
15 Reviews
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Sad attempt to try and earn some additional money in superhero era
15 November 2021
It wasn't even amusing.

Everything about this movie, its characters, plot, villains, even what was supposed to be its witty scenes, screams lack of energy and ideas. I don't think there wasn't a single superhero trope they didn't try to use and somehow incorporate into the movie.

Now, I keep telling myself what I usually preach to others when it comes to movies such as this, and that is that I am not the target audience for this kind of thing and that I should lower my expectations to the age group that is. But it's sad that they had everything working in their favor and they couldn't even bother to muster a semi-interesting plot with a villain that's tougher to beat.
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Disappointment like no other
24 April 2021
Some stories are just not meant to be consumed as movies. And even if we put aside the ridiculous idea that the story about an aristocratic man ape is something worth working on, everything else about this movie was so underwhelming.

Let's start with actors. The all star cast consisting of Alexander Skarsgård, Margot Robbie, Samuel L. Jackson and Christoph Waltz may have attracted some audience, but they did little to stop them from regretting ever starting this movie. Samuel L. Jackson did a fine job, but a stand alone movie about his character would be much wiser choice. On the same note, I have nothing negative to say about Margot Robbie - she did her best with very little she was given. As for Waltz and Skarsgård, thanks to them this version of Tarzan is now one of the very few movies where both the protagonist and the antagonist are equally bland. And while Skarsgård needs to book acting lessons as soon as possible (Tarzan had one face throughout the movie and that's the face of someone bored to death), Waltz's acting was fine but he needs to stop taking roles that have any resemblances to either Col. Hans Landa or Dr. King Schultz. I'm tired of seeing him in the same roles.

Plot was equally bad and predictable. I don't know much about the original Tarzan books, but it's exceptionally inconsiderate, or better yet tone-deaf, to place a story like this in Belgian Kongo and then to go so far as not to give atrocities that happened there a proper portrayal. Given that the budget was $180 million, they had more than enough space to do this story decently, and not squander it all on that ending consisting solely of special effects.
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It's a kids' movie, alright
16 February 2021
This was a bore packed with some pretty effects. However, not pretty enough to distract you from everyone's horrible acting and script that was cliched nonsense, full of sentences that seem to be taken from "Generator prompt list" or somewhere similar.

Alice was annoying in this. As a main character, her one job, in the absence of plot, was to lead the story and help it move forward. Instead, we were stuck with whiny, self-righteous babbling Barbie with Turkish/Indian TV inspired tendency to think aloud.

Real star and protagonist of this movie was Time. He is just simple guy doing his job who wants to be left alone because he has seen it all, and I respect that. If they really wanted to do something original with this sequel, they should have named it Time vs Babbling Barbie and make it all about him fighting the thief who, for her own selfish reasons, threatens to destroy everything. Rating for that movie wouldn't be better than the rating for this one, but at the very least it would be one of those movies you don't mind rewatching every decade or so (which is more than I can say for Alice Through the Looking Glass). As for Red Queen, even though I don't understand why they tried so hard to give her and her actions background, she once again triumphs over her sister as a far superior character.

To sum it all up, it's perfectly fine for the kids aged 0-12 to watch this movie as it bores you to death with stories about friends, and love and what not, but anyone older than that would be better off with something else.
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Better than expected
25 January 2021
Reading reviews on here, I feel I should start mine with letting you all know that I'm in no way Star Trek fan with any amount of knowledge of either its universe (this is my first ST movie) nor science. With that out of the way, allow me to tell you all to chill.

Sure, this isn't a great movie with a potential to become a classic, but don't sit there and pretend that it doesn't do what movies are supposed to do - amuse you. And if you are not some hardcore Star Trek or sci-fi fan (because apparently movie fails on both fronts), and you are just looking for something to watch to kill time, this movie was made for you. It has everything: pretty actors running around, witty comebacks, characters find themselves in some pretty serious problems but, in the end, there is a happy ending so it's all good. Not to mention, it all happens in less than 2 hours.

The only flaw is the villain. Oh God, this movie would be so much better if he was more competent one. Or, better yet, if there was no villain at all and we spent two hours watching them trying to reach home from far away planet.
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It's better than the overall grade suggests but...
10 December 2020
The first time I watched this movie I was still in high school and I loved it. Four years later, I'm constantly recommending it to my younger sister (who is still in high school) but I'm not as big fan as I once was. All the fun, magic bits are still kinda fun but I guess it's true that magicians should never reveal their secrets.

