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Well made documentary
2 May 2024
I don't want to comment on the political side of things because it's a slippery slope and I think I can review this purely based on how it was made and how it made me feel.

I felt the plight of the protesters profoundly and the doc really made me care about the people involved.

The tension was great and coming into it with not much knowledge I felt like it had a good mixture of drama, Information and a real story told well.

The footage was also very good and it really felt like you were in the conflict and getting BTS footage rather than looking in from the outside.

I would recommend anyone watches this and the fact it is from 2015 and it feels like the world basically didn't care or think about the danger Russia/Putin posed to Ukraine until they invaded despite the clear evidence such as euromaidan.
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Going downhill
17 March 2024
I started this with a 9 then dropped to 8 after few seasons and then 7 after the recent one.

It's gotten to the point where they completely fabricate narratives for drama. Ricciardo and Norris hating each other. Szafnauer with alpine being absolutely useless with no points and constant retirements then he's sacked and wow they're 3rd and both in points even though they already achieved 3rd earlier in season before Otmar was sacked and both cars finished in the points 4 times with Otmar and twice after that.

They also repeat things constantly presumably for dramatic effect and to get good social media clips. But they need to mix up the format a little. Provide more detailed insight maybe or more of the personal life things.

'There are 2 religions in Italy, the catholic church mad Ferrari'. That is a ridiculous thing to say.

Most of the things Will Buxton says are so annoying, cliche, dramatic or just repeating something obvious in a different way.

They have made it more dramatic and less enjoyable but maybe it appeals more to general audience.
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Ted Lasso: The Strings That Bind Us (2023)
Season 3, Episode 7
Falling apart
24 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not sure what is happening to this show but it isn't good atm.

Nathan's redemption story seems wrong. He was nice guy who turned villain and now they want us to care about him again as some vulnerable nice guy. Secondly, the girl he likes that supposedly the writers want us to root for was horrible to him before she knew he was rich and famous. So it's not a good storyline at all.

The Sam/Immigration storyline is also another political lecturing story that feels very forced and is annoying. Firstly, painting the picture that been opposed in any way to any immigration (in this case illegal immigration almost certainly facilitated by people trafficking gangs) is polarising and counter productive.

Final 2 quick points that I don't like. Ted is still an extremely bad coach and doesn't understand football after 3 seasons of being paid millions which is unrealistic but also at this point it's quite boring and I'd much prefer if he gradually became an actual good football manager.

Finally, what is the point in the Jack buying Kewley gifts/love etc. Seems pointless filler to me.
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Ted Lasso: Midnight Train to Royston (2021)
Season 2, Episode 11
Confused episode
16 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Nate the snake. Last episode should be fun though. It's a strange character turn feels like a late decision. There were no seeds planted regarding Nate's character and then all of a sudden it's red flag after red flag. But like I say it is an interesting bit of drama.

The Ghanaian billionaire storyline and all the not so subtle virtue signalling were quite annoying in this episode.

Raja Casablanca as a world superpower lol. Also why would a Nigerian player want to participate in a Ghanaians project to make a Moroccan team a global team.

Firstly, to move 'home' to Africa? Morocco is extremely far away from Nigeria, different language, religion, culture and they are Arabic so not even similar racially. It's lazy to just group all of Africa as one.

Even the food thing like London doesn't have hundreds of west African restaurants owned and run by West Africans.

Also Nate kissing Keeley, Roy and the teacher etc is a strange subplot.

Episode seemed confused with too many strange and unbelievable storylines going on at the same time.
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The Recruit (2022– )
Easy going spy drama
22 June 2023
Don't expect a serious well thought out drama from this. The storylines are poor and it is the usual cheesy Netflix show.

Also the way it portrays all the CIA as so unhelpful and competing with each other is annoying at times as they take it too far.

It's also very unrealistic and laughable at times when they solve a problem with the most basic obvious idea ever yet portray it as some genius.

Overall, it is worth a watch if you have time on flights etc or want to pass time but nothing special.

