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Jurassic Park (1993)
A chilling allegory about the dangers of capitalism
9 March 2024
In 1993, Jurassic Park took the world by storm. It was everywhere. The merchandising was unparelled. Jurassic Park was on the screen and it was in every home. It continued to thrive on home video and is still celebrated to this day. Sam Neil is great but Sam Jackson needed a bigger role and more lines. Wayne Knight shines as Dennis Nedry, the goofball criminal who is sick of being abused and ignored by his employer, so he turns to finding a way to get compensated for the work he's done. Some may argue that he puts many lives at risk, but in the world of capitalism Dennis Nedry was not actually the bad guy. John Hammond is guilty of criminal negligence, but he is rich and he has lawyers and insurance companies to back him up. Hammond makes decisions that lead to many gruesome deaths and we are all along for the ride. Capitalism is evil, even when dinosaurs are involved. Especially if dinosaurs are involved.
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So bad, so so bad
22 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is bad. It is so so so so bad. Maybe a couple of the parts are okay, but overall this was a huge disappointment.

There is a certain nostalgia that comes from watching some of the scenes, but the stunts and jungle car chase where they get helped by monkeys was so stupid.

Most people criticize that way he survived the atom bomb testing by hiding in a refrigerator and rightfully so. Half the time some of the stunts don't even pertain to the story and the characters behave uncharacteristically for the sake of an action sequence.

This one could have been a lot better. Dial of Destiny was a little but better but nothing will compare to Raiders or to Last Crusade.
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I Feel Pretty (2018)
I love Amy
5 July 2023
This movie sort of falls apart at the end, but I still enjoyed the first part. It was everything I love about Amy Schumer. She is smart, sexy and confident.

I usually watch 'Snatched' or 'Trainwreck' when I need my Amy fix, and 'I Feel Pretty' will always hold a special place in my heart.

I wish I could meet more women who have the confidence that Amy has and that is what this movie is all about.

The wet t-shirt contest scene is sleazy but it makes me laugh. Some people might say that the humor is crude, but I think people will always look at Amy's body of work and clearly see that she is an outstanding comedian.
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Suburbia (1983)
Problematic but still enjoyable
17 November 2022
If we set aside the blatant homophobia, the casual racism, and two scenes with very strange depictions of sexual assault against women, between all that there is still a watchable movie.

Obviously there are problems with this film and if it was given a modern retelling then I hope they would address this issues better. That being said, there is quite a lot to enjoy in this film. It is edgy and has a very unique style. There are performances by The Vandals, T. S. O. L. and. D. I. That will bring you back down memory lane to the old punk shows.

Flea and a few others give a great performance even though many of the others can't act.

The story tackles a few serious issues like disenfranchised youth in a capitalist suburban community, sexual abuse, drug and alcohol abuse, suicide, animal rights.

This film was directed by Penelope Spheeris who went on to direct Wayne's World many years later. Knowing this I will probably check out her other films.
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Welcome to Wrexham (2022– )
Soccer lovers will enjoy it
1 November 2022
There is a lot of merit to this docu-series but there are even more problems. On the surface it is a positive story about a small town in Wales that has fallen on hard times. On the other hand it is a shameless promotion of controversial companies like Tiktok and Expedia through product-placement.

The egotistical over-spending and indulgences of this series are tone-deaf at a time that the world is falling apart.

I watched a few episodes but at the end of the day, I just can't relate to two rich Americans who are trying to buy their way into English Football club ownership.

Many people will enjoy this series, its just not for me.
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Ambulance (2022)
Not worth anyone's time
9 October 2022
When 'Pain & Gain' was released I decided to give it a shot and I was pleasantly surprised. That was a great movie and I have re-watched it many times because it is such a fun experience. So I said to myself: "Wow, Michael Bay has really grown as a filmmaker. He got those Transformers movies out of his system and now he is using his powers for good."

When I saw the trailer for Ambulance, I thought that I would give Michael Bay the benefit of the doubt and I decided that I would watch this movie. That is a decision that I regret now.

Ambulance is a blurry, garbled mess of a movie full of no-name actors (because nobody wants to work with Michael Bay anymore).

The movie begins with a scene where a uniformed LAPD officer is sexually harassing a woman who works at a bank. What an awful start to any story. When that officer gets shot, we all hope he dies, but he doesn't. He is kept alive so that the criminals will only be charged with shooting, kidnapping and endangering him (because legally it would be slightly worse for them if they were charged for murder on top of the 100s of other crimes they did)

Halfway through the movie you can tell that Jake Gyllenhaal has lost faith in the movie and that the story is falling apart.

