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Land of Bad (2024)
This inferior copy of Lone Survivor is not impressive
24 April 2024
If anyone has read my reviews to other war movies, you will quickly find that I really, REALLY hate when war movies fail to get the basic details correct. It's a sign that they don't care enough to get it right. It doesn't cost more to be correct, and I am dumbfounded as to why they would go through the huge trouble of making a war movie, only to get so many things wrong.

Portraying a USAF combat controller as a lost, panicky amateur that has apparently not ever expected to see on-the-ground contact... REALLY? This is downright disrespectful.

FYI, JTAC and PJ's are among the most highly trained, elite special forces in existence. These guys are trained in everything from SERE to sniper school, to advanced field medicine, counterintelligence, psychology, hand to hand combat, and anything you can imagine.

Their entire job is to embed with special forces... Rangers (Green Berets), MARSOC, Raiders, SEALS, Force Recon, even DEVGRU and Delta Force, and even operate with PJ's that go behind enemy lines to extract downed pilots.

Second, sending a 3 man team with one JTAC to a large, heavily defended COMPOUND for an extraction? You have got to be kidding me.

Third, calling a JTAC AIRMAN a soldier is incorrect. SOLDIERS refer to Army. Marines refer to Marine Corps, Airmen refer to Air Force, Seaman refers to Navy.

Fourth, all 4 of these muppets are out sitting on top of rocks, right out in the open, while there is abundant foliage cover just a couple meters behind them. Really? They would be in the freaking bushes, well concealed.

And I'll stop here, because I could be at this for hours. My wish is that filmmakers finally start to give a damn about getting war movies at least somewhat believable. There is no excuse for this!
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Encounter (III) (2021)
A disgusting fraud and a waste of time
21 April 2024
This joke of a movie advertises itself as a science fiction thriller to attract the large sci-fi audience, but scientific it certainly is not, and fiction it is not. It is a bait-and-switch, and I have a real pet peeve for false advertisement - especially with movies.

All they had to do is advertise it correctly and put it on Lifetime network for the retired old ladies to watch after their soaps are done, and it would be acceptable.

Thank god I didn't go to a theater to watch this nonsense. I can only imagine if I had taken my dad to see this movie in the theater.

My dad and I love sci fi and action thrillers, and this movie advertised itself as being in that category. I don't get to see my dad often at all anymore and I cherish every moment I get to spend with him now...

Just thinking about the disappointment we would have felt from this movie makes my stomach turn. For any other product, this would be considered false advertisement, and I would get a refund. I'm not being a complainer, and I'm not being dramatic.

Movies are expensive - especially if you go to a movie theater and pay $6.00 for a popcorn, $5.00 for a soda and $4.00 for a little box of candy. A family of four can cost an excess of $140 to see a movie at the theater, and they take up several hours of our time, not to mention more time to drive / commute there, wait for the movie to start, then drive / commute back home after watching it. Given that we have less time to spend with family, and far less money to spend on anything that is not bills and food, getting tricked into seeing a movie that is not what it's supposed to be, this is a selfish thing for producers to do to people, and they should be ashamed of themselves.

Encounter is nothing more than a forgettable, annoying movie that actually slides further and further away from science fiction with every second that ticks by.

If I wanted a meaningless drama, I would go to grandma's house on Tuesday afternoon and watch reruns on Lifetime and OWN.
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Captures the true spirit of New England like no other
17 April 2024
I'm so thankful I finally made it a point to watch this movie. I'm still trying to take it all in, but I'm just giving my real, immediate feedback before I've had the chance to put my thoughts into an organized process, so I'm just going to say a few random things that come to mind, without giving any spoilers at all... I've seen a lot of movies... I've seen a lot of movies that are set in Boston and around New England, but Manchester By the Sea is the only movie that translates the soul of New England, and transfers it to a screen in such a perfect way. This is truly authentic and I'm blown away.

