
15 Reviews
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cracking Film Noir
15 November 2002
This is one of the greatest Film Noir's that i have seen. Along with the Maltese Falcon it has the same stereotypical pointers that are present in Film Noir's. The rain shows 'sexual Release', the actual streets that are seen in the film are actaully not film sets, as the film was on a low budget due to WWII. All in all a terrific film with a terrific cast, what more could you ask!
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1 March 2002
When you go to view a movie you expect certain degrees of shock and twists in the story line. In this there were plenty!! The way george and brad were able to pull off a stunt such as robbing a casino was all too good when it came to the end!!!!!!!!!

Great performances all round!! A close contender for bettering the original and a film of the year!!!!!!!!

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Trainspotting (1996)
8 February 2002
HAS GOT TO BE ONE MOVIE THAT GETS IT'S MESSAGE ACROSS IN A VERY REALISTIC AND DEADLY WAY!! Phew..!! Now down to the film which stars Ewan McGregor in one of his early movies, giving his character an interesting take on drugs in Scotland.

If you can't understand the Scottish accent please try to LEARN it as you would have missed an excellent movie that makes you think about drugs in VERY different light!! Especially when Rent boy falls into a hole in the floor!!!!

Spud has a hilarious encounter with drugs and alcohol after a wild night out that ends up excrement on the walls!!!!!!!!

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Shallow Hal (2001)
excrutingly funny!!
5 February 2002
I went into the cinema to watch this movie with mixed hopes and to basically view a funny movie which is what i received, although maybe a little ambiguos with some of the ideas that were involved in the movie, nethertheless i was felt with a sense of knowing about 'inner beauty' by looking at the gorgeous Gwyneth Paltrow.

The idea of a man with a wagging tail filled my mind with many lost ideas and failed to rectify any sense of reality to me. Although the humour that was contained in the movie was very funny.

A fully rectified 7/10
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Moulin Rouge! (2001)
Great!! In Places!!!!!!!!!!
16 January 2002
I went to see this movie solely because of the popularity of it in reviews etc. I thought that maybe it would be a little more better than it was said to be!!!

Due to the fact that there was no storyline whatsoever or i didn't notice it it seemed like i was straining at the screen for some little glimpse of reality!!!

Ewan McGregor and Nicole Kidman Mmmm. Two brilliant actors that i admire are seemingly lost in the middle of this pointless, operatic dribble.

The best part in the film was when the credits rolled up the screen at the end!!!!

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9 January 2002
Being one of those cynics who feel that these sort of films are for those who have followed the saga for years. I WAS PROVED WRONG!! This film has the effects of a masterpiece and is more so with the acting talents of Elijah Wood, Ian McKellen, Sean Bean and many many more....

The film is therefore given credit to the work of Peter Jackson, who creates the hobbit land and all it's slender. The only problem that i had with the film was the 'fight' between the two wizards, it just seemed a little far fetched to see two old men knocking each other with huge wooden sticks!!!

Although, it holds the mystery which is needed for the sequels! CAN'T WAIT FOR 2002'S AND 2003'S FILMS OF THE TRILOGY!!!
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Halloween (1978)
19 December 2001
Halloween not only sets the bar for horror movies but also meets it in specific and great detail. The fact that Michael Myers is one of these unstoppable zombies that walks, around good old 70's America stalking and maybe slashing helpless babysitters to their graves is one of the reasons why i like this movie so much!!

Jamie Lee Curtis makes an introductory appearance in this brilliant stalk/slash movie, that rips out your self-belief and disposes of it in the gutter!! I still can't get over the fact that Myers is a 6 year old kid when he kills his (well endowed) sister!!

The use of tracking and point of view shots just add to the tension of this brilliant John Carpenter masterpiece which inspired Kevin Williamson to script such horror movies as Scream 1,2 and 3.

All in all a good old scary movie that doesn't lack the bite of a post modern scary movie!! CHECK OUT THE SEQUELS!!

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Pearl Harbor (2001)
12 December 2001
I've just read through a lot of comments made by users who have reviewed Pearl Harbor and nearly everyone has slated it for what?? A simple love story which is noticeable in most of Hollywood's movies these days (Titanic, Even Band of brothers in 'Bastogne' the interaction between Eugene and the french nurse!!)

The movie was maybe a little biased on the USA part for the glory and singled handed defeating of the Japanese in 1942 when WW2 had already been going for 3 years between British, French and Russian armies. Ignoring this point we can see how far our movie industry has come in terms of special effects, especially the torpedoes making contact with the warships this was movie making at it's pinnacle!!

