
18 Reviews
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Favor (2013)
Nice little gem
13 December 2022
So this is clearly a low-budget indie film, like most films on Tubi. But if you go in with that expectation, you'll probably be pleasantly surprised. The movie has some very good acting, especially from the Marvin character. And it has some unexpected twists that keep it interesting. Also has an ending that is fairly satisfying, although nobody is really a hero in this.

Good to see an artistic little film that is watchable and a little different.

At times you'll find yourself asking what you would've done differently, to avoid the fate of the characters. In some ways, this has elements of a black comedy. And I just happened to catch the "Claire" actress in a documentary the other night about her grooming in high school. "Don't Tell Anyone", or something like that. All the actors appear somewhat familiar, although I don't know if I've actually seen them in anything besides that.
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Blue Ruin (2013)
Most realistic revenge film I've ever seen.
19 December 2020
This is not a great film, but it's a pretty good film, especially for an indy. The approach to avenging a murdered family member is one of the most realistic I've ever seen -- the people involved aren't heroes, just ordinary people caught in a bad situation.

The movie explores the problems with seeking blood revenge even as the main character engages in it. There's a reason, after all, why the justice system exists, why we have trials, etc. And the counter-revenge frequently implicated by such blood-feuds is also noted.

Basically, be careful who you kill. Sometimes, it may be justified. But often, it's not. And then you have new complications to deal with.
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The Lie (2018)
Not a horror movie.
21 October 2020
This is not a horror film. Parts of it are frustrating, because the decisions don't always make sense. Some may find it dull. But for me, there was an emotional payoff at the end that made it all worthwhile.

Basically, the film is about love, and the lengths people will go to for love, and family. At the end, it's hard not to feel sorry for everyone, despite the dumb decisions along the way. The ending rings true.
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Halt and Catch Fire (2014–2017)
Good Show, Better than Mad Men.
5 August 2014
I was initially skeptical of the goofy title, but ultimately grew to really like this show. (Ended up joining mid-season, and binge-watching 5 episodes in one night.) For anyone who lived through the early 80's and the computer developments of that time, it's an interesting show, with interesting, complicated, realistic characters. I personally like it more than Breaking Bad or Mad Men (though not as much as True Detective.

AMC would be stupid not to give this one more year -- most good non-network shows take awhile to "catch fire", and this one will likely pick up steam over the next year.

I personally grew up on Tron, my 1983 TI994A, the Apple II, etc. I remember seeing an ad in a magazine for one of the first ever home computers, and simply getting turned on. I never ended up becoming a major techie, but I remember the excitement of something new, which eventually would end up changing all of our lives, opening up new communications and opportunities. An instructive series for anyone who didn't live through it, and a nice nostalgic piece for those who did. While also addressing the always exciting ideas of love, creativity and entrepreneurship.

Worth checking out. There aren't many good, well-written, gripping shows on TV - this is one of them. And one of the only ones today with Breaking Bad and the Sopranos gone, and Mad Men ending.
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Love & Rage (1999)
Response to other Review
9 October 2013
Why do people always have to interject their ignorant, uninformed, irrational leftist opinions/rantings into their film reviews and comments, even when the film has absolutely no connection to politics?

This is highly annoying, especially when the people claim to be somehow more informed or intelligent, despite the lack of any basis.

As for the film -- it didn't really make any sense. Disjointed vignettes that don't add up or hold together. An inexplicable, inconclusive, and unsatisfying ending.

Hopefully the comments will explain the film somewhat. Not generally not worth watching.
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Sunset Grill (1993)
Horrible Mess
28 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I like Weller, film/noir detective films, and films from the early-mid 90's, but this was a simply horrible film. It looked like something some high school kids put together. It was so cheesy, it looked like it was made in the early-mid 80's, not 1993. His ridiculous moustache was just the icing on the cake. And the lead "Mexican" was obviously an anglo with a fake accent. (They couldn't find enough Latin actors in Southern California?) Aside from some surprisingly graphic sex scenes (especially with Alexandra Paul, almost making the film worth viewing), this seemed like a cheesy made-for-TV film from 1983.

Acting -- horrible. Plot -- ridiculous.

I think what bothered me the most was that this film had the ingredients to be something solid -- Weller, film noir, etc. And failed miserably. Check out "The Underneath" (Peter Gallagher) for a better version of a noir film from the mid-90's.
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District 9 (2009)
Complete Piece of Poop
18 February 2011
Total piece of agit-prop poop. Why do the Oscars keep giving honors for crap films simply because they espouse politically-correct views? And why do viewers keep sheepishly following them? Obvious piece of political commentary, filled with annoying and unlikeable characters. Looks like something a high school student did in a film class. Storyline was lame and silly. Symbolism was heavy-handed and cloying.

I feel sorry for anyone who paid for this film. I feel sorry for anyone who sat through the entire viewing. And I've lost all respect for the academy award nomination process, which is clearly completely corrupted with mindless political bias.
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Inception (2010)
7 October 2010
I didn't expect too much from this, given Leonardo DiCaprio's presence, but was surprised how weak and unwatchable it ultimately was. This film was nothing but special effects -- it was impossible to care about any of the characters, and there was nothing truly interesting or thoughtful about it. No twists, no surprises, nothing. I was one of the few times I really felt like I'd wasted 2 hours of my life, and got nothing out of it.

