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Better than expected
11 May 2017
BDBOS Reviews: King Arthur: Legend of the Sword

Show of hands - how many of you out there are thinking about catching this movie? Probably not many. Expectations are pretty low for this movie, mainly because of it's generic look, somewhat unoriginal storyline, and overall "meh" feeling towards Charlie Hunnam as a lead. Quite honestly, if I never got an advanced screening pass for it, I would've never seen it. BUT, I did get that pass, I did see it, and let me tell you...it wasn't bad at all.

Director Guy Ritchie, of Sherlock Holmes fame, puts an entertaining bit of style to this flick, as it never feels like a drawn out Broadway production. Excellent pacing keeps you engaged the entire way through, and the sharp, humorous dialogue really gives you something to chew on. Hunnam gives a solid performance as a bruising, slick-talking Arthur, Jude Law carries the villain role well, and there are no glaring weak spots with the rest of the cast. (Although, admittedly, it's hard to see Aiden Gillen as anyone other than Littlefinger...)

Action-wise, there's some solid stuff here. You've got your epic army battle, castle sieges, sword fights, and a special effect-loaded final battle that are all pretty serviceable. Maybe not the best action scenes you'll see this summer, but certainly not the worst.

Listen, it's hard to recommend King Arthur when you could go see Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 in IMAX again (I just assume you've already seen it, because you're not stupid.)...but, if Guardians is sold out and you already drove out to the theater and need an alternative...Arthur can get you through the night.

King Arthur: Legend of the Sword is better than you thought it'd be. 3 out of 5 on the BDBOS.

(Hey guys, thanks for checking out my review. I use to do this a lot, but I stopped for a while, because, you know...life. Anyway, I just might get back into this, so check out my soon-to-be-resurrected-maybe page at facebook.com/TheBDBOS. Like, subscribe, say wussup, grab a beer, whatever you like. Any kind of love is loved back. Thanks, and have a good one!)
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Just as good as you hoped, maybe more.
5 May 2017
Guardians Vol. 1 was easily my favorite of the Marvel movies to date. I didn't think Marvel could ever top that effort. But Vol. 2...it's making me reconsider...

Listen, I shouldn't have to tell anyone to go see this. If you're reading this review, you've probably already made up your mind about seeing it. So, I'm just going to offer a bit of friendly advice:

  • See it in IMAX. It's gorgeous.

  • Be prepared for another fantastic soundtrack.

  • The cast gels just as well as they did the first time, even with the new editions. In particular, I should note that Michael Rooker (Yondu) is a better actor than anyone gives him credit for, and his acting chops are on full display in this one.

  • Kurt Russell as Ego is great.

  • You're going to laugh. Try to limit your sips of soda to between major scenes. (And to the guy who sat in front of me...I'm sorry.)

  • You're going to feel feelings, especially during the spectacular ending. Tissues are advised.

Guardians Vol. 2 gets a 5 out of 5, but that was a given. The real question is, is it better than Vol. 1? Personally, I think it's VERY close, but I'm leaning towards Vol. 2. Maybe I need to go back and watch Vol. 1 again for some clarity, but one thing is for certain, both movies are good enough to warrant the debate. I liked the soundtrack to Vol. 1 a little better, but that's just an issue of personal taste. I also think Vol. 2 was a bit funnier. Both endings were great, but Vol. 2's final act really gave me goose bumps, and I legitimately sat on the edge of my seat, pulling for everyone to make it out alive.

So, again...5 out of 5. Gold star. 100%. 27 thumbs up. Whatever you need to hear for you to make the decision. It shouldn't have been a question in the first place. Get your tickets now. Go see it. Twice.
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Good for the kids, OK for everyone else.
8 August 2014
You should be aware going in that 2014's film version of the Turtles is another all-new reboot. It has no ties to any of the previous movies or TV series, and creates its own origin story. Older fans like myself might see this and ask, "What the hell, why do they need to keep changing how they mutated? What was wrong with the 117 other origins they've had?" (Are there 117 different versions by now? That feels accurate.) I'd say that maybe us old-schoolers just need to sit down and relax somewhere, but this movie's back story is so odd, I can't help but be bothered by it. Could have been worse, though at least they weren't aliens

Now that I vented on the origin issue, I have to vent about the major issue on this movie: Megan Fox. You are going to be seeing and hearing a lot of her. A LOT. Not that April O'Neil is a bad character, it's just that the movie becomes the April O'Neil story, and that's not what we signed up for. And if you had a problem with Fox getting this role, well there's not a whole lot in here that will change your mind. You'll be very much aware that you're watching Megan Fox as April. (Speaking of casting, Will Arnett is funny as April's cameraman but how old is his character supposed to be in this movie? He seems way too old to be throwing himself at Megan )

Let's get to the good stuff. The graphics are well done, and the Turtles look great, for the most part. They definitely look like 'roided up, imposing versions of your favorite Teenaged Ninjas but what's up with Mikey's face? And was it really necessary to have Donatello wearing glasses the whole time? Could we not tell he was the intellectual of the group by how he spoke? Or all the high-tech equipment he carried around? Who gave him that prescription? They don't look like they came from Lenscrafters Anyway, the movie looks nice in 3D, but I wouldn't call it a must.

One strong point of the movie is the action. There are some great action scenes in here. The fight scenes are very well done (and well shot – no shaky-cam means you can clearly see every hit), especially when it comes to fights involving Shredder. The chase scenes and set pieces are also very exciting and fast-paced, especially the downhill mountain scene, and they mix in a healthy amount of comedy along the way. The movie itself moves at a quick pace, slowing down only to shove more Megan Fox down your throat. (Just kidding, Megan. I don't hate you. BUT YOU'LL NEVER BE MY APRIL.)

Ninja Turtles is a fun movie that younger audiences will get a kick out of. Older fans can find some enjoyment in there too, but will also likely find plenty of occasions to complain about how THEIR Turtles were better.

Ninja Turtles scores a 3 out of 5 on the BDBOS.
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THE Marvel movie you need to see.
1 August 2014
Marvel has done it.

Year by year, movie by movie, they've built up a universe with their main Avenger characters so engaging and entertaining that every new film crushes box office numbers and critic reviews alike. But this time, they've push their limits even further.

They took The Guardians of the Galaxy – a collection of characters nowhere near their top tier roster – and not only made a movie worthy of the Marvel universe…they may have made THE BEST MOVIE in the Marvel universe.

Let's go a step further – Guardians of the Galaxy might be the best movie you'll see this year. Period.

It's a bit difficult to pin down Guardians of the Galaxy as just sci-fi, because it blends so many other elements. This movie is WAY FUNNIER than you thought it would be, and at the time same, way more emotionally gripping than you were ready for.

The casting is damn near perfect. Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, and Bradley Cooper are all home runs. Dave Bautista does surprisingly well. Vin Diesel repeats the same 3 words for the whole movie, and still steals your heart away. Karen Gillan is terrific. Michael Rooker is an absolute joy to watch, in a role that I thought would have been a terrible fit for him. The only short fall you might find is Lee Pace as Ronan, this movie's main villain. That's not to say that he does a bad job, but it's very possible that Rooker and Gillan's also-villainous roles just steal some of the spotlight from Pace.

