
26 Reviews
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New Order (2020)
1 July 2023
That's it! We've got it, a cinema film has reached ground zero. The filthiest gonzo is a dazzling masterpiece, 'Godzilla vs Kong' a fascinating animal odyssey, 'Sharkanado' a memorable act of cinematic bravery, compared to this unspeakable "thing". The actors have here no depth at all. The director has no talent for either tight close-ups or broad shots. The sloppy travelings don't even provide the dynamism we'd want to expect. An unbelievable sadness. An yawning void. My only question is: how did that even pass as "film"? You'd better run away from this terrible turnip whose biggest mistake is to exist. What I liked: nothing. Nothing at all, except its silent end credits. The producers could have chosen the wrong end credits anyway.
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Sky High (2020)
Not enough
6 January 2023
Well, the acting is quite okay, the cops and the main male role excepted. Cops' roles were not difficult to play. They are as inconsistent as Tom Wilson, the policeman, in The Chaplin's 'Kid'. Cruel for Tom, I know. But the worst has to come. Miguel Herrán would have been more credible in the role of a lift boy than in the role of "Angel". The actor's play is weak and definitively inadequate to his ability to embody such a role. There was room tho to be able to play an Angel full of doubts, a human being made of strengths here and weaknesses there, joys and sorrows. Herrán would find none of these throughout the whole film, which can be described, I can't deny it, like a poor achievement. The biggest issue of this film is the lack of almost everything in the script: imagination, suspense, tension, etc. And tell me what remains when none of these basic key features are present in an action movie? Not much, right? This is what you get after the screening of the film. The good surprise comes from the female roles: all are quite credible (female cop excepted of course). And you knew it already.
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The Batman (2022)
Too many whisperings
18 October 2022
The storytelling is pretty good. Both the whisperings scenes and 2.0 technology are used and over-abused in this pretty dark movie. This is one the reasons i give 5 stars. Zoe K. Deserves 7/8 stars. As a resume that won't help you at all: The Batman ain't the best, nor the worst = 5 stars. Period. A tiny note to Reeves , the director: knowing the trees of every character doesn't save your movie. It simply explains one or two details. Bads are bad. In this purpose, it's like a (dark) Walt Disney thing. We are so far away of the psychology in the Todd Philips' "Joker" (2019). We would have adored to get some kind of. Counterbalance vision. We got a pale version of what it could have been.
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$65,000,000... Really?
23 August 2022
Okay okay okaaaay. This is an estimation. Pheeeww. Hope it's also a mistake. It's a cool movie, for sure, never worth $65,000,000 tho. Good storytelling, good actions, good actors. Well, almost all of them. The Barbie girl Reese Witherspoon acts exactly the way she's used to act for years. It's... Reese, the exact same predictable pattern as Cameron Diaz, without the talent. I long to see Reese again being more risky, like in the excellent Walk The Line (James Mangold, 2005). Anyway. You want to spend a cool evening watching nicely dressed actors in a proper action movie ? This Means War is meant for you.
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Tenet (2020)
Limitations to the Willing suspension of disbelief
2 October 2021
Like King Midas in Greek mythology, Christopher Nolan has earned a reputation for turning everything he touches into gold, even when he tackles those convoluted subjects he's so fond of (Inception, Interstellar). Unfortunately even geniuses can sometimes go into pieces... Tenet is made up to divide. I, for certain, assume a clear-cut judgment: this film is abstruse, sterile, pretentious. Alas, a complete wreck.

Nolan like a dream factory. And the dream factory gives birth to a two and a half hour blockbuster... that falls apart within the first hour. Cruel. On reflection, it is perhaps due to its long gestation (20 years) that might explain the failure of the film. Immersed in his research on the inversion of entropy (don't ask me to explain what it means), the filmmaker ended up losing sight of the fact that a film is no PhD in physics.

Tenet is not a failure because its story is complex. It is a failure because the filmmaker does not want us to understand it - if that was possible. Due to a lack of basic information and knowledges, we are not capable of investing ourselves because nothing encourages us to do so: neither the characters, nor the interpretation (excepting the brilliant Robert Pattinson), nor even the so confusing action. Let's concede that the film is nervous, its aestetics is amazing, which allows us to stay awake during the two and a half hours of projection.

If Tenet is the Nolan's James Bond, then, good Lord, in your infinite goodness, please don't let Christopher ever have access to this franchise. He would be able to play the famous Monty Norman theme backwards.
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A waste of time
15 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
You know what? I don't get how these guys had found money for such a "film". This simple point is remarkable. Picture the mess: It's the only movie where what a pillow can stop bullets shot by mini drones. George Lucas dreamt about it. Sean Olson dit it. What to say about visual effets ? Well not much. Truth is they are "sophisticated" to the point where they lose their effectiveness. Sorry. I can't recommend this. Minimum of credibility is out of range in all aspects. That's the main reason why it's a pure waste of time.