I would like to see season 2 try to improve and be a tad more realistic. The lead actor is also very cringe at times.
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Seinfeld (1989–1998)
Just not funny
22 June 2023
Let me start by saying I was being in 1999 so I think this show is just too early for me to find the humour funny.

I like Friends but even then the earliest season isn't my favourite.

I have tried and tried to like it but genuinely m haven't laughed once. It is a very easy going show so you can watch it regardless and I usually just have it on in the background but other than that I don't think it's good.

The stand up segments are also very rarely even remotely funny but the concept of showing stand up and then everyday life is quite cool and a modernised version may work with the right comedian/lead.
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Outer Banks: The Heist (2021)
Season 2, Episode 2
Stupid storyline
28 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Kiara shouting at Ward is just absolutely ridiculous and the show loses credibility from it. He was armed and had just murdered someone in cold blood and they had all the evidence.

But no she decides that unarmed with no police even called at this point she wants to scream murderer at him. Already that's stupid.

But the next bit of stupidity is that when he sees them and chases after them which he would obviously do they panic and run away leading to the camera being dropped and completely destroyed so no evidence.

The stupidity of the scene was off the charts. It made me turn it off at this point and I am not sure if I will return.
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: The Set Up (2021)
Season 8, Episode 6
Why ruin everything?
11 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Brooklyn Nine Nine is known and loved for its stupid, immature comedy that never takes itself too serious.

The storyline with Doug Judy has done that many times over. But this episode along with s8e1&2 are unbearably bad.

It's like they needed to get it off their chest before ending the series but in doing so they have left a bad taste in my mouth and by the looks of it many other feel the same.

You can't go from lighthearted borderline ridiculous story to preachy political nonsense. The storyline wasn't funny whatsoever apart from maybe some of O'sullivans lines.

The storyline was weak too like he found a guy in an area not open to public and asked if he could ask him questions but he decided to run off. "Because he was obviously scared of police interaction." Absolute nonsense police bashing.

Should I not stop when I get pulled over by police because I'm scared of police interaction.

Such a shame and this season in general is awful except a few episodes.
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Loser (2000)
Underwhelmed low expectations
8 January 2023
A film of this style in this genre is never going to be great but I was hoping for at least 6/7 rating.

It doesn't even warrant the 5 it has. The main protagonist is unrealistically nice to the point of annoyance. The 'girl' in the story is also annoying and extremely fake it's obvious that she is hurting the main character(telling that I can't remember any names). Yet she doesn't care and continues to act in a selfish way.

Her boyfriend the professor is laughably cruel and a horrible person yet the supposedly sweet girl that presumably the director wants us to hope gets together with the main character in the end can't see this and still 'loves him'.

The film was just poorly written and almost a spoof but was in no way funny.

I wasn't hoping for them to end up together. She doesn't deserve him. He was annoyingly weak and frankly pathetic to the point where it was hard to root for him either.

This film is not even worth watching it doesn't provide any benefit. It's not light hearted, feel good or funny. Avoid.
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: The Good Ones (2021)
Season 8, Episode 1
Such a shame. What happened to B99?
8 January 2023
Having watched and rewatched B99 probably 4/5 times. Then finally watching the final season when I was released on Netflix it felt like I was watching a different show.

It feels like the show has been hijacked to be political correctness propaganda. I know the show has frequently touched on issues like racism, sexism, homophobia and corruption and has occasionally done specific episodes on this. These episodes to me are the worst ones in the series and the ratings agree.

The problem with a goofy comedy like Brooklyn Nine Nine going serious for an issue episode is it feels like hypocritical preaching.

I don't individually review episodes usually and the overall series I love and give 8/10 but this episode in particular is atrocious and deserves to be the lowest rated episode of the show.
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The Menu (2022)
Captivating throughout
12 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Not sure where to start with this film. I was engaged from start to finish and the tension and suspense was held throughout. It was thought provoking and bizarre to the point where the bizarreness may have damaged the final review.

