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Compelling, poignant, hard-hitting and realistic
17 July 2018
"Warfighter" reminds me so much of an HBO art house movie, because of it's low-budget, complex characters and original story that is a cautionary tale of PTSD, Jerry G. Angelo did a great job and the movie is recommended!.
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The Simpsons (1989– )
The Best TV Show of All-Time
24 February 2003
I have been a huge Simpsons fan for over 13 years.Year after year they come up with more and more original ideas for plots and pop culture jokes.However,the show got to be hit-and-miss after 1998,seasons 2-7 were kickass,season 8 was cool but kinda old,season 9 started the decline a little,i watch reruns of seasons 8-13 now and i laugh at what i missed.The characters are so funny.We got the lazy father Homer,the always-mad and conservative Marge,the smart teacher's pet Lisa,the wise-cracking troublemaker Bart,the scrooge-like Mr.Burns,the ambigously gay Waylon Smithers,the immigrant Apu,the cynical Krusty The Klown,the by-the-book Principal Seymour Skinner,the devoted christian Ned Flanders and many more.I love episodes like"The Way We Was","Mr.Plow","Round Springfield"(the most poignant episode),"Lisa The Vegetarian","Duffless","Brush With Greatness" and "Summer of Ft.2".

One Of my all-time faves is "Homer Vs.Lisa and The 8th Commandment".Homer gets an illegal cable hook-up.Bart and Lisa find out about Hell at sunday school and obying the 10 commandments,one of which is Though Shall Not Steal,Lisa thinks illegal cable is stealing,but Homer disagrees and invites friends over for the boxing match on TV.After Lisa protests against it Homer comes to his senses and unhooks the cable and the static comes up ending the episode.A Classic.The highlight was Lisa's daydream of being in Hell and the devil telling her cable won't cost her a thing except her soul.Very funny moment.