Maybe I am missing the point of this movie, but for someone that lives in this area, this movie was so well done, that I feel like this could be happening on my own street, and for me, that is truly special.

Most people won't relate to this movie in the same way as I did, because most people don't live over here, but let me tell you, from someone that knows better, this movie is so authentic and true to the intended setting, that I will never forget it. I will watch it again and again.

The only reason I didn't give it 10 stars was the acting from the main character was overdone at times. I wish they would have made him tone his character back a little bit at times, but it's still a masterful performance. In fact, the entire cast put on a masterful performance. TRULY masterful.

When you have to question if these are even actors and not just actual people doing their actual jobs and just being filmed as they work, what more is there to ever hope to achieve in a movie? This is how a movie should be made. It's practically the gold standard of acting.

Well done. Truly well done! I am going to watch it again in the near future because this one really hit me and reached my soul. Not with sadness or joy or anything, but simply as something that is real enough to remind me that we never know what other people are going through in life, and we should never judge people.
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Halo (2022– )
Season 2 is an improvement...
19 March 2024
Halo fans were very critical of season one, because it was not at all what we were expecting due to the lack of action and combat scenes and a silly love story.

There were also many holes in the script, pointless and useless annoying characters like Kwan, and a terrible unrealistic chain of events regarding the bizarre love affair with Master Chief and the silly choices he made.

There was bad acting, poor script writing, poor character development, silly dialogue, and an extremely vague and confusing storyline with no particular direction and purpose.

However, coming into the second season, we had one thing going for us, and that was the visuals and sound design. Kate Kennedy is the best casting choice of the whole series. She's actually huge in real life, at 6 foot 3 inches tall. She's a fantastic actress, I like her voice, she's really cute (the kind of cute that grows on you), and she serves an important role of holding the actors around her together to maintain a sense of team and loyalty.

If only they would finally kill off the monumentally annoying character Kwan and spare us all the constant annoyance every time we have to her face on screen...
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The writers lost the plot in a very frustrating and excessively long film.
29 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The moved along great until the final attack scene, where all the characters suddenly became mentally challenged and useless. Firing off an entire round from a fully auto high fire rate submachine gun to kill each bad guy at near point blank range is so annoying and it destroys the authenticity of a film that was otherwise more authentic than most war movies.

It's really too bad that the directors and writers decided to turn half our main characters into a gang of braindead idiots that either lost the plot, magically turned into psychopaths, or cowards, and even one becoming a rapist that lost control the moment he saw a female, and purposely tried to get his team killed by the enemy. Seriously, WTF?!?!

Last but not least, it seems that Hollywood has always had the problem of not knowing how guns work. Someone should really explain to them that a gun needs bullets to shoot, and they can only hold a couple dozen rounds at most, and must be reloaded to fire another couple dozen rounds. This drives me insane!!!
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The Pyramid (2014)
7 September 2023
It's almost as though this movie gets increasingly worse with each minute that passes.

One would assume that at some point in the pre-production stage, someone in the right mind would have looked at the script and realized that it needed some serious work... at the least... and in my opinion, should have been thrown in a shredder straight away.

Unfortunately, that did not happen, and the script managed to reach production and was approved and funded.

Already predictable at every turn, the storyline is not only foolish and nonsensical, it is full of jump scare after jump scare.

What a bargain - not only am I to tolerate such dross, and bore, I am now being put at risk of a heart attack while my brain in shrinking from the sheer stupidity I am witnessing.

And if the script is not bad enough, the acting manages to squeeze the last bit of life from the production. How is it that ''professional'' actors can be so terrible at acting? This is a common flaw with movies of this period (2010's). Actors that are so terrible at acting, that the movie would have been better off with plucking randoms off the street and offered $8,000 to work for 4 weeks.
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Forrest Gump (1994)
I despise Tom Hanks as a person... but it still gets a 10, because it's THAT good...
27 June 2023
I've seen Forrest Gump at least 100 times. My parents bought it right away when it came out on VHS. We wore through several copies growing up. When I was younger, I didn't understand the actual substance of the movie, but I still knew it was amazing.