Let's talk about the soundtrack. Outside of the orchestrated pieces, Guardians is purposely heavy on 80's cheesy-pop music. The music – specifically, the songs on Peter Quill's "Awesome Mix-Tape" – are Peter's only remaining link to earth, and serve a dual function. Not only does the music serve as an emotional tether to Peter's past, but it gives the audience a very grounding effect on the grand scope of space. You'll be flying from planet to planet, viewing spectacular backdrops, but the music will make you feel as if it's all normal, the way Quill has become comfortable in space. The soundtrack is truly an unsung hero of this movie.

Quick notes: - The action isn't the best you'll get out of a Marvel flick, but the space fights are terrific. (You might even say a bit Star Wars-esque.) - The movie looks good graphics-wise, but 3-D isn't entirely necessary. - The ending is fantastic. - Of course, stay through the credits. But be warned – the final post- credit scene probably has nothing to do with any future Marvel movies. It is, however, a huge nod to the comic-savvy fans out there.

Guardians of the Galaxy is one of the reasons we still love movies. Marvel wins the summer…again. 5 out of 5 on the BDBOS. GO SEE IT!

(Hey guys, thanks for checking out my review! If you enjoyed it, perhaps you'll enjoy my humble little page over at facebook.com/TheBDBOS. Movie news and reviews, screening giveaways, cake, and more! (The cake is while supplies last.) And we're in the midst of expanding - like and follow the page now! Then you can be one of the cool kids and say "yeah, I was up on BDBOS before it sold-out and went all mainstream on us..." Stop by and say wussup! And thanks again for the read!)
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A fun and satisfying ride! Cruise delivers!
30 May 2014
Formerly known as " All You Need Is Kill" (I get why they changed the name, but damn, I wish they would have kept it), Edge of Tomorrow could be loosely described as big-budget, sci-fi "Groundhog Day". Tom Cruise plays "William Cage", a soldier who's far from combat-ready, but winds up on the front lines of a major invasion against an alien force known as "Mimics". Cage doesn't last very long once the battle begins, but just as he's being finished off, he wakes up in the previous day. Now caught in a time loop that brings him back to that same point every time he dies, Cage has to use this strange ability to help win the war.

Cruise crushes this role. No other way to look at it. You find yourself interested in Cage from the beginning, and become vested in Cage's unique growth through experience. He's funny, he nails the action scenes, and he brings some good weight to the emotional points. Emily Blunt Official also nails her role as the tough-as-nails soldier that teams up with Cage, and they work very well together.

Although the story makes several departures from the original novel, make no mistake – this movie is entertaining. The action is intense without having too much shaky-cam, and the story has a great pace to it. You'd worry that a movie that's caught in a time loop would involve repeating the same scenes over and over, but they manage to keep repeating scenes fresh, or simply plow forward while implying that they've done this before. You'll never get bored.

The visuals are GORGEOUS, and I'd fully recommend IMAX or 3D for this one. The beach battlefield scenes in particular are beautifully shot.

For my money, this is the best Tom Cruise film of the last decade, for sure, and it feels like he took great enjoyment in making this one. Edge of Tomorrow scores a 4.25 out of 5 on the #BDBOS. Go see it!

(Hey guys, thanks for checking out my review. For more like this, stop by my page at facebook.com/TheBDBOS. Movie reviews, news, and the occasional ticket giveaway, all right in your news feed! Plus, all the cool kids are doing it, so, you know...don't be that guy. You want to be cool, right? #peerpressure
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Marvel's best stand-alone film yet
4 April 2014
It's been mentioned several times before, but Marvel is steam-rolling through box-office numbers with movies that seem to get better with every release, and their key to success has been making great genre films that just so happens to have their superheroes in them. Winter Soldier follows the blueprint - you can now check "espionage-political thriller" off of Marvel's do-to list. And they do it RIGHT. (I'm looking at you, Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit.)

Captain America: The Winter Soldier is, hands down, Marvel's best stand- alone film to date. Let's go through the rundown

  • The main cast does an A+ job. Chris Evans shines, Samuel L. Jackson does Nick Fury justice, Anthony Mackie makes us care about Falcon, Sebastian Stan as The Winter Soldier is just right, and an especially great job by Scarlett Johansson, who really gets to cut loose with Black Widow this time around. ROBERT REDFORÐ as Alexander Pierce is a great fit, UFC star Georges St-Pierre as Batroc was terrific, and even many of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s lesser agents get some time to shine.

  • If you're following the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s TV show (and you should be, the 2nd half of this season has been TERRIFIC), then you'll be treated to a few bonus nuggets here and there. It's as if the show was slowing biding its time until Winter Soldier, as S.H.I.E.L.D. is a central focus of the movie, and will undoubtedly have massive effects on the show going forward. (This week's episode should be insane )

  • If you're a Marvel fan (of course you are) with some knowledge of where the movie universe is heading in the next few years, then there's a few Easter Eggs sprinkled in to get you excited as well. Pay attention, because they're quick

  • We opted for 2D this time around, but the movie was still visually beautiful. I wouldn't call 3D necessary, but I'm sure it would look great if you wanted to go that route. (If you see it in 3D, please let me know your opinion.)

  • Where this movie absolutely shines is in its story. Winter Soldier will keep you guessing and hit you with at least 1 or 2 more twists than you were expecting. Seriously, Jack Ryan take notes. - The final battle is EPIC.

The action is top-notch, but if there's one knock on Winter Soldier, it's that some of the action scenes suffer from that dreaded "shaky- cam", which is just a terrible thing to do when you've got so much great combat going on. It's not throughout the whole movie, but it's enough to notice.

The million dollar question: Is Winter Soldier better than Avengers? I say no but its 2nd only to Avengers as Marvel's best movie. And if you like espionage and internal politics in your action, then you might think differently.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier scores a 4.5 out of 5 on the ‪#‎BDBOS‬. Go see it. NOW.

Do I have to remind you to STAY THROUGH THE CREDITS? Two bonus scenes: one midway, another at the end. One of them will get you very excited

(Hey everyone, thanks for checking out my review. Please stop by my page at facebook.com/TheBDBOS to check out more reviews, movie news, advance screening giveaways, and cake!) (**The cake may be a lie**)
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Chris Pine keeps an average movie from being terrible.
16 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Let's get the good parts out of the way first:

  • Chris Pine.

OK, now that we got that out of the way...WHAT THE HELL, JACK RYAN SHADOW RECRUIT???

Listen, in going over what really bothered me about this movie, I sort of have to spoil some of it. So, before I do that, let me just quickly summarize: Chris Pine proves himself as a good, maybe even great action lead, but the story is so bare-bones and straight-forward (and at times, stupid) that Pine's performance is really the only justifiable reason to watch this. Shaky cameras during fight scenes DO NOT help the cause either. (Seriously, this is such a pet peeve when it comes to action movies, why do we still deal with this?) Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit scores a 2.5 out of 5 on The BDBOS.