Anyways,The Simpsons is the greatest show ever,i hope it stays fresh and original until the end in 2005 and i hope they continue putting the seasons out on DVD.10 out of 10.
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Porky's (1981)
The first raunchy high school comedy
21 January 2003
"Porky's"was the first raunchy teen comedy,"Animal House"was the first raunchy college comedy and"American Graffiti"was the first coming-of-age teen comedy.All of them are great.I remember watching"Porky's"several times on HBO in the 80's,this movie was very funny but kinda weak compared to gross-out movies of today's standards,ala"American Pie","Mallrats"(The smart"Porky's"),and"Road Trip",but is still a classic.Kim Cattral is so hot in this movie as usual,and Don Monahan has great comedic acting skills,he should of been a huge star.Porky's is one of the all-time classic teen movies.9 out of 10.
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Typical New World Pictures flick from the 80's but a classic
25 July 2002
I love New World Pictures movies from the 80's,but this is one of my favorites.It's about two guys,one is a wisecracking schemer and one is a mild virgin.Together they meet a couple of valley girls who want to shed their image by dressing new wave 80's.They meet a fun park and spend the day trying to get to know eachother until at night they run into a trio of bumbling jewel thieves looking for the teddy bear with the stolen jewel in it.The main girl Debbie is played by the beautiful and talented Carolyn Dunn,of the Sweating Bullets fame.Her "I Love You"underwear is cute.My other personal New World faves are"Crimes of Passion","Girls Just Want to Have Fun","Night Patrol","Tuff Turf" and many more,but this is one too,it should of been New World's break out hit when first released in 1985 but unfortunately it was'nt due to its ansemble cast of canadian actors.Anyways "Breaking All The Rules"should get more recognition on DVD,its a classic 80's parody and funny.9 out of 10.
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Kevin Smith's Best
22 July 2002
After writing about overworked youth in"Clerks",teen angst in"Mallrats",quirky romance in"Chasing Amy"and religion in"Dogma",Kevin Smith goes for low-brow humor in"Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back".This is his best movie so far,full of great cameos,hilarious humor,great plot,very fast paced and very funny.Also includes charecters and references from Smith's other movies.All in all JASB was the funniest comedy of 2001.10 out of 10.
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Dogma (1999)
Long and Boring
13 July 2002
Kevin Smith's fourth and weakest movie"Dogma" is very long,boring and not that funny.I did'nt understand the plot nor the reason for this.The movie has its moments but far from the masterpiece Kevin Smith and fans consider it.I don't know why it's so popular.It's good Jay and Silent Bob have more screen time in this then"Chasing Amy"but its not enough to save this film.
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Chasing Amy (1997)
A good try for Kevin Smith
3 July 2002
A really big departure from the generation X ansgt of"Clerks"and"Mallrats",this is a quirky,Woody Allen-meets-Kevin Smith romantic comedy-drama.Holden McNeill(Ben Affleck)and Banky Edwards(Jason Lee)are two comic book hot shots in New Jersey,they booth are life long friends.After Holden meets Alyssa(Joey Lauren Adams),their lives change.Alyssa is a lesbian,after spending so much time with Holden,he falls in love with her,she gets mad for a few minutes then they kiss and fall in love.Meanwhile Banky makes menacing and crude comments about Alyssa and gays in general to Holden,which is both hilarious and sad.The movie is long,slow paced,but manages to be mildly entertaining.Unfortunately Jay and Silent Bob(Jason Mewes and Kevin Smith)are only shown during the last half of the movie.Silent Bob gives a touching,poignant speech about Chasing Amy,which should of got Academy Award-nominated.I'm a big fan of Kevin smith but this movie is just too humdrum and should of been more like the first two movies of his.6 out of 10.
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Mallrats (1995)
A great sequel to"Clerks"
2 July 2002
I don't know why this movie bombed upon its release,mostly because so much editing had to be done,Miramax should of released this instead of Universal,but its a great follow up.T.S.(Jeremy London)is a shy,mild guy who wants to propose marriage to his girlfriend when Jaws comes out of the water.Brodie(Played excellently by Jason Lee)is his wisecracking side kick who broke up with his girl just because he plays saga hockey,he's great but he's no Jeff Anderson in Clerks.The movie is hilarious.Full of the same raunchy,crude and original comedy that Kevin Smith's known for.Jay and Silent Bob(Jason Mewes and Smith)are funny as usual,this time coming to the rescue everytime T.S.and Brodie need help like a stoner Batman and Robin.The supporting cast includes Shannon Doherty,Ben Affleck and Michael Rooker(whose very funny).Though the movie would be better with all the stuff Kevin Smith said was cut on the DVD,it's a cult classic and very very funny.9 out of 10.
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One of Sandler's Best
25 June 2002
This Adam Sandler vehicle is'nt like"Billy Madison","Happy Gilmore"or even"Big Daddy".Though he brings us his usual charm,out-of-poportion screams,crude,low-brow humor but in this he's a little more mature.Although he makes wisecracks,he's more mature and still funny.The supporting cast is great,Drew Barrymore,Christine Taylor,Matthew Glave and Allen Covert,who's his womanizing,wisecracking friend.The 80's references are kinda uneven but they try to blend in nicely with the 1985 plot.This is a romantic comedy,that is why it's not ordinary Sandler film.Though i'm glad he went back to the basics with"The Waterboy"after this and kept it up with"Big Daddy","Little Nicky"and"Mr.Deeds".The Wedding Singer is a classic Sandler movie,full of my hilarious,funny and touching nostalgia.10 out of 10.
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A Classic
22 June 2002
I remember seeing this movie so many years ago,i liked it then and i love it now.I'm a huge fan of New World movies from the post-Corman era of the mid-late-80's.They made cheesy but good B-movies such as "Night Patrol","Tuff Turf","18 Again"and this one.Jeff Goldblum does an excellent job as the dead-pan straight man who does'nt believe in monsters(same as Bill Murray who did'nt believe in ghosts in"Ghostbusters")and Ed Begley, also good as the monster believing neurotic.This movie would of been made from a bigger studio if there had been a bigger budget,cuz of the all-star cast.

Michael Richards is funny as the comedian butler,although he's been funnier on Seinfeld and in"UHF".John Byner,Carol Kane,Joseph Balogna,Geena Davis,Jeffery Jones and Theresa Ganzel are also good as a supporting cast.The plot is great,the characters are quirky but they work,the editing is fine,and the locations are adequate.The soundtrack even has its moments.Transylvania 65-000 is an 80's campy classic comedy.10 out of 10.
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Clerks (1994)
I hate Dogma.But i love Clerks.Is'nt it Ironic?
14 June 2002
Clerks was Kevin Smith's frist movie.An independant low-budget film made under $27,000,with sharp humor,excellent dialouge,dead-pan deliveries and scathing commentary on unemployed youth in New Jersey.The verdict is AWSOME.This movie is very funny.Lots of comedies from 1994 were good,such as Dumb and Dumber,but this was the best out of all.

