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Doesn't deserve the hate
18 August 2022
It doesn't deserve the hate. It's actually really good. It does exactly what it's supposed to do. I think it's revolutionary for star wars,let me explain. This is a very different movie than the rest of the star wars movies. There are no lightsabers (well except that one time) and there is no darth vader or Luke skywalker, there isn't a fight between good and evil, it's more of fight between thieves. That causes that this movie feels very different, it almost feels like this is not a star wars movie. And that's great. A great change of pace. It feels more like a cowboy space adventure, which is something the mandalorian got praised for, but that series came out after this movie, so I guess that makes it kinda revolutionary, in terms of star wars movies. This is really cool. I like it. It's better than rise of skywalker so... One thing though: that L3 robot. I hated her, she comes up with the lamest jokes and serves no purpose in the story other than some weird "love story"????
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The Gray Man (2022)
Unoriginal but great fun
16 August 2022
Yes, it's a cashgrab, it's unoriginal and the best work to describe this movie is: decent. But that's okay, it's a decent action movie and nothing more. I had fun with this movie and that's the most important. I thought it dragged in some places, but once there was action, it was really great action. Over the top, explosions, crazy action pieces, that's what I like and it sure delivered. So i'm not complaining.
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Better Call Saul: Saul Gone (2022)
Season 6, Episode 13
Perfect ending
16 August 2022
Wow, they really made something special. It's rare that a later series is as fine as the original series. I was afraid that the finale wouldn't be a good ending, but everything just works here. I will miss this show. I remember during lockdown I bingewatched all the first four seasons and then watched every episode of season 5 the day it released on netflix. And i've been watching ever since then, and now it's over. The time of real TV might be over. This was an experience, a perfect end for the show.

Thank you to all the people who were involved with this.
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The Predator (2018)
Bad but really fun :)
15 August 2022
Yeah it's bad, but really fun. In my opinion, it's better to have a fun bad movie than having a boring bad movie. This movie sacrifices the mystery of the predator with over the top action. You already see the predator in the beginning and you never stop seeing him. That's not how it's supposed to work, but honestly, it's nice to have something different. The bad dialogue is really funny. Also, come on, bigger doesn't mean better. This CGI predator is awful. Also, what is that ending? But it's still really fun.
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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Carnage of Krell (2011)
Season 4, Episode 10
The best Clone Wars Arc!
11 August 2022
There is so much to love here. A story focused on clones is always a delight because we don't get to see a lot of their personality in the prequels. Krell is such an interesting character to watch. He pushes the clones to their limit and it causes the clones to discuss what they should do: follow Krell or try their own plan. That is so interesting to see. You should watch clone wars for these episodes alone. MUST WATCH.
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10 August 2022
A perfect beginning. I remember when the trailer of this came out. I was so hyped. "STAR WARS IS BACK!!" I said, and I was right. This movie is what star wars is about. And I never quite understood the "A New Hope Rehash" comments. Sure I get it sometimes. But come on, this is Star Wars. Most of the times the basic concepts are the same. Villain, hero, wise master who guides hero, end fight with fighters. Also the death of one character didn't feel forced, it felt right for the character and i love it. It's amazing how almost all star wars movies are insanely good. Man, I love star wars....and that's the feeling you're supposed to get watching these films.
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Doesn't deserve the hate.
10 August 2022
Yeah I know, I'm getting controversial with this (again😅), but this is an amazing movie. I used to be a hater. But I had an open mind watching this, pretending as if it is the first time watching The Last Jedi. When you sit down, pay attention and try not to be judgemental, it's a whole different experience. I used to think this movie is a bore. It's so weird how things can change once you actually TRY to watch this film. It's at the point where I don't know why people hate this film. It's Star Wars, it's adventure, emotion and you can learn a lot of life lessons. One reason why I didn't give this a 10:Leia flying. Come on, even if you are a Jedi or strong with the force, nobody can fly through space, let alone survive in space, you would choke, no matter how important of a Jedi you are.
