
24 Reviews
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The Upside (2017)
Pretty Good Film!
11 January 2019
I just saw this film, and didn't realize until seeing the credits that it was based on a previous film titled "Intouchables". It made me want to see that film. Well, I also noticed while going on here, imdb, that this film was made in 2017. Then, reading some reviews, which I found some to be very negative and pretentious towards this film and only because it is based on a previous film. Now, because of those negative reviews and pretentious people telling others to see the "original" instead, I don't even want to see the previous film anymore. So to those people I say, spread your negativity somewhere else, because you still have your film to love whether this one was made or not.
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Annihilation (I) (2018)
Marvel's Annihilation
2 March 2018
Marvel's Annihilation was pretty ambitious for a Marvel Studios film. I'm happy to see they decided to make a film about what Jane Foster has been up to since she & Thor broke up, but this was kind of a weird direction for her story to go. I like too that they showed how she & Valkyrie met, but it would have been cool if they both discovered that they both knew Thor and spent time with him. They would have an instant bond and something to relate in each other, but the film makers decided to go a different direction and you have to respect that. I was wondering though, why they just didn't get The Avengers to go into the shimmer, but maybe that would have been too easy and lazy story telling. Anyway, it was another good film from Marvel and I loved the end credit Iron Man scene.
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X-Men is back, and better than ever!
23 May 2014
I just got back from seeing this and I'm awestruck! I heard in an interview with Bryan Singer, the director of this film, the original film that started it all, 2000's X-Men & the sequel X2: X-Men United, that in this film, he was trying to tie everything that had happened after the first two movies and fix the problems. In that I say he did a spot on job and bravo! If you are a fan of these films, I guarantee this will be your favorite of the franchise! It is so good! The action is wonderful, the story is intriguing to follow and the film looks great and sounds awesome. I'm one of those film fans that noticed that the first three films in the franchise, start out in the same way in that after the 20th Century Fox logo comes on and then fades to black, the 'X' in Fox stays a bit longer before eventually fading too. I was hoping since Singer was back with the franchise, that this little treat to the fans would return too, and it does! I was so pumped when I saw this, not to mention the use of Ottman's X2 theme towards the end of the 20th Century Fox logo as well. Oh and I loved, LOVED, Quicksilver's scene! Practically sole the show! :)
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Fading Gigolo (2013)
A nice little New York tale
21 May 2014
Here is a film that is pleasantly unique and special. A film that is a bit different, probably my own misunderstanding, than advertised from the trailers. It's not a bad thing, the trailers brought me to the film, and the film kept my curiosity for the entire length. I liked it quite a bit unsurprising to you dear reader, as you've already seen my rating. The film was written & directed by it's main star, John Turturro, and what a grand achievement it is. Also starring in supporting roles and fantastic to say the least; Sharon Stone, Sofia Vergara, Liev Schreiber, Vanessa Paradis, and New York's own, film legend Woody Allen. I found while watching this film, and though the characters played by Turturro & Allen were enjoyable to watch, I was fascinated mostly with Paradis' character and her story. I'm not Jewish myself, so I'm very naive to the culture and their religious practices, and found it a interesting insight to a, I'm sure, small portion of what it may be like to be of Jewish faith. Though, and I said I was naive to the culture, it may not be entirely true. With that said, I found a film that surprised me positively and thus was quite better than I expected.
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Godzilla (2014)
Now THIS is a Monster Movie!
21 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I just finished watching this, so I'm still reveling in the excitement from it, but I'll say it; Best film of the year, so far! Guillermo del Toro, if you ever want to make a monster film again, take note; This is how you make one! Before seeing this film, I heard a reviewer saying that the monsters scenes were all cut short, and after watching the film I know what they meant, but I don't agree it took away from the excitement or action of the film. I felt it was done on purpose to give you the final payoff of showing the entire final fight at the end, which made it much more special and exciting. Like Spielberg did with JAWS, though it wasn't planned that way at the time, less is more for edge of your seat films such as this. Anyway like I said, if you are looking for a good edge of your seat monster escapism flick, you won't be disappointed in this new take on the giant lizard!
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Transcendence (I) (2014)
Not a bad effort for Pfister's directorial debut.
