
54 Reviews
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Saving Grace (1986)
Roman Holiday with the Pope
29 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This 1985 movie "Saving Grace" is out of print and hard to get, but you can find some used copies out there on VHS or LaserDisk. I bought this at a thrift store on LaserDisk. I am glad I did. This movie has the same premise as Roman Holiday. Except in this movie instead of a princess escaping to live life as a normal person, it is the Pope escaping the Vatican. The plot sounds like a wacky comedy, but I was surprised it was not a silly comedy. It had funny moments, but the movie has a down to earth real feel to it. The movie was filmed in Italy, and it shows a glimpse of every day life in Italy. I think what I enjoyed most about this film is that it captures the life of a small village in Italy. This movie is not preachy or religious. It is more about a person finding himself, and doing what is right. If you like finding hidden gems; search for this movie. It will be hard to find, but you'll feel it is worth it once you see it.
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The Rimshop (2008)
24 December 2008
This movie is plain awful. Was it made by a 6th grader for a school project? I can't tell if it's trying to be funny. I think the movie is trying to be like the "Friday" and "Next Friday" movies, but it just does not have the humor that those movies have. The characters are plain annoying. The director should have chosen a path and stayed with it. It's like he can't make up his mind what the movie is about. Are the characters tough or funny? They are neither, the director can't decide if he's making a funny movie or a movie about tough street life, so the characters just come out looking stupid

I guess I have to try some redeeming qualities for this film. It is a small budget, DIY film. Which I can respect. It also has a brief cameo from Tommy Lister from the Friday films. These things are not enough to save this turd.
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Courtroom Exorcism
27 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This movie should be called "The Trial of the Death of Emily Rose.

Let me start by saying I hate court room movies. I really really hate them. Unfortunately this movie has the most court room scenes then any other movie I have ever seen. It felt like People's Court plus Divorce Court with the exorcism playing in the background. Actually it is quite amazing. Is there any movie that contains more courtroom scenes? I challenge anyone to tell me of a movie that has more court room scenes. Any ways, I really hate courtroom scenes because the exaggerated emotional rhetoric This movie averaged an objection every two minutes. Come on! I watched trials. Real trials do not contain emotionally charged rhetoric and objections every two minutes. I actually got sick of seeing that judge's face. She said "over-ruled" and "sustained" along with every annoying two-minute objection.

It is too bad about the court room annoyances. I almost liked the way the movie was heading. It was Religion vs. Science. This supposed exorcism of Emily Rose shows both sides of the argument. It debunks the superstitious modes of belief of possession. It supports the idea of Emily's problems as a result of an Epileptic-Psychotic problem and not a possession. It felt like Darwinism vs. Creationism in another form. I found it hard to be scared during this movie while there was reason to believe that a curable medical problem is the cause of Emily's problems. The movie was supposedly based on a true story, and it leaves it up to the viewer which side to believe. I personally would side with science and medicinal explanations for the problems Emily were experiencing. This movie was a fictitious account based on a true story. I think it would have been a better documentary then a fictitious recreation.

According to the end credits, Emily's gravesite has become a shrine and pilgrimage for religious believers. It kind of reminds me of recent current pilgrimage sites. For example, recently there was a water stain under a bridge in Chicago. The water stain was shaped like the Virgin Mary. People flocked to that water stain. People needed vindication for their belief, and it was found in a water stain. I am sure people will find vindication watching this movie, but I actually felt the opposite. I felt it was a vindication that in a civilized society you will never find a true possession. Only in third world countries that lack medicine will there be possessions. Or in this case when medicine is refused based on belief will you have the same supposed possession, as was the case with Emily. She did not continue medical treatment, and her condition worsened. The big question looms, and is unanswered: What would have occurred if she stayed with medical treatment? 50/100
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Angel Heart (1987)
Rourke sold his soul in 1987
10 April 2005
This movie was amazing. I always judge a great movie by the criteria: Is it good enough to watch again and again. The answer to this movie is yes. This movie is an unfolding mystery starring Mickey Rourke and Robert DeNiro. First off the scenery was spectacular. The movie is supposed to take place in the 50's, and it captures the film noir scenery perfect. I have to give credit to the director Alan Parker, who has an impressive list of films directed. Also amazing is Mickey Rourke's performance. Barfly is probably on my top ten list, and it starred Mickey Rourke. I loved his performance in that movie. It is amazing that he starred in two great movies in the same year. Both this movie and Barfly was released in 1987, and both movies in my opinion are required viewing. 1987 was an amazing year for Rourke. It makes me think maybe he sold his soul to the devil, just like the character he played. Prior to seeing Barfly and Angel Heart, ironically, I thought Rourke was a worthless actor. I saw him in Harley Davidson and the Marlboro man, and I could not understand all the hype he was receiving for being an actor. Now I understand! The story itself is complex, and it leaves the viewer to come to conclusions and answer their own questions. A look at the message board will verify this. There are many posts with questions trying to figure out answers to the movie. Repeat viewing will help you answer these questions.

