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25 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I find it unfathomable that so many films today are made without the benefit of a cogent script. "Travelling With Pets" is another that fits in this category. Minimal dialog throughout. Basically, we watch the day to day life of an eccentric/borderline insane woman who buries her husband and has what might or might not be considered a relationship with a man who gives her a ride in his truck. She buys a flat panel TV but cannot get any reception and her manfriend tells her she needs an antenna and proceeds to install it on her roof. Wow! Just doesn't getting anymore interesting that that, huh? It is a strange little movie and much of the woman's bizarre behavior is never really explained. The whole thing really doesn't amount to much of anything. The fine cinematography is the sole reason that I remained in my seat. Not enough to recommend, though.

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A rare accomplishment
10 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Cannot remember screening a film that managed to be so incredibly slow, incoherent, and boring but at the same time manages to offend its audience. Director Tsai somehow pulled it off.

Funny, I checked the spoiler box because I was including a description of a scene from the film but could revealing ANY scene in "Wayward Cloud" be considered a SPOILER? Would one really be giving anything away?

There's really no point in detailing what there was of a plot. Suffice it to say that the theme of "isolation" runs throughout. One of the ways Tsai makes his point is by showing a pornographic film crew shooting a sex scene with an actress that is dead. That's right, folks...necrophilia is BACK!

Here's a tip: any time a film starts off with a three minute plus scene where the camera doesn't move, just leave the theater immediately and save yourself two hours of being bored and annoyed.
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Incredibly DULL
18 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Had high hope for this import after seeing the glowing reviews it received. Boy, was I disappointed. The entire plot outline could have been written on a cocktail napkin as the story was that sparse. If you don't want to know what happened, stop reading. If you wish to save ten bucks and 113 minutes of your time, here's what you'll miss.

Two students in 1980's Romania arrange for an illegal abortion. Film takes about 25 minutes until you are finally clued in as to what in the hell is going on.

The girls and the abortionist go into the hotel and the latter isn't happy because the girls didn't follow his strict instructions. He's also not satisfied with the amount of money they are paying him. As he leaves, Gabita, the girl needing the abortion, begs him to stay and I guess through telepathy, the other girl, Otalita agrees to have sex with him. She never actually SAYS this but apparently, that's what happens.

The procedure is then done in the room. Meanwhile, another boring subplot breaks out where Otalita goes to visits her boyfriend's house to celebrate a family member's birthday. She leaves the party early to get back to her sick friend and is told that the unborn fetus is in the bathroom. The friend wraps it in a towel and goes outside to dispose of it. When she returns, she meets her friend in the hotel restaurant. They talk and the movie ends.

There were two events that might have provided a little excitement in this dreary film. Otalita stole a switchblade knife from the abortionist's valise while he was in the bathroom and hotel desk informed Otalita that he left his id behind at the hotel reception. Neither one of these leads were followed up because the filmmakers preferred to tell the dullest story possible.

Poor execution, dull story, complete waste of time.
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Interesting as well as horrifying
11 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
"Workingman's Death" is a difficult movie to review. The first segment about Ukranians mining coal from small illegal mines in one of the coldest, most remote spots on the planet, is fascinating. We follow these hard workers on their journey to and from the mines. We visit the home of a miner and meet his wife and the family (a baby goat) and the entire segment was delightful. Next, we travel to Indonesia and see some incredible footage of men extracting sulfur from the mountains and this too, is something that you have probably never seen before. There are some very funny moments as well and this story was also a winner.

What I found much less compelling were the final two stories about Pakistanis taking apart giant ships no longer being used and an obsolete power plant in China that has been turned into a park. Unique...yes. Interesting...not really.

The ugliness came in the form of a segment about workers in Nigeria. Honestly, if I knew about this beforehand, there is zero chance that I would have attended this screening. It begins with animal horns being tossed onto a large pile and then we see several large animals being led to an area. At this point, my sensors were activated. I was saying to myself...please God--let this be some sort of African rodeo...but when I heard voices shouting and the subtitles read INNARDS..SKIN...INNARDS!, I bolted out of the theater at record speed. The bloodbath apparently continued for about 25 minutes. Since I didn't witness this horror show, here is the description in the festival program guide: "A purer form of hell is found in a Nigerian slaughter yard where the bleating animals (graphically portrayed) seem more human than the men and women killing, portioning, roasting, selling—and praying." All-righty then! Now at least you know that this isn't going to be the "feel good hit of the summer"...

In the Q and A following the film, director Michael Glawogger was quite charming in talking about his work. Someone asked if it will be seen on television. Glawogger was hopeful, saying that he expected that it would eventually make it to the small screen. I can tell you with absolute certainty, that this will NEVER be seen on American television in any way shape or form, unless the Nigerian segment is deleted.

