
155 Reviews
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The Irishman (2019)
A Beautiful End To An Era
29 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The appeal and glamour of the gangster lifestyle evaporate in The Irishman as Scorsese washes his hands of the genre. This truly felt like a bookend to the gangster films as we've come to love from director Martin Scorsese and it ended up being one of his best. The fact that some theatres wouldn't play it because it is a Netflix streaming film is a travesty to filmmaking. You would think they would have learned from Blockbuster's mistake, but here we are once again.

The Irishman is about former mafia hitman Frank Sheeran played by Robert De Niro and the disappearance of Al Pacino's Jimmy Hoffa. This is a movie in which Scorsese doesn't sugar coat anything; showing how this life can affect your family and your livelihood provided you live long enough to die of old age.

The strongest performance comes from Joe Pesci, who was talked into coming out of retirement just to do this film and for someone who hasn't acted in over a decade; he eases back into the craft like a fine wine. If he doesn't score a Best Supporting Actor award, why are we even having the ceremony? It also amazes me that the only scene between Joe Pesci and Al Pacino was the one and seemingly only scene the two will have shared in their legendary careers.

I felt the same way I felt the first time I watch Goodfellas while watching The Irishman and that is one of my all-time top five films and in a way, this is an anti-Goodfellas film. At a staggering three and a half hours, I only looked at the clock once with a well-paced storyline that you have to praise Editor Thelma Schoonmaker for. While we're on the subject of post-production, the de-aging technology was incredibly implemented.

One scene that stood out to me was of Frank in the war; discussing how the soldiers would dig their graves unwilling to accept their fate as if they were somehow going to escape death. This foreshadows the entire story of Jimmy Hoffa. He is a man who we watch continually dig his grave deeper and deeper while continuing to believe he'd escape death. I mean even when he walks into the empty house and is standing on the plastic wrap; he is standing in his actual grave and still tries to escape. This particular scene reminded me a lot of Joe Pesci's scene in Goodfellas as he walks into the empty room, however, he immediately recognizes and accepts his fate.

The final half-hour was unexpected and hits you like a ton of bricks. It was one of the only times I watch a movie and felt fearful about growing old. This is a man whose friends have all died before him and his family wants nothing to do with him as he sits as a decrepit man stripped of any power, alone as it nears Christmas day. When his nurse admits she's never heard of Jimmy Hoffa, it seems as though all the power and money, in the end, wasn't worth it while Frank struggles with mortality as he reflects on his life.