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Realistically fake
10 April 2005
Cannibal Holocaust This movie wasn't scary, but what scared me was that it seemed realistic. It scared me because some of the scenes looked so real. The most amazing shot in the movie was the tribeswoman put on a stake. How was that done? That looked amazing, and I kept saying, "No way! That looks too real!" The makeup is too good. I kept thinking what is one dead tribes person? Nobody would notice in the jungle. Just maybe they really put an adulteress tribeswoman on a stake, and the director lied and said it was not real. That was in the back of my mind. I know it was not real, but I kept thinking, who really knows? The special effect (makeup person) deserves a lot of credit. Another amazingly realistic scene was the castration scene. Ouch! The ending of the movie was the definite climax. The slaughter of the end was amazingly realistic. This movie did the trick. It made me say, "Wow, how did they do that?" Any movie that makes you question what is real and what is not deserves some credit.

I understand they used real footage of animal food preparation. That did not scare me or bother me, because what do primitive tribes in the Amazon do? That is right, they hunt to survive. This movie contained exploited tribe's people, if you want to call filming tribesmen preparing food exploitation. Who cares except Veggans and PETA? I don't mind seeing tribesmen demonstrate how to gut animals to prepare food. 78/100 high score for realistic makeup and special effects.
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City Slickers (1991)
Crystal funny?
9 April 2005
I have come to the painful conclusion that Billy Crystal is not funny. At least he is not funny when he tries to be funny. Actually I think he is a good actor, but he is just annoying when he is trying to be funny. I laughed at situations in this movie, but I did not laugh when Billy Crystal tried to crack jokes.

This movie was about a bunch of guys going through mid-life crises. They try to go on adventures to make their life exciting. I like that idea. I liked the scenes of running with the bulls in Spain. That seems like a romantic thing to do. I also liked that they end up going on a cattle drive, but the story really didn't go anywhere exciting. They deal with problems that really didn't excite me or interest me. I was really feeling bored at the end of the movie. I don't have Adult deficit disorder, but I was showing signs of it at the end of this movie. I was getting antsy, and I really didn't feel like paying attention to the movie. The ending was too boring and predictable.

The most amazing thing about this movie is that Jack Palance won a best Supporting Actor Oscar for his performance. How and Why? He was in the movie for about 5 minutes. How could he win? He played a cranky old cowboy that everyone is scared of, but I didn't feel it was convincing or worthy of an Oscar.
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Hilarious fashion
9 April 2005
This movie is like the cheesy MTV music videos of the 80's. It brought back flashbacks of mullet heads with thin ties and shiny suits. Why did every one dress like Duran Duran in this movie? Most importantly why did Jeff Goldblum dress like a cowboy? I don't know? Some people like cheesy movies and schlock, but this movie just annoyed me. The director couldn't hold a decent shot for more than 5 seconds. There were some visually stunning scenes of aliens inside a spaceship, but if you blinked you would miss it. He couldn't keep his camera on a shot, flashing back and forth between scenes. Also annoying was Buckaroo Banzai's group of friends. They seemed like a bunch of cocky morons. The only redeeming quality of this movie was a flashback to 80's style taken to the extreme. It brought back memories of people in Members Only jackets, parachute pants and big puffy hair. This movie is like a fashion time capsule. The most hilarious thing is people actually thought they looked good dressed that way back in 1984. It gave me a nostalgic taste of a time 20 years ago, and I am glad it is over.
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Gothika (2003)
Visually beautiful, but unoriginal
3 April 2005
OK there is an obvious trend going on. This movie gave me a strong feeling of de ja vu. Didn't the same thing happen in the movies "The Sixth Sense" and "What Lies Beneath". Ghosts communicate with the living to solve their murders. This movie was very predictable. As soon as Halle Berry's character was driving home, I pretty much knew what the movie was going to be like, and I was right. Her husband sexual mutilates girls and kills them. The ghost comes back and guides the character solve the murders.