Show of hands...how many of you guys out there have seen the trailer for this movie? The trailer hints at - and by "hints at", I mean "beats you over the head with" - the idea that no one can be trusted. Specifically, the trailer shows Keira Knightley's character (Jack Ryan's love interest) apparently betraying Jack. The trailer also shows Kevin Costner's character (Jack's mentor and superior) aiming at Jack through the scope of a sniper rifle. Even the movie poster has the tag line "Trust No One". So, you'd figure going in that you're in for some serious double-crossing and not knowing who's on Jack's side, right?


Literally, there is NO DOUBLE-CROSSING WHAT-SO-EVER in this movie. The good guys from the beginning stay good the whole way through. Same with the bad guys. As a matter of fact, there are way more people in this movie you CAN TRUST than there are of the opposite. Apparently, the "trust no one" warning was meant for the villain, since he's the only one that gets deceived in any way. The line should have been "Trust no one...if you're a terrorist."

Still not sure who to trust? There's another easy way to figure out who's good and bad in this movie, and all you need is this simple equation: American=good. Not American=bad. Again, a better tag line would have been "Trust no one...unless they speak perfect English without any foreign accent."

Now, some questions...

  • If you're an assassin, and you're only job is to kill this guy...shouldn't you be killing the guy at your first opportunity? Or your second? Or third? And not HOURS LATER, after the guy learns that you're carrying a gun?

  • If you're a different assassin, and you've already used your trademark knife to kill a few other people...where was your knife when you had to fight the hero? Who was UNARMED during the fight???

  • If you've had severe spinal surgery, and went through months of intense rehab just to be able to walk again...and, for argument's sake, you're on a speeding motorcycle that SLAMS into the side of a van...how are you then able to get up, walk away, and continue to chase the bad guy???

  • Will they let ANYONE into your hotel room if they simply claim to be your wife? Without ANY sort of proof??

  • Is Jack Ryan the SMARTEST PERSON EVER??? Because everyone else in the CIA seem like morons.

  • How many people did they send to Moscow for this mission??? It seemed like there were 47 people on the street that were all in on the operation, and yet the inexperienced financial officer who had reconstructive spinal surgery and never killed anyone is the guy they send in for ALL the dirty work.

Listen, with action movies, you're often asked to suspend disbelief for the sake of enjoyment, but Shadow Recruit took too many liberties for my liking. And, after all the promotion for the film, I left the theater wondering if I saw the right movie. "Trust no one...except everyone."

Chris Pine, this wasn't your fault.

2.5 out of 5. Pass on it.

(Hey guys, thanks for checking out my review. If you enjoyed it - or even a tiny bit of it - then perhaps you'd enjoy checking out my little page over at facebook.com/TheBDBOS. Movie reviews, news, chat, even the occasional free ticket giveaway. All on your news feed. Stop by and say wussup!)
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Lone Survivor (2013)
Authentic and gripping.
10 January 2014
From Peter Berg, the director of Battleship and Hancock - WAIT STOP DON'T LEAVE!!! I know, Berg's reputation as a director isn't exactly stunning, but stay with me here...

Lone Survivor is the adaptation of the book by Petty Officer First Class Marcus Luttrell, and is based on his true story of survival after "Operation Red Wings", a mission to take out a high ranking Taliban leader, goes awry.

If there's one thing you need to know about this film, it's this: This movie was a labor of love. Berg did his homework, visiting the real families of each soldier involved, using real veterans to fill in various extra roles, researching the looks and typical protocols of Tactical and Joint Operation Centers, and even getting the actual equipment. The result is a very authentic representation of Navy SEALs in action, and many veterans are calling it the most accurate depiction of modern U.S. military warfare. THIS FEELS REAL.

Adding to this is the solid performances by the cast. Mark Wahlberg does a solid job, while Taylor Kitsch and Emile Hirsch give us great supporting performances. What should be noted is the fact that many of the people involved here - Berg, Wahlberg, and Kitsch most notably - took significant pay cuts to get this movie out. Berg directed getting paid the union minimum salary, which is still a nice chunk of money for 42 days of shooting ($17,000 per week), but the point is that everyone involved were driven by a great amount of pride in this project, and not by a major paycheck. Also, I should have gotten into directing.

We all know that Navy SEALs are some badass mofo's when it comes to toughness, but DAMN, THEY CAN TAKE SOME PUNISHMENT. Some people might question how believable that toughness is in a few spots, but I WILL NOT BE ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE. I have no desire to have SEAL Team 6 come flying through my windows tonight.

Is it as good as "Saving Private Ryan", like some of the advertisements are saying? No. But it doesn't have to be. Lone Survivor is still a moving, gritty and authentic story that will leave you with a fine appreciation of what these servicemen went through.

Lone Survivor scores a 4 out of 5 on the BDBOS.

(Hey guys, thanks for reading. If you enjoyed it, perhaps you'd like to swing by my page over at facebook.com/TheBDBOS. Reviews, movie news, and the occasional giveaway, right on your news feed! Stop by and say wussup!)
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Killer line-up delivers an indulgent yet powerful story
10 January 2014
This one had all the hype in the world, and the pedigree to match. Martin Scorsese directing Leonardo DiCaprio? In a story of the rise and fall of a crook who gets on a fast track to money and success? (A proved formula for Scorsese...Goodfellas, Casino, etc...) So, slam dunk, right? Instant classic?

/dramatic pause

...Actually, yeah. It's pretty damn good.

Wolf of Wall Street shines in its casting. Leo's perfect for the role of Jordan Belfort. Jonah Hill gives the performance of his life (the exchange between him and Leo when Jordan asks him about his wife is hysterical). Margot Elise Robbie is in line to have her career blow up after her performance. And hey, remember that guy I mentioned before in the Grudge Match review, Jon Bernthal? That guy that was on route to becoming a star? Yep. He's right on pace. Even Matthew McConaughey steals the few scenes he's in. There are no weak links in this line-up.

Unlike many of Scorsese's bigger films, Wolf is just as much a dark comedy as it is a drama. Jonah Hill carries a good amount of the comic relief, but everyone gets in on the fun. Leo especially cuts loose in a few scenes, and you get the sense that this was probably one of the most fun roles he's ever done.

One thing to keep in mind...Wolf showcases a healthy amount of debauchery. A major chunk of the movie is all about Belfort and company living the life of the ridiculously rich and famous, and they don't hold back on the sex, drugs, and alcohol. AT ALL. It's to the point where you wonder if this movie is over-glorifying the actions of a criminal who built his wealth on the misfortunes of his clients. (But then again, we could say the same for Goodfellas...or Casino...) The fact that this is based on a true story makes me wonder if the real Jordan Belfort's life was anywhere close to this.

Another thing to keep in mind - Wolf clocks in at THREE HOURS. (By my rough estimate, about 2 and 1/2 hours of that is some combination of sex, drugs, and alcohol.) Get comfy.

Is Wolf a hit? Yes. Will it take home a few awards? Probably. Is it Scorsese's best work? No, but I'd put it in the top 5. (Goodfellas is still far and away his best - maybe THE BEST EVER - but Wolf is up there with Casino, The Departed, and Raging Bull, in my opinion.) Is it Leo's best work? Oooh...that's a tough one...all Leo does is lay out powerhouse performances, one after the other. But the argument can be made, for sure.

The Wolf of Wall Street scores a 4.5 out of 5 on the BDBOS. If you haven't already, GO SEE IT.