This movie is an offensive piece of "copaganda" that argues the LAPD will stop at nothing to save one of their own officers, even if it means injuring many other civilians and causing millions of dollars in damage.

This movie is completely tone deaf at a time when people are shifting their mindset towards defunding the police in order to fund social programs that can actually have an effect on reducing crime.

All across America police officers are killing innocent teenagers and POC and we have seen the footage of it all. Just the other day a police officer fired several bullets at a teenager that was eating a cheeseburger in his car of a McDonald's parking lot. And then you have Michael Bay who releases Ambulance, the most offensive film since Birth of a Nation.

Honestly I am so angry that I watched this awful movie.
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Belushi (2020)
Amazing documentary about an incredibly talented comedian
28 September 2022
I just finished binge-watching The Dark Side of Comedy and I was hungry for more. So I stumbled upon this documentary. What a great experience. I lit up a joint and poured myself a gin and strapped myself in.

The animation is what really elevates this film. Beautiful colors and shadows highlight the experience of young John Belushi growing up in an Albanian household in Chicago then going on to join Second City, National Lampoons and then SNL and onto Hollywood films.

When this documentary was over I wanted to watch it again. The sexism was discussed but I feel like it was glossed over. There is also a big question mark surrounding John Belushi's portrayal of immigrants or people from other cultures. It is sometimes funny but other times it misses the mark. Overall great film.
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Some laughs but overall terrible
22 September 2022
Many years ago my roommate was laughing at a movie that he was watching and I asked him what it was. "Danny Roane First Time Director" was his answer. For days he was laughing about it. I didn't get a chance to see it for myself until several years later. At the time I saw it, Andy Dick was still regarded as funny and relevant. The truth about his hand in the situation that lead to Phil Hartman's murder was not as widely known as it is today.

Andy Dick today is a sad tortured man. It's like James Baldwin said: "People pay for who they are by the lives they lead." It's true for all of us, but especially true for Andy Dick. That being said, this movie would get a zero from me but there are a couple funny parts with the guy from RENT where he is questioning the safety of the equipment they are using and I am laughing just thinking about that part. There are some terrible parts in this movie that I wish I could unsee.
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Problematic in 2022 yet still entertaining
31 August 2022
Rock'n'roll high school is a little bit sexist, but maybe it is what we should expect from a film about rebellious high school students in the 1970s.

This film is technically a musical, and traditionally we have accepted all kinds of deviant behavior on film from musicals in the past.

The Ramones perform a lot of their hits in this film and that is the glue that holds it all together.

There are a lot of strong female performances but sadly they are overshadowed by sub plots about Clint Howard in his date-rape van or two hall-monitors who are also peeping-Toms.

There is just enough craziness to keep me watching. There are some funny skits about how one of the students is an actual rat. But then there is a scene where a creepy security guard is "frisking" young women before they get into the concert.

Overall Rock'n'roll high school teaches us an important lesson about how far we as a society have come towards gender equality since 1979.

Hey Ho! LET'S GO!
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Insomnia (2002)
Made me want to fall asleep
29 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
When this film first came out it made waves because Robin Williams was in it. Re-watching 'Insomnia' in 2022 it is clear that this movie does not stand up. Robin Williams is good in his role, but Al Pacino barely pronounces any of his words, he is supposed to descend into chaos as the insomnia takes hold, but he is wacked out from the start. If you look closely you can see that Al Pacino's wigs are not very convincing and his forehead wrinkles keep rising above the hairline.

The plot is so stupid it cannot be followed. There is a murder in the remote community of Nightmute, Alaska, and for some reason they are paying to fly 2 police officers from Los Angeles(?) to help solve the crime. On top of that the two cops are currently embroiled in an Internal Affairs investigation in L. A. None of this makes any sense.

So Al Pacino, a municipal detective, is investigating a murder in a state he has never been to before, and he shoots his partner on a foggy day while they are pursuing a suspect. He does an elaborate cover-up when he could have easily claimed it was foggy and it was an accident. Also, the police force in Nightmute is surprisingly big for a town of 800 people.

Christopher Nolan really missed the mark on this one. I loved The Following, Prestige and Memento are great as well but Insomnia is a pile of garbage. It feels like 1/3 of this movie was Al Pacino talking on the phone with different people that we don't ever meet.