For the period of about 20 years, after leaving home and growing up, I forgot about it. However, last year I formed an interest in movie reactions, and one night I saw Forrest Gump come up on my feed, so I thought, instead of watching the reaction, I should just buy the movie and watch the whole thing.

To say I was impressed is an understatement. Movies don't make me cry, but for the last 15 minutes of the movie, I had tears rolling off my face. I never cried that much in my life. It blows my mind how absurdly good this movie is.

I can't say that Forrest Gump is THE best movie of all time... but I also can't say there is any other movie that is better. Simply put, there is no movie better than Forrest Gump, and there probably never will be.

Forrest Gump is a crowning achievement of film. It simply deserves to be watched by every last person on Earth!
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Yet another movie that aims to portray the Human race as being monsters.
17 June 2023
This film, although entertaining and overall quite decent, it is among the early movies in the trend of Hollywood Sci-Fi movies that portray Humans as evil, ignorant, cold, horrible, selfish villains. If there's one thing I can't stand, is Hollywood trying to tell me that I'm evil, because I'm Human. Sorry, I'm not falling for your demoralizing propaganda. Furthermore, another thing I can't stand, is our military being portrayed as a bunch of trigger happy, uneducated, ignorant, violence obsessed robotic fools with no Human dignity. Please, cut the B. S., Hollywood. Maybe you haven't been told that our military is comprised of so many incredible, courageous, highly intelligent, sensible men and women, and they would NEVER conduct themselves how they are shown in this movie. There are 3.8 million active and reserve military personnel, and 2.2 million active law enforcement officers in this country, and I challenge you to find one that would act anywhere remotely as foolish as how they did in this movie. By the way, a Predator drone is a propeller powered aircraft, not jet powered, and they don't scream along at M1 speeds like F-15's in evasive maneuvers. I could write a very long review to critique how terribly they portrayed our military. Furthermore, they portray our government and world government incorrectly as well. If something like this happened, we already have global first contact measures in order. All global air traffic would immediately be ceased, and every country would immediately deploy their most important Human assets related to the matter at hand. Meaning, all of the most intelligent and educated people would be ascending on New York. All global militaries would immediately integrate to form the Earth defense force protocol, all applicable top secret technology would be openly shared with all countries. Representatives for the Human race would make first contact to attempt to communicate and assess if a threat is present. If determined to be a threat, we would all work together to figure out our defensive plan of action. Hollywood never seems to think far ahead enough to include other countries in alien invasion / alien contact films. It's totally ridiculous. America would never even attempt to stand alone against an alien threat, nor would the rest of the world standby like muppets and let us act like a bunch of misfit fools. We can do so much better than this!!!
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Lord of War (2005)
Only the tip of the iceberg...
14 March 2023
I had to revisit this flick after a chain of certain recent events. While this movie is based on a true story, it's not THE true story... THE true story is far worse than this. This is a diluted version of reality, because people would not have the stomach for the full, real truth.

Aside from that, the movie is fantastic, and very entertaining. They managed to tell a story of a true monster, with a palpable lightheartedness.

In reality, the movie is inspired by Viktor Anatolyevich Bout aka the Merchant of Death, but not an actual story of his life. What this movie doesn't mention is the number of innocent people this man killed. He is responsible for conspiring to start wars with other arms dealers and ex-Soviet military officers.

In addition, and worst of all, is that his weapons not only killed millions of Africans, they have directly killed thousands of American, French, British, Canadian, German, Italian, Israeli, Jordanian, Kuwaiti, Indian, Australian, Georgian, Estonian, Egyptian, South African, New Zealander, Pakistani, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Korean, Swedish, Iranian, Saudi, Philippine, Cuban, Brazilian, and many others, on various humanitarian, peacekeeping, anti-terrorist, law enforcement, etc, persons, who were innocent, or fighting organized crime, genocide, terrorism, slavery, human trafficking, drug trafficking, piracy, and all kinds of other dark and evil people.

