main song of this movie.

Regarding the story of the movie, this is a version of a villain and his 3 disciples who have the ambition to become the strongest and dominate the world... perhaps it is not new, it can be said that the story takes place in the second half of the movie, it's like a video game. The story told in the first part has quite a few holes, for example, what is Kakashi's motive for deciding to die, how did he meet Hiruko, why did a ninja like Kakashi hide the secret about his life in front of Hokage, and suddenly reveal it for nothing, and no reaction? And Hiruko thing, why do Konoha and Sand villages want to fight each other instead of joining forces? And there are many more confusing points. I know this is just an unofficial side story, but if they wanted, they could afford to create a more engaging and deeper story, instead of borrowing the spirit of fire, friendship... to tell an uninteresting story and force the viewer to be emotional. Nope. Let a villain be interesting enough to force the main character to trade something, then true emotions will come most naturally. As for this movie, and with Kishimoto's quote at the end of the movie, of course these are characters associated with my childhood, and I've seen this movie several times, they mean a lot to me. But the quality of this movie will only be enough to enjoy for fun.
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The story is true. The movie is not
11 January 2024
Of course, the title I mentioned in the review doesn't mean the movie is bad. The entertainment of a horror movie is still there, JW's skills are still fully demonstrated. I just feel like it's a bit of a waste of source material, especially compared to part 1, where everything was worth noting as a perfect adaptation of a true horror story. The Amityville Horror at the beginning is of a higher quality than the main story, and it has little to do with the UK story. Valak's "move" from US to UK is not yet convincing. JW's horror tricks are still there, but equally important is that the authenticity of the story, also known as the beginning of paranormal stories, is not good. Everything is quite rushed and we immediately see scare scenes, sometimes these scenes are overused and unnecessary. There were even a few weird scenes that made me feel a bit funny instead of focusing on the fear. However, we should give praise to Madison Wolfe, at that age, there were actually a few scenes that depended entirely on her acting instead of CGI or special effects, and those were not easy scenes. Besides, the ending scene is effective in bringing drama, intensity and human messages, especially the main villain is quite interesting, even though it doesn't appear much.
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Loki: The Nexus Event (2021)
Season 1, Episode 4
Good idea. Not good director.
3 January 2024
After the romantic confession on Lamentis in the previous ep, in this ep we see the two Lokis continue to show their affection. How romantic! Lol I still feel like Sylvie is a different character, not the "female version of Loki", I don't see "Loki" in her yet. And I don't like how the story suddenly turns TVA into a villain just because they want to erase Sylvie- the child because of her appearance in the world. Even if the reason is that she can access memories, viewers also need to see her do it as a child. This is like the director ignores the viewer's experience. Regarding the story in this ep, it's clear that the idea of overthrow within TVA itself has been presented to viewers in previous eps, so I'm not surprised, even though the fighting scenes are still quite bad. The final twist is quite interesting, but I have to criticize the editing, it's quite amateurish. There are scenes that were suddenly cut for unknown reasons, there are scenes that should have been attractive and nerve-wracking but turned out to be quite bland, such as the departure of Mobius. The dialogue scene between Mobius and Ravonna should have been more intense. Our story is set on a universe level, but the scientific explanation is barely mentioned, and suspicions at TVA don't erase the presence of humans almost everywhere - which is quite a funny fact in the context of the story. This theme can also be seen in films like Oblivion.
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The Conjuring (2013)
Whoever chose that house to film should take credit
1 January 2024
Indeed. I think the actors in the movie all deserve praise, but don't forget that house, I think that house also deserves to be an important character that creates the appeal of the movie. I've watched this movie several times since 2013, and I don't find it boring even when I watch it again. Vera's acting really suits the atmosphere of the film. And I especially like the One-shot scenes, James Wan really put a lot of great things into a movie of this genre. The one-shot scenes completely convinced me. And the "pull, push, levitate" scenes, too, are absolutely stunning. The interesting thing here is that those scenes were put into the movie at the right time, like the most delicious food given when hungry. I was quite scared but very excited. Both the messages and implications of the ending scene are very humane. I know the fact that the film is based on a true story creates a lot of material for the director, and the film has high authenticity, but this authenticity also comes from the process of setting design, cinematography. Although there are some jumpscare scenes that are quite old and not perfect, this is still a haunted movie worth watching.
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Loki: Lamentis (2021)
Season 1, Episode 3
No surprise
31 December 2023
Wow this ep we have about 7 minutes in TVA and over 30 minutes in Lamentis. The first 7 minutes really made me question: what year are we watching a show in? 2000s? Does every scene end in a fight? Like Blackwidow and a certain army of guards? And even though the purple planet changes color in the show, it's quite beautiful and has all kinds of CGI effects... but gradually things don't keep the strangeness for long enough. These things are all in Star Wars, viewers need something else, is this the planet where humans settled? Can humans breathe on this planet? Let us know! Viewers need a story that is compelling and full of surprises on an alien planet where humans or any other species has a historical mark, and at the center are the two characters Loki, full of negative emotions, intrigue and mutual suspicion, not a couple on their honeymoon. Remember Loki-Sylvie killed many time guards. Morally, viewers should feel the evil more clearly in her, no matter what her mission is. And Loki _ Tom still shines, but everything around him becomes more and more like an animated show.
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Loki: The Variant (2021)
Season 1, Episode 2
Loki remains interesting in a 'starting to get boring' world
29 December 2023
Our story continues with the villain Loki "the girl" being revealed. This gave me a bit of a surprise. Yea why not? I thought Tom would take on two roles at once. But with the uniqueness that only Tom can bring to the character of Loki, every other actor has the ability and they tried, but what can I say, I'm still not very used to this. Simply like Tony Stark and Robert, Loki should just let Tom lead. The TVA world has a retro color and seems a bit boring. As I said in episode 1, if you remove the humor, TVA is not interesting. A company full of people with human emotions, who also eat and drink and feel pain, also have fat and thin people, also have libraries and canteens. Every action and gesture is very "human". And this company controls time in the universe? C'mon go back to the MCU world in Ironman or Doctor Strange to see how ridiculous this is. It is not realistic. And everything in this episode that has so much to do with Earth is proof. This is on a universe level, right?