My main drawback from the film was the incoherent 'reasoning' for killing himself and everyone else. For some guests there were clear reasons but for others it was very vague.

I think if it had a strong reason and motivation for the mass murder it could arguably be as high as a 9/10 and I wouldn't be too surprised if this turned into a well reviewed cult classic.

It is definitely a film worth watching and I enjoyed it but I would have liked a better message and a more realistic struggle from the guests to survive/escape.
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Come Fly with Me (2010–2011)
Hilarious, refreshing, no holds barred.
1 October 2022
This was a great show and essentially took the mick out of stereotypes and British life as a whole.

Taaj being interviewed by immigration, Precious running out of cups or the old lady who realises she has flown before MANY TIMES are all great scenes.

The Japanese clooney fans singing is an all time great.

Overall, the show is complete comedy no story line just constant ridiculous low shelf humour. There is nothing deep and profound about it but it doesn't pretend that there is.

One of my favourite comedies.

Shame that in modern times it is not deemed acceptable when it was done for comedic purposes and takes the mick out of everyone with no exceptions. Posh couples with overbearing wife, Dumb fast food workers, Cheap skate airline owners and many more.

If you can find it then watch it.
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Missed opportunity
23 September 2022
I have watched almost all of the all of nothings (all of the spurs and city ones) and really enjoyed them and I am a fan of none of these clubs so I am not biased. However, I felt this was the worst one, there didn't seem to be much hope or story which I know they can't do anything about cause it is real life but maybe they could have framed it better.

City was good as pep was extremely interesting and the squad was fun and going for the title.

Jose conversations with delle alli and Danny rose were something we don't get to see as fans.

But this one glazed over auba issues which was a shame and was not very deep. Most of it was interviews etc rather than listening to what they are saying and doing when they are relaxed and not acting for the camera.

Even the Sunderland one was better in my opinion as that was extremely behind the scenes from a running the club perspective.

Still worth a watch but I was a bit disappointed by the lack of real insight.
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Point Break (1991)
Point Break, more like Pointless
16 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
There wasn't much to like about this movie. I found the acting cheesy and irritating.

The storyline didn't really make any sense. I wasn't genuinely bothered about any of the characters. Generally just a poor film.

I thought it had potential if the main bank robber/surfer philosophical thinking regarding the system etc being wrong was fully explored but it wasn't. It was very vague and mystical and this made it difficult to reason with or understand his way of thinking.

The actual main character played by Keanu was also not very likeable or interesting either.

Overall, if you're at a loose end then feel free to tick it if your list but I certainly wouldn't prioritise it. Very average film and not the type of feel good film that is enjoyable despite being average.
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Very good film
6 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is a great story and although a morbid subject it somehow conveys a sense of optimism and feel good.

Yes it's emotional and lots of death and suffering but it is a story of a kind soul in an evil world but he left the world in a better place.

It was long but didn't drag on. It had ups downs and twists all throughout.

The guards are really likeable and honest people except for Percy of course. This helps carry the message that the whole block is a respectful place for inmates final days which allows John to flourish and pass on his miracle.

I would highly recommend watching this classic.

Given it 8/10 but honestly it is good value for its current 8.6/10 rating.
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Insomnia (2002)
A fairly solid watch
11 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I am watching all of Nolan's films start to finish in order of when they were made excluding Batman(Which I also like). This film has got the lowest rating and I knew this going in. I also know that Nolan didn't write this but simply directed it so was limited with what he could do.

However, I would agree it's worse than any Nolan's film I've seen but it is still a very decent film and I would recommend watching it.

It is fairly simplistic cop tries covering something up instead of being honest to protect reputation or for greater good but it all comes crashing down. Nothing knew but the insomnia aspect was at least something to make it stand out.

Overall, decent film worth watching but not exactly a masterpiece and simplistic storyline.
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Following (1998)
Incredible for debut and budget
8 August 2022
To think this was his first feature length film and was filmed on $6,000 is incredible.