(Hey guys, thanks for reading. Seriously, thanks for taking the time out to hit every last line of this review. You're amazing. And you look amazing too. Have you lost some weight? That diet of yours is paying off. Listen, I don't want you to think that I'm trying to sweet-talk you into checking out www.facebook.com/TheBDBOS. I mean, that's exactly what's happening here, but I don't want you to think that. All you should be thinking about is how amazing you look. And I love what you did with your hair...can I offer you a drink?)
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A fantastic treat for fans of the series
3 January 2014
Let's get something straight, right here and now: when it comes to this franchise, I'm about as close to a fanboy as you can get. And that makes it challenging to attempt to do a fair and unbiased review. Not everyone likes this franchise - in fact, I'm sure there's a significant portion of the people out there that HATE IT. With scary movies, more than any other genre of movies, it's all about personal taste, and everyone is different.

With that said, perhaps the best way to look at Marked Ones would be based on how you felt on any of the previous movies. Marked Ones sticks to the formula of the previous movies, with some fine tuning here and there. Here's my take:

Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones is the 5th movie in the franchise, but it can also be considered a spin-off...sort of. Marked Ones follows high school graduate Jesse, a kid living in a rather tough part of town (noticeably distant from the settings of any of the previous movies). Jesse and his friends notice some strange things happening in the home of their downstairs neighbor, and decide to use their camcorders to answer their curiosity. A good idea? Of course not. This won't end well...will it? Was it all destined?

If there's one thing I've always praised Paranormal Activity for, it's this: MASTERFUL use of suspense, tension, and misdirection. And Marked Ones not only follows suit - in terms of scare value, IT DAMN NEAR SURPASSES ANY OF THE PREVIOUS MOVIES. I don't say this lightly - Marked Ones might be one of the scariest movies in a looooong time. It will give you just enough time to worry about what's about to happen. And even when you think you know what's coming, they can still get you to jump. And man, can they hit you with some 1-2 punches... Movies like Insidious and Mama could take some tips from Paranormal - they know what they're doing.

The cast does a very convincing job in their parts. For the most part, everything feels like a home movie, but thankfully, you never have to deal with all the insane camera-shaking that many of these Blair Witch- type movies suffer from. And the pacing is excellent - the movie clocks in at just under 90 minutes, a tad on the short side, but not a moment is wasted. Every single moment is spent either scaring you, making you laugh, or pushing the story forward.

About the story...As a stand-alone film, without seeing any of the other Paranormals, this movie is still very enjoyable and scary. However, some of the lore of what's going on may get lost if you're unfamiliar. And the ending, while TERRIFIC on it's own, takes on EPIC-LEVEL SIGNIFICANCE if you've been following the franchise. You may want to brush up on the main characters of the previous movies before seeing Marked Ones. You may also want to pay some attention to the timeline of the films...2 happens before (and after) 1, 3 happens before 1 and 2, 4 happens a while after 1 and 2, and 5...well, that's something you need to pay attention to...

Being such a fan of the series, it's hard for me to find anything bad to say about Marked Ones. It's intensely scary, it squeezes in some funny moments, and it pushes a deep and involved story. What more could you ask for?

Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones scores a FIVE OUT OF FIVE on The BDBOS!!! If you enjoy the series, it's a must see!!!

(Hey guys, thanks for checking out my review. If you wind up seeing the movie, I hope you enjoy it. For more reviews like this, movie news, and maybe even the occasional free ticket or two, be sure to check out my little page at facebook.com/TheBDBOS. Stop by and say wussup!)
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47 Ronin (2013)
Not a perfect re-imagining of the classic story, but still very good.
27 December 2013
Full disclosure here: I AM ALL ABOUT SAMURAI CULTURE, and have been looking forward to this since it was announced. (Hagakure happens to be my favorite book of all time, which stems from one of my favorite movies of all time, Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai.)

So, you'd think this would be an easy formula for a 5 out of 5, right? Not quite.

Pros -

  • The movie is visually beautiful. The costumes and armors are stunning, and the locales are fantastic.

  • Although it's a very over-the-top re-imaging of the classic tale, they treat the source material with a loving respect, which is well appreciated.

  • How can anyone not love Rinko Kikuchi? She does an awesome job. - This movie clocks in at 2 hours, and keeps a pretty consistent pace throughout.

  • Seriously. I want one of those Tengu swords.

Cons -

  • In my opinion, this movie SUFFERS from being PG-13. While the fight scenes and choreography are done nicely, the editing and camera-work take away from many of the battles, making the fights seem short and choppy. I get it... PG-13 = more viewers = more $$$, but I would have loved to have been able to see the stark and dramatic visuals of these fights against the backdrop of such beautiful settings. It would have given everything much more impact.

  • Keanu Reeves...I...I just don't know how to feel about your performance. Look, it's obvious that you did your homework on this, and the respect and reverence you carry for this story comes through, and you have the action-lead pedigree, but...there's just something...off...about you in this role. I can't put my finger on it...it just wasn't a perfect fit for me.

  • I feel like they actually dialed it back when it comes to the special effects here. Those Tengu sword light-streak effects? The huge supernatural beasts? Why couldn't we get some more of that in? I appreciate the less-is-more concept, and not every action movie has to smash you over the head with special effects a la Thor or The Hobbit, but I would've been cool with a pinch more of the SFX thrown in...

Listen, in no way was 47 Ronin a bad movie. It was good. Very good, I'd say. But I wanted it to be GREAT. I wanted to 5 out of 5 this one so badly. But it just didn't quite hit that height for me.

If you're looking for a good epic-action flick, and you're not into Hobbits (like me), then 47 Ronin will satisfy you. I just wish it would have blown me away.

47 Ronin scores a 3.5 out of 5 on the BDBOS.

(Hey guys, thanks for checking out my review. I would be greatly honored - humbled, even - if you would check out my page at facebook.com/TheBDBOS. Movie reviews, movie news, movie rumors, movie ramblings, it's all there. Stop by and say wussup!)
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Grudge Match (2013)
A solid, better-than-expected comedy. Great for boxing fans.
18 December 2013
Grudge Match is the story of two well-aged retired boxers, who happen to hate each other for varying reasons, who get talked into fighting the rematch that was supposed to happen 30 years prior. I don't think I'm alone in saying that there were some seriously low expectations going into this one, but I must say, there are MANY redeeming qualities about this movie that made it a great watch. The first thing that stands out to me is probably the first thing on everyone's mind - Sylvester Stallone and Robert De Niro combine to be about 320 years old. Why do we want to watch them fight??? Well, the movie is completely aware of your question, and answers you with this: Because it's FUN. The movie never shies away from how old they are, and plays on it for MANY fun moments. (On Stallone's end, they make more than a couple indirect references to the Rocky movies, with great effect.) The next thing that stands out? SOLID ACTING. The cast as a whole could have easily phoned this one in, relying on name-power so sell some tickets, but everyone seemed to be all-in with their characters, and give us scene after scene of good comedic interactions. Kevin Hart gives us some great moments, Stallone and DeNiro shine when sharing scenes, Alan Arkin is a pleasure to watch, Kim Basinger is still a fox, and - I'm just going to put this out there - Jon Bernthal is a future star, and he absolutely nails his role. (And the guest appearance of the UFC's Chael Sonnen was some sweet icing on the cake...the camera loves that guy...lol) It's not all perfect - it runs a bit too long (nearly 2 hours), and it does get pretty cheesy towards the end - but Grudge Match is a fun ride overall. If you're a boxing fan, boxing-movie fan, comedy fan, or a fan of anyone in this movie, don't miss it. Grudge Match scores a 3.5 out of 5 on the BDBOS. STAY THROUGH THE CREDITS!!! There's a couple of bonus scenes you'll want to catch. ...I've got the strangest craving for some butterscotch jellybeans...lol
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A great sequel, worthy of the original, and the best comedy choice of this season!
17 December 2013
Anchorman 2 is the sequel to the 2004 hit, and rare sequel to any of Will Ferrell's movies. The big concern with comedy sequels is always getting the 2nd film to measure up to the first. But Ferrell and co. have pulled it off.