22 April 2014
When I first heard of this film, I was defiantly intrigued to what it was to become. After all it is Wally Pfister's film directorial debut, who as most know was cinematographer for every Christopher Nolan film since 2000's Memento. Which coincidentally enough put Nolan on the map, so to speak, of up & coming potentially great directors. We all know how that turned out. Plus, Johnny Depp, who is one of the best actors of our generation, was going to star. Not to mention, he would play a more reserved character then most would know from him nowadays. Of course I'm referring to the ever popular Pirates of the Caribbean franchise which bought Depp to a more mainstream limelight and instantly made him the huge star he was always destined to be. Once enough people saw him in the right role that is, and turns out that role was one of his more quirky characters he was well known for and became the role all the newly fashioned Depp fans would compare to when ever he would delve into another one of quirky original characters, crying out, "All of his characters are just Jack Sparrow in different clothes!" Well, now these late to the game Depp fans can't use that tired argument with this role, thank god. Anyway with the above mentioned, Pfister directing and Depp starring, and then the inevitable releasing of the trailers, it showed potential of being a great film. I just returned from the theater minutes ago after watching this film and here are my thoughts. Though the film felt very dark and depressing as most movies do to me that deal with the possibility of a fractured world do to some life changing futuristic event, the film did have some interesting plot points and elements to think about during the film and afterward. The visuals were very nice to look at and kept the eyes happy for the most part. The music by Mychael Danna was effective in evoking emotion and terror through the film, and didn't make itself very noticeable, which is good. The acting was well performed by its lead Depp of course and the other remaining cast, including the gorgeous Rebecca Hall, Paul Bettany, Cillian Murphy & the always wonderful Morgan Freeman. Also of mention, the performance of Clifton Collins Jr. stood out to me and was something that had me thinking about quite a bit. I will say for Pfister's debut, it was a adequate effort. Not the great film I had hoped, but good enough to warrant better films come from him in the future since this was a fine film indeed. I say if you are interested in this film, but don't know whether to see it in theaters or not, rent it. Cheers! :)
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5 April 2014
Being a fan of Wes Anderson's unique film style, I was defiantly going to see this movie. The thing is, his films always open in limited release, so I have to end up waiting longer than the initial release date for his films to finally show up in my area. When this finally arrived in my area, I wasn't aware at first, thinking I would have to drive 45 minutes to the art house theater that I knew the film would be at. It turns out in opened in the Regal Cinema that was in the same city that I worked at, so as soon as I got off of work that Saturday night, I went to see the late night showing of this film. What I expected was to be entertained by Wes Anderson's whimsy, and the quirky characters and wonderful performances by his always top notch cast. What I got was exactly that and then some. I believe this is one of, if not the best Wes Anderson film I have ever laid my eyes upon. It was such a pleasant film going experience and I couldn't help but have a smile on my face the entire film, it seemed. What it felt like and looked like was your typical fast paced Wes Anderson live action film, but mixed in with effects shots that reminded me of the stop motion he used in The Life Aquatic underwater scenes and the entire film of Fantastic Mr. Fox. The shots were not stop motion in this film, but they did have sort of a model village look to them and were used to quite comical and great effect. The colors used in the sets and costumes in this film were very nice to look at too, and just made you want to be apart of this world. The wonderful score by Alexandre Desplat, continuing his collaboration with Anderson since Mr. Fox, was defiantly a treat as well and even sounded at times almost exactly like his music from Mr. Fox. Though that is only probably because he is in a similar styled world as that one, and more importantly, it is Desplat's own unique style. In closing, if a film could be described as delicious, this is one that should be described as such! :)
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Children will love it!
25 March 2014
When I saw the trailer for this film, I easily forgot about it. It didn't interest me and I was sure it would be one of those pointless CGI films, aimed at children, that I would never see and never think about again. Well, then it came out and I heard some good things about it. I decided to give it a watch. What I will say is, that although is was kind of a fun film (Plus as a Modern Family fan, I liked that Ty Burrell was the voice of Mr. Peabody), there was nothing in the story to interest me that much. And again, I understand that it is aimed at children and I'm positive that they will love every second of it, but for me I feel I made a bad choice in seeing this film in the first place. If you are a fan of these characters, as they are based on an older cartoon I believe (I don't think I watched it before) then you will probably enjoy this film out of nostalgia reasons at least.
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Divergent (2014)
Not Excellent, but Great!
