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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Body (2001)
Season 5, Episode 16
A Helluva Emotional Ride
10 February 2023
For anyone who's experienced the death of a loved one, there's so much in this episode that could tear your hreat apart. And if you've been unfortunate enough to find the dead body of one you loved, it will feel like a terribly emotional flashback. Sarah put in a performance she should forever be proud of, because she is excellent. They say that there's something like seven stages of grief one goes through. This episode makes you feel at least four of them. Masterfully written and performed, this is an episode that anyone could enjoy, whether they're a fan or not. Joss overdid himself with this episode - Bravo.
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Zoombies 2 (2019)
Simply Awful
10 October 2021
There's no way around it. This is one terrible movie.

Special effects are laughable and incredibly cheap looking and unconvincing. Actors do their best with a terrible script. The women are pretty and they wear tight clothes that show lots of cleavage. So if you're a 12 year old boy that can't access porn on your computer, I guess you might like this.
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Unplanned (I) (2019)
This isn't a movie -- it's propaganda
3 May 2020
Did you ever wonder what those movies made in Russia or Nazi Germany look like? You know, the ones that painted a rosier picture than what was really going on? Well, now you get your chance - but instead of Mother Russia - we have 'faith', in that all the is 'christian' against all that is evil. And in this movie, that evil is, wait for it, abortion!!! So there's no plot really -- it's just scene after scene of praying for the 'unborn', while the doctors that perfrom abortions are portrayed as pure evil. Of course, if you don't believe in pro-choice - you will love this movie, because it reinforces all the small minded beliefs you already have
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Cyborgs Universe (2020– )
Cheaply made - and it looks it.
22 January 2020
What to make out of this poorly produced, sloppily written and badly acted series? Why does it have such a high rating? Investors? looking for a return on their money?? the actors?? wanting someone to see their performances??? More time is spent on the opening/ending credits - which has nothing to do with the series. So we see the actors and crew cavorting on the beaches of Southern California - if only the rest of the series was that fun. No money spent on stunt men, so any fight scenes are quick cutaways because these actors can't move. It's all so shoddy looking - and laughably bad.
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Why does this movie look like a porno?
11 January 2020
So, I'm not familiar with the origin of this story -- title caught my interest. And it is nothing like I expected, and am dumbfounded by all these glowing reviews. They must all be 'investors' who want to turn a profit. Within the first five minutes, we witness a rape -- or at least the highly censored and edited version of a rape. A few minutes later, we have a love scene - again edited so no naughties are shown, but you know they're on the editing floor -- or on the dvd you can order. and the rest of the movie follows suit -- a terrible movie, horrible production value - but does have those abbreviated sex scenes.
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Pure Garbage
4 August 2019
If you're a fan of outlandish conspiracy theories; if you think Sandy Hook was a hoax; if you think trump is a great president -- then you will LOVE this movie. But if your IQ is over 90, and you have some sense of intelligence, then this movie is not only hysterical, but it's scary - scaru to think there are people out there that really believe this crap! And that they vote!! And own gun! This is the kind of right wing, nor FAR right wing propaganda that pushes the lunatic fringe to go on shooting sprees!
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All the positive reviews are from 'producers'
2 August 2018
This film is one of those which raised money by plugging it on various google groups. I had the chance to read the script (that's what I do for a living - read and evaluate scripts for various production companies). My recommendation was to pass on this project.

I'm also a member of a Google group, which this writer is also a member. She repeatedly post requests for 'producers' - anyone who wants to help fund this project, and others.

So I am very skeptical of any of the positive reviews this film has received. Especially since one of the reviewers posted the same review - word for word - on Amazon. To me it reads like someone wanting a return on their investment, so they're posting positive reviews, hoping people will buy this movie.
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Mother! (2017)
Some kind of Wonderful
21 January 2018
This is a movie that needs at least two viewings.

I just finished it and am in awe.

I may not be sure what it was that I saw, but only know it was some kind of fantastic.

There are scenes in this movie which are near brilliant.

I'm going to watch this to you later.
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Ominous (2015 TV Movie)
Wow -- a truly bad movie
28 January 2017
First of all -- who are these people who give this movie ten stars? Either they work for the company that made this movie or are incredibly stupid or have never seen a good movie.

As noted by others - this movie is a really poor imitation of The Omen and its other incarnations.

There is no tension or suspense or even drama. Without any subtlety, our demonic boy uses his 'powers' to kill those around him. Here is where the movie's low budget becomes most evident with its basement quality (laughable) CGI.

There was zero empathy created for the characters. The mom is daft to the facts around him, unconvinced his baby is responsible for the various murders around him - even when he walks away from a burning car without a scratch.