I am going to give this movie a higher rating than it deserves, because the mood of the movie was scary. Visually the movie was beautifully shot. I just wish that Halle were being haunted for no reason. I would like to see a ghost movie where the ghost is just mean, and there is not a reason to come back. I guess the Ring had a mean ghost. 88/100
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Stuck on You (2003)
conjoined coolness
3 April 2005
OK this is a glossy Hollywood movie about conjoined twins. The twins were good looking athletic and popular. Don't expect a dose of reality in this movie. I personally have never known a conjoined twin. From what I have seen, they suffer from severe health problems and many times with birth defects. I would like to see a movie about the harsh reality of surviving an obvious defect that would categorize you as a freak in the public eye.

This is a comedy, so I guess I should lighten up. Actually it was a fun movie. I admit there were a couple of times I actually laughed out loud. The story is that one of the twins wants to make it as an actor in Hollywood. They move to Hollywood, and find it almost impossible to get an acting gig. Cher hires them, because she wants to get out of a contract. She believes that hiring them to act will spell doom for the show she wants to get out of. The show succeeds, and America embraces the conjoined twins. The movie ends with a happy Hollywood ending, and a tear in my good eye.
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Duplex (2003)
Darker than I thought
3 April 2005
This was a good movie. I was expecting a cutesy Hollywood formulated movie. Instead, I got a dark comedy about a couple fantasizing about killing a senile old lady. It reminded me of the movie "War of the Roses". Ironically this movie has the same director as War of the Roses, Danny Devito. I liked everything about this movie. The characters were great. Ben Stiller and Drew Barrymore played the ideal "newlywed couple". The story was great because it was kind of extreme. How many plots involve a plot to kill an innocent senile old lady? This movie was very original. I hope Danny Devito will direct another movie soon. I liked War of the Roses, and I liked this movie.
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Great live action animation interaction
3 April 2005
I historically like cartoon movies that interact with live actors. I loved Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Cool World, and Space Jam. I hate to admit it, but I think Cool World was one of my favorite movies during my High School years (a very long time ago).

This movie was great. The animation was great. The actors played to the cartoon perfect. I especially like the tie ins of past looney tunes characters. Of course the stars were Buggs Bunny and Daffy Duck, but it had Foghorn Leghorn, Tweety, Sylvester, Granny, Marvin the Martian, Road Runner, the Coyote, the signing frog and the guy that tries to capitalize on it, the sheep dog and the wolf, Tasmanian devil, Yosemite Sam, Pepe Le Pew, Shaggy and Scooby, Baby bear and Pappa Bear.

What really wowed me was the creation of the Yosemite Sam casino in Las Vegas. It looked so real, and I of course thought if there was such a place, I'd probably stay there.

Steve Martin played a hilarious villain in this movie. His character was almost like the dorky Rick Moranis. I wonder if he got the inspiration from working with him on Little House of Horrors? 100/100
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The Rundown (2003)
South America, The Rock and Arnold
3 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Dang I forgot to look at the end credits if the Rock had his real name or if his acting credits are still under his wrestling name "The Rock". This was a pretty good action movie. It puts to shame any lame movies Hulk Hogan has done. One of the best movies with a wrestler in the lead is "They Live" starring Rowdy Roddy Piper. I wonder if they used his wrestling name in the credits also? I think this movie is at the same level of entertainment as "They Live".

Rock is a "collector". He usually recovers unpaid gambling debt. He is indentured to his boss, and he wants out. His boss agrees to assign him one last mission. The Rock is sent to South America to bring back the boss's son. He goes to a mining town in Brazil called El Dorado. It is amazing how literally we are land locked to South America, but there is so little America seems to be interested in the continent below. I cannot think of movies that deal with life in South America. I think the average moviegoer has seen nothing about South America, except for the occasional movie about the Colombian Drug trade. South America contains the Amazon rain forest, and other beautiful scenery. There should be more movies that showcase the real land "down under". The reason that more movies are not shot there are probably due to the unstable political climate. This movie touches on the unsafe environment. Guerillas are fighting to regain control of the gold mines to the native people of the area. A force of goons controls the mines. I am sure in real life, companies like De Beers need to hire quasi-military staff to control the natives.