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9 August 2022
I know this movie is considered the weakest of the original trilogy, but to me it's always been my favorite ever since I was a little kid. The entire rescue sequence is so creative, so well thought out. The ending is amazing. I love the ewoks, who might look weak and little, but in a group together with the rebels are brave and strong, that's a message that Star Wars always has. Luke being tempted to hate but strong enough to resist is such a cool thing to see. The entire battle between Darth Vader and Luke is classic. And then their last emotional moment is just...wow. The original trilogy contains only masterpieces and joy. When I think about it, I transform into the kid who watched star wars for the first time, not knowing what it is, and then getting a feeling of true passion. And George has passion. We even see it in the prequels. And since Disney runs the show, things have not been quite the same. The magic dissapears. Vader, Luke,etc are milked dry until the spark is gone. They're not special anymore. That's what Disney misses. Force Awakens had it, but it hasn't been quite consistent. GIVE US STAR WARS BACK DISNEY!!!
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Better than they say
8 August 2022
I know, I'm in the minority yet again. Am I too kind? No, not at all. Trust me, if I hate a movie, i'll hate it, don't you worry. But i don't know, I just really love this movie. I love the feel yet again. I always liked how this movie has two stories. We have the detective obi wan story ald the Anakin and Padme love story. I love that. I love that Obi Wan needs to investigate a bounty hunter and how we get to see Kamino. I'll always love that detective Obi Wan side. And yes, the love story is a bit cringe, but that's the way dialogue always work in Star Wars. Don't you dare tell me that the OG star wars have the most deep love stories going on. Luke just sees Leia as a beautiful woman and it doesn't go deeper than that. George INTENDED this kind of wooden dialogue. And I love it. Both these stories come together in Geonosis where we see an epic battle that begins the Clone wars. Perfect. Yeah go on, hate me.
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A perfect beginning
8 August 2022
Yeah yeah, I know I'm in the minority. I know I will get hate for this, but this is a fine Star Wars movie. Sure, it's slow, but that's the point. It's supposed to be the first Star Wars movie, it needs to set things up. We get an introduction of the main characters and goals. It is very political, but remember that this is before the Jedi fell. The Jedi were way over their heads with their power and became ignorant. They have way too much contact with politics. I just love the feel of this movie. Go watch some Disney shows or movies and then watch all the Lucas movies. The feel is always there. The magic, the excitement. Not to say that everything Disney Star Wars related is bad, but it's just very different. And come on, stop hating Jar Jar. Sure sometimes it's cringe, but Star Wars always has a bit of comedy, enjoy it. This is the perfect beginning of the prequels. Watch it again with an open mind and you'll enjoy your time.
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Kick-Ass 2 (2013)
Fails to parody, way too serious for what it is
8 August 2022
What was the magic of the original Kick Ass? It was a parody of the modern superhero but with some real heart. The writers seem to have forgotten that concept that formed the base for Kick Ass. Sure, there are still lots of jokes and parodying of the superhero genre, but I never really laughed with it, not to the same degree as the first one. The problem is, it all feels way too serious for what it is. The jokes never feel like jokes but more like a serious thing, which makes this movie laughable, but not as it was intended. And i don't know how that came to be, but it's really annoying. But there is some form of fun to have with this sequel, but not as much fun as the original one.
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Drake & Josh: Josh Is Done (2007)
Season 4, Episode 11
Best episode of Drake & Josh
6 August 2022
This episode is more serious than the rest of the episodes. And it's good that we get to see that too for once. It's still a comedy series, so dramatic episodes like this shouldn't always happen, but when it does, it's gold.

We see Drake messing with Josh a lot throughout the series, but for a change, Josh is done with all the pranks of Drake. We see Josh finally being happy and stress free. We also see another side of Drake, a more serious side. All this evolves to an emotional end, which makes this the best episode of Drake & Josh.
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Bullet Train (2022)
The best time I had in the cinema this year.
5 August 2022
It's entertaining, colourful, perfectly paced, funny and action packed. It takes some inspiration of Guy Ritchie movies, the way the story is told, the humour, british guys doing being funny in England,... but i like those Ritchie movies so i loved that there was a similar style here. The cast is great, they work perfectly well with each other, my personal favorite character was Lemon, I loved that guy. I loved the buildup this movie has. It begins with a simple job, and as the movie progresses, that job gets more complicated because more people are involved with it and everyone wants something. It never failed to have my attention and it was just so much fun. That's what this movie's goal is and it delivers. So just have and open mind and have a great time watching this.