25 March 2014
When first hearing of this film and seeing the first trailer, I didn't know what to think about it. It didn't excitement me much and all the way up to it's release, I didn't feel it had that same kind of vibe that 'The Hunger Games' had. A vibe that it was a must see film. Then I heard a sample track from the score, composed by Junkie XL. It was great, and it made me want to see the movie a little bit. Well that and I wanted to see if it was actually a great film, like The Hunger Games was. Plus I do like the main star, Shailene Woodley. Well, I just saw it today and here is what I think. The music is great, it has one of those themes that I can't get out of my head and a score I've been listening to since I left the theater. The film itself was a very interesting film, very different from what I understood from the trailer, but I'm not familiar with the story so that is probably the main reason. I really liked the futuristic, post-apocalyptic, dystopian feel that it had going on through it, but it also was kind of scary to think that human life could become that one day. The plot was easy enough to follow, but sometimes confusing. Though, if I had read the book, I'm sure I would understand it 100%. The elements I had trouble remembering were the names of all the factions that people were divided in, or chose to be in, and what those factions' meanings were. When they would show the symbols for each faction, it made sense to me, but the names itself I couldn't quite grasp. I'm sure a second viewing will clear that up, defiantly if that second viewing is on blu-ray and with the captions on. Anyway, other than that, It kept me quite intrigued in a pleasantly unexpected way and I really look forward to next year for the sequel, Insurgent, and the year after that for the concluding film, Allegiant.
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Die Hard 5? Nope, not by a long shot
17 March 2014
Although a bit skeptical upon watching the fourth Die Hard film, Live Free Or Die Hard, mainly because I felt they wouldn't be able to bring a fresh story to this franchise and also because of the 12 year gap between that film and the third, Die Hard With A Vengeance, I actually quite liked the fourth entry. That aside, because of my miscalculated skepticism for the previous film, I didn't have much of one for this (supposed) fifth entry. I had faith that they, the film makers, would bring another new fresh story to this franchise and that Bruce Willis would once again continue to be awesome in his most famous role as John McClane. Well, I was wrong. The story line was horrible, the acting was horrible and most disappointing, and I mostly blame the writing and directing, Bruce Willis was defiantly off his game in this and not acting as the character film fans and audiences around the world have known and loved since his first appearance on film screens in 1988. The only good thing about this film was that the action scenes were top notch and great to see, but without a good story the rest of it just felt like a last minute thrown together mess. In fact, I will just ignore this film when ever I think of the Die Hard franchise. Defiantly the worst film of 2013 as far as I'm concerned.
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Side Effects (I) (2013)
May cause drowsiness or boredom
16 March 2014
When I went to see this film, I thought I was going to see a very interesting look into the lives of the characters as portrayed in this film. What I found was, it started out great and I was very interested in this film, but when Channing Tatum left the film, so did the enjoyment of this movie. It turned into a rather bland film going experience with unmemorable scenes and performances. I left the theater feeling unfulfilled, and not because of the story but because this film was not enjoyable to me. I like Soderbergh films well enough and have enjoyed the actors in past films, but this one didn't click for me. I only give it a higher rating then it deserves because of the wonderful and interesting opening scenes.
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A good companion story to the first 300
15 March 2014
Although I was never a huge fan of the first film (I did enjoy it, but I found it kind of forgettable) and from seeing the trailers for this film, was never that interested, I decided to give it a shot and see what it would be like. Plus I like Eva Green. This is what I thought; I liked the fact that it was a story that took place at the same time as the first film, so that was good enough to keep me entertained for most of it, but then there were parts that were poorly acted by the main star, Sullivan Stapleton. This film didn't have the greatest written dialogue, but I feel that the delivery was off and made one scene in particular kind of too cheesy for me. The other actors in comparison, made it work and believable. I was able to look past this small annoyance however and was able to enjoy the film for what I felt the director and writers were trying to convey. Plus Eva Green is in it and it shows her boobs. So if for no other reason, see this film for that. :)
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Non-Stop (2014)
Pretty much what you are expecting when seeing the trailer.
15 March 2014
From seeing the trailers this looked like it would be another great Liam Neeson action flick and it was just that. There were not that many surprises I found, to this film, other than that Lupita Nyong'o has a small role in this and it was nice to see her in this after seeing her win the Best Supporting Actress Oscar at the Academy Awards on March 2nd, 2014. Liam Neeson was of course great, and the rest of the cast really shined and worked to make this film as believable as it wanted you to. I will also say that this film was very intense and had my heart racing while watching the 3rd act played out. If you are a fan of the Taken films and are just a fan of Neeson in general, you won't be disappointed in the least.