There was a time when this sort of film could inspire the imagination of the audience, but watching it in 2022 was a challenge. The editing is nauseating; so many cuts that I can't even tell what's happening. The fight scene between Al Pacino and Robin Williams is pretty pathetic, just lots of quick cuts, fast camera movements and groaning.

I almost didn't finish watching this movie because it was so stupid but I stayed until the end to see Robin William's performance. Hillary Swank did a great role as well but they gave her too small of a part.
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Alexander (2004)
3 Hours - waste of time and resources
12 August 2022
In this modern world, it is hard to sit for 3 hours and watch millions of dollars go down the drain.

This could have been a good movie, even could have been broken down into a trilogy. From the start you could tell that the filmmakers were in over their head and they had no creative vision other than CGI special effects and they leaned heavily into those effects.

The battle scenes are hard to follow and it is unclear what is going on sometimes. Lots of smoke and haze and quick editing makes for confusing disorientation.

Angelina's fake accent is terrrible and Colin's hair is all wrong.
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Casablanca (1942)
It was a good movie for it's time but....
26 July 2022
The older generation of movie-goers who grew up watching this film will argue that this is hands-down the greatest film ever made.

Their ignorance will stay with them until the day they die. Casablanca is an exciting movie to watch, even by today's standards, but there are some parts that are problematic. First off these people are wealthy refugees, it is hard to sympathize with these characters while millions of people are being killed in Nazi concentration camps. Secondly, there is no representation for the Moroccan people, the story takes place in Morocco, but everyone hates it there and they can't wait to leave. Not to mention the French colonialism overshadowing everything about Moroccan culture. Thirdly, a lot of sexism in the way Rick speaks to Elsa. Lastly, the portrayal of Sam as the "minstrel show"-style piano playing is hard to watch.

Many people will spend their time and energy to defend this film and dispute my review, but I stand by my words. This film is a relic of white privilege and I am glad the world isn't the place it used to be.
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Not that great
24 May 2022
Not that great. Not really funny. Doesn't always make sense. Paul Rudd is not funny in this one. The plot is all over the place and there is no real payoff. Lots of action that doesn't really get explained. Relies on CGI too much.
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Good acting, weak story
25 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Carey Mulligan is great and this is an important story that needs be told, but the writing and directing gets fumbled in the end.

Hard Candy and The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo do a much better job. As I am reading the other reviews on here I also see Nightingale comes highly recommended.

This movie would have been groundbreaking 10 years ago but does not offer enough substance for today's audience.

Also, it seems strange to me that the main character is spending hours on her hair and make-up to go out every night in New York. This would be so expensive and time-consuming and in the end she is just giving the men a verbal warning. Most of these men are probably too intoxicated to remember her anyways.
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A Quiet Place (2018)
Weak premise, ill-conceived monsters
19 March 2022
The monsters are large clumsy "wheel-creatures" with sensitive hearing. They can precisely pick out a noisy child on a bridge from hundreds of miles away but somehow they can't detect the father as he runs across the bridge. Running across a bridge is noisy activity and I think it is clear that there is several of these monsters, even though they only really attack one at a time? It's hard to tell what the rules are and what noises can be heard by the monsters and what noises in the movie been overlooked by the script-supervisor.

In the end, there was not enough development of the monsters. They follow some loose rules that we are just supposed accept as part of the great mystery of this story. My ex loved this movie, but she was pretty dumb. She showed up for a camping trip without a sleeping bag once.
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Rescue Dawn (2006)
Sad to see Werner Herzog make this tripe
13 March 2022
The American War in Vietnam was an atrocity. This film ignores the implications of Monsanto's Agent Orange and the chemical warfare that the American Army used against the innocent people of Vietnam. It glorifies an Airforce pilot who was involved in operations against the people of Vietnam. It is sad to see Werner Herzog sink to such a deep low but I can see how it was hard for him to resist the temptation. There is no telling if any part of this story is actually true or not, but one thing we know is that America destroyed Vietnam and used tons of chemical warfare and dumped ordinance all over Cambodia for no reason. The American War in Vietnam should not be glorified on film unless it shows the longterm downfall of Agent Orange and Monsanto.
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Other than Danny McBride there isn't much that still holds up
1 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The good scenes in this movie are too few and far between. This movie doesn't have a great flow and struggles to stick to a good storyline.

I think we can all agree that Danny McBride is the best part, Jonah Hill is alright. A lot of the best scenes are from the party with the other celebrities and actors. It's hard to watch James Franco now that we know he is a sexual predator. The worst part is that they choose the Backstreet Boys at the end. That is so stupid guys. You could have chose Snoop and Dre or any number of other respectable artists, yet you chose a generic boy band that already has their music everywhere. Changing this from 3 stars to 2.
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How to make sex boring
4 February 2022
Stabley Kubrick probably never had sex, but this movie is what he thought sex would be like. Poor guy missed the mark.