Is it an amazing film? No but it is very good.

The thing that makes him stand out as a director is evident in this as he makes not great actors, no effects, black and white dingey scenes hook you in and make you nervous and fully invested.

The amazing aspect of the film is the story. It is so clever when explained at the end and is an early glimpse of his brilliance that we now know.

If I could give 7.5/10 I would but that is when taking into account inexperience and budget which I think is fair as it can't compete with blockbusters.
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Enjoyable film but something missing
26 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly, Pete Davidson does very well as the lead in this show.

My issue is with the story which is very vague and although it develops there are lots of random parts of it that aren't relevant. Like the friends were a key part in the beginning but then became pretty irrelevant and unseen.

He enjoyed walking the kids to school but that seemed to go by the wayside after a while.

Just seemed like lots of half pursued storylines.

I guess the main overarching plot is his resentment towards fire service/father which he eventually lets go of and seems to process his emotions and see his father as a hero that has issues just like him.

Enjoyable film but with a worse lead it could have failed.
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Up in the Air (I) (2009)
Quite a good watch
10 July 2022
This film is solid. Well acted. Nice story line and just seems well put together.

However, it is in no way a comedy. Feel good film and worth a watch.

Also makes you think about what really is important and what isn't.
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Very poor and not worth watching
19 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The film was just so ridiculous. Like a woman can outrun dinosaurs for about 5 minutes through the streets of Valletta but her boyfriend can't outpace them on a motorbike? And they cant outpace them in a van?

Chris Hemsworth drops into iced water so would be absolutely freezing and was dripping wet. Less than 20 seconds later he is bone dry.

The film was just constant nonsense.

The premises could have been interesting but it was ruined to make it have constant ridiculous action scenes and cheesy acting.
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365 Days (2020)
Weird but not that bad.
2 May 2022
The premise of the story is mental. Kidnap and sexual assault.

However, the film is watchable and i quite enjoyed it.

Like fifty shades of grey but more sex scenes.
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Bride Wars (2009)
Didn't keep me interested enough to care.
2 May 2022
Let me start by saying that this movie is not targeted at me. I didn't realise until I started watching but I simply didn't like the movie and 10/15 mins before the end I turned it off.

I think the main reason is as a man I just don't understand why some women(such as the characters in the film) care so much about their wedding.

As I'm not able to understand I just didn't gel with the film.

But like I said it may be a hit with it's target audience.
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Grown Ups (I) (2010)
Easy going and fun to watch
12 April 2022
Although I have rated 6/10 the film is actually quite good but the type of film it is can't really exceed 7/10.

It is an easy going and fun family film that can be rewatched and is a feel good film.

The jokes aren't amazingly detailed but they are simple basic and fun in line with the type of movie.

Overall, good family feel good film that does why you expect it to do.
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Average but far fetched
4 April 2022
Not a big marvel fan or superhero film fan so I was never going to love this. But having liked the last 3 Spider-Man's and hearing good things about this as well as being stuck with 16hrs flying I decided to watch it on the planes built in system.

Wasn't particularly impressed. Too far fetched for me to enjoy and I just didn't enjoy the story.

The headless creature and scouse guy were interesting additions. It is watchable if you're not expecting much.

Overall, I wouldn't recommend unless you love extremely far fetched non fiction superhero movies.
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Baaghi 2 (2018)
Interesting first for me
3 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly I want to say that I am British and therefore never seen a Bollywood film and watched it due to being on a long haul Emirates flight so I thought I'd try one out on the built in entertainment system.

I didn't know what to expect but from my non Indian perspective it is very cheesy some of the acting and stories.

However it was fairly enjoyable and easy going. Not a masterpiece or anything and it doesn't fully make sense even at the end and the story has some flaws but at least it had a lot of twists and kept me watching to the end.

However I don't understand why they have to make it completely unrealistic such as dodging bullets, taking on an entire army and punching people so they fly backwards in the air.

But overall it was an okay watch.
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