
13 Reviews
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Excellent and daring look at a big problem in America
10 January 2003
I'll never think about America quite the same again. What is wrong over there? Too much consumer competition, poverty, discrimination, religion, conservatism? Too much advertising and TV? It seems America has a long way to go before they reach the famous "land of the free." These days it's more like the land of the gun, home of the mad.

There's a lot I love about America, but there's plenty that scares me. That Bush character shouldn't be in power. Get someone not so...clouded. Americans really could benefit from having someone like Ralph Nader in power, not a war games boy like Bush, and a great deal more intelligent. But there's a huge conservative elite messing things up from the top as they enjoy their spoils without puting enough back into the community. This issue is raised in the film.

Such a passionate country perhaps, so many great artists, scientists, academics. But often passionate in a misguided, stubborn aggressive way. Reason? Well, that's what this documentary looks at, and Michael Moore does an excellent job searching for the answer. While concentrating on the gun issue, the movie does raise interesting questions about what makes a society tick.

One thing the film hits home about - too many guns. Unload, put away, and stop glorifying them in popular culture.

Chill you Americans! or you'll blow us all up!
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Unfaithful (2002)
Smooth and luscious cinematography, but it's all been done before.
7 January 2003
It seems Director Adrian Lyne doesn't want to evolve from the old theme of Love Affairs Gone Wrong. Fatal Attraction, Indecent Proposal, and now Unfaithful. Perhaps he has deeply personal experience in this subject, who knows, but it's getting a bit boring.

Not even master cinematographer Peter Biziou can save the film...well, actually the cinematography is really good, and perhaps the superior camera work and art direction do save the film.

More sex. The film needed to show a bit more. More explicit sex means the viewer will feel and appreciate how unfaithful she really is, and the torment the poor husband would feel. It should have had a lot more sex.

And a few of the scenes were, for me, unacceptable and far fetched. I couldn't suspend belief for everything the husband did when he found out. I suppose people can go a bit crazy when their partners cheat. People are stupid sometimes. Its just sex, and a bit of lying. Nothing that can't be sorted out with the right approach, and creative, honest thinking.

One more thing, there should have been more and better sex. It's not where you have sex, it's how, and they just didn't explore that enough.
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Stalker (1979)
Stalker is a magical film
25 December 2002
the colours are amazing. brilliant cinematography. the story is mysterious and inspiring. best viewed on large home theatre or the cinema.
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A few good stunts; sometimes funny; often stupid and sick.
22 November 2002
I agree with some other reviewers here that this movie is mostly not funny, however there are definitely a few moments that shock and amuse. Extreme pranks and stunts is the only way to describe it. It's hard to shock anymore these days, so big efforts are required. Are the stunts all genuine? Looks like it. It takes a certain type of stuntman to willingly get beaten up, electrocuted, cut, shot, and other dangerous acts. I don't think it takes a smart stuntman to do these things. Many of the stunts would need to be performed and captured more creatively before it could ever be good performance art. Something tells me though that Jackass isn't trying to be artistic or even clever, rather it revels in its own stupidity.
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Tigerland (2000)
Not just another war film. Intelligent message. Strong acting from "Bozz".
13 November 2002
I've been watching a lot of war and terrorism on TV lately and so it's good to escape from that to an entertaining movie - about war. Tigerland offers an intelligent and creative angle on the whole absurdity of war and army thing we had (and have) going. Almost along the same lines as Full Metal Jacket, but still not really in the same league. Tigerland is nevertheless an important movie to watch, especially in light of the current real life war movie now showing on TV - Directed by George Bush and starring Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden.

In Tigerland, the main character "Bozz" is played flawlessly by an actor I've never seen before, but who's screen presence reminds me a bit of Brad Pitt's. I don't just mean looks, but the strong 'switched on' character that commands your attention.

Excellent film. Inspiring. If I were to ever fall victim to conscription, I would remember this film. Vietnam - what a sad mistake. Why can't we learn from it?
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Chopper (2000)
A lovely film.
4 November 2002
For a long time I avoided this DVD at the video store. I was worried I'd be wasting my time and money by renting it. When I finally did see it I enjoyed it a lot - enough to watch it again with the real Chopper's commentary switched on (special DVD release).

From the very opening scene I was impressed by the style and raw energy. Quite disturbing to think that its based on a real character and real events. Sure there must have been poetic license here and there (nothing wrong with that). But from what I've heard, it's mostly true.

Watching the film, I got the sense that it was a professional production. Camera work, sets, lighting, dialog, sound, acting all good. Eric Bana surprised the hell out me. I doubt anyone else could have done that role as well as he did. I can't wait for the Incredible Hulk.
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Donnie Darko (2001)
Little strange. Bit surreal. Kind of long. Interesting.
3 November 2002
The film goes for almost 2 hours, and towards the end I began caring less and less about what strange stuff was going to happen next. But I'm glad I saw the movie...mostly.

Lots of strange things do happen in this film, and for anyone tired of main-stream "normal" American movie stories, Donnie Darko should satisfy. I enjoyed the surreal atmosphere, and mysterious path the story followed, although sometimes it would lose focus a bit, with an odd scene here or there that seemed to work against the flow.

Apart from a few nice visuals, there isn't a lot to say about the cinematography either. So important to a movie like this, but very reserved, static and "safe" was my perception of this film's visual style.

I suppose that somewhere along the path, the movie lost its creative and mysterious charm. At least it does have some charm though, it just wavers. And I think I like to be challenged more by movies rather than have everything handed to me on a plate. That said, it does offer enough to keep you thinking about and discussing (and criticizing) afterwards.