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The Best Animated Movie Ever
4 August 2022
I remember I watched some bits of this movie as a kid, but thinking about this movie now, i barely remember anything. I remember the boy, the Iron Giant and the woods, that's it. With the release of Multiversus, where Iron Giant is a playable character, I decided it was about time I rewatched this classic masterpiece of a movie. And this is probably the best animated movie ever. I love the look and feeling of this movie. It's a world you want to be in. The characters have depth, the animation is classic and the story is emotional and just fantastic. About the animation, I know that now we are experiencing the peak of animation, everything is realistic, we have realistic fur, crazy details in the animation and the line between real life and animation is almost barely visible. But I still prefer this kind of animation. It's animation, it isn't supposed to be real life. But anyways, the story is just fantastic. I never really cry with movies. This movie did cause me to shed a tear at the end. And that's special. This movie is special.
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Lightyear (2022)
Better than expected, but nothing extraordinary
3 August 2022
This movie shouldn't exist, but here we are. Does that mean that this movie is bad? No, i was surprised with how much i enjoyed it. It has an intriguing concept and of course the animation is beautiful. Pixar is only getting better with their animation. Are they getting better with their films? Ehhhhh, maybe not. Turning red and lightyear just miss that original pixar spark. And Pixar has proven that they can still make amazing movies. Look at coco and the masterpiece that is Soul and I would even say that Onward is very good. I just don't really feel anything with these movies anymore. It's good that Pixar is trying out new things, but that doesn't equal fresh movie ideas. As a Toy Story fan, i enjoyed this movie. But i hate what they did to Zurg. He looks so menacing in this movie, wow, but then we get an explanation as to who he really is, and I hated that. It kinda ruined Zurg for me. In conclusion: I enjoyed it far more than I expected. There is humor, great animation, somewhat interesting story and just family fun. But it had no reason to exist and it also adds nothing new to the table. That's disappointing but let's hope the next Pixar movie will be as good as soul.
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Predator 2 (1990)
On par with the original
3 August 2022
The original is a classic, no doubt. But I think this sequel is on par with the original. I like the setting, a dystopian Los Angeles torn by a gang vs cop war. There is more at stake, it's not just a couple people in a jungle endangered by a predator. No, it's an entire city haunted by a brutal killer. You know what I love about all of these 80's and 90's movies? You can really FEEL the movie. Like in this one, Los Angeles is dirty, polluted by criminals, there are high temperatures, everyone is sweating because of it. You can really feel that. Right from the start you have a lot of intensity and everyone's running around in the heat of the moment. You can just really feel it. The heat, the pressure, the crime,... This movie also respects the original by not showing the predator in its full form until the end. Glover does a good job of replacing Schwarzenegger in my opinion. It's just a really fun movie with a cool setting and a city you can really feel.
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A mess of a movie.
2 August 2022
There's still a somewhat enjoyable time to have with this movie, too bad i can't witness it because i can't see anything happening on screen. Seriously, the camera is messy and it's so dark. There is barely aliens vs predator in this movie, it's hilarious. This is just basically an alien movie taking place on earth with a little bit of predator thrown in. But yes, the gore and over the top stuff is still enjoyable, it is recommended to watch this movie with family or friends, you'll have a much better time.
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Cool idea, way too much set-up
1 August 2022
I would give it a 7 if the first 2 acts weren't so boring. A movie like this doesn't need so much set-up, but because this movie has chosen to do so, the first 45 minutes or so really drag. And then when we get an explanation as to why these 2 monsters are being put together, it feels really cheap. But then, the last act, wow that's such a cool idea and the action really starts in this part. The problem is, you have to wait really long to get there. And I understand why the first parts drag, it's still supposed to be an alien film, there needs to be suspense. But that really doesn't work for this movie. But at the end of the day, it's a cool idea and this movie has a really cool ending.

By the way, the end credits music didn't need to be so good, but it is anyway.
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Euphoria (2019– )
An accurate portrayal of teenagers
31 July 2022
I wasn't eager to start this show since i thought it was a little pretentious and over the top dramatic. But I eventually did just because I wanted to know what all the hype was about. And I'm glad I watched. This show is a realistic image of teenagers of high schools who struggle with sex, drugs, etc. I have seen a lot of movies and shows try to do that, some of them were really good, but most just feel empty and unrealistic. This show is certainly not. I always was a hide-in-the-background kinda guy in school and never really struggled with what these characters struggle with, but i witnessed them with other people, heard things and know that this show is the most accurate depiction of teenagers nowadays. I'm happy to say Zendaya is one of my favorite actresses of this decade. I only really knew her from spider-man and malcolm and marie but never was really convinced about her acting, but in euphoria? That's no ordinary acting. And that can be said about all of these actors. It's fascinating to me that you can write such a perfect depiction of teenagers with some human elements and mix that with some crazy stuff that's happening in this. Please watch this show, i know some of you may have doubts like me, but trust me, it's one of the finest show you can watch right now.