This movie looks like the typical crappy Syfy made for TV movies. And even though, every time I see one of these POC, I vow never to watch this channel again, but the kid in me who grew up on 'Creature Features' (showing my age here), still loves a good monster/horror movie.

This wasn't one.
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The Kid (1921)
A true masterpiece
28 January 2017
What can be said about Chaplin that hasn't been said before. He truly helped invent the art of cinema.

I always remember a film teacher of mine telling me that sound came too quickly - that silent films were just coming into their own and that the rush to include sound prevented silent films from reaching their full potential.

For those who say they don't like silents - then you can't say you love film.

That said and done, THE KID does the near impossible. It has you laughing one minute and crying the next. But the emotions elicited by this film are real. There's no manipulation here.

That's the sign of a true genius.
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Cheaply made and it shows it.
15 January 2017
I can't believe all the reviews that are so positive about this terrible movie.

The only interesting aspect is that it stars a young Tom Selleck.

There's gratuitous nudity, unconvincing gore and 'action' sequences which are laughable.

The story is stale with a plot that has been reworked many times.

There's nothing new or worthwhile to recommend this movie.

There's no tension to be found in the story. It has a very unrealistic premise and ending.

There's also a real misogynistic theme in this movie as the women are nothing more than 'ass' for the men to share. And while the men are all scruffy and dirty, the women are perfectly coiffed with their breasts spilling out of their ill-fitting clothes.

I guess if you're a 12-year-old boy, you might get your jollies from this insipid movie but anyone with an IQ over 100 will be bored by this POS.
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Bridesmaids (I) (2011)
How could anyone hate this movie?
21 March 2013
reading some of the negative reviews of this movie just confounds me. Did we see the same movie? The first time I saw this movie, it had me in stitches. I have always loved Kristen Wiig and my respect grew for her tenfold after this movie.

Whenever I see it on TV, I'll stop to watch it - hoping I didn't miss the bridal dress scene because I'll never stop finding that scene so funny, it hurts.

Besides the comedy, the relationship between Wiig and the cop is so sweet and real. This is how real people meet and fall in love.

John Hamm's bit parts are great - we just love to hate him.

Melissa McCarthy was a wonderful discovery. I never saw her in anything else, but absolutely fell in love with in this movie.

I'd think those who call this movie 'awful' are those who just don't want to see women act like this. If the cast was all men, those same 'haters' would love this movie.
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Rise of the Zombies (2012 TV Movie)
Just plain awful
28 October 2012
But then again, what does one expect from Asylum.

It's just as easy to make a good film as a bad one, but it's obvious the people at Asylum just don't care to even TRY to make a good movie.

I admit - I fast forwarded through this entire movie, which was the only way possible to view this crap.

there was no story; no character development; no plot really to speak of. the filmmakers just came up with excuses to move their characters from one zombie attack to the next, stealing ideas and plot elements from Dawn of the Dead, The Walking Dead, World War Z etc....

in some scenes, the zombies lumbered, in others they ran - huh? And who knew that Zombies could swim?!? the scene with the zombies climbing up the bridge was totally ridiculous and just an excuse to show some 'nifty' f/x. by the way - they weren't.

The actors involved should be embarrassed by their participation and I can only hope they were well paid for their efforts in this pile of smelly manure.
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House (1977)
Pretty awful
18 January 2012
I see so many positive reviews of this movie and it all sounds like 'elitist' film students trying to be hip.

I watched this movie the other night on TCM out of curiosity and found myself scratching my head, thinking WTF - but not in a good way.

featuring characters with names like 'Sweet', 'Prof', 'Melody' and 'Mac', I was trying to figure out if the filmmakers were comparing them to the seven dwarfs. no such luck.

I thought I was going to watch a horror/suspense movie, but instead I got a mish mash of styles that never completely came together in an interesting way.

did I laugh? not once, was I scared? not the slightest. did I cringe and wish this movie would finish as soon as possible? Many times.

the one interesting fact is that it looks like Sam Raimi might have been influenced by this movie because some shots looked like they were 'copied' in the Evil Dead movies.
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Triangle (2009)
A terrific little movie
20 October 2011
when I sat down to watch this movie, the only reason I really wanted to see it was because Liam Helmsworth (Chris' brother) was in it, but I ended up really liking this movie.

like the other reviews, you can't really go into specifics without giving too much away. Comparisons can be made to "Memento" in that both play around with the concept of time (I don't think that's a spoiler), but then again, it's nothing like "Memento". That said, this movie features a really smart script and after all, isn't that what a good movie should start with.

there's nothing as it seems in this movie and it will take you places you never imagined. Filled with surprising twists and turns, it'll have you guessing and wondering until the mind-blowing ending.