These are actors I love in a film genre that I came to love them in most likely their final performance together and I couldn't be happier. This truly was a beautiful and incredible film and by far the best film I've seen in 2019. As Dr. Seuss said, "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."
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The Founder (2016)
18 September 2019
Apologies about the title of this review, but I just can't help myself. I found myself twice checking the time and I was all good and ready to give this movie a 6, but had time to think about it. I bumped it up to a 7 because of the tremendous acting by Michael Keaton, I love Michael Keaton, but I despise Michael Keaton's Ray Kroc, which is a testament of his performance. He's the greasiest, slime ball, business leech I've ever seen. It really hit hone for the political climate we're in as well. When Kroc says "I'm in the business of winning," I couldn't help but think that would be a response Donald Trump would also say to the same sort of accusations; which makes sense, since Ray Kroc seems like the kind of person he would associate with. Overall the film was decent, but didn't blow me away with any new information that wasn't already well known. I went in thinking Ray Kroc was a dick and left vindicated in that belief.
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Rocketman (I) (2019)
A Great Format For A Music Biopic
2 September 2019
The music makes the man, so why not showcase it by showing that. The musical aspect made the story that much better and wasn't dumbed down to explain everything. It was written and directed in such a way that they knew the audience wasn't a bunch of idiots. The way the scenes transitioned was phenomenal making you feel just as dizzied as Elton John was feeling at the time. I'm a bigger Queen fan than I am an Elton John fan, but I enjoyed this movie much more than Bohemian Rhapsody.
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City of God (2002)
Incredible Film
29 July 2019
This film not only has a fascinating story, but it is an incredibly well made. The way the story is told - meeting characters who are important to the plot, yet you don't know that until later when it is all tied together. The shots are gorgeous and I was wowed by many of the camera transitions throughout; especially the cut between Lil Ze to Steak to Carrot. As for the entertainment factor and story of City Of God it has a powerful message of corruption and the lengths people will go to, to survive in the never ending cycle of crime and poverty within the City. Some of the scenes are hard to watch as it feels like your watching a documentary instead of a film, but it keeps you on the edge of your seat and engaged for the entire run time. I would recommend this film to anyone whether you're a film nerd, filmmaker or just casual viewer.
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Excellent Surprise!
19 July 2019
I recently went on a Keanu Reeves marathon so this was one film I know I need to watch and I had low expectations. In fact I was fully expecting to not like it, but this film has a charm to it that is thanks to Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter; this could have easily been a bomb/trash film. I understand now why this stoner comedy is an iconic film and it doesn't hurt that I like time travel films. Usually there are rules in place and consequences if those rules are broken during time travel, but this movie laughs in the face of those films and it's all the better for it. I'm sure this line has been used many times on here, but this film is EXCELLENT!
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Constantine (2005)
Underrated Comic Boom Adaptation
19 July 2019
The first time I even knew about the character of John Constantine was on the CW show Arrow. He was different and I found him interesting that I began to do more research on his comics and found this film. I had no idea Keanu played this role and it was a pleasant surprise. He was a darker and grittier character than on CW and I loved it all more for that. The lore was interesting and had a different take on all of it with the story of Gabriel and The Devil - which by the way I loved the way the actor portrayed the Devil, making him almost likeable. Whenever I hear about comic book films, I never hear this one mentioned which is strange because it is quite good. This is a top five Keanu Reeves film for me!
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Point Break (1991)
Right On Bro!
2 July 2019
I don't think I've ever seen a more bro film than this one, but it was entertaining and well structured. Everything that was set up in the beginning or middle of the film had its own pay off. Patrick Swayze was perfect for this role and is now one of my favourite characters of his. For a film with such a ridiculous '90s plot, it kept my attention for the entire runtime.
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Speed (1994)
Cheesy Lines But Good Action
1 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This movie started of bad for me. A lot of cheesy lines and banter between Jeff Daniels and Keanu Reeves. I was worried that it would be a film that either didn't live up to the hype or wasn't as good as everyone has said. Luckily it picks up once the bus is introduced and it feels like it becomes a completely different and well executed film. The cheesy lines are still in there but they're not as bad once you're pulled into the tension and action. Well except for the "lost his head" remark near them end. Had a lot of fun watching it and is a film I can see myself stopping and watching again if I were to see it on tv.
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Wine Country (2019)
Lacklustre Predictable Comedy
25 June 2019
Let me start off by saying I love Tina Fey and Amy Poehler. I'm also a big Saturday Night Live fan so it was a great cast of funny women, but this move fell short. It felt as though it was quickly written and formulaic almost like the reason this film was made was to have a paid vacation in Napa Valley. There are some funny bits that gave me a laugh, but for the most part the story becomes predictable and treats the audience as if they're dumb. Having to spell out everything that is going to happen. Each character has the stereotypical traits you get from a group of women in films. This was just a lazy film in general.
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Black Death (2010)
Decent Story
7 June 2019
This film was slow at times and yet had a pacing problem at the beginning that moved things along too quickly. There were also some camera tricks that seemed unnecessary and took you out of the film because of how odd it felt. However the acting is all top notch with Eddie Redmayne being the highlight. I probably won't watch it again however.
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Long Title, Good Performance
18 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Going into this I already knew a lot about Ted Bundy since I love Last Podcast On The Left where they go into deep detail about Bundy. What I was worried about was this film being the classic family man who also happens to be a serial killer and it began to feel like that. However I now see this as a directing choice in the we're seeing the events take place through Elizabeth's point of view. It's weird how even knowing the terrible and disgusting man Bundy is, you still felt a sense of relief when he reveals it to Elizabeth. That may have never happened but whenever Ted writes hacksaw on the glass, it was such a powerful emotional moment that I can't help but praise it, despite being false. Then there is also the fact he wasn't so sweet when he was with Elizabeth in real life.

This is the first film that I got to see Zac Efron act. I've only seen him in comedies up until now and he impressed the hell out of me. His portrayal of Bundy is the highlight of this film. There were moments were he almost shows admissions of guilt in Justin his facial expressions which is really only noticeable if you know the fact he did commit these crimes going in. The only thing that is unfortunate is that anyone coming into this knowing nothing about Bundy, they don't cover the scope or degree of his crimes. Sure you can mark it up as being respectful to victims and their families but I felt it was important to show the audience how evil he really was which included necrophilia which is never mentioned. Efron's portrayal was so well done at capturing Bundy's charm and charisma that there were moments where I started to feel sympathy for him, only to quickly remind myself of who he was.