Anchorman 2 is pure silly fun at its best. The story of Ron Burgendy and his team getting a new gig on a national news network is really just a platform to give us more News Team wackiness. And I'm not complaining. The comedy is right up to par with the first movie. While the 1st movie may have had more consistent laughs from start to finish, the sequel has a few scenes that just blow the comedy level through the roof. (Friendly advice - avoid looking at the casting list until after you see it. The surprise cameos in here are devastatingly funny.)

Ferrell, playing arguably one of his best characters, nails his job, as does Paul Rudd, David Koechner, and Steve Carell. They play so well off of each other, it makes the scenes they share stand out. And did you know Meagan Good was in this? I may have to re-evaluate my Top 5 Crush list...she is SMOKING HOT, without really trying...

Is it perfect? No. Definitely hits a slow point towards the 2nd half of the movie, but the final 20-30 minutes are a great pay-off. Is it better than the first movie? That's debatable, it could go either way, depending on your taste. But is this the comedy you need to see this holiday season? YES. (Sorry, Grudge Match...I would have given that title to you before seeing this...)

Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues scores a 4.25 out of 5 on the BDBOS.

STAY THROUGH THE CREDITS!!! There is a scene at the end of it. It's...well...it's a scene...

Stay classy, internet.

(Hey guys, thanks for checking out my review. I mean, you probably checked out some other reviews here too, I probably wasn't even your first, but that's cool with me. I'm cool with an open relationship here. What I'd LOVE, though, is if you swung by my humble little place over at facebook.com/TheBDBOS. I could hook you up with reviews just like this one, plus some cool movie news and things, straight to your news feed. It's just like spending the night, and waking up to some breakfast in bed. Only, less scandalous. No walk of shame necessary here, my friend. You're always welcome...)
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Nicely done!
12 December 2013
Walter Mitty is a quiet, meek little man who works at Life Magazine as a "Negative Assets Manager", the guy that receives all of the pics from the photographers and preps them for print in the magazine. Problem is, the magazine is printing their final issue, and lay-offs are coming. Second problem is, Walter spends half of his time in DEEP DAY-DREAMS, to the point where he completely spaces out and is oblivious to everything - and everyone - around him. Third problem is, the masterpiece photo slated to be the final cover shot has gone missing. He's never going to get to talk to that pretty new co-worker at this rate...


  • Walter Mitty is a feel-good story at it's core, with plenty of up-and- down moments that move at a pretty good pace. The 2 hour run time moves pretty quickly. - Ben Stiller pays the part well, while still sliding in a bit of his comedy shtick in. It's a nice job.

  • Adam Scott nails the role as the asshole executive. That's pretty much his role in every movie, for a reason.

  • The visuals are beautiful, and they make some clever use of the landscapes to push the story along, like having a text message appear in the side of a mountain as he's reading it from his phone...


  • I've got an issue with a certain plot hole. I won't spoil it, you can ask me later if you see it, but...come on, Walter...

  • This is more of a beef with the marketing for this movie than anything else...the commercials were calling this "The Next Forrest Gump". It's not. And it never had to be. This movie is good on it's own, but it doesn't hold up to Forrest Gump. Ben Stiller isn't in Tom Hank's league, something I'm sure Stiller himself would admit. If you go into this movie trying to make this comparison, it's going to take away from Walter Mitty's own merits.

  • They REALLY overshoot the value of a Stretch Armstrong.

Overall, Walter Mitty is a nice, feel-good story that has a good pace to it, and a fitting pay-off for the ending. I don't know if it will live up to the hype and comparisons, but it was a nice time at the movies. 3.5 out of 5 on the BDBOS.

(Hey guys, thanks for checking out my review. It was the greatest thing you've ever read, I know, and I'm happy to bless your eyeballs with it. If your eyeballs are ready for more heavenly gifts that are movie reviews and more, check out my humble little page...


Stop by and say wussup!)
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Not perfect, but worth the ticket price
27 November 2013
When we last left the Districts of Panem (?), Katniss Everdeen (??) and Peeta Mellark (???) defied all odds by winning the 74th Hunger Games, which also started the rumblings of a revolution. Now, President Snow (ok that's not terrible) decides the best way to put the people back in their places is to force previous winners (including Katniss) to participate once again in the "Quarter Quell" (sure...), a special Hunger Games celebrating the 75th anniversary. With mentor and former victor Haymitch Abernathy (WHO???) behind them, can they survive the new game put together by new gamerunner Plutarch Heavensbee? (OH COME ON...)

...Seriously, what kind of random-generating name machine did Suzanne Collins use when she wrote these characters??

Crazy names aside, this movie packs a serious punch. Jennifer Lawrence once again owns the role, and the rest of the cast does a solid job. (A side note: I would pay TRIPLE the price to see a version of Hunger Games where Woody Harrelson MURDERS EVERYONE in some exotic location. Can we get a movie about the Hunger Games that his character won? BOX OFFICE GOLD right there...screw Peeta, that panzy.) Visuals are beautiful (especially those costumes), but 3D is unnecessary. The story moves along at a steady pace, and you get some really great character development along with some beautifully done, emotional scenes. (Katniss' speech in the 11th district was intense.)

One thing that bugs me: this movie clocks in at 2 1/2 hours. Of that time, we get roughly 15 minutes of action. There was SOOO MUCH BUILD-UP towards the actual Games, and all the development and plot lines were great, but man...couldn't we have seen at least a little more of the action? What about the non-team-Katniss participants? I want to see EVERYTHING. I PAID TO SEE 23 PEOPLE GET OFF'ED, DON'T SHORT-CHANGE ME.

All in all, Catching Fire is a solid flick that is just as good as the first, if not better. 3.5 out of 5 on the BDBOS.

"Don't forget who the enemy is."

"...people with normal names?"


(Hey guys, thanks for checking out my review. If you enjoyed it, check out my humble little page over at facebook.com/TheBDBOS. Stop by and say wussup!)
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Loki steals the show!!!
8 November 2013
The Marvel Studios movie universe dominates the super-hero movie genre right now. And how have they done it? By NOT making super-hero movies.

Stay with me here...