Characters are less interesting than I remember, with Lula being the biggest disappointment. She is no longer this cool, outspoken and loud character I wanted to be like - she is just loud now. And for all the future script writers, one way too make a female characters be "like all the other girls" is to make her state that she is not, in fact, "like all the other girls". Btw, I finally understand why everyone keeps saying that Jesse Eisenberg acts like he doesn't know "Social Network" is over.

Furthermore, as far as I can remember, all other important movie bits (background, costumes, script for like 75% of time) were perfectly fine. Or rather, perfectly fine for when you have nothing else to watch.
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I remember Oscars that year
24 October 2020
And I remember how absolutely infuriated I was that Mad Max won so many statues (and I didn't even chuckle at that one joke where someone said their name while presenting an award for short film or something similar, and it was a good joke at a time). But now, half a decade later, thanks to Netflix and COVID-19 pandemic, I finally checked off this movie as well. And it blew my mind off.

True, it takes some time to understand the plot (this is my first Mad Max movie, I didn't know about the franchise) but once you get the hold of it, it's better than amazing. The best part for me was that first real fighting scene between Max and Furiosa - it really looked like they were dancing. And if watching this movie in my small room left me speechless, I can only imagine how the people watching it on the big screen felt. And now, because I was dumb in my teens, I have to stalk cinemas that play old movies so I can experience that too.
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Exactly how I remember it
9 October 2020
It's not a bad movie, but it's not great either. Movie is too focused on plot so a lot of characters are just space-fillers. With the exception of Olive, and partly her grandfather, the whole cast seemed neither here nor there. And I can't stand her brother, I guess every year that passes makes me less and less sympathetic to the whole teen angst nonsense. And in spirit of the "like father like son", every time Greg Kinnear spoke I had to stop myself from gauging my eyes out (reaction similar to the one I had watching him in "House of Cards".

However, the second half of the movie is good enough to even make you chuckle once in a while, so you hate those characters a bit less. All in all, this is a cute movie for a night-in with the family, but it's a far cry from "timeless classic" some claim it to be.
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Sideways (2004)
If depression was a movie*
25 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
*Alternatively called "My opinion of this movie aged like that 1969 wine".

I have so much respect for this stupid movie. The very first time I saw it I believe I was still in high school and the reason why would anyone so much as nominate it for some B-grade reward, let alone give it an Oscar, was lost to me. Thankfully, my taste has developed significantly since then so now I can tell and bother you all with reasons why this movie should be on your watchlist at least once every 5 years.

And while no one will argue with the movie's obvious satirical undertones and purpose, no one can also deny that it hits a bullseye when it comes to representing difficult friendships and other complicated relationships and feelings. Two main characters are different in almost every way, especially when it comes to dealing with the realization that, according to all available evidence, life might never get better. Paul Giamatti's character's depression does miracles for this plot - Miles is not some "bigger than life" type of person, he doesn't expect nor want much from life. But when even those little dreams of his end up being crushed, his own unimportance becomes too much for him. His friend, on the other hand, has already embraced his destiny. He knows he will never top that one TV show he did back in the day, and while his emotions aren't exactly clear about the subject, he's embraced the little fame he has and what time he has left in life and lives it to the fullest. That's the best type of person you can be for your own sake, although maybe not the healthiest one to be around.

Another thing, the lack of any great speeches and expressions of love and loyalty only adds to the quality of the script and leaves you speechless with a lot on your mind to think about. Do not skip this movie for any reason, one can only wish Oscar nominees and winners today are this good.
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Satire or not, this is a horrible movie
14 August 2020
In the spirit of American Pie (1999) and movies made in that style, this movie tries too hard to both shock you and make you laugh while pretending to have some sort of plot. In fact, I'm willing to bet that the only reason why so many people try to present this as some sort of satire that perfectly ridicules today's society is because it's a non-English movie, so they see depth everywhere.

From the very first scene, sex is the main reason, the chief motivation and the only subject characters have. And if this was indeed a satire, what kind of internet version of sex-crazed society is being ridiculed here? I'm not saying that there are no people that could be used as perfect copies of the two boys, but hardly in numbers worth mentioning - let alone making fun of.