Despite not being accurate like most serial killer or even biopic films, the performance and execution (no pun intended) of it was masterfully done and I can't help but give it a high rating.
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Citizen Kane (1941)
Still Holds Up
4 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Now I understand this film is a ground breaking technical first in cinema history. The incredible cinematography and angling is now something you see constantly today. There is no doubting this movie is a 10/10 for that, however I wanted to review this based on the story and the entertainment value because that's why we watch films in the first place. Citizen Kane still holds up and that should be a testament as to why many people say it's the greatest film ever made and even though I don't agree with that statement, I understand people's stance on it. The story structure is incredibly implied; at first the jumping around had me worried this was going to be a confusing film, but it changes. We're able to get caught up quickly on who Kane is and what point in the story we're currently living in. The way we go back to his previous relationships and the stories narrative begins to become linear again and makes the story more impactful in my opinion when knowing its being told by someone in his life. There is a point where his second wife's story ends and then the Butler follows up what happened after when she wasn't around; it is masterful! Citizen Kane walks through many narratives, you can't help but be drawn into each one whether you know it or not. The most obvious one being a man who just wants everyone to like him and struggles to make everyone in his life happy because it'll conflict with one another. The point of lost childhood, pride, the struggle of having a relationship with a significant age gap and always being unsatisfied with success that you need to keep going. At one point it says Kane was always the bridesmaid, never the bride but he would never be the bride because he is an insatiable man. This movie also made me a bit emotional, I felt for Kane because he represents a little piece in all of us. It reminded me how short life really is. The way Orson Wells was able to make you sympathize with his character so quickly is an incredible feat for even the movies of today and that can credited to the acting, writing and direction, all in which Wells played a hand in. Not to mention the aging makeup was incredibly done for 1941. This isn't going to be everyone's cup of tea, but for me I was captivated throughout and wouldn't be surprised if I put it on again someday to revisit Citizen Kane as I grow older.
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A Fitting Farewell To A Film Era
30 April 2019
I understand that there are still many Marvel films in the works but this really did feel like a conclusion to the 20+ films that came before. Great action sequences with a lot of payoffs for anyone who has seen the previous film and will run you through the entire scope of emotions. There is one seen in particular that was incredible and gave me goosebumps. This is something we've never seen happen before and something we may never again. It really took so many pieces to fall in place and for that this film will stand the test of time and should be considered a milestone event, rather than just a great film. For those reason this is a 10/10 film.
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12 Monkeys (1995)
Brad Pitt Is Insane!
10 April 2019
This may be the worst headline for a review I've done yet, but screw it! Again, I'm a sucker for time travel films, I always find them entertaining but this one didnt do it as well as some of the others. However that is based on all th either time travel films I've seen and this movie is still good! Brad Pitt absolutely kills it in this role, the same year he starred in Se7en so that is really saying something. It was fun to theorize at some plot points and it was nice to see others were thinking the same things as me, meaning I wasn't as lost as I thought I may be by the end. Glad I have this classic under my belt now and it is definitely one I'll have to watch again sometime.
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Annihilation (I) (2018)
Unique And Beautiful
9 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is a really good Sci-Fi film that didn't feel the need to explain too much into why this was happening and I appreciated that because this is meant to be entertainment and has many interpretations that you can draw from it. All five women were stellar with Natalie Portman proving again why she's one of the best working actresses in Hollywood. This is mainly a Sci-Fi film but does stray a bit into action and horror. The scene with the bear/wolf with a screaming woman's voice is some of the scariest and tense moments I've seen in any horror in a long time. The final scene between Natalie Portman's character and the metallic doppelgänger just fills you with dread and keeps you on the edge of your seat. The way it moves and reacts to her is mesmerizing and so unnatural that it makes you feel almost off. Other than that, the film is visually stunning to the point that it feels like a massage for your eyes. I'll probably end up watching it again!
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Us (II) (2019)
Great Follow Up For Peele
3 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this film. A lot of people (like they do with most films) like to knit pick small things instead of enjoying a film for its entertainment value. In terms of horror, this is one of the better horror films in years. I understand that there is an underlying message of the class system in the United States, but I had a good time watching this as a film. The biggest films in the world right now are super hero films and we don't ask questions about well how is this even possible? and knit picking small details like "How did they get the red suits?" Who cares! It's horror film, not a historical re-enactments. Lupita is amazing in the movie and in fact, everyone involved was tremendous. This is definitely a film you'll have to watch twice and you'll be able to watch it with a whole different experience than the first thanks to the twist ending. However, there was only two things I didn't like too much about it. One was that horrendous scene at the end where we can see Lupita in the background in the class room and her face up close. It's just a bad shot that you can clearly see the editing in; which this film is really well shot, so it's just the smallest blemish. The other thing being how insane the plot came when Peele tried to explain how all this was possible. It kind of made you sit there and go, "okay?" This felt like a film where we didn't really need any solid answers as to why this was happening. All in all, a good film that I ended up eating higher than his previous film Get Out, but it is really close. Looking forward to seeing his next film!