And after all he did, this SCUMBAG CRETIN - this walking demon, the devil in the flesh, is now back home in his motherland Russia, sipping vodka with his pals in the Kremlin, laughing at the west, thanks to *** ***** aka ''10% To The Big Guy'', who set him free in exchange for a pothead basketball playing lezzbo that tramples the American flag, of whom is less valuable to humanity than a rusted can of beans, who tried to smuggle illegal drugs into Russia. Absolutely insane.

Anyhow, this is a fantastic film and everyone needs to watch it so they can get a taste of reality! Well done movie in every aspect, and of course, Nicolas Cage, one of the only true, respectable actors left in Hollywood played the lead role. I have nothing but respect for this movie!
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Impressive aspects, but, saturated with negative aspects
13 March 2023
I wanted this to be a good movie the first time I watched it in 2020, and I watched it again today in hopes that I had been too critical of it the first time I watched it. The aliens are the best aspect of this movie. In fact these are among the best of the best aliens I've ever seen. Whoever is responsible for creating these aliens is a freaking legend. These things creep me out on a whole other level. In most of the shots with the taller beings, I was shocked by how real they look. They are so well made, that it is borderline indiscernible from fact or fiction. If someone showed me some of those alien scenes and told me it was real, I would probably believe them.

Sadly. The acting is terrible. The lead actress is by far the worst of the bunch. Her body language does not mesh with her emotions at all. She's very disconnected and bizarre, and the other characters are pretty bad as well.

The script is terrible, plot is terrible, dialogue is terrible, character interaction is terrible. The constant attempts to save the other characters long after they reached the point of no return is beyond annoying. Enough of your morality nonsense.

Also the high strangeness and mysterious nature of these beings is also amazing. I am truly creeped out by them.

Also, someone should have told them that when you shoot a gun, there is recoil. Standing there still as a rock while supposedly shooting high powered rifles... horrible. Even paintball and air guns have a recoil. Too bad.
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Carnifex (2022)
Horrendous and annoying to the extent that it's infuriating.
7 March 2023
How this excuse of a sci-fi horror movie has a rating anywhere above a 2 is mind baffling. The only reason I kept watching past the halfway point was to hopefully get the satisfaction of watching these monumentally annoying characters getting killed or at least seriously maimed for my viewing pleasure.

This pathetic waste of time movie broke my cardinal sin: JUMP SCARES.

You know, when I watch a horror movie, I want to be terrified - not given a heart attack from copout jump scares. Jump scares are the last ditch effort to try and salvage a useless, terrible horror movie actually have some sort of fear and horror so they can pass it off as a horror movie.

The characters are beyond annoying, and I've never seen so much mindless dross. Hopefully the producers lost their ass with this production and are now relegated to living in a trailer park.
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Cosmic Sin (2021)
Expect improved ratings in the years to come...
6 February 2023
When it comes to this genre (Sci-Fi / Action / Alien Invasion) of movies, the film industry has been spewing out cookie-cutter, worn out garbage for nearly two decades, feeding us one lame cookie-cutter superhero remake after another after another.

Those of us who love this genre of movies have been begging for new movies that surprise us and capture our attention. We want movies that require real thought to understand and use our imagination. The issue is that many people had very high expectations for this movie, due to the casting of Bruce Willis as the main character.

In contrast, if the movie was cast of main characters that are not well known, people would have no real expectations for a top shelf movie, and would be impressed by the visuals and originality, and would have a rating in the 5.5 to 6.5 range.