Ignoring the boredom I just mentioned, the story in this ep is quite interesting when Loki himself questions Mobius about TVA itself, although I expect this should happen in the final eps. As for the story and plans of Loki the villain, it's pretty good but at the same time this shows how stupid TVA is. The "informative and intelligent" conversations that are shown a lot don't make the big picture better, instead it confuses the viewer.
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Good story. But more like a play than a movie
25 December 2023
First of all, I must say that I have not read the novel. And after watching this movie, I had an indescribable feeling, perhaps that is the success of the movie, it makes the viewer have the same feeling as the reader. The actors' performances are very impressive, combined with the detailed and clear characterization of each character, creating a very realistic story. I also have the feeling that this story is inspired by some real event. Damn. The film's story also arouses curiosity about the meaning of life and death, as well as its message about race, which is very appreciable. With a backdrop where evil people are executed, most of the scenes in the film honor kindness and humanity, a very contrasting situation.

However, what makes me unable to appreciate the movie is that I like stories that bring the viewer's emotions to the peak, something I didn't have when watching this movie. All the dialogue scenes in the movie somehow made me feel like I was watching a play. There are very few unexpected scenes or twists, everything is arranged so carefully and the story is not too unpredictable, it can be said that it is quite simple. The fact that a mouse gets so much attention right from the start makes it feel like it's a fairy tale for children, when in reality it's not. In reality, the actions and words of people like Percy were considered quite normal in such places. This unintentionally makes adults who don't have much "poetic kindness" find it quite funny in a way.