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Nothing new, but still entertaining
26 February 2014
The only reason I watched this film was, I'll admit, because of Kevin Hart. I really liked him in Ride Along, and wanted to see him on the screen again and was interested in seeing him in an ensemble type movie such as this was. Well, I just finished watching this film at the theater and this is what I'll say; it was a funny film for sure, Hart was funny as expected and he was coupled up with the extremely hilarious as well, Regina Hall. Together they were comedy gold and an extreme delight to watch. This film isn't just about humility though, it has a dramatic, serious side shown through the relationship of Michael Ealy & Joy Bryant, who I love on the NBC television show Parenthood. Both of these Actors were great to see as well, and from their story I found myself thinking about my own past relationships and how they all turned out. So defiantly a more relatable experience for sure. With all that said, I don't believe this film added anything new to this type of film genre, but that doesn't make it bad, just that it was entertaining and easily forgettable. I recommend renting this if you have to see it. Cheers!
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RoboCop (1987)
It still holds up.
24 February 2014
Although it was surprisingly better than I expected, having never seen it before, I only watched this because I really liked the new version and wanted to compare the two. First I'll say, the Robo costume was pretty good for an 80's style sci-fi / action film, but the newer one is so much more sleek and mechanical looking. The story to this film is a lot better than I expected, but a lot of scenes were cheesily filmed and acted that I couldn't take most of it seriously. It was entertaining for the most part, although very violent, and still holds up today. This would have probably been one of my favorite films had I seen it in 1987, but seeing this after the impressive newer version, it doesn't quite compare to me. I know that a lot of people will disagree with me and this won't be a popular review, but it is a honest review and my own opinion. Cheers!
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Ride Along (2014)
A very funny film!
22 February 2014
If you are looking for a good comedy at the theater, look no further. From seeing the trailers and TV spots, I thought this film looked funny enough, and it definitely lived up to expectations. Ten fold! Kevin Hart is a true comedy genius! I know I've always liked him in films, but he's always had such small forgettable roles that I never really imagined he would be as great as he is. I'm so glad someone was smart enough to give this major talent a starring role in a film for once. A lot of people are labeling this film, 'A Buddy Cop Film', but only one of the characters is a cop, so it's not really that kind of a film. In the traditional sense that is. Anyway, I had a laugh riot and I imagine almost anyone will.
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Pretty good spin-off.
22 February 2014
With this being the 5th film in the series of Paranormal Activity films, although a spin-off movie as it's well known to be, I've kind of felt that I've pretty much seen what all of these films can offer, but I decided to give it a shot anyway. Well, I was surprised to say the least because what I experienced was a film that showed there is more story to tell and that there are new tricks up the film makers sleeves. Could I tell some of the shots were staged or at least seemed like they were? Yes, but only towards the beginning and then it felt more organic as the film progressed. All in all, I feel it's a nice companion to the popular Paranormal Activity film series.
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Awkward? Not really.
22 February 2014
I went into this film, hoping it would be a really fun film with over the top moments, but on the whole it wasn't that completely. Though it wasn't as good as I hoped, it was still pretty good. It had some funny moments and an always great performance by Miles Teller, but it didn't completely feel relatable to me and the characters didn't really seem that believable. There were some bits of dialogue and scenes that I really liked of course, which is why I give it a higher rating than it deserves, but they were very few and far between and I wanted more. It is nice to see a film like this being made in the first place, something different and more original than what has been released in a while, so I will give it props for that. If you've seen the trailers, chances are you'll see the film and it won't completely disappoint you I don't think. Give it a shot! :)
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Everything is AWESOME!!!!
22 February 2014
...and so is this film! By far the best film of the year, but it is only February, so that's not saying much yet. I heard a few positive things about this film before I saw it, so I was a little prepared for the awesomeness it brought, but before that I didn't think the movie would be as well written and directed as it was from just seeing the trailers. I did think it looked funny, but I thought it would be a dumbed down, throwaway made for kids film like the CGI animated Ice Age, Rio & Despicable Me films. What we got was another animated masterpiece in the vein of a WRECK-IT RALPH & the TOY STORY films, animated films made for adults that are kid friendly. If you haven't seen this yet, see it NOW! Such an awesome film! :)
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Best Jack Ryan on Film? Maybe.