The Rock is a current day Rambo. He goes to El Dorado, gets the son, saves the village and destroys the force of goons controlling the mining town, and he returns a valuable mythical artifact to the natives. Overall it was an entertaining movie.

Things to remember about this movie: South American scenery, The Rock, and an Arnold cameo. 80/100
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The Missing (I) (2003)
Potential wasted
3 April 2005
This movie started extremely boring. Some female doctor living in the west during the frontier times, 1885. It reminded me of that boring TV show Dr Quin medicine woman (only watched 5 minutes). Her white dad returns from the wilderness. He left his family to become an Indian. Yeah, whatever! After 30 minutes some excitement finally happens. Her daughter is kidnapped, so she can be sold in Mexico. The kidnappers are ex-military mercenaries out to make an extra buck. This seems interesting to me, but the movie is not about them. It is about the character, Maggie Gilkeson. She is the main character, and that is the problem. Why would any moviegoer care about her character? Well anyway the movie quickly becomes extremely boring again. I think the only interest I had during this movie is when the villain would come on the screen. I liked the main villain Emiliano, played by actor Sergio Calderon. I think this would have been a great movie if the movie were about the villain. He is the leader of the kidnappers. He practices some Native American witchcraft. For instance he cuts out the heart of his victims and buries it in the sand. He kills using poisons and venom. He was a dark character. He reminded me of "Blue Duck" from the novel Lonesome Dove. It would have been cool if the whole movie centered on him instead of boring Maggie. I did not care about her, or about her dad coming back in her life. That was boring, and I had no interest in that story, but it played such a major role in this film. It's too bad, if the film concentrated more on the problem at hand, (the kidnapping); it might have been more interesting. 50/100
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Not the Worst
3 April 2005
This movie made Roger Ebert's top 10 worst movies of 2003. I have to say I do not agree. I thought it was well shot. I liked the freak show atmosphere. This movie was not great, and not original. There have been a million slasher films already made, but this movie was kind of freaky, disturbing, and borderline shocking.

The original TCM was made 30 years ago. I guess the question is "Why do it again?" I never saw the original. I have seen the million sequels, but not the original. I apologize; I really should see the movie that started it all. The original TCM spawned a million remakes and clone movies. Admittedly, the original should pay respect to the original slasher fest the movie Psycho. Psycho was made in 1960, (45 years ago!). TCM is 14-year psycho's junior. TCM added uncomfortable to the already existing platform that Psycho did 14 years earlier. The 2003 TCM movie is just a re-make. Re-make movies are often failures. I can only think of a couple successes and many failures of remakes. Cape Fear was probably the best remake I can think of seeing. Well anyway, it was exciting enough to raise my blood pressure slightly. It was not one of the worst movies of last year in my opinion. It was average.

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Bad Santa (2003)
Down and Out
3 April 2005
The theme of this movie is "down and out". Billy Bob Thorton plays a criminal alcoholic named Willie whose life is pure crap. I like the idea of watching someone throw his life away. What confuses me is his intentional self-destruction. His life is really not that bad. He is actually successful at what he does. Every Christmas he plays a department store Santa Claus, and on Christmas Eve he and his sidekick midget rob the store. He picks the safe, and escapes with $100's of thousands of dollars. He also has a hot groupie that has a Santa fetish.

Why is he on such a self-destructive path? He keeps mentioning his father's abuse, so I guess he is looking at the past. In reality his present is not that bad. Overall this was a good look at a person haunted by his past that cannot live in the present because of haunting memories. I have known people like this in real life. They would keep dwelling on the past. Usually it was woe is me "my daddy didn't pay attention to me". I could never comprehend how past memories can play such an impact on behavior. However, I came from a good household. I was not abused or neglected, so I will never know. Anyway, his behavior is the main root of his problems, and it causes an environmental surrounding and circumstance of his life. His surrounding and circumstances do not cause problems. This is a very important distinction of self-destruction. The cause and effect relationship usually is based on environmental surrounding altering behavior, but a self-destructive person's cause and effect is the opposite. The self-destructive cause is the behavior and the effect is the surrounding or circumstance.