Marvel Studios has made it a point to make action-genre movies, that just happen to have their super-heroes in them. Iron Man? Action/sci-fi. Captain America 1? Action/war themed. Cap 2? Action/espionage/political thriller. Guardians of the Galaxy? Action/space opera. Thor 1 and 2? Action/fantasy. The point being, if Thor didn't have "Thor", the Marvel comic character, but just some random big dude with a hammer, the movie still works as an action/fantasy movie. IF YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THE MYTHOLOGY OF THE COMICS, YOU CAN STILL ENJOY THIS MOVIE JUST AS MUCH AS ANYONE. You can't really say that to the same extent when it comes to the Batman or Man of Steel movies. Marvel's got it down to a science, and you gotta give it up to them for that.

That being said, let's get into specifics...

  • "Thor: The Dark World" could have easily been called "Thor: LOKI WILL RULE YOU". Tom Hiddleston, by far and away, steals this movie, and leaves you wanting so much more. Fun fact: A few months ago, they actually called Hiddleston back to the studio to shoot additional scenes with Loki, due to popular demand. And it was well worth it.

  • Sure, there are other actors in this movie, but really...LOKI.

  • I think that what Hiddleston is doing with Loki is, at the very least, on par with what Heath Ledger did with The Joker. Of course, Ledger's Joker is at the top of the pile when it comes to movie super-villainy, but Hiddleston is right at that level, and he's doing it with a character that, up until the past couple of years, wasn't nearly as well known.

  • LOKI.

  • The scenes without Loki are alright too. Chris Hemsworth makes a good Thor, Idris Elba can do no wrong, Natalie Portman is tolerable, Anthony Hopkins owns Odin, and Kat Dennings is adorable. And they all make great bridges from one Loki scene to the next.

  • Wait, Loki isn't the main villain here? There's someone else? That's crazy...I didn't really notice that other guy, because LOKI.

All jokes aside, this is just a great, well written, fun time at the movies. 3D isn't necessary for this, BUT Marvel sweetened the deal by adding an extended 5+ minute trailer for Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier to the 3D screenings, which includes a pretty great fight scene. So, 2D or 3D is really your call.

Thor: The Dark World earns a 4.25 out of 5 on the BDBOS. Well done.

STAY THROUGH THE CREDITS!!! There are TWO bonus scenes to stick around for, one halfway through the credits (!), and a 2nd scene at the end.

(Hey guys, thanks for reading my review, hope you enjoyed it. If you'd like to see more of my ramblings, check out my humble little page at facebook.com/TheBDBOS. It's a little hobby of mine that will probably grow to be the BIGGEST THING EVER in movie reviews...okay, BIGGEST EVER might be exaggerating. BIGGEST THING OF OUR GENERATION? That feels right. Anyway, I'd be honored if you stopped by and said wussup, and help me reach 500 fans! Thanks!)
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A fun time, but the trailer gave the best part away!
26 October 2013
Time to talk about Jackass presents: Bad Grandpa. Is this basically Jackass with a plot? Yeah, pretty much. Is that a good or bad thing? We'll do a little pros and cons:


* This is pretty damn funny. Johnny Knoxville + hidden cameras = easy fun. If you're a Jackass fan, it's up your alley.

* Jackson Nicoll nearly steals the show as young Billy. I wonder if he had an earpiece on in his scenes, with someone telling him what to say...because if it was all him, that's a pretty damn clever kid.

* The attempt to have a coherent plot never really gets in the way of any of the fun.


* While the movie is fun, it never quite achieves the level of fun as any of its Jackass predecessors.

* A major problem is the fact that the trailer gave away the best part of the movie. The pageant scene is by far the funniest scene of the movie, but if you've seen any commercials for this thing, then you've already seen it.

* The movie clocks in at 90 minutes, and it flies by. Couldn't they have squeezed a scene or two more into this?

Overall, this was a fun time, but slightly disappointing in it's short length and failure to provide any bigger laughs than the highlight pageant that was shown in the trailers. Bad Grandpa scores a 3 out of 5 on the BDBOS.

(Hey guys, thanks for checking out my review. And thanks for being so sexy. I know it takes a lot of time and effort to look as good as you do, but damn, you pull it off. Did you do something different with your hair? It looks amazing. Wanna grab a drink tonight? We can talk movies, I can show you my humble little movie page (facebook.com/TheBDBOS), whatever you like. Sounds good? Cool. I'll pick you up at 7. See you then.)
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Carrie (2013)
A very worthy remake.
18 October 2013
We should all know the rundown by now...Carrie is the remake of the 1976 cult classic flick by the same name, which was based on the famous Stephen King novel. In the '76 movie, Sissy Spacek plays the outcast teen-aged girl, abused by her classmates in school and by her mother at home, until she discovers her psychic powers...then all hell breaks loose. It's a classic revenge tale, and the original movie was good enough to earn Spacek an Oscar. Know this: the 2013 version isn't a direct remake of the '76 movie. While it does feel like a loving homage to the older flick, it actually stays closer to the book in terms of plot, with some modern touches perfectly sprinkled in, allowing Carrie White to feel right at home in 2013. Now know this: This movie is good. Very good. Julianne Moore takes us to a very creepy place as Margaret White, and Chloë Grace Moretz SHINES as Carrie, proving that she's got more up her acting sleeves than Hit-Girl. By the time you get to the end of this movie, even though you know damn well what's going to happen...you WANT the prom to go smoothly. You WANT Carrie to be happy, and you HOPE that none of those terrible things actually happen. You're in Carrie's corner the whole way. And when revenge time comes along, it's done with a purpose. Special effects get dabbed in here and there, but never overdone. (Slo-mo makes one scene sooo much more deliciously satisfying...) Although I'll say that it feels like there may have been a scene or two that didn't make the final edit, and you can really tell where that scene was...a bit sloppy on that editing there... Carrie does the source material justice. Welcome to our generation, Ms. Carrie White. 4 out of 5 on the BDBOS.
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Machete Kills (2013)
Machete Kills? Yes. Yes he does.
10 October 2013
The first Machete was a fun, unapologetically bloody and silly action ride. And "Kills" outdoes it's predecessor, both in blood and fun.

Story? President Charlie Sheen needs Machete to stop an insane, schizophrenic revolutionary leader from launching a doomsday missile at the Capitol, all while fighting off master assassins, a crazed woman and her brothel soldiers, crooked cops, and countless henchmen/fodder. And if all that sounds crazy, then you don't know Machete. It gets waaay crazier.

The acting is good for what this is. Nobody's ever winning any awards for this, but Charlie Sheen - I'm sorry, Carlos Estevez - as the president is damn funny, Damian Bichir plays a great psychopath, and Amber Heard, Sofia Vergara, Michelle Rodriguez, Lady Gaga, and Alexa Vera all provide enough funny lines and eye candy to keep you happy.

What's great about "Kills" is that it never takes itself too seriously. All those classic action tropes? Machete hits them all with the grace of an 18-wheeler in a china shop. Which is to say, they not-very-subtly make fun of most action tropes. (What's the deal with that countdown timer? Didn't we have 4 hours left to live like 2 days ago??? Was that 4 business hours? Do bomb timers get affected by daylight savings??? And can Machete breathe in space? Because he just took his helmet off...Sandra Bullock couldn't do that sh*t. Maybe they should have sent Machete up there to get her instead...he wouldn't have been so whiney about everything...)