That being said, here we have a movie that gives us what we have been asking for... but how did we respond? With hyper-critical disdain and complaints, and worst of all, a 2.5 rating. Come on now people.. Don't be so hard on this movie. Also, Willis has been in serious mental decline since this movie was made, and he is now in a serious condition, and he is nearing the end of his life.

Cheers to Bruce Willis for all the amazing work he has done over the years. What a legend.
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The Philadelphia Experiment (2012 TV Movie)
Absolutely beyond horrendous. One of the worst movies I have ever seen
17 January 2023
From the very first scene, to the very last, this disaster of a movie is monumentally terrible. The only remotely positive aspect is a few of the actors are decent. If I was an investor of this movie, I would have taken this production company to court and sued them for every penny they have.

To summarize this abomination... This is supposed to be a science and military focused storyline, but it's so far from being accurate in these categories that it made me upset. I realize that a low budget is the biggest factor in making a movie, but if they had actually taken some time to educate themselves in these subjects, this movie would not be AS terrible. This is just laziness and lack of passion.

The script is the worst aspect of this movie. I am shocked by how bad the script is written. The dialogue is a joke, the plot is a joke, and so full of useless dialogue, that this movie could have easily been cut down to 30 minutes to the same effect as the agonizing 90 minutes of this movie.

There are many professionals-especially military and science, all over the world that would gladly offer their services for free to provide technical consultation to help the director to be more accurate. Sadly this lack of accuracy plagues so many sci-fi and military movies nowadays. It is beyond me as to why they don't even care enough to seek out technical advisers.

When compared to movies like John Wick, Lone Survivor, Saving Private Ryan, Scarface, and Full Metal Jacket, among others, the proof that technical advisers are the difference between average and amazing.
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Terrible in nearly every possible category. Huge disappointment...
19 November 2022
I had no expectations when I watched this movie, except for the fact that the legend R. Lee Ermey is in the movie.

The only positives about this movie are that they hired a huge amount of people to represent accurate company and platoon sizes. The uniforms are mostly accurate, and the setting is beautiful.

Aside from that, the rest is just horrible. The acting is SO bad, that I thought I was watching a parody or an unfunny comedy for the first 45 minutes.

The script is a disaster and impossible to follow. Even though I am a highly researched military enthusiast about every American war since WW2, I was unable to follow because the plot was non existent.

If we were still in the 70's and 80's, this movie could have been used as propaganda by our enemies to build confidence that they can beat us in war by making us look like a bunch of idiots, with no training, no brains, no discipline, no courage, and a complete display of being sloppy, inept, and cowardly, refusing to follow orders, mutiny at every rank, and being a bunch of losers.

I want to love this movie.. I really do, but I really can't because it's too horrible.
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I Am Wrath (2016)
Not great, but it was entertaining, and that's what matters.
30 April 2022
While this is a typical, worn-out plot that has been the basic structure for thousands of generic action movies, there was very little time wasted with drama scenes that often ruin the flow of action movies.

Let's consider also that John Travolta is a legend, and he has nothing to prove. This is clearly not an attempt to feed his ego, nor is this an 'extra cash' grab from an actor past their prime.

This is an honest film from an actor that could easily be living like a king anywhere in the world. Travolta is worth over $250 MILLION, and his late wife Kelly Preston was worth over $170 MILLION, whom he lost to cancer in July of 2020.

Any actor with that much wealth, who still decides to make a movie, and play the main character with almost 90% on screen time, is doing it for the love of their craft. I have more respect for him now than I did just two hours ago!

If you like action movies, save this one for a rainy day. You will probably enjoy it.
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You're joking, right?
21 April 2022
I just watched this abomination on DUST (YouTube). It was given (suspiciously) high praises for some reason, and it appears the audience thinks it's brand new and was just released.

There is only one good thing about this film: It's only 30 minutes.

I look at the reviews, and read things like ''great cast'', ''compelling story'', ''I can't wait for the rest!'' and blah blah blah.

First off, there is a cast of THREE, of which one is only on screen for 70 seconds, and says like 5 lines, and those 5 lines were not even good.

