
14 Reviews
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28 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
IASIP really handled the abortion topic in a unique way, humorous. While Mac and Dennis try to get laid at abortion rallies(the irony) Dee decides to actually voice her opinion, on the pro choice side. Charlie finds out he has a son, psyche! Really, the lady just wanted a good role model. But Charlie learns that the waitress is in the Big Brothers/Sisters program, so he lies and says the kid and him are part of the program too. Dennis originally on the pro choice side with his sis, but when he literally crosses the fence he gets locked in crossfire... of eggs. This episode is particularly funny because it's so out there, well, that's the entire show in a nutshell. But really, a great episode.
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The Pilot is Good!
27 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I am a new fan of IASIP, so I decided to watch it from the beginning. The first episode is actually really good for a pilot. I've seen the first couple episodes of the 4th season, so looking back on the first season, it does make sense. Dennis is vain and loves attention, Dee can't get things right, Charlie's the 'wild card'(season 4 reference just in case you didn't know), Mac's the jerk. It starts out with Dee 'man' finding a way to get more service for the pub, and they all unknowingly become the owners of a gay bar. Dennis loves the attention, Dee hates the lack of attention(and the fact that her 'man' turns out to be gay,) Mac is trying to be on the in crowd with black people and Charlie's trying to get a date with his crush, the waitress. It's all funny, enjoyable, and perfectly timed.(which is very important.)
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28 Days Later (2002)
Freakin' Awesome
2 September 2008
28 Days Later was such a cool movie. It was a different take on a zombie movie, in the sense that it was more explained. It had fantastic characters and actors and the plot wasn't boring. It's one of those movies that when I watch it I'm not comparing it to others- it's too good. I'm also the type of person who needs an explanation for everything, so it was nice to know why they were zombies and that they could actually starve to death. I guess I liked it because it takes place in London, which I know and don't know. The emptiness of it is great, the feeling that they are truly alone and there is such little hope when London is completely abandoned. You don't see that too much, no movie portrays this feeling of emptiness as well as 28 Days Later did. It was a do or die situation for the characters, which made it extremely a better movie. Besides, it's just soo cool.
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Clerks (1994)
Kevin Smith made one hell of a movie
2 September 2008
I extremely love Clerks. I love the overdone reality of it. You see some qualities of characters in people you know and the dialog is beyond perfect. I hate Dante, but I admit that his character is essential to make the great movie that Clerks is. Not to mention that this is our introduction to the legacy that is Jay and Silent Bob. The humor in this movie is, well, kinda immature, but still enjoyable, which is also essential for a good movie. This is one of those movies were it was so uneventful in the long run but looking at it, it's funny and so much still happens. I highly recommend it to anyone who isn't a comedy snob.
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Clerks II (2006)
Another day in the life of Clerks
2 September 2008
I was sure when this came out that it would be no where near as good as the original because I assumed that there wasn't much they could do with a Clerks sequel. And damn was I wrong. To me Clerks II surpassed it's original- in a different way. Clerks II is definitely more gross out humor than it's predecessor, but non the less it made it more amusing. It's laugh after laugh, with the new addition Elias, the new girlfriend and the new girl who is "the other woman." Randal is the hilarious guy once again, but it's better this time because he picks on Elias, as well as any customer that walks in. It's different, but amazing. I highly suggest that if you liked Clerks, you will love Clerks II.
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Stand by Me (1986)
An amazing movie
11 July 2008
This movie is amazing for many reasons that are apparent and others which are not.I've never heard so many people say that they loved it when they first saw and no how many years since then that they still do. This movies captures childhood, and those last moments before people expect you to act mature. The one last adventure, and on that adventure, they discovered more about each other and themselves than they could have in a lifetime. With a movie like this, It could've been terrible or awesome, and it wasn't terrible. It light hearted, funny and serious all at the same time, which normally spells out disaster. But it's a story thats so easy to relate to. It's a universal thing, but it's still its own. I cried during this movie, and this movie will stand the test of time, just like it has all this time.
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The Evil Dead (1981)
12 April 2008
I love this movie. The camera work works, making it impossible to take your eyes away because you don't want to miss a second of whats happening. I prefer Evil Dead II personally, but I do recommend this, hell I can't recommend it enough. It's sure to get you at least once. I bought this before I saw it (I saw the last two before this and was buying them, so I figured I might as well get this,) and it was no mistake. It just works, everything came perfectly together to make on hell of a movie, that has me watching for a long time. if you're a fan of horror you most likely will appreciate this movie. Sam Raimi did a great job directing and the acting was good enough to make one great movie.
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River's Edge (1986)
Truly great
11 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't expect much from this movie, it was just one of those movies I thought I'd just watch because it was on television. i certainly underestimated this movie.