As for the main female character - can you say clichéd? She is a shy European girl that's actually really good in bed and more free-spirited than two kids at her feet. Nothing good to say about her.

Having said all of that, I have to add some good things about the movie: time flies fast when you are watching it and those little bits of random history (if true) were a nice touch. However, that's not nearly enough for me to recommend this movie anyone, you'll be better off doing some laundry or something.
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Rain Man (1988)
It was okay
7 July 2020
I was recommended this movie more than once and while I certainly did enjoy it, the reason why it's praised so much is lost to me. It's a good movie, don't get me wrong - plot is solid, characters are interesting and acting was decent (Hoffman was great, Cruise and actress playing Susanna less so). I guess my expectations were a bit too high to be met. That doesn't mean I won't go around recommending it to other people, it's a good movie to pass time.
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Finally got around to watch this
29 June 2020
I have very mixed feelings about this movie.

On one hand, the plot is interesting and it kept my attention almost the whole time. Also, it didn't hurt that story felt raw and realistic - no crazy fighting scenes or miracle solutions. On the other hand, and I'm well aware that this is no argument, the whole movie was, in a way, off - as if the glue that was supposed to keep all these great parts together wasn't there (if that makes any sense). And it certainly didn't help that I couldn't stand Thelma - and while I can't really blame her for the thing that happened to her at the very beginning of the movie, which also put the plot in motion, try and convince me that she wasn't making things harder for Louise throughout the movie.

With respect to everything I just wrote, there is a reason this movie is considered a classic and I wholeheartedly believe that you should not skip the next opportunity to see/stream it.
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I guess the second time's the charm
9 April 2020
For the life of me I can't remember why I hated this movie for so long. Yes, John Candy's character is as unbearable and annoying as I remember him to be, but this time that was only for about first 15 minutes. After that, I have nothing but good things to say about this film. I'm not even complaining about that weird crying-wife subplot (I later discovered the reason behind her tears, but it wasn't mentioned during the course of the film so it doesn't really count).

I sincerely recommend this movie to everyone - it's lighthearted and fun all around, but not in a cheap, cheesy way.
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Vacation (1983)
Another classic whose awesomeness I am yet to understand
17 March 2020
On a scale from 1 to 10, how do you rate a movie that bore you to death?

This is the second classic I've watched in my newly found obsession with movies that has a big hype around it but in reality isn't of any quality at all. Idea for the plot is fine, but it's extremely poorly executed. Acting is stiff and awkward, and the script feels like actors were improvising 98% of the time. There are two, maybe three, funny scenes, but that's not enough to call it a comedy.

To sum it all up, I wouldn't recommend this movie to an enemy. It's just not worth it.
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I forgot how much fun movies can be
4 January 2020
It's been a couple of years since I've enjoyed comedy this much. This days, comedies are usually not funny at all or just plain disgusting, or both (actors may have a lot of fun filming them, but someone should really check whether the audience will enjoy them too).

The plot of "The Blues Brothers" is pretty straightforward, and while the acting could've been a bit better (they are all so stiff) it kinda fits perfectly with the movie's theme. Everything was so over the top so nothing seemed to be an excess (except maybe Carrie Fisher).

To conclude, this is a great movie and I'll probably watch it again sometime soon.
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Easy Rider (1969)
Too much showing, not enough telling (and not enough plot for that matter), and one hell of a soundtrack
28 December 2019
This movie can easily be considered a piece of modern art because, in its core, it's a shallow construction with little to no meaning; no one understands it, but for some reason everyone just nods along and talks about how great, inspirational and groundbreaking it is.

Textbook example of "too much showing, not enough telling", this movie's first 10-15 minutes are real danger to your hearing. You'll do well to make sure, as I did, to check Easy Rider's Wikipedia page before watching it so you can actually understand the plot. Besides that, and with the exception of Nicholson, acting in this movie is just a sad bunch of murmurs and drug usage. The only two positive aspects of this film are its driving sequences (that were constantly being interrupted by the film's plot) and its soundtrack.

I know this movie is considered to be an American classic, but from the point of view of someone who only wished to kill some spare time, I really can't see its value.
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