The story involves Dante Hicks(Brian'O Halloran),a 22 year-old register jockey at a Quick Stop store in New Jersey.All in one day his life gets more complicated.He has to work on his day off,which forces him to play his hockey game on the store roof,he has a fight with his girlfriend cuz she sucked 37 d*cks,his best friend annoys him all day by coming into the store,making remarks and disregarding work at the video store,he finds out his ex-girlfriend is getting married,he has to deal with strange costumers,he smells like shoe polish and the shutters won't close.

Jeff Anderson is hilarius at the wisecracking Randall Graves,he manages to be sympathetic without trying and is the funniest charecter in the movie.His best scenes include reading porno titles infront of a mom and her little daughter,spitting water at a tabloid rambler and looking at Caitlyn Bree's butt without showing interest.

Jay and Silent Bob(Jason Mewes and Kevin Smith)have very little in this film but when they are around,their hilarius as usual.I can't believe this film bombed at the box-office,it should of been a huge hit but its only done well on video,which has given it cult status.But overall Clerks is a funny,sharp edged look at human issues in life,Kevin Smith has a gift for showcasing that stuff.Clerks is 10 out of 10.
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One of the best sci-fi cartoon movies ever
6 November 2001
I remember the first time i saw"Fantastic Planet".It was December of 1986 on the USA Network.It was part of a saturday night kids show double feature with"Yellow Submarine".Needless to say i was very young at that time,i thought it was weird and fun at the same time.I did'nt see it again until 10 years later in 1996 i rented it and loved every minute of it.I still see it once and a while on midnight cult TV showings on KQED or KOFY.I wish HBO showed it at least 2 or 3 times a month.The film is kind of an animated "Planet Of The Apes",it follows a little part of the same plot idea.Aliens dominating humans in the future works very well in some cases and this is one of them.Barry Bostwick narrates this film,ironically since it's a french film.All in all,"Fantastic Planet"is classic cult animated film that should be shown on TV alot.I give it a 8 of 10.
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Scary Movie (2000)
The Best Gross-Out Since"Animal House"
4 November 2001
This is the funniest movie of 2000 and maybe of ever.It has everything.Drugs,Sex,Drinking,Death,and even an oil well of semen.Thats everything that makes this film so funny.The Wayans Brother haven't done a spoof this good since "I'm Gonna Git You Sucka".