It's about a guy who kills his girlfriend and brags to his friends. I was very happy with the acting, they had the characters played well. It was a particularly great scene when Feck(Dennis Hopper) and John(Daniel Roebuck) are talking to each other about why John killed Jamie. It's upsetting to hear how he explains that he wanted to feel control and thats why. But Feck had loved the girl he had killed. Feck felt remorse while John felt nothing, hell he was proud of what he'd done. It really makes you think about people. Keanu Reeves did a great job as Matt, and Ione Skye was good. It's weird to see her as a valedictorian in 'Say Anything' and her as Clarissa. Every actor did great at .....acting. It was real nice for a change. It was a great movie and I would definitely say I recommend it.
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Certainly not a waste of time
24 November 2007
I am not a fan of any kind of war movies. But I just ended up watching this yesterday. It grabbed my attention immediately, my eyes were glued to the screen. It really got to me. Let me say that it was under great direction. I must also say that all the cast was chosen well. The actors played their characters very well. The movie wasn't just on the surface like many movies are. It digs deeper, into the lives of the people in the movie and you really start to care for these people. I think everything was nearly perfect to the very point. It was great to see a movie that can change the way I think in the slightest ways, and can leave you sitting there awhile after the movie ended. It was so beautiful and good that the movie still goes on long after it's finished. I can watch it again and feel the exact same way.
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i thought it was good...
20 October 2007
I enjoyed this movie. Well, it might not be the best, but it had good actors who delivered well. Tom Green was absolutely hilarious. So was Jason Lee. I can see why people don't like this movie, but I actually thought that this movie was better than I ever expected. I expected it to be okay, and I actually really liked it after I saw it. I still really like it. It has everything for a good movie, but maybe it met the minimal standard on them. I disagree with my own previous statement myself, but it's a reason why others might not like it. I guess it was just my type of movie. I say watch it, I assure you it is at least not a waste of time. It has no really bad parts where you regret it because it's awful. I think that because it has no tremendous high points it officially becomes an awful movie. I say see it, and if you don't like it, oh well.
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it was pretty bad
20 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Two of the worst actors ever appear in this movie. And they happen to be... Jessica Simpson and Dane Cook. The two had no chemistry. It didn't help that it seemed like Jessica Simpson didn't know any of her lines. They tried to hard with this movie. They tried to hard to make Jessica Simpson's character smart. But Dax Shepard, Andy Dick and Harland Williams were a complete joy. The plot is eh. It's okay for a plot but nothing special in the end. It has okay jokes, but any jokes delivered by Cook or Simpson were completely ruined. In the end, it just didn't work. It had certain parts were it was good and funny, but overall it lacked in consistency in jokes, funny actors, and a great plot.
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it was okay
20 October 2007
I didn't enjoy this movie a lot, but it had certain good qualities. Like it had the right actors for the right parts. That is a complete must for a good movie. I thought it lacked a complete ending. I know that it wasn't supposed to end on this final thing, but when it ended it felt....empty. Like it was only halfway through the movie. Yeah, it was probably supposed to have ended that way, but it made it seem so undone. It seemed like it had no climax in the movie. I also think that it wasn't as funny as everyone claimed it was. Sure it was pretty funny, but it wasn't "laugh out loud oh my god I gotta tell everyone I know about this movie" funny. It was "ha-ha whats the next joke" funny. It was exceptionally funny, but something was off, something is missing. I must admit that Abigail Breslin did a fantastic job and made that movie ten times better. I'm telling you, she totally kicks ass in this movie.
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good movie
20 October 2007
Anchorman is a cool and hilarious movie. I was happy to see Will Ferrell as Ron Burgundy, Steve Carrell as Brick Tamland, Paul Rudd as Brian Fantana, and David Koechner as Champ Kind, they were each perfect to play them. It's extremely hilarious, every couple seconds there's a hilarious gag. It made me laugh in the same the Naked Gun did, gag after gag and each one was hilarious. Except in Anchorman they're more spread out.(I'm not comparing the two in quality, since I love both dearly and they are too different.) It was nice seeing Christina Applegate, she didn't ruin the jokes as most other actresses would have. Overall, Anchorman is just a plain funny movie.
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The Whitest Kids U'Know (2007–2011)
I love this show
20 October 2007
This show is one of the funniest shows I've seen in a long time. I may be only 14, but lets just say I watch too much television. The show has a variety of sketches, ranging from funny to completely hilarious. Everyone on the show is funny, and the sketches always seem to me like the new funniest thing that i have ever seen. It continues to make me laugh. I find it mostly original, and if it ever dipped into unoriginal it certainly was funnier or better than whatever the other thing was. It had me and my friends and everyone I know quoting it. It's extremely hard not to! It never gets tiresome or boring, like many shows have, and I'm sure it might never get tiresome and boring. Bottom line-totally hilarious.
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