One last thing. I agree with my friend who said she's seen that rich upper-class American leafy suburban street in movies one too many times. Does everyone over there live on streets like this?
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Arachnid (2001)
HAhahah hahaaha ahha!
13 October 2002
Terrible movie. From the Director who made "The Hidden" (a classic), I expected a lot better.

It was funny to see the boom microphone at the top of the frame in more than one shot. The special effects were not very special. Pathetic in fact.

I can't think of anything good to say about this movie.

It is unbelievable to see some reviewers here have actually praised this movie. They must be the crew, trying to get people to rent it out.
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Overdone, long, annoying editing style, nothing special
6 October 2002
My first mistake was to have high expectations. Not even Sean Penn, or stylized editing mess, or classic super-8 skate footage can save this documentary from being a bit boring, and over-done.

It looks like they dragged this film through some kind of MTV post processing effect - I think they pressed the "make it look sic" button in their editor. It could be that they were low on good raw footage, so needed to stetch it out with "F**k with the footage" effects.

There was interesting and good looking old skate material, just not a lot. And what they had, they cut up and fried.

Sean Penn's narration was flat n' lifeless, like either he didn't want to be there, or he didn't give a sh*t, or he can't narrate. Interviews were too long.

Soundtrack was ok. Check it out if you want to see early skate footage where no-one really pulls any good tricks because no-one knew how! Pool skating is fun to watch, even when dressed up too much in AfterEffects effects.

Too long. Re-edit, ditch Penn, show some modern skating for comparison, and it might have done better here.
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Lantana (2001)
Slow movie with dull characters caught up in a boring story.
18 June 2002
If you enjoy watching middle aged nobodies whingeing and whining about their precious failed relationships, then see this movie.

If you can tolerate uninteresting cinematography, dialog that tries too hard to be meaningful, and a corny, who-gives-a-toss emotion charged ending...then see this movie.

It disturbs me that this movie suggests that a person's marriage or relationship is the most important thing in one's existence, and defines one's spiritual balance.

"We cannot give ourselves...we are our own." - James Joyce.
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Anakin Skywalker is pathetic, terrible dialog, too long, great 3D effects.
16 June 2002
Yes, its better than Phantom Menace. Yes, Jar Jar Binks has been silenced. Yes, Yoda is cool. No, it's not a great movie.

The script must have been developed by a first year film school student. No wait, the film student would have done a better job.

And what is up with Hayden Christensen's acting? He doesn't have good lines to work with, but his performance is at best, amateur. Natalie Portman is rather stiff and lifeless too. Ewan McGregor is good, and obviously has talent.

Although most of the effects are amazing, some things clearly look 3D rendered. Those shiny space crafts scream "reflection map". And some of the human character animation effects look too weightless. In scenes where someone jumps from a great height, they seem to move through the air and land like a cartoon character. I noticed this in Jar Jar's movement in Phantom Menace. A shame they haven't sorted this out yet.

I don't think I'll bother mentioning the awful romance scenes. And did someone forget to turn off the orchestra music, or is it supposed to be playing the WHOLE time?

You know what, I think George Lucas used up all his talent after Empire Strikes Back. He's been faking it ever since.

Bottom line: who cares.
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Groove (2000)
Nice recreation of small rave party atmosphere. Nice sights & soundz. Lacks edge or bite.
15 June 2002
Good to see this little touched on subject being the focus of a feature film. And good too that the film isn't self conscious about the drug use, and so is neither pro, or anti drug, but remains fairly neutral and just gets on with the show. Sure there's a few stereotyped characters and situations like the too-many-drugs-almost-dies character, but never does it get serious in this respect, nor dwell on 'issues' that people so often get bogged down with when reflecting on the rave culture.

The central character's transition from nervous first-timer to relaxed guru-gets-the-girl type, was a bit far fetched for my liking, but hey - it could happen I suppose.

Another criticism could be that it lacks a certain creative edge to the story. It tries to cover too many characters & emotions, and ends up just skimming the surface of most. Perhaps this was intentional. But it would have been great to see more from the DJ side of things, and some kind of story about them. The notion of beginner DJ, Master DJ, the interaction between DJ and raver, the music, the party dynamics, are all fascinating - much more so than where the ravers are going with their lives outside of the party, and whether they have career direction and focus - a topic the main character and the chic indulged in at length. When you're at a rave, you aren't thinking about these things!

Bottom line: It may not be the most memorable movie, but ravers and young people will relate to it, and so will get a lot of enjoyment from it. Nice cinematography too.
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Panic Room (2002)
Quite Entertaining, very suspenseful, some funny scenes, but not brilliant.
10 April 2002
This movie isn't bad, but by no means does it live up to Fincher's last movie Fight Club, nor his previous movies before that: 'The Game' and 'Seven'. It's almost as if Fincher has taken a break from the hard-hitting, complex style of his three previous movies, and Panic Room is a relaxed, maybe even 'on-the-side' kind of project.

Panic Room has some memorable scenes, and when people ask me 'is it good?', I can only say that it's entertaining, but not to expect too much. So what good scenes? Well, go and see it and find out. All the performances are good, the actors seem relaxed. But for me, the movie, or more specifically the story, is missing something.

It certainly isn't missing special camera effects, there's plenty of this sort of thing - perhaps too much. The camera goes places where cameras aren't supposed to go. It's eye candy for eye candy sake, and audiences will lap it up (I did).

As a work of art, this movie is unresolved in my opinion...but like I said, still entertaining. Will make a great DVD. And I'm looking forward to Fincher's next movie - hopefully he'll be back from his 'break'.
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