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Not Bad, But Not Good
24 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This film is leaps and bounds behind its predecessor. When making a sequel, people should ask "does this story have more to tell?" And for this film it was an astounding no and that should have been the end of it. When you have a film where an actor who has passed and who plays one of the title character that should be the end of it. The original Blues Brothers had a nice little end to it, wrapped with a bow. There were strange supernatural elements that felt forced (that I'm sure Dan Aykroyd fought for to be in the film) and a kid who is sort of shoe horned into it. You remove that random kid from the film and you have the same story. In fact this is more of a tribute film because the same jokes that landed in the first one were repeated in this one making a little less funny because it's already been done. However, despite all of that it isn't AS bad as people let on. This isn't one of the worst films of all time and if it was a stand alone film with out the first film being around I could see its absurdity turning it into a cult classic, however it will forever be in the shadow and compared to the first one as it should being a so called sequel. Elwood in the first one is meant to be the quiet one and without Jake being around he's forced to have an entire character overall that makes you not enjoy his character as much. The only redeeming factor for it is the ending battle of the bands where we get a chance to see legendary musicians all playing together on stage.
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What Else Is There To Say?
23 March 2019
This film is a classic in every sense, I've seen it so many times I can't believe it took me this long to write something about it. It mixes two of my favourite things; comedy and music. Plus I'm a huge Saturday Night Live fan, I've got the vinyl record that I've listened to multiple times, it features legendary musicians. Just do yourself a service and watch this film if you haven't already! Consider it your mission from god!
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Don't Listen To The Idiots
12 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The reason I say don't listen to the idiots is because they're giving it bad reviews because of Brie Larson. Watch this film for its own merit, no reason to make it political. It is a form of entertainment, sit back and enjoy. This move was good, not great but on the brink of it. I think the superhero fatigue is starting to hit me because the first part of the film took me a bit to get into, but once she gets to Earth the story starts to pick up and is just as funny, entertaining and charming as every other recent Marvel film. For the first female lead Marvel film, it knocked it out of the park with Brie Larson in the role. The chemistry between Larson and Jackson was tremendous and the '90s soundtrack was one of my favourites alongside Guardians Of The Galaxy. I enjoyed how they explained some unanswered questions about the universe in this film and look forward to seeing Captain Marvel in End Game as well as the sequel they heavily hinted at.
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One Of The Best Spider-Man Adaptations
20 February 2019
I grew up with Spider-Man, but specifically Peter Parker; it was cool to see Spider-People I didn't know a lot about and a few I didn't even know existed. This was a thrill ride from beginning to end with the art being the highlight, but the story not too far behind. This is a magical representation of comic books on the screen and I hope to see more like it.
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Green Book (2018)
An Entertaining Ride
20 February 2019
Out of all the 2018 Oscar nominees, this was one I was looking forward to the most and I'm happy that it lived up to the hype. This wasn't your typical racial film, it was so much more. The chemistry between Ali and Mortenson is tremendous and I enjoyed it thoroughly.
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Roma (2018)
At A Loss For Words
10 February 2019
This usually doesn't happen but by the time Roma ended, I wasn't sure how to rate this. I thought I was bored, yet I was completely captivated it; working as a slow burn. Many have said it is amazing from a female point of view and not that, that is a bad thing but as a male I can't relate on the same level as a woman would watching Roma. However I did sympathize with the main character... see what I mean? This movie left me so lost for this review. I absolutely despised Fermin which is an incredible feet for a character who only appears in probably 15 minutes of an over two hour film. There is so much symbolism in this movie, that maybe I do need a second viewing to really like it, but for now I'm going to give it a 7 because it did keep me captivated and the cinematography was gorgeous. I'll probably update this if I watch it again.
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The Favourite (2018)
Rich People Are People Too
23 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The Favourite takes place in the 18th century England, a time period film that I usually check out of about ten minutes in. However this movie was captivating and surprisingly funny by some of its absurdities and witty dialogue. Olivia Colman plays a sickly Queen Anne with her Lady in waiting Sarah seemingly running the government from behind the scenes. Enter in Emma Stone's Abigail - Sarah's down on her luck cousin who Queen Anne takes a shine to and you have a power struggle that can affect the future of the country.