The masks are interesting but the story is so seriously boring.
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Gerald's Game (2017)
Good movie, bad premise
3 December 2021
Love this movie but one thing bugged me alot.

I don't care how much money a person spends on their bedframe, there is no such thing as an unbreakable bed frame. Unless he brought all the pieces into the room first and then hired a welder to go into the bedroom and weld his bedframe together.

I have broken beds by sitting on them, jumping on them and even during sex. I refuse to believe that she would have been unable to use her legs to push the mattresses off and then used her feet against the corners or the joints of the bedframe as a fulcrum to at least break the headboard away from the rest of the bedframe.

It is also believable that this did not occur to her character. Anyways, 127 Hours is way better.
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Jojo Rabbit (2019)
Tried to like this movie
14 November 2021
I tried to like this movie. I saw it in theaters and then just watched it a second time today. There are good parts to this movie, but overall it does not hold together as a whole.

Sam Rockwell was great, Scarlett Johansen's fake accent was totally unacceptable. The music is great, but the story jumps around and has weird pacing. One of the other issues that I take exception to, is that 1930s Germany isn't a source of comedy for someone like me. I am not sure that the world in 2020 really needed a quirky nazi-themed comedy. This is the type of idea that needs to be stopped before the cameras start rolling. Although parts of this story are emotional and heart-breaking, the outrageous portrayal of the Gestapo as a funny Abbott and Costello type character is hard to watch. Some people might argue that this film does justice to history by showing the real consequences, the grim realities, but I will argue the opposite, I think this film spends too much time caught up in the comedy aspect and not enough honouring the millions of people who died in the holocaust. Other people will be able to see past the holocaust and enjoy this movie, but I just can't. Sorry Taika.
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Dune (2021)
1 November 2021
Obviously I know that this film is based on a book by Frank Herbert and director Denis Villeneuve wanted to make a film that was true to the book.

I just have a really hard time believing that an army that has advanced technology, such as rocket packs, is fighting another army using swords. We have seen in the movie that guns, bombs and drones exist in this universe. Why swords then? Even Star Wars had laser swords. Half of this movie was just shots of the stupid helicopter. The technology that these people use is a confusing mix of analog and digital.

And by the way, that stupid helicopter that they use produces a rhythmic noise that should summon the worms. Have you ever heard a helicopter in real life? They are much louder than a person making footsteps across the desert for sure.

It seems the worms can rise out of the ground a couple of hundred meters and some of the helicopters were flying low. But alas, nothing very exciting will happen in this movie without the storyline jumping to one of the numerous other characters before anything meaningful happens.
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Jack and Jill (I) (2011)
Not a good movie but I still loved it
14 August 2021
Is this movie as funny as other Adam Sandler movies? No, it is not.

Is this Al Pacino's best performance? No, it is not.

However I gave this movie a 7/10 rating.

For starters, I went into this with low expectations.

There were a lot of stupid parts to this movie, but it struck a special chord with me. It was the portrayal of a brother who cannot stand his sister. Nobody else can understand his feelings and his frustration. It reminds me of my own sister. This is a frustration that I share.

I also think the part where Jill leaves a "sweat angel" on the bed when she sleeps is a piece of overlooked comedy gold.
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Titanic (1997)
13 June 2021
This film is so unrealistic. The Titanic was unsinkable. James Cameron really missed the mark on this one.
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Uncut Gems (2019)
How can they cancel a bet?
8 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is slightly enjoyable but the character motivations make no sense to me. How can someone cancel a $20,000 bet between a bookie and a third party? What sort of bookie allows that? Is the $20,000 refunded? What happens to the $20,000? Never explained. It doesn't explain how such a thing is possible and what it actually means? Who would benefit from the net being cancelled. If anything the guy would have benefited from allowing the bet, he gained nothing by cancelling it.

Also, the main character owes money but he has a very large inventory of jewelry that can be used as collateral. Instead these guys plan to attack him in front of many witnesses at a high school play?

Maybe these gangsters are just idiots and they are making uneducated decisions and that is supposed to be part of the movie. This just makes the story harder for me to understand and harder for me to enjoy. Will not watch this movie again.
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21 February 2020
This is Jim Carrey's worst movie since Ace Ventura 2: When Nature Calls.
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