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Simplistic, yet empty
30 July 2022
It's not that this movie is a failure on every level, no not at all. The acting, editing, cinematography and such are all fine. It's just that it doesn't do more than that. It's a simplistic movie, and that's a blessing and a curse with this movie. Purple Rain was an simplistic movie, but with emotional layers and humanity. At the end of this movie, i felt empty, i hoped for more layers. But i did somewhat enjoy this movie, but just not enough.
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It's time to stop...
29 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Don't know if i will continue watching MCU movies, we already have so much movies and tv shows in phase 4, and so far it has been pretty disappointing (No way home doesn't count, that was a special event outside the phase 4 and just a love letter to the spidey fans). I liked ragnarok, but this was just bad. And is Taika to blame? No, not always. I think it mainly the way marvel works that is to blame. Because the story is boring, the CGI is so bad i just immediately cringed at it, the humor is bad and there is a feeling of emptiness. Wait a minute, isn't that how all marvel movies nowadays are? Yes definitely. I remember i disliked the background in avengers endgame, it looked so fake, and i thought it was a one time thing, but ever since that movie, every background looks fake. The CGI has gotten even worse, and THOR LOVE AND THUNDER just hits an achievement: the worst looking MCU movie ever. And c'mon, can someone tell me which movie in phase 4 had an interesting story? And humor has always been a dislike of me in the MCU. So many unnecessary jokes in emotional moments. And yeah, feeling of emptiness? Mostly present within phase 4. So is thor a drastic change of quality? Nope, phase 4 has already proven its quality is gone. You know what I also hate? The middle part of the movie where the promising, new surprises are set up for future movies. We already saw it in Doctor Strange multiverse of madness. In the middle part we saw the illuminati, who halted the main story, purely for the purpose of giving fanboys something exciting, like a cameo, something that shows something for future projects. In thor we see it too. The Zeus part didn't need to be in this movie, it's just here because we need zeus to be attacked and talk to hercules so that they can set up thor 5. Ok this review is way too long but you know what i mean and how i feel bout the movie. I do think some things were really good. - the last 30 minutes were exciting -nathalie portman was great in this -every scene with Christian Bale was amazing, he was a great villain, and Bale is a master.
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All-Star Superman (2011 Video)
It's better to read the comic.
29 July 2022
He comic had way more impact for me. This movie feels messy and rushed, so it doesn't hit the emotional notes quite as good as the comic. This movie feels so stiff. Why are you making a movie about the comic if all you do is just take the comic book panels and make them move a little? That's what this movie is, they take a drawing from the comic, add a bit more movement so it looks like a movie and BAM, there you go. That's not how you make a movie. I recently watched batman vs TMNT, and i loved how alive it felt, how fluid it was. These people in the movie are just so motionless and emotionless. But yeah ok that last moment with Luthor still hits me just like the comic did. In conclusion: read the comic book, it's way better.
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Fathers' Day (1997)
Way better than i expected
29 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A really enjoyable movie with some messages that aren't shoved in your face. You know, that's the magic of these comedy movies in the 80's, 90's and even the 2000's, most of the times comedy movies were just very entertaining and at the end of the movie had a heartfelt message. I particularly liked the part with the kid and Nikki. Their relationship is so confusing, but that's the point. Most people in a relationship, definitely during their teenage years, don't communicate well and makes the other person confused. I really liked that cuz i didn't expect it in this film. The combo of Billy and Robin is gold.
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The Sea Beast (2022)
Great family fun
29 July 2022
This is a great family fun. The story may not be groundbreaking, but that doesn't matter. It's a simple story handled very well. The details of all the characters is just amazing, the animation is just gorgeous to look at. And Karl Urban....what else need to be said. You want an enjoyable family movie in the evening? Watch this.
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RV (2006)
Enjoyable if you're open to it
29 July 2022
Yeah, it's a dumb movie, but there's a lot to love. You can have a really good time if you're open to have a good time. There are stupid jokes, there are nice jokes, but in the end, it's got some heartfelt messages about life. That's what these movies are supposed to do. And that's what this movie does.
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