Look, just like most movies, Machete has an audience. This ain't for everyone, without a doubt. (My lady sat this out out, making this A BRO'S NIGHT OUT, AWWWWW YEAAAA BRO!!!) But if you love the grindhouse style of action, this is for you. If you've ever played Mortal Kombat and thought, "Man, Shang Tsung's fatality WAS SOOO SICK BRO!!!", this movie's for you. If you want to have a good time and don't need Oscar nominations to make the movie for you, then get in on this.

Machete Kills could not be any more of an opposite to Gravity, and yet it equally scores a 4.25 out of 5 on the BDBOS. Two very different experiences, but they're equally worth the trip to the movies. Just pick your flavor.

And by the way, that scene from the trailer with the fuze box...probably one of the more TAME kills in the movie. The Mortal Kombat developers should be taking notes for the next game...

(Hey guys, thanks for reading my review. I hope you don't mind, but while you were reading this, I was kinda checking you out...you look good. Do you work out? I'd love to buy you a drink. But I'd love it even more if you came over to my place, at facebook.com/TheBDBOS. Listen, I'm not trying to just get you into bed, or just cheaply plugging my page, I'm not that kind of guy, I swear. But if you somehow ended up there on your own, well...I can't be held responsible for what happens next... ;)
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Gravity (2013)
Beautifully done!
3 October 2013
Going in, I had some serious doubts about this movie. It looked beautiful, but every time the trailer would play in theaters, the audience would break into laughter by the end of it. It looked...silly. Sandra Bullock back-flipping into the eternal emptiness of space? Is this a comedy? For some reason, the trailers never really connected with me. I found it hard to take seriously.

And then, I saw it. Forget those trailers. This will connect.

From the start, the movie sucks you in. You really get a feel for the scope of outer space - it's so grand and yet so empty. Clooney puts in his usual quality work, but it's Bullock who really stretches her acting legs - literally and figuratively - and shines. The story flows well, and the tense moments will have you shaking your leg in anticipation...that forever-backflip lands a much heavier blow when you see the entire scene executed.

There will be parts where you'll ask "Are you serious? What else could happen?", and director Alfonso Cuaron DON'T GIVE A DAMN about what you thought couldn't happen, because it's GONNA HAPPEN, especially if it's the worst possible thing that could happen. Yet, it never really gets to the point where it's so unbelievable that you're knocked out of the movie. There's a fine line being walked, and Cuaron nails it. (Although -very mild spoiler-, that "Bullock-is-an-unborn-child" shot? I get the symbolism, but come on...lol) Needless to say, this movie is GORGEOUS. 3D is a MUST. And 3D really compliments the multiple Bullock underwear shots. (I know, I know, I'm so classy...) Gravity scores a 4.25 out of 5 on the BDBOS. See it in 3D, and expect some nominations to roll Sandra Bullock's way after this one...

(Hey guys, thanks for reading through my review, hope it helps you make a good movie decision. I want to help you make more good movie decisions, without taking up too much of your time. Here's one choice you should make: bring your jacket. You know how cool it gets in that theater, and yet you always wind up wishing you brought it, then you just take my jacket AND SPILL SODA ALL OVER IT, AND NOW IT'S RUINED FOREVER. Take the damn jacket.

Want more advice? Like my facebook page! Imagine quick and informative movie reviews right on your feed, usually posted on or before opening weekend! Now imagine a tall, slightly tanned, strong, handsome man giving you said reviews! ...ok, tone that down a bit, I'm not that handsome. But still, I'm hear to help, and hopefully have you crack a smile. So stop by and say wussup!

facebook.com/TheBDBOS - thanks again!)
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James Wan continues his streak of solid horror flicks, and improves on Chapter 1.
12 September 2013
Insidious brought us the usual haunting story, with a couple new elements sprinkled in. Chapter 2 does a great job of furthering itself from the usual fare, by expanding on the elements that made it different. One on the elements of this franchise is the focus on "Astral Projection", which is a person subconsciously leaving his/her body and traveling though a spirit realm (called the "Further" in this movie), leaving the body empty until the soul returns. While projecting, the soul can interact with other spirits, good and bad. Chapter 2 picks right up from where the first ended (SPOILER FOR THE 1ST MOVIE! SKIP TO NEXT PARAGRAPH TO AVOID!) - the father succeeds in rescuing his son's soul, but something else has taken the father's body in the process. Is it as scary as the first? That's debatable...if you liked the scares from the first movie, then you'll get a kick out of some of the tension- filled moments in this one. If you weren't a fan, then it'll probably just be more of the same. My opinion - slightly fewer scary moments, but definitely a few quality jumps, perhaps of a higher quality than the first. (There's one 3-hit combo in particular that I thought was really good.) I will say that I enjoyed how the total story has evolved. Chapter 2 adds a few layers to the lore of this franchise that sparked my interests, and gives it some good depth. The script is infinitely better this time around. Patrick Wilson outdoes his previous performance, and I love anything that Barbara Hershey does. We even get a few laughs here and there. And James Wan does well to use the 'common-sense-as-viewers- applied-in-the-movie' technique again. Without giving anything away...when you get a blatant warning, YOU LISTEN TO IT. Sound editing was much better this time around, although they still rely a good amount on the usual dead silence broken by LOUD CRASHES OF NOISE AND CREEPY MUSIC... Overall, Chapter 2 makes several improvements on the first, and while, depending on your tastes, this sequel may or may not be as scary as the first, I think it's tough to deny that this is a all-around better, more entertaining movie. And, being such a low-risk, low-budget project, I'm sure a 3rd movie will be justified. Insidious: Chapter 2 scores a 3.5 out of 5 on the BDBOS.
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Beautifully done, but not what we ordered.
3 September 2013
This was a good martial arts flick. But it probably wasn't the martial arts flick you wanted.

The Grandmaster follows the story of Ip Man, the legendary trainer and mentor of Bruce Lee, and the main character of three previous "Ip Man" movies (The first two of which featured Donnie Yen, and if you're a martial arts fan that HASN'T seen the first 2 Ip Man movies, HOW DARE YOU...STOP READING THIS, TURN YOUR NETFLIX ON, WATCH THEM, AND THEN COME BACK HERE.) This movie had well-respected Kar Wai Wong in the director's seat, and many people were excited to see how his artistic styling would tell the as-yet untold story of the Wing Chun master in his later days.

The results were...not what we expected.

As a stand-alone movie, The Grandmaster is a beautifully told - and deliberately paced - story. Tony Leung Chiu Wai plays Ip Man, and does a solid job, but Ziyi Zhang truly shines as Gong Er, Ip Man's rival/crush. It's more art-house with kung fu in it, than it is kung fu with art-house in it. That's not to say the action isn't top notch - the fight scenes are a joy to watch, and do justice to the arts. But they are brief, and spaced out between long, drawn out story scenes, by design.