What made me a little unsatisfied was the character John Coffey when he was about to be put in the electric chair. If he had a line like "I know my time has come. I can see it" or something similar, old Paul's last line about everyone having their own "Green Mile" would be more convincing.
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The last 30 minutes are worth experiencing
22 December 2023
This is my second time watching this movie. And while I'm not a fan of the gore genre, the last 30 minutes are truly something unique in the genre. They must have prepared a lot of costumes for those 30 minutes, which is a shame because there are quite a few "monster" characters who only appear for a few moments. Overall, this movie really lacks quite a bit. The lines are too banal, a multinational group of sick fanatics create a secret company that captures people and sacrifices them. What do we expect from that company? Director Ripley shows up for a few minutes? No. The plot of the movie is quite sketchy and unrealistic. A bunch of monsters appeared out of nowhere like a cosplay festival and all we know is that each character is kept in a cube, no one knows why or how these monster characters can exist, perform missions, and return to the cube. I need a detailed story here, this makes the movie more interesting than it already is. And our young adult characters? The first hour of the movie I mean, so boring. Everything makes me a little uncomfortable. That fanatic company was introduced too early, the way it works is similar to "Battle Royale" but this only makes the viewer's experience worse. There are no interesting human characters in this movie. Remember, this is not a bloody comedy, and so I really wanted to swear during the first hour of the movie. Including the fact that they have a bunch of stuff in the basement, the setting is good but the effect is zero. But I like the idea of this "Squid Game". If only they turned this movie into a show, developing little by little, every specific detail. That would be a show I would want to see.
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The Avengers (2012)
My rewatches all look like the first time
20 December 2023
I still remember when the movie was released, because I was so excited that I watched the CAM version on the internet. With the experience of someone who has never seen Marvel comics, I don't know too much about the stories of each superhero, but everything is still enough to bring attraction throughout. The dialogue of the movie is truly the brightest gem, every line is interesting and reasonable, combined with a plot with depth and development of important characters, this movie will always retain its appeal no matter what, even more than 10 years have passed. Every character shines in their own way. Surprisingly. Everything happens continuously and you can't take your eyes off it. Especially the psychological development scenes of the characters, including supporting characters like Phil, are all carefully done. Perhaps the only imperfect point is the villains, those Chitauri are quite similar to humans and they do nothing but attack, quite boring.
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Loki: Glorious Purpose (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
Tom makes this topic worth watching
19 December 2023
After Wandavision and Falcon, my anticipation for MCU's shows decreased significantly. But this ep comforted me somewhat. The topic of time has never ceased to be attractive, but to convince me, the topic must be extremely detailed and highly convincing.

I find the idea of this show quite interesting, they bring a retro world in a humorous way and explain that variants that mess up the timeline will be brought to trial at a company called TVA. For children, I think it's quite successful. But for adults, it is not convincing. I don't like that this TVA world is too human. Remember that this is a world above the universe, everything should not be too similar to Earth and people like that, personality, behavior, character design... I think with a big brand like MCU , they can create such a more attractive world.

Revealing that the main villain and main character are both Loki also creates predictability. In addition, there are many humorous details that are only for children instead of for everyone. When the story stops being funny, the TVA world also seems to become boring. If it weren't for Tom Hiddleston taking on this role, this story wouldn't be as good as it is.
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Fury (2014)
Only the battle scene between tanks
15 December 2023
Indeed. Perhaps if there weren't scenes of tanks fighting each other, I wouldn't have paid much attention to this movie. They even made the bullet flying scenes look like laser gun fights in the Star Wars universe. I don't know what it looks like in real life, at first the bullets flying look pretty dope but after all this is WWII, I don't see Star Wars should be related in this way. Obviously there aren't many good war movies about the battle between tanks, while this is a famous military mechanized weapon in WW. I really like the battle scene between tanks, super cool scenes.

Regarding the movie, WWII was a real event, but this story may not be true. There are many details to compare, but other than the action scenes, this movie is really empty. The characters are described as fragmentary, incomplete, and contradictory. The characters' emotions are nothing special. The dialogue is also quite simple and lacks depth. However, coincidentally, this gives the film a rather raw experience of war, which is quite realistic in a certain sense. But from a moviegoer's perspective, it's pretty bad.

In particular, Norman is said to be a good and compassionate person, but he is willing to swear and kill enemies because of that German girl, meaning are we glorifying hatred? Don is a hot-tempered person but always protects his teammates, yet in the last scene, he is willing to stay because he thinks the tank is his home? What? I was waiting for a more inspirational speech then. Meh~ Don would never drag Norman to die with him like that. And there would be no way there would be just one Nazi soldier bending down to shine a light at the end of the movie, if this happend in real life, Norman was never let go like that. Many empty scenes like that make this movie bad, although I quite like the sets and the way the tanks are arranged, very cool. The music isn't too bad either. And the action scenes at the end of the movie were really dark, I could barely see anything, it was hard to see anything if everything was that dark. And I would be happy if the movie said why that tank was named "Fury".
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