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Ghost Light (III) (2020)
I bought the wrong DVD on Amazon
4 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I thought I was buying a different DVD with the same name; that part is my fault.

Most of the "action" ( I use the term loosely ) takes place in a small "black box theater, supposedly haunted.

I warned of a spoiler in case someone wants to quibble. Two characters look very similar, except one has a cane.

So, spoiler alert, was one trying to frame the other for the crimes? Uh, no, apparently not.

Bad delivery of worse lines to develop not much of a plot.

Save your money; IF you get the chance to watch this for free, don't waste your time.
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
The WORST of the Star Trek Franchise ( to date )
3 January 2021
I don't think it's a spoiler to warn you of the profanity ( heavy on the "F" word ) which adds NOTHING to the characters ( good and bad ) nor to the ( rambling ) plot line. Nor does the smoking and ( futuristic, I guess ) vaping.

Watching the credits I note there are more "producers" ( executive, co-executive, consulting, and supervising ) than recurring characters; I have to wonder if making money was more important than telling the story ( certainly not what I believe creator Gene Roddenberry was trying to accomplish ).

I WANTED to like it. I remember the original Star Trek ( TOS ) fondly and at least all the later additions to the franchise were watchable.

Seven of Nine ( and CDR Data, of course ) was key to the plot; cameos of other TNG characters added little, possibly even detracting.

IF you're as big a fan of the Star Trek as I ( still ) am I guess you'll need to watch it. I suspect I'll be watching successive seasons to see if it improves. I WANT to be wrong, but I suspect I'll be right, and improvements, if any, will be few and far between.
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Jurassic City (2015)
I really WANTED to like this movie, BUT ...
7 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I really wanted to enjoy this movie. I am a big Monique Parent fan ( she played Scarlet ), but she only had a bit part, and not put to good use ( IMHO ). A couple of other faces I recognized but could not put names to until I checked on IMDb.

I had put in a pre-order to get the DVD, and waited for its final release and arrival in my mail box.

A HINT at a little girl on girl action, but, nada. Girls in bikinis but no T&A ( which MIGHT have made this bearable ). Most of the "action" ( and I use the term loosely ) is in a jail ( which is where the producers belong ). No spoiler alert needed; I fell asleep after an hour. I'll try again tonight.

I'd recommend saving your money and wait to see it on SciFi or other cable channel.
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Red Dwarf: The Beginning (2012)
Season 10, Episode 6
Series 10; NOT as good as the first 8, but MUCH better than Series 9
8 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
When I got to the end of the 8 series DVD boxset I was confused as to why no more were made. It technically hadn't been canceled, but they just didn't make any more. Then came Series 9. I wanted to like Series 9, I really did. But it sucked.

Series 10 is much better. The production is a little different, but it has much of the spark that was present in the original run. I do miss Holly though ( both of them ); Pree just wasn't the same ( can't say more without a spoiler alert ).

If you haven't seen the original, you might be confused as to how Dave & Co got to where ( and when ) they are. So you probably want to watch the original Series 1- 8 to get the feel of the Red Dwarf experience. But, unless you are a real die hard fan, and want to have seen it, skip Series 9.
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Moon (2009)
This IS a great movie, with more questions than answers
15 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Despite the low budget, this DOES make you think. It has aspects of 2001, Blade Runner, Saturn 3, and Outland ( and maybe others ), but in a very unique way.

Spoiler 1: Sam is a clone ( ala Blade Runner ). We find out that the clones just last 3 years, and then the clone is destroyed, and a new clone awoken. Why they stocked up on decades of clones isn't really answered.

Spoiler 2: The evil corporation ( ala Outland ) sends killers to eliminate the old clone ( rescued by the new clone after he awakens ). The countdown is right out of Outland.

Spoiler 3: While the moon is not a moving space ship ( ala 2001 ), the similarity is there, and Gerty is less deranged than Hal.

Spoiler 4: Sam is there to ship harvested Helium and maintain the harvesting equipment ( as opposed to the hydroponics of Saturn 3 ).

Spoiler 5: The plot is usually predictable after the second clone is activated, but takes some interesting plot twists after the third one wakes up.

This is worth the time to watch it.
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John Carter (2012)
a GREAT movie for what it was meant to be
14 March 2012
The "critics" and I rarely agree on what is and is not a good film; this was another excellent example of that pattern.

I went expecting to see a fantasy adventure flick; no complicated plot, lots of action, and some neat special effects ( part of my PI day celebration, what you'd expect of an engineer ). And that is what I got. A few twists I didn't see to offset the one's I did.