22 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
From the trailers, it seems like Keira Knightley's character will betray Jack Ryan at some point during the film, so I was expecting it the whole time I was watching the film, only for it to never happen. So that was just a personal misunderstanding I had, but a pleasant surprise. That aside, I thought this was a very good edge of your seat thriller with enjoyable performances and cinematography. Was it the best Jack Ryan film ever made, I don't think so, but it was one of the more entertaining and easier to follow plot lines. Though it could be that I haven't watched the first three, never saw The Sum of All Fears, since I was young and wouldn't understand them as well as I would now. I'll have to watch the first 4 to see for a fact, but as for now I would say this new film is great and one of the best Jack Ryan films made to date.
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Very Luc Besson-esque!
21 February 2014
From seeing the trailers, I expected a different kind of action film then what I saw. It doesn't make the film bad by any means, just as I said, not what I was expecting. You could very well tell the Luc Besson influence, who wrote the story, co-wrote the screenplay & produced the film, from the odd pacing / editing of the film. A lot of the dialogue also seemed foreign, and weirdly placed. Again, I'm not saying this is a bad film, just ya know. I envisioned a more action heavy / bare knuckles kind of film and it did have more of a character driven story then I expected, so it still was a nice entertaining film and I loved Costner in this. I kinda feel he's making a strong comeback, that I'm excited for. I say if you like Costner, you love Besson, then this is a film for you! :)
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RoboCop (2014)
A very fun time at the movies!
19 February 2014
Not having seen the original 1987 version of this film, at least I don't remember seeing it, I wasn't swayed or programmed to hate this remake and consider the original untouchable like some, which I feel was an advantage for me going into it. Plus, after watching this version, I have to wonder how the original could have been better or even just as good, since it was made in the late 80's. I though it was a very well done; well directed, written & acted film that was very entertaining as well. I even said to myself during the film, 'this is awesome!' and it is. If you are looking for an action heavy, emotional tale set in the future, RoboCop is your film. Enjoy!
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Winter's Tale (2014)
Truly Magical!
19 February 2014
When I first saw the trailer for this film, I thought it looked pretty good and definitely wanted to see it. Well, I just got back from seeing it and it was so much better than I imagined. It was a completely magical and beautiful story that had me from the beginning. The music (Hans Zimmer and Rupert Gregson-Williams) was wonderful, the cinematography (Caleb Deschanel) was breathtaking, the acting (Colin Farrell, Jessica Brown Findlay, Jennifer Connelly & Russell Crowe) was top notch & very touching and the writing & directing by first time director, Oscar winning screenplay writer Akiva Goldsman, was outstanding! If you are in the mood for a magical tale with heart and wonderment, give Winter's Tale a go. :)
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I expected good, but it was wonderful!
10 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
After dabbling with a few lackluster comedies, David Gordon Green is back with one of the best films of the year! I'm not sure what I expected from this film, though it interested me enough to want to see it and turned out to be way better than I imagined. The two main characters, played by Paul Rudd & Emile Hirsch, were so interesting and fun to watch, I could watch these two forever. I liked the music a lot, written respectively by Explosions in the Sky & David Wingo, and felt that it effected the mood accordingly to what we were supposed to feel without ever really making notice of itself. The edits between the characters and the random shots of passing road, trees & other beautiful shots, were done so perfectly and wonderfully that it helped you realize that this isn't like your normal indie or character study film, but something special in it's own right. There was one scene (I don't think this is a spoiler, but I don't want to tick anyone off either) where the main characters are in their car and pass by 3 little girls on the side of the road playing with chickens. This scene made me think about all the times through life where you could be the driver of that car and pass these girls and maybe see them as you pass, but you only notice them for maybe a second and then the thought of them is gone from your mind forever. Or vice versa, you could be the girls and notice the car pass and the same outcome. It just made me think how short life is and how many people are on this planet that you will never see. Or maybe you will see them, but pass by and never see or think about them again. And also, about how there are people out there doing the kind of job that the main characters do, paint roads and put up posts in the middle of nowhere, and you never really think about what goes into it. We take those kind of things for granted. Or at least I do. Anway, I without a doubt thoroughly enjoyed this film and if you get a chance to see it in a theater, please do. Cheers!
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