
21 Reviews
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Nepotism that's Obvious, and then also Some Sort of Crush??
19 June 2024
It goes without saying that I want/expect every TPA movie to be fantastic. He's awesome director?! But his recent stuff has been trash. And especially this latest trash. Not everything can be Gaga killing it in a role she was "born" for? And sou seemingly diminished Phillip Seymour Hoffman's legacy by placing an actor than was poopy. Just because he was a nepotistic young buck. And the Haim girl to boot. Not to mention the general narrative of the film was also silly, un-(enter adjective) and boring. My goodness. The thing about PTA was that he took a weird perspective on all of his subject matter. I'm really hoping that Leo can change this coming up.
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Life & Beth (2022– )
A Worthy Show
19 February 2024
I fully anticipated, not liking this show. I don't enjoy Amy Shumer. Still don't really. Which is truly saying something about the show in general. Her whole "I'm a strong, independent woman whose dinda a mess", shtick, is soooo played out. So played out. Too many flashbacks in the overall story narrative. The child versions of you all are in it as much as the adult actors. That being said, even Amy put something special together here. Michael Cera is an excellent actor. One of those rare breeds that can act outside of the familiar comedy realm as well. But the best thing about this show is following storylines that don't get talked about anywhere else. And to do it without preaching, or clichés. It truly elicits one's empathy. I def suggest it. Be prepared for something that's different in a good way.
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The Sopranos (1999–2007)
The Personal Favorite All Time
24 December 2023
There are many epic series out there. Different genres yeah, but all great in their own way. Breaking, Game of Thrones and The Wire all come to mind. But the Sopranos set the template for all others to follow. In soooo many ways there wouldn't be the aforementioned w out The Sopranos. A true episodic drama if there ever is one. Killing main characters out of nowhere? The was them first. But the best thing this show did is glorify the anti-hero, make you truly empathize with what should be an unsympathetic person. The was hat The Sopranos can make you characters is remarkable. Without giving any spoilers happens over and over again. Now it's just copied by the best shows there are. Watch it. Even if you don't like violence, watch it because it's so much more than that.
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Cast Away (2000)
Such a Great One
23 May 2023
The perfect Everyman actor, Tom Hanks does it yet again in Cast Away. If it weren't for Maximus Decimus Meridius in Gladiator, he'd have nabbed a third Oscar. A movie like this could've been soo boring without the right interpretation of the material. I mean, it's a guy Mario ed on an island by himself for two hours. Not too much in the way of plot or dialogue there. But Tom Hanks makes you empathize and feel what he feels the entire way. But the best part of this film is the love story. He could/should have given up at so many junctures, but getting back to his person was what drove him to simply survive and keep trying. Definitely check out this movie. It's an all-time great.
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Love this Movie!
19 May 2023
The original White Men Can't Jump(WMCJ) is quite possibly the best sports movie ever made. A story about street-ball hustlin' and yet another parable about not judging a book by it's cover. But WMCJ is also about a guy who may hustle on the court, but life is a different beast all together. This movie came around at exactly the perfect time. The dying age of Larry Bird, but before the European renaissance in the NBA. So brothers overwhelmingly dominated the makeup of the league. Although the absolute best part of WMCJ(besides it also being infinitely quoteable), is how at the heart it's just a buddy comedy. Two people that become good friends, whose only thing in common is a true love for ball. Sometimes that's enough.
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Forrest Gump (1994)
8 May 2023
What else is there to say?! It's Forrest Gump! One of the finest films ever made without a doubt. And if you're a history buff, this movie is checkmate. How they're able to weave the storyline into sooo many important historical events in an era chock-filled with them is just amazing. It's a love story, a social commentary of America(as hard as it tries not to be) and is hilarious. All wrapped into one. But the thing that stands out to me as I write this summary while watching it for the zillionth time, are the two most important values it hammers home: You can do anything if you put your mind to it, and treat everyone with kindness and respect. No matter what it is, who they are, your preconceived notions or their intelligence. Because Forrest Gump lived quite a life doing just that.
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Prisoners (2013)
A Perfect Thriller
8 May 2023
This film is quite possibly the best crime thriller that I've ever seen. That's not an understatement. And I've never been a big fan of either Hugh Jackman, nor Jake Gyllanhal. Director Denis Villeneuve has done some big, awesome stuff before and since he made Prisoners. He's the director of the new Dune for Christ sake?! This is his magnum opus for sure. My only possible critique is that they could trim 15mins off it cuz it runs a little long. Other than that, it's a perfect film. The whole thing is dark, tense, with plot twists that you never see coming and a villain played to absolute perfection by the always awesome Paul Dano. I think of Prisoners for the Thriller genre like I do Heat for the Crime/Heist genre. That's the highest praise I can give. Watch this movie!!!