One of the best movies I have ever seen that deals with self-destruction is "Barfly". Barfly makes this movie seem like a weekend holiday. I think Barfly was better because it looked at self-destruction seriously. Bad Santa was more of a dark comedy, and the movie kept showing a glimpse of escape. I kept thinking that Willie's life is not that bad. I thought that Willie could at any time realize this and change his outlook on life. I was waiting for the happy ending, and I got it.

I like the idea of movies exploring self-destruction. A good movie theme is what causes it and how can it be changed. This movie did not really explore that topic. It presented it in a comedic fashion. I guess if it were serious it would just have been another "Leaving Las Vegas". 80/100
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Paycheck (2003)
Action movie not Sci-Fi
3 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The first observation about this movie is that it is more of an action movie, and less of a sci-fi movie. A look at the director, and you will understand why. John Woo directed the movie. He is known for action style movies with martial art style fighting. There are a lot of car chases and fights with bodies flying through plate glass windows. Plot wise, this movie is a mix of Memento and Total Recall. Instead of amnesia, Ben is dealing with a mind wipe after completing a corp. job. I guess the intellectual property of knowledge is risky, so they erase memories. In memento the character tattoos himself to remember. In Paycheck he mails himself items in an envelope to assist in recreating what has been wiped. The personal items he has sent himself prior to the mind wipe is a puzzle that he has to solve. Paycheck is similar to Total Recall in regards to memory wipe. The purpose of this movie is to recall what has been lost. He eventually knows that he has created a time machine, and the time machine will cause the end of the world. The government with the help of the time machine will launch pre-emptive strikes against the enemy. This leads to the end of the world, and Ben knows this. He realizes the time machine causes the war. Destruction of the machine will prevent the war. I think that the story line was pretty good, but the movie concentrates more on action than plot. 77/100
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Jack rules
3 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This is a movie where I get a chance to see a great actor practice his craft. America moviegoers will be talking about and admiring Jack Nicholson long after he and I am dead. This movie also stars Diane Keaton, who starred in the classic Annie Hall, but don't ask me what other movies because I don't know.

This movie makes me think about the old man and young lady romance. I don't understand why ladies would complain about a situation that they cause. It starts in Middle School. The 8th grade girl dates the high school boy. It continues on in High School. All the hot girls in High School at my High School had college boyfriends. Guess what?? In college it's the same old stuff. You have college girls that are dating guys that have homes and high paying jobs. Well guess what?? These women deserve to be traded in for younger women in the future. Forget 'em! I don't want to hear how unfair it is. I would feel sorry if most women dated guys there own age, but the reality is that they usually date older men. When they get old, they should be traded in like an old car.

Oh yeah, the movie was pretty good. It attempted to add a twist of a younger man dating a much older woman. It happens, but it is rare. Ironically the women ends up settling for the older man in the end. Ha ha, she falls into the same pattern!

I give this movie a 9/10 because it has one of the greatest actor ever.
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70's Spoof
3 April 2005
I always thought Starsky and Hutch was the world's most boring TV shows when I was a kid. I would only watch it to see the car spin out and do jumps. I think the car is a Ford Torino? I don't know, but that red paint and white stripe thing made that car look like a bad mother car. I would much rather watch Dukes of Hazard, Silver Spoons, and Buck Rodgers when I was a kid. This movie was funny. It starred Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson. It twisted a fairly boring TV show, and made it a funny. I guess the movie can best be identified as a spoof. It was made to make fun of the style and time (70's). It was pretty funny, but not that entertaining and original. I like Ben Stiller, but it seems like he is in every damn comedy movie made. I think I need a break from Ben Stiller comedy movies. It's time for another comedy star, and this movie contains the next comedy star. Will Ferrell only makes a short appearance of a prisoner in jail, but he has the most funny scene in the movie. He makes Starsky and Hutch act like "sexy dragons" for some kind of sexual fetish perversion. All the movies I have seen with Ferrell are freaking hilarious. He was great in Elf, and again he stole the screen in this movie.
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Mindless Escape
3 April 2005
Movies are supposed to bring you to places you have never been, and this movie does that. It brings the audience into a Mansion that is hundreds of years old. The mansion is beautifully decorated and detailed. Oh yes, and it is haunted. Eddie Murphy and his wife are real estate agents. Eddie's character is a workaholic. His wife complains, and Eddie agrees to take a family camping trip away from work. On the way to the camping trip, Eddie convinces his wife to visit a Mansion that just went on the market. The family ends up being prisoners of the mansion. Oh yeah, and this mansion is haunted.