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Anna (II) (2019)
Not bad. Not good
5 July 2021
This is the main recurrent problem with Eric Besson's movies: nones are real bad. Nones are as good as Big Blue, Léon or Nikita. I miss also the audacity of Jeanne d'Arc (1999). Anyway. After Lucy, here comes Anna. Which will be be the next ? Nina, Angelina, Paulina ? Who's gonna she kill next ? Bad KGBs agents again ? Ugly Pakistani terrorists ? Ben Laden's siblings ? If Lucy had some original material in its script, the one of Anna is as poor as empty. Sasha Luss is pretty. Period. Her character suffers from a total lack of consistency and depth that prevent us to immerse ourselves. Oh! She is not the only problem. The worst is, for sure, Cillian Murphy ! Damned ! Being worse is probably quite improbable. Sad thing is we, movie lovers, are easily able to see it. And Besson (and Besson'staff) were not.
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Antebellum (2020)
Boring + worrying = big disappointment
30 May 2021
Antebellum's filming is pretty okay even though its script is overwhelming slopped. Worrying.. What is even more worrying is that Gabourey Sidibe appears to be the only credible actress in the whole casting crew. Kids' acting is usually pretty convincing. Their natural spontaneity does wonders more often than not. Bad luck here, London Boyce is like the rest of the casting crew: weak, inconsistent and shallow. I am sure they all tried their best tho. Unsuccessfully. As if they couldn't believe themselves in the roles they had to play.

Back to the script. Oh my God. Every thing in it seems unfinished. The beginning looked pretty okay. A lil slow but pretty good. And the more time goes by, the more the common thread running through the storyline erodes away. By the end of the movie, the impression of emptiness is like a yawning void. After an umpteenth "come on, not like this !" and Janelle Monae riding a horse in the way of William Wallace, she will not save Parabellum from a disaster you have seen coming for a long long time. More than 1 hour is like eternity there. The struggle against racism deserves much more than a parody of a complicated script made of sham appearances. In this context, the aestethics of the film appear to be both disruptive and meaningless. Last but not least, they sell the film like an horror movie. Be ready to be also disappointed about this. Truth is: there are more horror scenes in a Walt Disney prod like Snow White and the seven dwarfs.
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No words
25 May 2021
There are no words to express my frustration and deception about this movie that counts more stereotypes than a Disney production for adults. Adèle can't save this wreck all ny herself. She tried her best but it was hopeless. A final word about Matthias Schornhaerts: this guy belongs to these ""actors"" who think they can act simply 'cause they can cry or be angry on demand. Problem is : he cries like an old lady and is angry like a famous gaming bird. His performance is so low that every single characteristic of the figure he's supposed to play appears both ridiculous and inconsistent.
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The Doorman (2020)
I can't believe it
31 December 2020
I can't believe that I've watched this. Script is probably one of the lowest things I've ever seen. Sad. Characters are as cliché as the good/bye final scene. They are so boring that I first thought it was a Russian movie. And when I read Ryuhei Kitamura, I was like Wooha! the director of the Midnight Meat Train ? That guy had audacity, madness and outrages. That guy dared almost everything. This movie is so low, so dull and tame. Only Aksel Hennie is saved from what can be seen like a collective wreck. Ruby Rose is as credible as Marion Cotillard in Batman - Dark Knight Rises. Jean Reno looks like a pale shadow of himself. A movie you should forget to watch.
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Custody (2017)
They let nothing to be lacking
12 August 2019
Nothing! With the exception of surprises and nuances. Legrand's lense is so predictable: none movie scene will startle you. N-O-N-E. Many scenes are dramatically too long (pregnancy test, birthday party, bathtub). The length of these scenes brings nothing to the film's comprehension. Unless you are slow. For sure, Léa Drucker, Denis Ménochet and the young Thomas Giorgia (+ a very special mention to the part of the judge played by Saadia Bentaïeb) are impressive. I don't want to downplay their talent for becoming the characters they play but, come on, there is no big fiction in them. The entire movie jibes to the reality. This is both its strength and its weakness at the same time. For wanting to constantly draw a "larger than life" image, Legrand falls at one or two extremes. Nothing is black and white in real life. Despite what Legrand would have us believe.
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Because 007 should never...
11 August 2019
... drive a BMW! It's a crime. An Abomination. Script is somewhat okay. Pierce is somewhat compelling. Marceau is pretty good in her bad girl role. But...but James Bond drives a BMW car.
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Barry Lyndon (1975)
A Masterpiece (and 2 flats)
4 July 2019
Of course Barry Lyndon IS a Masterpiece. Stanley Kubrick was obviously Stanley Kubrick from his very first day as a filmmaker. The stunning light, the mastermind in every camera position (lenses !), costumes and sceneries are so opulent that almost every scene looks like a painting. Outstanding. Both in- and outdoor stages are remarkable and of equal quality: perfect. My "problem" with Barry Lyndon is neither with actors (they are all so authentic), nor with its narrative parts as literature. No ! My "problem" is about perfection (and the recurrent Sarabande by Händel as herald change in every appointment with death). Perfection during 3 hours makes me feel dizzy at the end. But anyway, Barry Lyndon IS a Masterpiece in both Stanley Kubrick's work and in the history of cinema.
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The Meg (2018)
I have no words....