The storyline COULD be good, but only if these people are not allowed anywhere near the production - except for the CGI team(s) and set artists. They actually did a fantastic job, and considering this is 7 years old it fooled everyone into thinking it was just made this year. So, kudos to those teams.

As for the rest.... you don't deserve such great CGI and set design teams, and I hope those teams have all been given good projects to work on since, because they are above par and I'd love to see what they are capable of with an actual worthwhile production.
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Miami Vice (2006)
Underrated and closer to real than people think...
5 March 2022
I've owned this movie for so long and I haven't watched it for almost 11 years, as my DVD's are in boxes in the basement. I'm glad I went to dig it out. It was very nostalgic and dreamy, just as I remember. The visuals are amazing, and the music is really good.

The first review I read is saying that Li Gong's character is married. To that person, I say, go back and watch the movie, genius. They are NOT MARRIED.

The younger people think it's boring because they have an attention span of a mosquito and if it's not full of bright and shiny things, nudity, and bad CGI, they won't like it,

The older people think it's not 'hip' and 'stylish' like the TV series. To those people, I say, cool story, the cold war was over a long time ago.

For everyone else that understands this movie, cheers!

Nothing needs to be said about it. Mann delivers a good movie. Nothing more, nothing less.
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Jigsaw (I) (2017)
When dullard bimbo's and try-hard's try to act...
14 February 2022
Imagine saving your life and the lives of 4 others when you are all a few seconds away from an asphyxiation death, only to have one of the bimbo's you just saved, lunge at you and start squealing and flailing their arms at you.

For some reason, this installment has 5 times more screaming, squealing, whining bimbo sounds than the others....

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Arctic Void (2022)
Monumentally annoying nonsense!
14 February 2022

I'm afraid I will have to utilize my negative number rating system for this absurd production....


There are several reasons I have had to implement a negative number system. When a movie is so bad that a 1 star rating is an insult to the film industry, when the movie does not even deserve even just 1 star.

Everything about this movie is so insanely terrible, but the worst thing is that it kept my attention to the end, because I was assuming that it must have a really good twist or redeeming quality in the last 1/4 of the movie... but sadly, that never happened.

The fact that it ended in a more terrible and lame way than I could ever even imagine, was the icing of the terrible disgusting rancid cake that made me have to dive into the negative ratings scale.
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Immanence (2022)
Is this production some sort of mockery and we are being trolled?
12 February 2022
Absolute rubbish!

Terrible acting, HORRID script, and half of the movie is pointless footage that serves only to lengthen the film to exceed the 90-minute mark, and it also appears that they reduced the playback speed in many scenes in post-production to milk every last suspenseful moment to squeeze more time out of those rare, interesting moments.

What a shame.

This movie is NOT an example of how normal Christians act. We don't preach, we don't recite Biblical verses, we don't condemn people to Hellfire, and we don't blame God for misfortune.
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Moonfall (2022)
MoonFAIL! Make it stop!
8 February 2022
Imagine someone giving you $150M to create a product, and you tell them you'll make it - but only if you have creative control, even after directing terrible movies for two decades, and they actually accept your offer...

3 years later, the movie hits theaters... and makes only $9M on opening weekend, second to Jackass. This abomination was on the same level as the worst made-for-tv sci fi movies... enough said. How does this

It took only 40 SECONDS to start hating this movie, when these donuts started squealing into my brain while attempting to sing a classic rock song, 'Africa'' by Toto. Seconds after, a scene with some of the most terrible CGI I have ever seen. Then, to everyone's misfortune, Michael Peña appears on screen, and we were all like... ''Oh God, not this clown!", and I watched as several people stood up and walked out of the theater. This nonsense continued and worsened for two hours. Over half of the theater walked out before the last half hour or so.