This movie has great special effects. The computer graphics are good, and not considered annoying. This movie is a Disney movie. It would be appropriate for the whole family. The Ghosts are a little scary, but it is nothing the kids cannot handle. There really is not shocking violence either. For me this movie was perfect after a hard day of work. It was mindless escapism. It was funny and scary and dumb enough to help me forget my worries. Sometimes I just want to relax with a mindless movie. Not all movies have to make you think. This movie definitely did not make me think. Actually it successfully did its job by stopping the thinking process. The hour and a half I sat there, I did not have to stress about things like work, bills, ex-wife, etc… It brought me to a comfortable state of non-thought. 75/100
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Walking Tall (2004)
Cliché but enjoyable
3 April 2005
OK I'm not gay…at least I don't think I am, but damn I really appreciated The Rocks body. I work out a lot at the gym, and I think I know a good male body when I see one. I would sell my soul to Satan if I could have a body like The Rocks. Is that steroids or genetics? Damn awesome! Well anyway he obviously is the current Arnold Schwarzenegger. He has the box office draw that Arnold had in the 80's and early 90's when he ruled. He truly is the "next action hero". I actually enjoyed this movie. I know it was lame, but The Rock's charismatic bad ass attitude made this movie great. I loved the way he stared at other characters unflinchingly and without fear. His character in this movie is how I would like to be in real life. A person that stands up to his convictions! This guy shows absolutely no fear, and I would love to have a personality like that. I enjoyed this movie solely because of The Rocks presence. Like I said I realize this movie was lame. Who cares about the writing and the plot. I enjoyed this because of The Rock. This theme was done a million times before. The story is about a crazy vigilante out for justice. I can enjoy the cliché of this theme based on the actor being the crazy vigilante. He was a Mad Max type character. Which I love!
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Apocalyptic delight
3 April 2005
I absolutely love movies about the apocalypse. I'm sorry, but I find it absolutely romantic to watch movies about the end of the world. Yeah, I know I am crazy, but it is my weird fetish. This movie did not disappoint. The first 20 minutes of this movie was absolutely horrifying. I could literally feel my blood pressure and my heart rate climb to fear induced levels. Yes, I was actually scared, and my body was responding to it. It is crazy to be attacked by someone you love. In this movie her own husband and a trusted girl attack the main character Sara. I loved it when she ran out of her house to escape to see the whole city in chaos. Her neighbor was pointing a gun at her, and all the houses were on fire. Her neighbors were being slaughtered right in front of her. It made the hair on my neck stand up! The first 20 minutes of the move had me hooked. She escapes the situation and gets together with survivors at the local mall. Unfortunately the rest of the movie was situated in the mall. I would have preferred a movie where the characters were continuously on the run, (similar to 28 Days). The mall scenes were mildly scary, but the situation was different in the mall. The mall gave the characters a sense of security that lessened the fear of the situation. The mall kept the "living dead" out, and it gave the characters a security that actually made me relax. I would have like them to be put in uncomfortable situations throughout the movie. I felt that they were given too much control. The mall was a barrier between the living and the dead, and I feel that the barrier should have been blurred. Beyond my negativity, I still feel that this movie was an above average horror movie. I wish I had monitors hooked up to me during this movie. There were certain scenes that would have caused the monitors to go off in "code blue" mode. I can say that I was scared at moments, and I feel that a movie has succeeded if it can cause emotion such as panic.

I would like to add I was the only person that stayed in the theater to see the end credits. The end credits showed what happened when the boat reached the island. Freaking' Awesome ending! It was the most exciting end credits I have seen in a movie.
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Schnieder rules
3 April 2005
OK everyone will laugh at this, but I think Rob Schnieder deserves best actor! That is quite a transformation. He is a little geeky guy, but in this movie he transformed into a pretty convincing Samoan (or Hawaiian native). I really bought into the role he played. No, he will not be recognized for an Oscar. Oh well, I still think he did a good job.

I kept thinking the movie was very similar to Groundhog Day in a reversal role. Instead of one person being aware of a repeating cycle, all the people were aware of the cycle, and only one person was unaware of the cycle. It was kind of an annoying twist. I am sorry, but I thought it was so corny. Why was everyone around the amnesiac character, (Lucy), trying to cover the truth? It would be slightly annoying after a year pretending to re-live the same day over and over for the benefit of the amnesiac. Why not tell the person the truth every day? It just seemed dumb to me.