21 June 2019
... to express the abyssal vacuity of this movie. Script, effects, everything. Even Statham didn't salvage it from this useless and boring wreck.
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Hangman (II) (2017)
Hangman should hang hiImself
23 May 2019
Johnny Martin committed a movie maker malpractice when he used of slow motion, flashbacks with Al Pacino in action. This IS NOT allowed. This shouldn't even exist. Johnny 'Slow' Martin did it. Don't dream, ladies & gentlemen: we are far behind 'Se7en' Joe Anderson's acting ain't Kevin Spacey's. Karl Urban can't compete with Brad. No big surprise! There is only one Se7en. Al Pacino can't save a bad movie all alone. 'Hangman' couldn't be saved because of its storyline. Even its end that should have been like a kind of relief is a real damned frustration. And you are already scared of an hypothetical possible sequel. Almighty god of theaters shouldn't allow it
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Point Break (1991)
So low
17 May 2019
I had heard about this movie a dozen time. I wasn't in a rush to watch it. Easy to guess. Almost everything in this movie is foreign to me: Californian surfers' lifestyle, Patrick Swayze, Keanu Reeves etc etc. I can get it's a generation thing tho. Storyline is as low as "heroes"' acting. Not a single minute they've succeeded in letting me in the script. I've been waiting for the end after the first 20 minutes. It was a kind of relief when it finally happened... I give 3 stars because of Teri Petty's gaze. Since this movie is a kinda testosterone thing, she was incapable to save it on her own.
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Rampage (2018)
The worst of the worst
9 March 2019
This movie is exactly what it should be: a disaster. There are so many things that explain this cinematic calamity. Can't enumerate them all. Let me just advice you NOT to lose your time in watching it. I did it. Unfortunately. My bad....
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Black Panther (2018)
The casting couldn't save that shipwreck
18 January 2019
I couldn't be more excited to watch what they promised us to be "the greatest Marvel movie ever". Well well well... On behave of a firework, this movie is a real damp squib. The film frustrates as much as it motivared. A loss like this one wasn't easy at all to achieve. They did it. Technology and special effects can't save a single thing here. Soundtrack is with the image of this definitive and expensive mess.
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Camp X-Ray (2014)
Woaw !
27 November 2018
Stewart + Maady are awesome in this very very good movie. I enjoyed every minute, every scene, every sound. Be prepared to receive a slap right on your face. That's what it could happen to you at the very end of it.
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Mother! (2017)
Sick and disturbing but ....
20 August 2018
Well. I gave 5 stars mainly for one reason: the malaise felt while watching this movie. Aronofsky slowly builds something like a torture. The movie is and gets sick. Everything sacred in our society is broken here, destroyed, trampled. After 3 seconds, we immediately get that the descent to hell will be unstoppable. As the film progresses, we only wish one thing: to be able to take it and to be capable to see the end of this interesting artwork. No masterwork here for me (screenplay with too many limitations, and even a few weaknesses) but a real artwork, disturbing at will, played by a couple of good actors.
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Spacewalk (2017)
One word: boring
8 August 2018
2 hours and 10 minutes painful and boring, despite of a screenplay pretty consistent. Problem with these "patriotic" movies (US, Russian here, Cambodian or wherever) is: they all fall into THE trap of soppiness in the name of the pride, honors or glory of the stories they relate. Evgenyi Mironov's acting is as smooth and polished as a Russian virgin waiting for her charming prince. Only the role of the CCCP space program chief is very nicely played in this cinematic wreck. It is also notworthy that pictures quality is awesome
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7 August 2018
Cohen and Wilson at their finest. I mean.... they are definitely C-R-A-Z-Y. Crazier they could get dangerous. Of course this Sacha Baron Cohen movie is a 1st (very very very 1st) degree humor bunch of skits. Of course a few scenes ain't funny. Of course, it's gross. Of course it's ridiculous. Of course it's pathetic. So you better watch this outrageous movie with the eyes of a child or .... Or you'll be missing the point. Trust me rolling on the floor laughing is really harmful to health. I can't give more than 7 stars because of the elephants scene. LMFAO. Jesus they d-a-r-e-d
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Damned Surfing scene
6 August 2018
Should NEVER have existed. Without this scene, it could have been one of the best "modern" 007 movies. Not included those with Sean Connery, of course. Screenplay here is good. Finally! Pierce Brosnan and Halle Berry are okay. Toby Stephens is excellent. Michael Madsen (agreed his role was so short) and Rosamund Pike's (agreed her role is too long) level of acting is near zero in this 'Die Another Day' movie.
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Fences (2016)
Woaw !
31 July 2018
What a movie! Brilliant casting, amazing filming, a few scenes are maybe a tiny too long but it is undoubtedly a great great great movie.
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Ain't it's best movie
2 May 2018
Still good of course. The best is the 1st one. It's not about scenario. It's about the story telling. It's not about the photography. It's about the way he's behind the cam. The one is so implicated, so personal thai it talks to the audience straight in the heart. This one talks to our mind. That's not bad. Of course it's not. But it has definitely not the same impact.
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