I opted for the 3D version ( which my girlfriend enjoyed more than me ) and that might have been a mistake for me. The set up to get a Civil War cavalryman to Mars was, by Science Fiction standards, believable. The set up for John Carter's characteristics ( skills as a warrior and tenacity ) was well done; his haunted past was brought to light a little more haphazardly and, for my taste, a little confusing, done in quick flashbacks. The set up for the conflict between the tall ( no where near 12 foot tall unless John Carter was 8 to 9 foot tall himself ) green folk and the more human red men ( and women, basically Caucasians with red tattoos ) was also well done, if somewhat predictable. And ( not a spoiler since it was discussed in the IMDb quotes ) why the green folk called him "Virginia" was a hoot.

There seemed to be as many female warriors ( red people ) as male, with interesting armor differences.

If you go to a flick to catch errors, this one has them, so you won't be disappointed. But if you just want to escape for a couple of hours, this is still the one to watch. I'm hoping the DVD will be available without the 3D, but I do look forward to watching it again.
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This IS what the title would lead you to expect
3 February 2012
Are there better B-movies on the market? Yeah, I think so.

The title did NOT lead me to expect a Showgirls movie budget. Should George Takei, Larry Poindexter, and Michael Pare have held out for better roles? Maybe, maybe not. I didn't buy this movie based on their names, or the names of the girls ( frankly, I'd never heard the girls names ), but they ARE pretty.

This is a B-movie, with B-movie values, and pretty girls with topless scenes ( not enough, but then there rarely are ). It kinda sorta had a plot, with few twists you really couldn't see coming.

It is a fun movie. It's not Showgirls; it wasn't meant to be.
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NOT as good as the Swedish film
28 December 2011
I saw the movie last night. First of all; I admit I was biased going in ( in favor of the original Swedish film; why remake a movie made only 2 years ago? ), but they seemed torn between the native language for the scenery, and English for most of the computer screens. And I admit it has been a while since I read the book, but they could have spent a little more time on how Lizbet go they way she was.

Like the book ( and the Swedish original ) it was a little distracting bouncing back and forth between Blomqvest's story and Salander's until they merged, but the plots ( plural ) were very well done.

And other than to save a little money, I' not sure why they left out the part about Australia ( I'm putting this intentionally a little vague to prevent a spoiler for those who have not read the book ).

Others seem to prefer this to the original; I am not convinced the acting was any better. I have to recommend the original Swedish film on DVD.
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Far better than the 2011 remake
28 December 2011
The book was great. It took a while as the book ( like the movie ) bounced between Lisbeth's story and Michael's until they merged. While reading I thought the book too bogged in details, but watching the movie I thought too many important details were skimmed over.

I do believe the movie was faithful to the book's plot ( more so than the 2011 remake ). Both developed the characters well, but this movie went deeper into both main characters. The book made a great deal of Blomkvist's jail sentence, and his preparation to go when they called him ( not the same as out on bail awaiting appeal like we do in the US, but I digress ), and when he did go the whole jail aspect merely evaporated ( I do not consider that detail a spoiler, as it was so trivial ).

If you only have time to watch one, I'd recommend this one; the original.
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The Age of Disappointment
31 July 2011
I was intrigued by the title, and why they would go to the trouble of using Melville's plot with a dragon instead of the traditional whale. I still don't know. Had they used the same name for the title ( Age of the Dragons ), and left out the Melville characters' names, I might not have been so disappointed. I heard Summer Glau read for the part of Rachel, and Val Kilmer for Ahab. I understand why they bailed out. The few details they did change did nothing for the movie ( and I use the term "movie" loosely ). The SciFi channel has forgotten what is and isn't science fiction. They should probably go back to professional wrestling to bring their image up a notch. Condolences to Mr. Glover; with Predator 2 under his belt, and the Lethal Weapon franchise to his credit, this is a heavy anchor to hoist should he decide to have his career set sail again.
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The Fergusons (2011 Video)
I really wanted to like this, BUT
11 June 2011
While it had some redeeming moments, most were easily foreseen. I am a big Monique Parent fan; I really wanted to enjoy this, but I didn't.

I watched it twice in case I missed something. I didn't.

Despite what I read in another review, no nudity ( her back was bare, but nothing to see that couldn't be shown on prime-time network TV ); I have no idea why this wasn't rated.

I have seen my fair share of excellently done B-movies with low budgets ( including several with Ms Parent ); this could have been much better.

Characters were over the top just to be over the top, and with little to justify the effort.