If you have yet to see the film, I would stop reading here because I am about to get into some major spoilers. I planned on making a spoiler-free review but there is too much to unpack. The film sets the tone from the start with a man masturbating to Abigail on a stage coach; revealing this isn't going to be your typical run of the mill royalty film. Then the shocking twist that Queen Anne and Sarah are in a sexual relationship with one another is revealed, throwing the entire plot on upside down. I have to applaud whoever put the trailer together, because they put in enough to intrigue you, but left out that one major detail.

This film reminded me of BlacKkKlansman as in I was surprised by how humorous it turned out to be. The ballroom dance scene is brilliant and I feel is the core of the absurdity this film portrays. Sarah and Masham dance in a way that would make you think they were time travelers; sporting moves that were way ahead of their time with their b-boy moves. With the physical humour aside, the films dialogue is sharp. An example of this is when Masham meets Abigail in the middle of the night in attempt to court her:

Abigail: "Are you here to seduce me or rape me?"

Masham: "I am a gentleman."

Abigail: "Rape it is."

Everyone involved in this film had a tremendous performance. Emma Stone was able to make us empathize with her, only to despise her by the end; Rachel Weisz able to seemingly do the same, but vice versa, with Olivia Colman portraying the vulnerable and lonely Queen Anne with compassion. This is a film that leaves you unsure who to root for because both characters are just as vile and manipulative as the other; created by the outstanding chemistry between Stone and Weisz whose characters are willing to bend and break their own morality for the slightest glimmer of power. Showing the battle within the Queen's chambers is just as important to the country as the battle miles away with the French. I'd also like to give quick props to Nicholas Hoult who under all of that makeup forced me to look up on IMDB to make sure that was who it was; he makes up the majority of the humour within this film and absolutely nailed the role.

I wanted to discuss the ending momentarily and my interpretation of it, because director Yorgos Lanthimos is apparently known for his ambiguous endings and this film is no different. The final moments we see Abigail seemingly victorious on her knees as Queen Anne presses down on her head for balance; regret depicted on her face as the screen is overlapped with her rabbits. I believe this is reminder that Queen Anne got these rabbits in attempt to fill the void of her seventeen unborn/dead children. They'll never be able to replace the real thing; in which Abigail is nothing more than another one of her rabbits. A cheap imitation of the woman she truly loved and cared about Sarah. Sure, Abigail filled her lonely void at the time, but banishing Sarah was like losing a piece of her as shown by her struggling to run the government in her absence and now she is forced to live with the consequences of her decision.

I was planning on giving this film a lower rating because after watching it, I wasn't overwhelmingly enthralled by it. However the more I thought about it, the more I liked it; it was a slow burn for me. I found myself thinking about this film the next morning; small little details that had only come back to me after reflection. This movie can be picked analyzed and picked apart in many different ways and that is the best thing about it; no answer is wrong because it is all a matter of interpretation by the viewer. I believe this film was a top notch for the fact it was funny, intense and was in a genre that usually doesn't intrigue me, but still found myself hanging on to every word and action. The Favourite may not be my favourite of the year, but it is well worth the watch - yeah I did the stupid pun.
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The Best Band Biopic I've Seen
20 January 2019
This was a tremendous and entertaining film. Many music biopics like to just look at the personal lives, but this also shows how the music was made; the thought process behind some of their biggest hits. It was also nice to see everyone look like the real people they were portraying and not shoe horn an actor in there like they did with Val Kilmer as Jim Morrison. I had goosebumps during the Live Aid concert the same way I did the first time I watched it. Great film for not only Queen fans, but music fans in general.
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WarGames (1983)
One Of The Only Good Video Game Based Films
13 January 2019
I have been hearing about this movie for a while and I finally got around to watching it. I'm a fan of both Matthew Broderick and Ally Sheedy and was delighted to see they had good chemistry in this film. Sure there are some issues with the plot including the what I usually hate where everything could be solved if they just listened to the main character but it was still entertaining nonetheless. The tech doesn't hold up in this movie or the way things are done, but other than that this is an entertaining film that will keep you in your seat throughout.
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