A DVD will probably be released in the future, and until then, "Workingman's Death" will enjoy a limited release in the U.S.
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Funny as hell!!
29 December 2005
Saw this on a double bill with "Springtime in a Small Town".

What an odd pairing!

"Springtime" was a deliberately paced, beautiful period piece and "The White Dragon" was an in-your-face laugh riot.

Another movie patron warned me that I would be wasting my time, but I ended up thoroughly enjoying it.

Never laughed so hard at an Asian film!

A lot of sight gags but Francis Ng's over the top performance won me over. Cecilia Cheung does a credible job as his foil.

Certainly not "high art", but if you desire a little levity and silliness, you won't be disappointed.

The late afternoon-evening that I spent watching these two films is one of my favorite solo adult experiences, so they'll always hold a place in my heart.
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Windstruck (2004)
Editing badly needed here
21 August 2005
This film had much promise. Some nice overhead shots of the city, a funny first encounter between the two main characters, but then it alternates between comedy, crime drama,romance and fantasy. The attempt is made several times to tug at the audience's heartstrings but how many times can this feat be successfully pulled off? By the last half hour, I just wasn't buying the "whimsy" anymore. The movie gets a marginal rec based on a good effort and an uproarious scene that takes place in the police station between a gangster and Myungwoo. Looking forward to seeing "Daisy" a film whose screenplay was written by Jae-young Kwak. If he directs again, let's hope that he'll be a little more focused and book more time in the editing room.
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Movies like this just don't grow on trees...
7 May 2005
What a wonderful little film! This is much more than the old story about the American farmer's attempt to save the family farm. It is an historical document, of sorts, on the life of one Illinois man, John Peterson, his family, friends, and community. It took a little while for the film to get started for me. I had to get use to John's low-key personality, but as the film progresses, it reveals a complex, intelligent, and determined man, who's story is a unique one. Director Taggart Siegel, a friend of John's, sifted through hundreds of hours of footage, shot by himself, John, and home movies from John's own family. It is simply amazing to see such an interesting life story unfold before your eyes in less than two hours time. Compelling, educational, and deeply moving, it is a film you will hold dear to your heart.
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Certainly NOT one of the best ever...
29 April 2005
It starts off extremely slowly. There are some very heartfelt scenes in the film but as a whole, it could have worked better with a more credible script.

There was never really a clear explanation of the trip Na-Young takes and HOW she meets who she meets.

There are other moments in the film that lost me completely.

With that said, some of the photography was breathtaking and Jeon Do-yeon's performance was amazing! It took me 1/3 of the film to realize she was playing more than one role!

I give it a borderline recommendation because there are more hits than misses and can see some people liking this more than I did.
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King's Game (2004)
Very entertaining!
29 April 2005
I really enjoyed this gem when I caught it at a festival. The film is very well crafted. Tight direction, brilliant lighting, and shot after shot was just sparkling and a pleasure to watch. The story holds your interest throughout and although you're not forced to hold your breath in suspense, you ARE looking forward to where it is going. The performances are all believable but an actor named Anders W. Berthelsen carries this film on his back! If this guy can speak English, he's the next great American character actor. Meanwhile, I'll settle for subtitles.

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Duck Season (2004)
29 April 2005
As usual, IMDb voters are VERY easily entertained. "Duck Season" was a big disappointment to me. It is played more for laughs although there were some poignant moments, too. Unfortunately, I was starting to feel as bored as some of the characters. Could have done without the "dead animals" scene, it really wasn't necessary. The film was also shot in B&W which surprised me but seemed appropriate. There isn't a lot of meat here, but if you like character studies, it isn't bad. Enrique Arreola as the pizza guy gives a very good performance. The younger actors weren't that convincing.

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Dance 360 (2004– )
Just call it "DUNCE 360"
31 August 2004
Can't decide what would be more painful; having bamboo driven under my fingernails or being forced to watch another episode of this excrement. This is undoubtedly, one of the most annoying television programs of all time. First off, be forewarned that there is no English spoken during the program. The hosts, DJ, and dancers speak a language that appears to be a cross between hip-hop and Ebonics. Let's call it hip-hopics. Secondly, the "music", is so awful that you might want to have any firearms or cutlery stored safely away, because ending one's life might be preferable to watching this show.

I WILL say that the program is capably directed and the dancers are quite good, if you like that sort of thing. The problem is that as soon as the hosts open their mouths, one gets physically ill witnessing them butcher the English language, and as soon as these clowns are done spouting ignorance, the worst music that has ever been "composed" is cranked up again! You're screwed either way with this garbage. The only break for the weary is the commercials.