Brilliant acting was yet again seen by performances from Ben Afflek, Josh Hartnett and the beautiful Kate Beckinsale. These actors basically made the film what it was and still is today a TRUE MASTERPIECE, which actually tells us a true story we can follow and relate to and not some fictional, made-up, hyped up garbage like (Star wars?!)

We should be grateful for works like this, as they tell us our past and what we had to overcome to live in the world we live today!!! IMDB users be ashamed!!

After a long deliberation i think the film deserves a Michael Bay 10/10
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No Plot!!
12 December 2001
Warning: Spoilers
As my self being quite a huge movie fan and especially of the Horror genre i was intrigued to view this poorly made movie, noticing that there are so many spoilers in it that i haven't got enough space to write them all down!!

Having Sarah Michelle Gellar and Jennifer Love Hewitt starring in this movie simply degrades their reputations in every scene they have to 'ACT' in, an appalling horror teen movie that will definately NOT make you scream in terror, more like in a comedy sense!!!!!!!

The basic fact is that there is no plot that is obvious to spot, a group of teens knock over this guy who nobody really cares about and try to hide it from everyone and anyone so nobody knows who did it. Basically this isn't substantial enough to maintain a concentration span that should last throughout the film. Too many plot holes equals a C**P movie that will never gain the reconition it should have.

A poor 4/10 which i believe is too flattering!!
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Harry Enfield and Chums (1994–1999) parts!!
12 December 2001
One of the comedy greats who will forever remain in our video collections for the various characters and Send-ups that he Paul Whitehouse and Kathy Burke did to gain our interest and liven up our humour zones which we must do so UNSTIFFEN THAT STIFF UPPER LIP!!!!!!!!!
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Psycho (1960)
10 December 2001
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of those movies that makes you believe in the innocence of the killer so don't fall for it!! Hitchcock deliberately makes us realte with Marion for 40 mins until she is SLASHED by Norman in the famous Shower Scene that we will remember for Bernard Herrman's screeching violins. We are then made to feel sorry for Norman who has to look after his elderly mother. But we all know that after we have watched the movie Norman is the biggest Psycho ever!!!!!!!
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The League of Gentlemen (1999–2017)
black comedy!!
5 December 2001
It's good to sit down and watch a decent black comedy without having think wether to laugh or throw up! League of gentlemen provides us with a great comedy we can laugh and relate to in great detail.

Also it's great to see the filming of this around the area in which i live: Marsden etc... because it just shows that any place can be used as a film set. And not just in Hollywood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A grizzling 8/10
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Dad's Army (1968–1977)
5 December 2001
Has got to be one of the all time greats in the comedy archives!! A mischevious poke at the Home Guard in England in WW2, through brilliant performances from Arthur Lowe,John Le Measurier, Clive Dunn and many more....

In Walmington on sea we catch up with what's happening in the war, and what the home Guard are left to do on the British coast, while our troops are fighting abroad. Also one of the greatest memorable quotes ever "Don't tell him Pike!" lingers in my memory as a quote that will stay with us for ever.

We are so proud that the BBC are stll showing re-runs of this brilliant comedy, because it shows that we can have a bit of a giggle by creating this series.

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28 November 2001
I felt that i couldn't really comment until i had witnessed all of the series, now i have i am moved by the performances by the actors ranging from (Richard Winters-Damian Lewis to Private Hall-Andrew Scott). A huge congratulations to Spielberg and Hanks for making this amazing series, bringing the reality of war to life for the veterans of Easy Company. Through the use of focusing on one character of the series each episode to narrate the story to us, we find out more about them Are they afraid? Do they have no mercy? (Not in Spears case!!).

And that they are caught up in the middle of a battleground where anything goes. I really liked the beginning of 'Crossroads', the way in which the beginning reflected on the ending this is just Hanks genius!. 'Why we fight' was moving to watch,as seeing all the Jews in the death camp brought home the true meaning of war, and why we must prevent it.

I just want to say a big thank you to HBO and all those associated with making Band of Brothers for making this series possible because it has changed my whole prospective view on war and its consequences. Everyone who starred in the series where excellent , No dodgy performances!!. And Mr Damian lewis deserves a 10 out of 10 for his brilliant contribution towards this masterpiece i have been so proud to comment on!! A THRILLING BUT MOVING EXPERIENCE.
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Amazing insight into World War 2 battles that take your breath away!!
13 November 2001
An amazing and compelling insight to warfare. Umbelievable camera shots/angles bring World War 2 to life especially for the US troops on D-Day. The use of flash bullets, and color saturation just add to the effect of a killing ground that not many people survive to come back from.
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