Sorry Monique.
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A story about a fictional military character should get the uniforms right.
22 April 2011
I really wanted to like this movie. I am a big Burn Notice fan, and like the Sam Axe character. But other than the basic uniform colors being white and khaki, little else showed anyone connected with the project had ever met anyone in the Navy. I got the bit that he was supposed to stand out in the jungle, which is why his superiors gave him blue urban cammies ( on a covert op, but with his name on his cammies ), and while usually Seals go in as a team, Sam went in alone. Sam was supposed to be a Navy Seal, but wore a Surface Warfare Officer device. His white hat did not have the scrambled eggs a full Commander would be wearing. The khaki uniforms of his interrogators had no rank insignia.

The story wasn't bad, but it wasn't that good either. It would have been a passable two-part episode, but it left a lot of room for improvement.
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Funny ( without intending to do so )
29 January 2011
I won't quibble about sharks in cold waters; this is SciFi and liberties are to be expected.

I'll not quibble at the Mega Shark leaping high out of the water to grab a passenger plane in flight ( though its hard not to laugh ).

I have to assume no one on the crew had ever served in the military; surely they could have gotten a boot-camp washout to correct some of the more glaring errors.

The CO of the battleship engaged by the shark is wearing Submarine Dolphins on his uniform ( and they appear to be silver, not gold ).

The BB's guns fired while trained dead ahead and zero elevation; not a great idea for the equipment up on the focsle. And I don't think there are any BBs still afloat.

The nice guys ( heavily armed ) guarding the base were uncovered ( not wearing hats ) NOT SOP when I was in.
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The Day the Earth Stood Still; but not still enough
12 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
When I heard there was going to be a remake I was stunned; remakes rarely are worth the effort. The CONSTANT TV teasers made me rethink my position, and I started looking forward to it. We went to the opening day matinée, and the theater was all but empty! I'd expected many to take the day off to be first, but no lines. They must have known!

I hope this isn't considered a spoiler: I thought GORT was way over-sized ( considering its role in the film ), and named by the Earthmen as an acronym!?!

Many of the names from 1951 were used here, but with unnecessary ( I thought ) twists. Mrs. Benson becomes Dr. Bensen, drafted into service as in The Andromeda Strain ( men in black at the front door ). 1951 Robby Benson was adorable; 2008 Jacob Benson was a true brat, giving the baby sitter more respect than his step-mother, going so far as to call her Helen.

No intimidating-but-sensitive Klaatu in 2008; my girlfriend expected him to be revealed as a robot too; I was certain this was not the case because the polygraph operator was told Klaatu's body did feel pain.

Klaatu himself called off an angry GORT with a distorted noise that might have been 'Barrado Nicto', but I couldn't be sure.

Other twists or changes later in the film were similar, and might be considered 'spoilers' so I'll not risk further comment.

Exception: John Cleese's Professor Barnhardt was a good update, and very well played; the change from 1951's problem in celestial mechanics update to quantum mechanics will probably go unnoticed by most.

I also have a problem with 'original music' being 're-composed'; I think a better term is 'arranged' or 're-arranged'.

My comments on the movie's message would probably be considered a spoiler except to say: I don't think a species that followed the movie's message could make it into space. In any event, the human race doesn't listen to messages any better than it learns from mistakes.

I had to see it to be able to see the differences; I had hoped for more, and I had hoped for better.
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Blood Scarab (2008 Video)
Blood Scarab; or Dracula meets the Mummy
11 December 2008
Well, actually Countess Dracula meets Hathor.

A sequel to Donald Glut's Mummy's Kiss and Mummy's Kiss; Second Dynasty, as well as his Countess Dracula's Orgy of Blood which was a sequel to his The Erotic Rites of Countess Dracula; I was just a little disappointed. He made his name doing T&A B-movies and I liked the first four. Sexy scenes and lots of humor, he did not take himself too seriously. In the commentary track he notes how everything was done in a matter of days and on a shoestring budget. For this one he had double the usual time and it may have thrown off his efforts.

I enjoy a plot line in my B movies but I don't expect or want an Oscar candidate. I enjoy his choice of stars ( okay, starlets ) but he took himself too seriously with this one.

There is a nice appearance by Scream Queen Brinke Stevens, and several new faces ( and other parts ). Expect bigger things from Natasha Diakova.

The story of ( the actual historical character ) Elizabeth Bathery ( who may not have been a lesbian ), played ably by Monique Parent, who is trying to live in daylight by joining forces with the Egyptian goddess Hathor ( attended by beautiful half nude handmaidens ).

I won't risk spoiling the rest. If you like B movies this is better than most, but not as good as the others by Mr. Glut. I DID enjoy it, but not with the same enthusiasm as I'd hoped.
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