Nolan's earlier "Memento" was far more original, thoughtful, and fascinating, both throughout, and in the ultimate plot reveals. The 13th Floor is a far better execution of a similar theme, more straightforward and interesting.

Save your money, and don't waste your time or money on this vastly overrated collection of silly, pointless special effects to no apparent purpose.
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3 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Really had high hopes for this film. Greatly enjoyed the acting, pacing, filming, etc.

Then the ending (or lack thereof). Felt like I completely wasted my money.

Yes, it captures the era quite well. Yes, the cinematography was nice. Yes, the suspense was real and compelling.

But you need an ending to a film. Even if you're an "artist." Period.

Maybe they'll go back and actually finish this film at some point. Would be nice.

Until then, a disappointment.
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Antitrust (2001)
Piece of Crap
17 November 2007
Obvious attack on Microsoft made by people who don't appear to understand intellectual property or market economies generally.

Loony liberal tim robbins plays a painfully obvious caricature of bill gates, and is a cartoonish corporate villain ordering murders right and left.

While microsoft may engage in some anticompetitive activity at times, it's unlikely they actually murder people. Therefore, the film is over the top and ridiculous from the beginning.

The "deeper" point is apparently that major tech innovations should be free to the public, and not subject to intellectual property laws. However, this ignores the fact that most major innovations would never have been developed if not for the market incentives (and rewards) provided by intellectual property.

It's one thing to be opposed to anti-competitive conduct -- that's common sense. It's quite another to be opposed to market competition in the first place, which is what the film's mantra ("knowledge belongs to mankind") represents.

Yet another example of Hollywood being completely out of touch with reality.
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Not that great
1 October 2007
The reason this film is not as good as "Private Ryan" is that Ryan shows the horror of war, but also makes clear that it sometimes must be fought to prevent greater evils.

Films like "Midnight Clear" are instead heavy-handed morality plays that ignore the greater moral need to fight evil when it appears.

Does war suck? Yes. It would be nice if people didn't make it necessary. But as long as they do, war will be necessary to avoid oppression and injustice, larger wars, and genocide. It was, of course, anti-war sentiment that allowed Hitler and his Japanese allies to become as large and destructive as they did.

I recall not being particularly sympathetic to this movie throughout because it seemed to ignore the above facts, and created unnecessarily (non-credible) tragic situations. Ethan Hawke is also an incredibly annoying actor.
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Cutter's Way (1981)
People misunderstand this film
17 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Most people seem to misinterpret this film as some kind of hippie, leftist, pacifist statement. The truth is that this film is about the need to take action -- sometimes violent action -- in the face of evil, even when that evil is sometimes ambiguous (like communism in the 60's, or Islamic extremism today).

Yes, the move reflects the uncertainty and doubt of the 60's and 70's (despite being made in 1980). And the main character (Bridges/Bones) is filled with that self-doubt prevalent at that time. However, note that he "grows up" at the end, as encouraged by Cutter, by taking violent action against an actor he knows to be evil, even if his responsibility for a specific crime is somewhat unclear.

In the end, the film is therefore a statement about America's need to grow up and accept responsibility as the leader of the free/democratic world, even when that means making painful and difficult choices, or sacrificing. This understanding, of course, was generally accepted later in the 80's and 90's, as the U.S. grew out of it's 60's/70's adolescent angst, and resumed the mantle of global leadership.

Sadly, many even today want to shirk or ignore that responsibility, as western civilization and enlightenment values are threatened by lunatics in the middle east, north Korea, etc. A viewing of this film might help them realize that weakness and vacillation in the face of evil is in no way a morally superior philosophy, and is rather simply the abdication of responsibility towards others. Such abdication, as in the 30's, generally only leads to greater suffering for ourselves as well as others, and is therefore probably best avoided.
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Six Feet Under (2001–2005)
Horrible Show with Horrible Values
26 June 2007
I honestly could never get through a full episode of this abrasive, unpleasant series. All the characters are inherently unattractive, both externally and internally. The premise is ridiculous, and the plot lines are pointless.

Do yourself a favor, and avoid this horribly failed experiment in expressive self-hatred and depression like the plague.

I guess I need to write a few more lines to have this posted. I guess I would advise future writers that you need at least one attractive female character if you're going to attract male viewers. In addition, if everyone in the series appears chronically depressed, no one's going to want to watch the show.

I sincerely hope this helps.
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Heart of Steel (1983 TV Movie)
Just to note....
14 May 2007
There's this myth that things are worse or harder today than they were in the 50's, 60's, or 70's.

However, the truth is that median (typical) incomes are much higher than they were in the 50's and 60's, and as high as they've ever been, even adjusted for inflation.

(I'm in my late 30's, so I also saw the movie when it came out, and remember those times.) The truth is that Americans today have far more opportunities than they've ever had in the past. It helps to get an education, of course, but that's also much easier than in the past. So the same values of hard work, honor, etc., can pay off just as much today as ever (if not more so).