Moonfall is over 30 minutes too long in the first place, as it's packed with nonsensical and pointless scenes. The CGI is a joke, the script is beyond terrible, the cast is useless, the acting is embarrassing, the science is so full of errors that Hawkins is rolling in his grave.

The only reason I gave them 2 stars instead of 1, is because the pandemic hindered their ability to shoot on location, and a large winter storm in the northeast US for opening weekend caused theaters to shut down and people were staying at home.
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What a cool movie! Perfect for a rainy day...
28 January 2022
If you haven't seen 'Escape From Alcatraz' yet, you should watch it. You won't regret it.

One of my favorite things about Clint Eastwood movies is how he can utilize silence instead of words, music or visuals to tell the story. His movies have so much depth and they force the viewer to fill in the blanks with our own imagination.

The fact that they went for at least 15 minutes without any dialogue, no over dramatic acting, no music, and nothing more than the sounds of footsteps is so impressive and thought provoking.

His stories are rarely predictable, and this was no exception. I was on the edge of my seat for the entire last third of the movie and I had no clue what to expect.

This was one of the last Clint Eastwood films that I had not seen yet, and I can say with confidence that every movie he has been a part of, is above average.

On a side note, I realized that Stephen King ripped this movie off with Shawshank Redemption.
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Tenet (2020)
Surprising... surprisingly TERRIBLE.
23 January 2022
Tenet is a waste of 2.5 hours of life. No consistent plot, no character building whatsoever, and randomly incoherent. This is an attempt of ignorant people trying to grasp a complex topic and make a movie about it.

So ironic.... people of low intelligence really liked this production because the subject matter of time travel is too difficult for them to understand, and this nonsense astounds them... Basically... they think it's amazing and brilliant because they think it's too complex for them to comprehend.

In contrast, intelligent people that have a grasp on quantum mechanics and theoretical physics can easily see that this movie is far detached from what is even theoretically possible. This movie would be legendary if it was written by people that actually understand quantum physics. People of low intelligence would be able to understand it and make sense of it, and people of high intelligence would like it because the study of quantum physics is hugely important and interesting for many reasons.

Maybe next time Hollywood wants to tackle theoretical physics, they should call up MIT, CERN, CalTec, etc, and ask for consultant services, and hundreds of students and instructors would jump at the chance to work on a huge movie like this.
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Easily one of the 5 most bizarre movies I've ever seen...
8 January 2022
Finally, I had the chance to watch this movie, after knowing about it and people telling me to watch it for over a decade. I rate it a 7 because it met many of the expectations I had, and it really stunned me to the extent that I was not expecting. I'm fine with gore movies, but this is next level because it's the psychological aspect that they really nailed down.
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District 9 (2009)
Starts out strong.... but becomes unbearably annoying
1 January 2022
For a low budget production, they did an awesome job on the visuals and production quality... however, it lacks direction and purpose. Many people will say that this is an amazing, brilliant, genius, etc, but in reality, these people are mistaking the lack of cohesion for something highly intelligent and well made.

Anyone with a decent amount of intelligence will look right through this movie and see it for the nonsense that it really is. In contrast, people of lower intelligence will think it's a work of art. We can compare this to the known fact that ignorant people are unable to detect sarcasm, and will take what they hear at face value, completely missing the point, while intelligent people constantly communicate using sarcasm.

When a movie has no plot or purpose, it's a bad movie. There are no characters developed either, creating a disconnect with the viewer. The lack of tangible conflict and plot are the reason this movie is nothing special. We have no idea what the heck is going on. On top of that, the alien voices are excruciatingly annoying, like nails on a chalkboard.

Just because it's creative, that doesn't mean it's great. In comparison, let's note a few movies that are very creative, as well as a good storyline and conflict: Pulp Fiction Star Wars Lord of the Rings Predator A Clockwork Orange The Matrix Ghostbusters Invasion of the Body Snatchers Contact 2001: A Space Odessey Wizard of Oz ... to name a few.
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