My favorite scenes include when the killer is getting stoned with shorty and his pothead friends,with a fish tank pipe.Also when Cindy is doing the"air dance".The movie spoofs every teen slasher flick of the last 6 years,including"Scream","The Blair Witch Project"and even the"WHAZZUP"beer commercials.An in all,Scary Movie is the best comedy of all-time,in par with classics like"Animal House","Caddyshack"and maybe even"Austin Powers".I give Scary Movie a 10 of 10.
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One Of The Best Comedies of The 80's
4 November 2001
This is probaly the only black comedy i like with the exception of Cable Guy.Usually i don't understand black comedy but this has more.It has comedy,drama,action,Road Runner-style chases and an excellent performance by Nicholas Cage.Cage stars as H.I.McDunna,a year convict who decides to settle down and get married.He marries his mug-shot photographer Ed(played brilliantly by Holly Hunter).When the couple finds out they can't have kids they steal the baby of a famous unpainted furniture store tycoon with quints,Nathan Arizona(played by Trey Wilson).Along the way people interfer with their new found domestic bliss,including two of H.I.'s old bumbling cellmates Gale(John Goodman)and Eville(William Forsythe)and his annoying forman Glen(Sam McMurray),his wife Dot(Francis McDormand)and their bevy of kids.This movie should of been a bigger box-office hit than it was but video-rental audiences made it popular and constant airings on HBO.This film is funny and poignant at the same time.It's full of touching melodrama about domestic life and some hilarious factors.Randall"Tex"Cobb plays a biker after the quint Cage and Hunter stole,his performance is very funny.Ethan and Joel Coen has'nt come closed to anything since like"Fargo","Barton Fink"or even"The Big Lebowski".This comedy will always be a favorite of mine.I give it a 10 of 10.
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Rodney's Best Movie Ever
4 November 2001
Ever since i was four years old,this movie has been my favorite.Rodney Dangerfield stars as Thornton Melon,a self-made millionare who gets a second chance at college to be with his son who wants to quit cuz he can't get any friends or make the diving team.Throughout the film Rodney makes hilarious wise-cracks and metaphors as usual(a la"Caddyshack","Easy Money"),he also has a chemistry between him and Sally Kellerman,his teacher he falls in love with.The movie is full of silly,inspired,and ocassionally crude humor.Sam Kinison has a cameo as a former mental patient history teacher who blames his students on the Korean War.Very funny.A young Robert Downey(Jr.)stars as his Jason Melon's weirdo friend(with various hair-do's that are also funny)Derek Lutz,and Burt Young(famous for Pauly in the"Rocky"series)stars as Rodney's tough italian chaffaur Lou.And all these charecters are so funny,it makes this movie great.Back To School Rules,10 of 10.
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Fletch (1985)
A Classic Chevy Chase Vehicle
4 November 2001
Released six months after Eddie Murphy's "Beverly Hills Cop",Fletch tried to deliver the former's success with Chevy Chase as a wise-cracking"detective"reporter on the trail of finding out the sorces behind drugs on a beach.The movie is very funny,blending Chevy's dead-pan punchlines with his unusual disguises(and those names,which are the funniest,i.e.,Ted Nugent,John Cocktolstoy,Don Corleone,etc.),and a simple plot.Irwin Fletcher is doing a story on drugs on the beach until one day when a wealthy man takes him to his home and hires him to kill him cuz he says he's dying of bone cancer.Throughout the movie,he goes into incognito to find out info on this wealthy man,he finds out he's behind the drug set up along with the chief of police(played hilariously by Joe Don Baker).The movie gets boring in some scenes but quickly redeemed by Chase,which this may be his best comic vehicle ever,as well as his best performance,better than those "Vacation" movies or the herrendous"Funny Farm".It even includes a funky synthesizer beat excessively(possibly trying to copy "Axel F."from"Beverly Hills Cop").Overall Fletch is a comedy classic from the 80's.I rate it 8 of 10.
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Bad Medicine (1985)
Good Medicine
4 November 2001
This typical 80's comedy "Bad Medicine"stars Steve Guttenberg as Jeff Marx,a young guy who does'nt want to follow his family tradition,but when cold-hearted cynic Dr.Madera(played brilliantly by Alan Arkin)uses a"saving the peasants"field trip as a publicity stunt,he soon changes his mind.Set in a spanish medical school,he meets new friend such as Jeff Gladstone(played by Curtis Armstrong,infamous as"Booger"in"Revenge Of The Nerds"),a hickish drug addict,Carlos(played by Robert Romanus,whose decent,but was better in"Fast Times At Ridgemont High"),Cookie(played by Julie Kavner,before her Marge Simpson voice fame),and Liz(played by Julie Hagerty,whose cute as a button as the dead-pan love interest of Guttenberg's).The movie is full of incoherent humor with mexican stereotypes and medical stuff.It does get gross after a while(notably,Guttenberg's flesh wound from being shot by an unsatisfied patient),but this comedy is very good.Guttenberg delivers the same lines and witt he's done in other films like the"Police Academy"series,"Short Circuit","Three Men And A Baby"and"Cocoon".Alan Arkin's performance is also great,this film should of been a major box-office hit.I give Bad Medicine a 8 of 10.
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Blade Runner (1982)
The Best Science Fiction Movie Ever
4 November 2001
"Blade Runner"is probaly one of the best science fiction movies i ever seen.Harrison Ford does a great performance as Rick Deckard,a futuristic detective on the trail of hunting down "Replicants"from killing humans so they can be human.The movie gets boring in some scenes,particularly the undirector's cut,which i think is better.The replicants are sinister as they are scary in some cases,Rutger Hauer does most of that,not as much as Brion James,who's the scariest of them,especially in the beginning scene with that test.Daryl Hannah does it fine in her earliest performance as Pris who poses as a hitchiker to William Sanderson.This classic should of been a bigger box-office hit,probaly at least grossed in the $20 or $30 million range.All in all,despite the boring scenes and occassional drag,"Blade Runner"is a landmark science fiction classic film.I give it a 9 of 10.
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