highly recommended
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Hairspray (2007)
A major disappointment
12 January 2008
What is it with these directors who can't direct musicals? First there was DREAMGIRLS which had a director that couldn't come up with a decent shot to save his life. -- take a look at "I'm not leaving" to see how umimaginative that filming was.

then look at "Good Morning Baltimore" and "do you hear the bells" -- two great songs that were so badly filmed.

why don't these directors take a look at CHICAGO or even LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS to learn how to direct a musical.

there was an incredible flatness to most of the songs, as if the characters were singing in a vacuum. now, i'm a big fan of the music but was sorely disappointed with the filming. the only decent number was Michelle Pfeiffer's..
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Real story behind "Reefer Madness"
15 June 2007
In 1932, Harry Anslinger was named head of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics. The position was not much more than a figurehead because all the bureau was involved in was the amount of morphine etc that were in medicine like cough syrup.

Well Anslinger wanted more power and the best way to get power was to put more "narcotics" under his control. So he set his sights on marijuana. He met and became friends with Charles Randolph Hearst (of Citizan Kane Fame) and they talked about their shared dislike of cannabis. Now during this time, there was a real movement to make paper out of hemp. Hearst didn't like this notion because he owned so many timber yards and such, so he and Anslinger agreed to work together to get hemp criminalized.

First Hearst started publishing false and sensational stories about the effects of marijuana.

Then Anslinger hooked up with a film producer and the end result was Reefer Madness....

crazy as it sounds, the scheme worked. The year after Reefer Madness was released, Congress passed the Marijuana Tax Stamp Act which made possession and/or use of marijuana a criminal offense.
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Disturbia (2007)
A major disappointment
9 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The first half of this movie is really promising with its solid establishment of the characters and plot. yes, it's a rehash/ripoff of "Rear Window" but that's okay. And for those of you who haven't seen that classic, rent it immediately.

The last 30 minutes of this movie feels like another movie. The filmmakers abandoned their slow and methodical escalation of suspense and throw us a wicked and stupid twist. All of the sudden, without any provocation or motivation (spoiler alert), the David Morse character goes ballistic. He goes on a senseless rampage which allows the filmmakers to give us some gratuitous and ridiculous "shock sights", such as the bodies in the pool of water under the basement.

what's even more ridiculous is the fact that Morse was all along a very smart if brutal killer and yet, at the end, he acts totally irrationally. Why? because the filmmakers couldn't think of anything clever to do.

a waste of the talents involved.
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I, Robot (2004)
Surprisingly BAD
9 August 2006
The filmmakers take a great piece of sci-fi literature and turn it into nothing more than an action vehicle for Will Smith.

granted the f/x were cool but there was no heart in this movie. It was nothing more than an excuse to show off some neato futuristic weapons and car chases - some of where were spectacular, but that's not what the original book/story was about. It's almost a crime that they used Assimov's name and book title when the movie was not what the book was about. This book has been bouncing around film companies for literally years because no one had a clue how to do it justice. This film certainly didn't do the book justice. Why bother calling it "I, Robot" when it wasn't an adaptation of the book. All they did was steal the title.

Another sci-fi book that has been in 'development hell' is "The Demolished Man", not to be confused with "The Demolition Man." At least with that book, none of the filmmakers (DePalma and Cameron both supposedly owned the rights to it at one time) wanted to do it unless they could do it right.

Wish the filmmakers of this movie felt the same way.
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Saw (2004)
A total original
5 April 2006
I had real reservations before seeing this movie. I was afraid that it would be excessively bloody and gory. Boy, was I wrong. Like all great horror films, this one lets your imagination fill in the blanks rather than showing you. One's imagination can create things far scarier than any director or writer can come up with. That's the secret that Hitchcock knew and used to perfection. Not knowing a thing about this movie, I was completely unaware of the storyline or what secrets the filmmakers were going to throw at me. From the very beginning, I was completely in the hands of the filmmakers and they played me like a fiddle - misleading me, confusing me and ultimately scaring the bejesus out of me. It's a rare movie that does more than shock but totally frightens you. This movie stuck with me a long time - and I loved every minute of it. And the ending - totally blew me away. Did not see the twist coming and it knocked my socks off. A brilliant achievement.
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6 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This is a more than decent action flick. But the one thing that really struck me was the heavy homo-erotic content in this movie.

besides the goodlooking hero, the villains are also goodlooking -- so when they fight, it's almost like you expect them to start making out pretty soon.

towards the end -- SPOILER ALERT -- the homo-erotic content gets pretty blatant.

first the hero covers himself with oil, so he can slide around the floor -- reminds me of hot oil wrestling.

then when he's using a dead guy's body for cover and both get blown out a window and into the water, when the bad guys set an gas slick on fire, our hero "sucks the air" out of the dead guys' mouth... but it looks like a pretty passionate kiss.

kudos to the filmmakers
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