The "Downward Spiral" of global trade the above poster notes is actually an upward spiral that has been lifting standards of living everywhere around the planet, including here. (White male incomes are again as high as they've ever been, and incomes for women and minorities are MUCH higher today. Incomes in places like Japan, China, and Europe are also much higher than they used to be.

Because of this trade, we benefit from cheaper goods and services, including things like cell phones, flat screen tvs, computers, and other products that were unimaginable 30 years ago.

And because of this global trade, there is much less chance of major global wars in the future, because we are tied together by mutually beneficial trade.

Yes, some of our dirtier, harder, and more dangerous jobs have been farmed out elsewhere. But is that really such a bad thing? In other words, don't believe the hype, do some research, and look at the entire picture before making judgments. It's always natural to look back and believe things were better in the past, but this isn't necessarily the case. My 5th grade teacher, in 1979, told me that someday people would look back at that time as "the good old days", even though inflation and unemployment were high, industry was suffering, etc. In other words, that nostalgia didn't always make much sense. He was right.
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Pulp Fiction (1994)
13 April 2007
Seriously. I mean, this film is mildly amusing, and I saw it at the theater when it first came out. But I really can't watch the whole thing repeatedly, like with some true classics. It certainly doesn't deserve to be ranked in the top 5, or even really the top 100.

Both Reservoir Dogs and True Romance are better films, even just examining the Tarantino Ouvre. The Christopher Walken / Dennis Hopper scene (and the Pimp-fight scene) from True Romance alone blows this film away.

In all, I think this is ultimately a case of the emperor not wearing any clothes. If you watch these three films in one weekend, you should clearly see that PF is the weak link of the bunch. Its success appears largely a product of buildup from the earlier films, along with the desire of people to appear hip and cool, both then and now.
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Rocky Balboa (2006)
Good film, good conclusion
29 January 2007
I saw Rocky I when it first came out as a young kid. While it some ways a dark film, especially initially, it was also undeniably inspiring and uplifting in many ways, which is probably why it won an academy award.

I continued to be a fan of Stallone and Rocky as an adolescent in the 1980's, and enjoyed the following Rockys (3 and 4 more than 2). 5 was of course a piece of crap, and I felt I had largely outgrown Stallone and Rocky by that point.

However, I heard good things about this film, and thought I'd check it out.

I was very pleasantly impressed. This film captures the spirit and tone of the first film better than any of the sequels. While a bit cheesy at moments, with some scenes and monologues that go on too long, it is also genuinely moving at times. The movie brought me to tears more than once, and I actually broke into applause during the fight scene.

This movie is about very basic elements: Love, loss, sadness, anger, aging, and yet, at the end, hope, determination, and being willing to fight for your dreams. And to be willing to stand up. As others have stated, there are two monologues here that that are genuinely stirring, with important lessons. And the fight itself is alone worth the price of admission, especially when we know the emotions that are driving it. Rocky is not fighting for money, or a championship -- he is fighting for self-respect, for a sense that he still has something to offer. And by the end of the film, regardless of the outcome, we realize he has won that.

An excellent fim that in many ways is even more inspiring and uplifting than the original -- a film that reminds us that true victory lies in being true to ourselves, and what we feel, need, and believe in, regardless of others' opinions.
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Bullet (1996)
Interesting though weak film.
24 January 2006
I'd like to correct some errors stated by others.

First off, this film is not well-done. The plot is virtually nonexistent, and at times it looks like it was created by an adolescent, especially at the ending.

It is also not "realistic" at all. It plays like some suburban (or European's) vision of the "mean streets", and has no knowledge of the actual grittier side of life.

However, it does have some interesting scenes, from where the friend is banging two chicks in the kitchen of the bar, from the fight scenes, to the Vietnam brother's psycho character.

In all, it seems like a series of unconnected vignettes, some of which are interesting to watch. Kind of like a college kid's first attempt at film-making.

Rourke is indeed an interesting, though flawed actor, and he stays in good shape for an older guy.
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Another point of view
18 October 2005
In reading the comments, I think it's important for people to try to be open-minded, and perhaps put themselves in the shoes of white southerners of the time.

The truth is that the south was in fact oppressed by the north after the civil war, and most white southerners were in fact disenfranchised, and deprived of their civil rights. Southern blacks were not a majority in most states, and were only elected to office because of this disenfranchisement.

This is all despite the fact that most southerners never owned slaves, and some blacks did own slaves.

There is also evidence that there was in fact lawlessness and anarchy in the South during this period, with the northern occupying soldiers not particularly concerned with protecting white southerners from newly freed slaves, not all of whom were saints or benign.

In light of the above, I'm not sure we can blame southerners from creating groups like the KKK to protect themselves. Those who claim to sympathize with groups like the black panthers in the 1960's, or Palestinian militias today, should be able to understand the perspective of a group that has been disenfranchised and oppressed, and feels the need to fight back.

As others have noted, the KKK in the 20th century was a completely unnecessary evil, because white southerners at that point already had their civil rights back, and completely dominated local government, to an unjust extent. However, the KKK during the time of reconstruction was simply a different entity, with different causes.
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