And that's where the problem lies...it's not that the slower paced story hurt the film - it was the focus of the film itself. The film spent more time on Gong Er and her family struggles than it did on Ip Man himself (one could argue that the "Grandmaster" title actually refers to her). And it leaves me in an unusual place...Gong Er's story is epic in it's own right, Zhang did an amazing job portraying her, and I'd even be interested in seeing a movie focused on her, but THIS WASN'T SUPPOSED TO BE THAT MOVIE. The whole 'teacher of Bruce Lee' angle? It gets nothing more than a brief mention towards the end, and that's pretty disappointing.

Listen, this is a beautiful movie to watch, and I love the messages pushed through it (the importance of passing the torch to the next generation, and of breaking down social divides for the betterment of the future). The fight scenes, while brief, are exquisite (+1 vocabulary skill!!!). But you can't help but feel a bit cheated over the story that this movie could have - and should have - told.

The Grandmaster scores a 3.25 out of 5 on the BDBOS. It's worth a watch, but adjust your expectations. And bring your reading glasses - this one is sub-titled.

(Hey guys, thanks for reading. If you enjoyed this review, then perhaps you'd enjoy my humble little page...


Stop by, say wussup, have a drink*, and check out some of my other reviews and stuff!

*you can't get drinks at my page. still working on that bartender link. sorry.)
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This Cornetto is an acquired taste...
26 August 2013
This, the 3rd and final movie in the "Cornetto Trilogy", a.k.a. the "Blood and Ice Cream Trilogy", shows Gary King (Simon Pegg), 20 years removed from graduating high school, returning to his hometown, gathering his old buddies, and trying to complete the epic pub crawl that they couldn't finish in their youth. It's a movie about growing up, and the struggles involved when adult life isn't as epic as your youthful days.

Oh, and there's robots and aliens involved, too.

As with the previous two movies in this trilogy, World's End has a sort of acquired taste to it – fans of Simon Pegg's comedy will be very happy, while others may find all the back-and-forth banter to be a turn off. One thing stands out – there is a surprising amount of GOOD action in here.


-Simon Pegg and friends all keep pace with their usual antics. The fast- talking characters are all very witty and funny, and I'm sure we can all relate to having a friend just like "Gary King".

-Did I mention the action? There are some DAMN GOOD fight scenes in here! And they continue a trend that I've been trying to tell you since the Sharknado review – BAR STOOLS ARE THE INVINCIBLE WEAPONS OF THE FUTURE.

-The clever nods to the previous films in the trilogy will make fans smile in approval.


-As I said, Pegg and friends aren't for everyone. The banter-heavy comedy might be a bit of a bore to some.

-If you're not paying attention, the plot can get confusing as hell towards the end.

Overall, I was pleased with the clever writing, and impressed by the great fight scenes. But I didn't laugh anywhere near as much, or as hard, as I did with "We're The Millers". It wasn't bad, but wasn't great either.

The World's End scores a 3 out of 5 on the BDBOS.

(Hey my friends, thanks for reading. If you enjoyed this review, perhaps you'd enjoy checking out my humble little page... www.facebook.com/TheBDBOS Stop by and say wussup! And bring some beers and/or ice cream!)
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Solid job! Give Sudeikis his props for this one!
26 August 2013
This movie stars Jason Sudeikis as a grown adult who's still selling drugs for a career, winds up in some serious debt to his supplier/old high school buddy-turned millionaire, and takes on a crazy scheme to smuggle a "smidge" of drugs over the border from Mexico. He enlists the help of a stripper (Jen Aniston), a nerdy kid, and a runaway girl to pose as his family for the trip.

If you were judging this movie by the commercials and trailers, you'd think that the main draw to the movie was Aniston's 'striptease' scene. And you'd be wrong...this movie is pretty damn funny.


-Jason Sudeikis kills. This is his best film yet. I had my doubts on whether or not he was strong enough to handle a lead role, but he put those worries to rest.

-Jennifer Aniston has definitely been taking on raunchier roles these days, but she doesn't feel out of place in the slightest. She does a solid job…and the striptease ain't bad, either… (You'll notice a little bit of fourth-wall breaking during that scene, which was perfectly done.)

-Ed Helms is hilarious. He needs more work.

-Kudos go to the writers on this one – all the jokes are spot-on, and the movie has a great flow to it.


-If you were hoping to get some nudity…well, you get it, but probably not the type you were looking for…

-If you're not into the raunchy stuff, then you probably won't be a big fan. Definitely think twice before bringing any children…

Overall, I was pleasantly surprised by how good this was. Everyone nailed their roles, and it pays off in a pretty fun ride.

We're The Millers scores a 4 out of 5 on the BDBOS.

Make sure you stick around for the blooper reel, right before the credits. The last clip is of an awesome little prank…

(Hey guys, thanks for reading. If you enjoyed this review, then you have amazing taste...and perhaps you'd enjoy checking out my little page... www.facebook.com/TheBDBOS. Stop by and say wussup!)
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I want my money back.
23 August 2013
You know, I really wanted to give The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones a fair shake. I mean, it LOOKED like another Twilight clone...it SOUNDED like another Twilight clone...it even FELT like a Twilight clone. (Don't ask me how I know how it felt.) But, I was determined not to judge a book by it's movie (ha!), and went to see City of Bones last night. It's a Twilight clone. And a terrible one, at that. Listen, it's clear that this type of movie has an audience, and I am by no means a typical member of that audience. On top of that, I am not familiar at all with the books. But none of that should matter - a movie should have enough merit to be watchable by anyone, even outside of the usual demographic. And this was nearly UNWATCHABLE. Let's try to do pros and cons. This should be fun... Pros: - Lily Collins, the main character and poor man's Kristen Stewart, was also in Priest...one of the lowest-scored movies in BDBOS history. So...she's consistent. - You know those people who ALWAYS say, "The book was waaay better than the movie"? Again, never read them myself, but I can't imagine the books being ANY WORSE THAN THIS, so at least that will be an easy argument to win. - Lena Headey, aka 300's Queen of the Spartans, still gets to kick a little bit of ass. Cons: - I've read that a considerable amount of the book was cut from the movie, simply because it was impossible to fit everything into a 2-hour film. I feel like whatever was cut from the book would have made a better 2 hours of movie. So many plot holes, so many needlessly unanswered questions, so many things that DON'T MAKE A GODDAMN BIT OF SENSE. - Twilight did this already. If you're a Twilight person, you've seen this movie already. Awkward, ordinary teenaged girl, thrust into a secret world where supernatural beings battle each other, and gaining multiple One-Direction-looking love interests along the way. If you told me that this movie was really called "Twilight: The Other New Moon's Eclipse At Dawn", I'd believe you without argument. - In God's name, WHY IS THERE AN IMAX VERSION OF THIS??? STOP IT, Hollywood. It's hard enough to justify watching 2 dimensions of this crap. - This movie might actually be cheezier than Twilight. Terrible one- liners, public shows of affection at awkward times, and a plot twist that will make you feel REALLY UNCOMFORTABLE about things you saw previously in the film. - When the audience (which was practically empty in my theater, by the way) starts laughing at parts of the movie that aren't supposed to be funny...you have a problem. - It's over 2 hours long...and you'll feel EVERY LAST MINUTE of it. City Of Bones scores a 1 out of 5 on the BDBOS, and should not be watched by human eyes. Vampires and werewolves should probably stay away, too.
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