Friends, I hope God isn't reading this, because if I don't get into heaven, my true vision of hell is watching a continuous loop of "DUNCE 360".
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Slasher (2004 TV Movie)
This movie is a real CREAMPUFF!
25 June 2004
Thoroughly enjoyed this John Landis documentary about a week in the life of a used car sales specialist. The film was produced by the Independent Film Channel and will probably run in perpetuity on IFC. You owe it to yourself to check out this little piece of Americana. The subject was so animated that it is difficult to believe that it wasn't an actor playing a role. I found several of the moments between the Slasher and his crew uproariously funny. Interesting to watch how much of the general public really expects to get something for nothing! Left with the impression that despite his flaws as a human being, the Slasher is simply trying to make a living and provide for his family, just like the rest of us.

7.5 out of 10
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I was disappointed
2 June 2004
If you are able to accept the basic premise of this film (not an easy task, IMO) you will be forced to endure painfully long repetitive sequences involving the two lead characters' relationship. I found this rather tedious and just didn't care much about this couple. The two bozos entrusted to perform the herculean task of "memory erasing", were just plain annoying. Yeah, two horny teen-agers, jumping up and down on beds, s***faced drunk, while performing a delicate medical procedure? And what the hell was Tom Wilkinson doing in this film? The affair that he had in the film was quite believable, don't ya think? Elijah Wood is used as a weak plot device and the more I think about it, the more ridiculous this movie becomes. Credit to Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet for doing the best they could with the material, but it just didn't work for me.
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Distant (2002)
"Uzak" translated to English is "BORING"
3 May 2004
The good news is that this 110 minute snoozefest put me in such a stupor that I was able to sleep like a baby when I returned home. This is just the type of film that elitist critics enjoy praising endlessly.

There is virtually no character development in this film. To label it "minimalist" is an understatement. There is little story here and if you are expecting fabulous cinematography and breathtaking vistas, fowgeddabowdit! Even the natural beauty of a fresh snowfall makes the viewer feel unaffected.

To be fair, Roger Ebert stated the following re: this film

"How is it that the same movie can seem tedious on first viewing and absorbing on the second? Why doesn't it grow even more tedious? In the case of "Distant," which I first saw at Cannes in 2003, perhaps it helped that I knew what the story offered and what it did not offer, and was able to see it again without expecting what would not come".

Okay, maybe this is true, but if "Distant" ever plays again in my town, I'll pass and stay home to change my vacuum cleaner bags...
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The IMDb voters led me down the garden path....AGAIN!
23 April 2004
Sounded like an interesting premise and when I noticed that "Inheritance" received an "8" from over 400 votes, thought it would be worthwhile.

I thought wrong. Sometimes I just don't understand why people enjoy mediocre films. Am I a snob or are people really that starved for entertainment that they like anything that isn't pure garbage? Well, I digress but that is because IMDb requires ten lines of text to submit a review and I just came on to edit a few words of my original review. OK..that should be enough padding to get re-submitted. Now, where were we????

Ladies and germs,the truth is this film played more like a soap opera than anything else. It wasn't terrible, just not terribly interesting. The "natural lighting" utilized here turned out to be extremely annoying in the interior shots and the script was meandering.