The biggest question I have is: Why would a guy, (that can get any girl he wants), fall in love with an amnesiac with a short-term memory? My response is, he is really stupid or this movies plot is stupid. The character was lame, but not stupid. My conclusion is that the movies plot was really uninspired or "Hollywoodish". A guy that can get laid every night of his life would not fall for Lucy. Why was it established early in the movie that Adam Sander's character Henry was a "player". Henry could, and did, get beautiful women to fall for him on a regular basis. Why would this be established in the film? I think it was to prove he was not trying to take advantage of the mentally ill. If the main character were an average guy that could barely get a date, it would seem seedy preying on a mentally ill girl. Establishing himself as a player indicates that he ignoring Lucy's shortcomings and making a choice above and beyond what he is used to. An average person would just be trying to get a date and laid, and thus, it would be uncomfortable for the audience. Establishing someone that is a player establishes the character as being challenged and thus acceptable. I hate double standards. I would have like to have seen a person desperate for a date go after Lucy. It would have made the audience uncomfortable, and made me happy. IE. Punch Drunk Love. Almost a good one…….

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Guess Who (2005)
Hollywood originality
3 April 2005
I never saw a movie like this. How original! This movie will create a brand new genre of movie. We will now call it "interracial buddy" movie. Imagine the concept we will put a white guy and a black guy together. Yes, that's right! Two different races will be put together in one movie. Guess what? The movie will start with each other hating each other, mostly hating each other based on skin color. By the end of the movie they will become buddies. They will learn that no matter what the skin color, the other is human, just like them. Oh what a celebration of diversity this is. I could never imagine Hollywood making a movie like this. All I have to say is WOW! Now let me stop kidding around, because I guarantee people will respond "Is he serious?" I hate this tired formula. I want to see a movie where two men of different races are put together, and they hate each other in the beginning all the way to the end. I think that is why "Do the Right Thing" was so successful. The climax of that movie was intolerability toward ethnic diversity. The movie climaxed into an explosion of differences. I like the idea of a movie pointing out that diversity leads to trouble. Why do we have to accept diversity in America? I don't want to. I am very ethnocentric. I know it's wrong, (according to American society), but I feel like I should have the right to have opinions and thoughts, even if they contradict what is perceived as correct.

I know this is only a damn movie, and I am taking it way too serious. I think what triggered this rant is the lame formula and thoughts of double standards. If a white boy is brought home to meet a girlfriend's black parents, it's a comedy, (yuck up the differences). If a black boy is brought home to meet a girlfriend's white parents, it's a drama (condemning bigotry and prejudice). More than anything, I think I am just sick of formulaic Hollywood movies dealing with white and black people.
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Alrighty then
21 November 2003
It really was not as funny as I thought it would be. It definitely would have been better if it had the original cast of Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels. The original Dumb and Dumber was made almost ten tears ago, (1994). Wow! Time flies! I remember seeing the original at Mission Drive in San Antonio. Oops enough nostalgia.

The positive of this movie is that the make up was great. Harry and Loyd looked exactly like Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels. I saw the actors in an interview without the makeup, and they are completely different looking. It was quite a transformation. Unfortunately this movie was just plain boring and not very humorous. One of the few funny scenes is when Harry pulls out a melted Hershey bar from his pants, and tries to get the chocolate off by rubbing it on the walls of the bathroom. Jessica's dad played by Bob Saget cannot believe that he rubbed excrement all over his walls, and starts freaking out. 6/10
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more mentally challenged should be protagonist
21 November 2003
Yeah I can identify with Nicholas Cage's character Roy Waller. He's got some mental problems. He has a compulsive disorder among other mental issues. He has many problems including anxiety attacks. He has facial ticks and makes weird sounds, but he knows how to get things done. I love the idea of a character that is mentally not all there, but can get through life successfully. This movie was in many of the critic's top ten lists. I guess I can understand that. It is definitely different. There are not many movies where the protagonist is played by a character with a neurotic compulsive disorder. The uniqueness of the protagonist is unseen in any other movie I can think of. After literally seeing thousands of movies in my lifetime, I enjoy the uniqueness of this character. Accept it, there are a lot of mentally unstable people in this world, (including me). It is about time that an uncomfortable protagonist is portrayed. I demand more movies with protagonist centering on the mentally retarded and mentally ill surviving through life
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