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Beef (2023– )
Much Better Than I Thought
7 April 2023
Netflix shows are a dime a dozen. They constantly have soo much new content dropping that I've become a little bit discerning and picky with them. But I checked out the specs on IMDB and it's pretty highly rated, so I have it a try. Also, because I love Steve Yuen from TWD. Super glad I did. This show was s messed up and extremely funny. Not only that, but it shows the dangers of letting your temper get the better of you from both a male and female perspective. It also has an almost ebtirely Asian cast, which is extremely rare. And the cast crushes it! But what I like most about this subject matter is that it reinforces to be respectful to others. Especially strangers. Because you've no idea what someone is capable of.
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The Wonder Years (1988–1993)
Who Doesn't LOVE The Wonder Years??
8 March 2023
The Wonder Years came out when I was just an infant. My my mom is a Boomer though, and this show is the quintessential biopic on growing up in that era. So naturally I was exposed to The Wonder Years too. The 1960's were a crazy time in general. Obviously. So there were all kinds of headlines to tie into the show. But to me, the most endearing part of this show is that it's timeless. Teenage angst, growing up, showing the process of becoming independent and distancing yourself from your parents, Observing your parents love for one another and how relationships work, and of course starting to date girls. And The Wonder Years never forced happy endings in the narrative. It was true to real life, in that what you want and hope to happen, usually doesn't materialize that way. I'll never get tired of this show. It's easily one of the best tv programs ever.
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Private Parts (1997)
A Biography Pic; Awesome, Sincere & True
18 February 2023
With such a title, star and plot this movie should've been trash. On the surface it looks like some vulgar "shock jock" cultivated his life story for all to see, with careless disregard cuz "it is what it is". Not the case. I grew up with Stern on E! Channel syndicated late nights. Because it was so risqué. I felt dirty watching it. Didn't even really enjoy it because he exploits people for their 15mins of fame. Pretty low-rent. But this film shows the humanity of Howard Stern truly. He is a true entrepreneur that has a heart. He's just so good at "The Showman" entertainer part of entertainment that you lose sight of it. But it's real. He's only ever been a loving, empathetic good person whose only crime has been taking taboo subjects and creating a platform for their existence. Love this film!
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Entourage (2004–2011)
Super Cool True Showbiz
9 February 2023
Entourage is tough to describe kinda. It's very male oriented. Because it's a bunch of bros in essence. Chauvinistic to an absurd level, ya. But it's based off Mark Wahlberg. He produced it, created it etc. That being said... it's an awesome show. With all the glitz and glamour and celeb cameos..... it's purposeful. Because Wahlberg knows that's how it is!! That's why Entourage works. It seems unreal. But it is real cuz this Mega Millionaire knows it is. He basically made a show on how Hollywood is. That insight into the trappings of fame and drugs and women resonates. And the envy that your friends maybe hold against you? It's just a trip. Entourage is totally flawed. Doesn't hold up nearly as much a decade later, but try to think about the context I guess?
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Nearly a Perfect Movie
8 February 2023
There Will Be Blood is, as the headline suggests, just about a perfect movie. The Coen Brothers magnum opus of No Country for Old Men came out the same year, and they didn't yet have any Oscar's after several superb films. If it were not for that, TWBB would've easily just swept through the Oscar's. It still snagged some. But there is no weak spot of any kind in this masterpiece. The cinematography alone could drop your jaw. In a nutshell, it's the story of a diabolically evil oil man at the turn of the twentieth century, his assent to wealth and power, and how those things led to nothing more than moral decay and isolation and an unshakable bitterness and resentment at ANY successes of others.. Built a bit from the bones of Charles Foster Kane(William Randolph Hearst) in Citizen Kane. An absolute masterpiece of a film that I cannot possibly recommend any higher. This is a movie that no one will ever forget. An epic tragedy if there ever was one.
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LOVED This Movie!
29 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a big Clint Eastwood fan. He had a career resurgence around the time I was a little kid and have loved sooo many of his films throughout my life. Richard Jewell is no exception. First, I find it super impressive that he could make an enthralling movie based off an event that's really just a footnote in history. No this movie is the jam because it's really a character study of the poor, fat dork that happened across the bomb, and the scrutiny he endured at the hands of the government and the media for simply doing the right thing. Newly-minted Golden Globe winner Paul Walter Houser steals the show in this film. Along with awesome performances by Kathy Bates and Sam Rockwell. Highly recommend this film!
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Ahead of it's Time
19 January 2023
Almost 30 years after it's release, you gain a greater admiration of a lot of films. Some don't hold up well. Mostly comedies because humor and the social climate evolves(devolves) in waves. Typically generationally. But with Interview, I think it's definitely been for the better. Hollywood threw the kitchen sink at this film. Put the two biggest leading men in a mature period piece about vampires?! That's an obvious hit now. Almost regardless of anything else. But Interview is long, episodic and sometimes tedious. I didn't care for Interview with the Vampire that much when I saw it early on. It's gradually grown in me into one of my fav types of films of the ilk. It's dope, if you've the time and patience for true melancholy.