Difficult to recommend. 5/10
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Suite Habana (2003)
This is a difficult movie to review
21 April 2004
There are no key scenes or plot points, no real acting, just a camera that follows the movie's subjects through their daily activities. During the bulk of the film all we are told (through a graphic) what the age of that particular subject is and possibly, their relationship with other people in the film. This is a slow moving and deliberate film but one which pays more attention to the minutiae of day-to-day life than any I have ever seen. There is a variety of music in the film, all of which added to its visual beauty. Practically no dialogue but I still left the theatre with a smile on my face. 7/10
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This film is VASTLY overrated by IMDB voters
20 April 2004
A total of 53 IMDB voters gave this film a 9.0 I'd like to know EXACTLY what they were smoking while watching this. "Master, a building in Copacabana" is the story of several tenants that reside in a Rio de Janeiro apartment building. We are told it is near the beach but virtually all of this film was shot in the dwellings and halls of this complex. On the plus side, director Eduardo Continho finds some interesting people to talk to. Unfortunately, the entire film is made up of only two things: dozens of interviews with these people, and the film crew shuttling from one door to another. I'll say this; don't expect a Brazilian "action" film! Clocking in at 110 minutes, it's about 20 minutes too long. 6/10
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What's all the fuss?
18 April 2004
The performances take the focal point in this documentary of a 1970 rock festival train trip across Canada. The highlight: a couple of incredible performances from Janis Joplin. The "Dead" were dependable but I found "The Band" numbers a bit disappointing. Other groups were rather forgettable with the exception of a band I had never heard of called "Mashmakan". The director borrows from Woodstock's use of split screen narrative, interviewing particulars from the festival but there's just not that much of a story told here. Musicians get stoned and jam on a train for five days across Canada. They have fun. Promoter loses money because the kids want to get in for free. "Woodstock" did it much more effectively. The director and editors did a fabulous job of putting this film together from the hours of mostly unusable footage that they had to work with but the final product is simply a pleasant historical document of that time. 6/10
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One of only a handful of films that I never tire of watching...
26 February 2004
The Spanish Prisoner is not a visual feast, but all of its individual components add up to a very pleasant viewing experience. Campbell Scott is just perfect as the lead and Steve Martin has never been better in a rare, non-comedic performance. The supporting characters are all terrific and Carter Burwell's score adds a nice touch. Mamet's wonderful script kept me guessing throughout. I was riveted throughout and although it has a few minor flaws, it just gets better with each subsequent viewing. After seeing it in the theater and watching it several times at home, I can honestly state that it actually works better in the living room. Enjoy!
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If you enjoy torture and bloodletting...
27 August 2003
...this is the film for you. Phiggins nailed it--nothing but a gore fest. A weak, hackneyed plot is the excuse for numerous torture scenes, death, and buckets of blood. I am ashamed of my fellow imdb voters. Usually, a reliable sign of a good film is in the 7.0 area. Not THIS time! You want to see the BEST Korean movie ever made? Screen "Oasis" instead of this junk.
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Can't get this film out of my head
26 May 2003
Loved everything about it. You immediately identify with the family, then the two characters that become the focal point in the film. Beautifully shot, it becomes a road picture of sorts, a fascinating study of time and how things change along with it. It's one of those rare films that stays with you for a long, long, time. This is one of many foreign films that plays the festival circuit but doesn't get a general release in the U.S. I saw it in 1999 and thought that I'd have to be satisfied with the memory. There would never be another opportunity to see it again, but amazingly, after six years, it was actually released on DVD!! On a rainy day, pop this one into the VCR/DVD and just enjoy a very special story in a wonderful little film.
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Video does not do this movie justice
31 March 2003
When I screened this it in the theater, was absolutely mesmerized by its sheer beauty. You are transported back in time effortlessly by director Wu and what a pleasant trip it is!

Telling you anything about this movie would ruin it for you so just rent it and prepare to go to a place and time very far away...This is the extremely rare period piece that can successfully pull it off, 100%.

I WILL say that it is an interesting, uniquely beautiful story and comes with a pitch perfect performance by the lead actor, Xu Zhu, who does more with his facial expressions than most actors do with five pages of dialog. It is one of the best performances I have ever seen on film. A master class in acting.

The film's only slight misstep is a subplot involving, let's say a different type of performer. This is the only thing holding back my 10 star rating. The King of Masks still makes me smile years after I first laid eyes on it and I look forward to revisiting it every few years. An absolute delight!
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Almost Grown: Pilot (1988)
Season 1, Episode 1
This was one of the more brilliant failures in TV History
19 March 2003
It just didn't get boffo ratings for CBS on Monday nights, so they canned it. Networks didn't give too many quality shows a chance to develop an audience like they do today. Tim Daly and Eve Gordon were just perfect in this drama which frequently flashed back to this married couples days in college. Unforgettable!
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The worst movie ever made
21 September 2002
I kept asking myself, "they actually made a film this bad??!". I didn't laugh one time. The worst acting, the dumbest story, a veritable plethora of ignorance. It appeared that they had no ending for the movie, so one of the main characters mugs for the camera and says "I think somebody just shot me in da ASSSSSSSSS!!! It's like they just ran out of film and said, "Yeah..we'll end it here".
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White Squall (1996)
Saw this at a free screening..
21 September 2002
It STILL wasn't worth the price of admission! I love Jeff Bridges and Ridley Scott, but this had to be the low point for both of their careers. I didn't believe it for a second. Terrible script..we have seen it a thousand times. Every single film cliché was utilized with tragic results. I have never screened a film where not even ONE of the scenes were believable. The storm sequences were so poorly shot that I was looking for the wind and rain machines to sneak in frame. It appeared that much of the movie was filmed inside a studio water tank.

The film critics cut Scott WAY too much slack in their reviews for this garbage. Simply AWFUL!!!!
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