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Curb Your Enthusiasm (2000–2024)
Almost Perfect
17 January 2023
There's a reason why Curb has been on for over twenty years. There's a reason Curb just pumps out seasons whenever they all feel like it, and everyone accepts it. There's a reason the show is just referred to as "Curb". Because it's absolutely awesome. A natural evolucion from Seinfeld into a medium where you can swear. Because people curse in real life. A lot. And Larry David eventually decided to skip the intermediary of Jerry, and just just it himself. Seinfeld is the only reason why I didn't rate Curb as a straight 10. Because it's the holy grail of tv. I personally have always preferred Curb between the two. But Curb is just more authentic, and absurd. Which is the point!!
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Straight Gangster
12 January 2023
This movie has all the elements of a classic, badass film. Top actors. Cinematography. Etc. This film is super dope, no doubt?! But the only thing that irritates me about this movie is that director Sam Mendes chose to make the narrative from the oldest son, Michael. Almost always a terrible choice. Child actors can be absolutely awesome, no doubt. But they do it by being themselves; Children. Asking them to deliver a meaningful narrative is self defeating. Could and should have been a much more powerful film. It's still really good. I just can't help but think how much better it would've been if they'd known the material source of the father/son dynamic didn't have to be from the viewpoint of the kid.
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Black Mirror (2011– )
A Game Changer Show
28 December 2022
In the new golden age of tv shows, this one is on another level. That's saying something, considering the expectation we have now. Black Mirror is an anthology series that, if you follow dope stuff, has achieved that rare-air status that if there's another season you feel blessed. It's that good imo. Absolutely a 21st Century version of The Twilight Zone. And it keeps coming back, but on nobody's timeline. And A list stars just flock to it?! I don't really love each and every episode. But there are so many episodes of this program that really leave ya shaken. Because us doesn't seem that far removed from a plausible scenario. Check it out. It'll make ya wonder......
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The Fly (1986)
An Absolute Classic of a Classic
4 December 2022
Where do I start with this film? It is my favorite movie. Of all time. Because there is no comparison to The Fly("86)? It's an old, new, true example of an epic tragedy. Such great acting from all three of the actors. Goldblum is the man. Durp. He makes you love and hate and empathize and condemn and understand his Seth Brindle. Hubris. So very sad. The movie is super, duper gross. It won the Academy Award for best makeup. There's a reason. So be prepared for some graphic and awesome stuff. Geena Davis is the best possible person to play the love interest to Goldblum. They were married when this was made and it is completely evident. The chemistry and the way you truly believe her grief is the ultimate testiment to me. The Fly is one of the finest films of all time because it's a Game Changer. It came out in the mid 80's and dealt with the issues of abortion, technology and computers, love, death, mortality, fragility, jealousy etc. The fact you can still feel for this increasingly disgusting and gross monstrosity, is the ultimate reason why this film is one of the best ever. Especially for sci-fi/horror.
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Succession (2018–2023)
Almost a Perfect Show
24 November 2022
Succession is about as close to a perfect show as has ever been made. Perfect is a shrewd word, because there's nothing above it. So when something characterized as art gets to the rare air of "best" or perfect, I say it's close to perfect. The Sopranos, GOT, Breaking Badu and The Wire are the only ones up there besides Succession. The beauty of this show is that these are all terrible and easily dislikable characters. But while you may not like them on a surface level at all, you can't help but empathize with each of them on a human level. With Season 4( of 5; most likely) on the horizon in a few months, the holiday season is an opportune time to binge this series. Killer soundtrack too.
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The Dude Abides This Film; durp
15 November 2022
The Big Lebowski is in a select few films of the "ever-most-quotable". A true treasure. The sheer definition of a cult movie. It's so good, takes me a lot to not type-cuss my love for it. But The Dude abides, man. Jeffery Lebowski(The Dude) was/is a Pacifist. He just wants to maintain the integrity of his rug. After another dude peed on it?! So the dude cannot let these transgressions be unaccounted for? Nah. The Dude abides! So with the help of his best friend and bowling partner, Walter Solchek; The Dude pursues rightful payment of said area rug. The repercussions are hilarious. Then there's Jesus and Donnie and Julliane Moore and Flea... Bob Dylan. Just. Perfect.
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Just about a perfect movie
7 November 2022
This is without question one of the finest films ever made. I truly believe that. The cast is superb. The plot.... my goodness: sick awesome. Plot twist at the end? Oh ya. And a doozy. Compelling, and empathetic characters? You can check that box too. This film has anything anyone is looking for in a drama. The biggest tragedy, is that there wasn't much of a place in the cinema world for Before The Devil Knows You're Dead when it came out. Unfortunately almost all of what we know of in movies(even today) is based off marketing/campaigning. It isn't even close to enough to have an absolute A LIST cast, a dastardly and epically-tragic plot and a pioneering director. Please watch this movie! And the dang thing starts with seeing Marisa Tomie just in the best way any heterosexual man can dream of.
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