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Holiday (I) (2018)
Setting the stage for the great End.
18 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
While it does seem too slow and trivial in places, the ultimate resolve of this movie pays off when our protagonist, Sasha, delivers the astounding message: oppress me but don't call me stupid. A tremendous psychological feature that dealt me, the unaware viewer, a huge blow.
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The Insult (2017)
An apologetic movie that panders to regressive human emotions.
31 May 2018
Ziad Doueiri is trying to even things out. He's trying to tell us we're all human. Fair enough, except he's pandering to the lowest level of human emotions and setting it as the norm. As much as preachy movies put me off, lazy movies like these do it even more.

The back and forth in the Insult keeps you going, the cinematography is a valiant effort and the actors do a great job; on the other hand the story is flat and never takes off. The ending does the movie the most harm; it leaves you wondering if anything really happened!
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The turtle loves life...
17 May 2012
Watched this documentary at a private screening and liked it a lot. It's well made, colorful and documents the rage of an honest Palestinian who wants what should normally be a simple ask; but proves to be next to impossible. Thus comes a paralyzing frustration, an inner rage that affects all around him, on the other hand what I loved is how the director also captured the sparkles in her father's eyes when experiencing the simplest of pleasures... the ones I consider dearest to me...

Even though the title might point to the empty half of the cup, the documentary shows all aspects of our protagonists's journey, but I won't say more, hope you catch "The Turtle's Rage" sometime!
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Utter Garbage!
16 April 2010
The Oscars count for nothing, absolutely nothing. And oh yeah, Bigelow is a talentless fake. What the hell was that! The suspense is utterly uninteresting as the plot is millimeter thin and the characters unbelievably cartoonish.

Technically, shaky cam doesn't add except irritation, as for realism, it's the same as the image in the head of a 16 year newly appointed truck driver in Texas who's idol is Jerry Springer.

But please watch, watch the Joke of a best Oscar movie, I beg everyone to watch and see for themselves, you be the judge, I gave it the death sentence.
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Avatar (2009)
Fantastic Graphics - and nothing more.
10 January 2010
To explain the vote; on a basis that the grade is divided equally between visual and mental, I am sure you guessed it: 5 out of 5 on graphics, 0 out of 5 on story.

Many will argue that Avatar focused on the effects, but to neglect the story that much is plain retarded. For the fans of Braveheart, the story will satisfy, but for anyone looking for a witty or bright or original or visionary script, forget it. Very disappointing, when you have such possibilities, to fall flat like that with the story.

I will although praise the artists of this "Other World", never has an alien world been rendered this beautifully, full marks from the eyes!

It's still a very enjoyable experience, ONLY in 3D, it starts falling flat towards the two thirds but then accelerates with the finale... Overall am happy to see it and would recommend seeing it, mainly because we still can watch 3D at home :)
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Woody Stole Penelope from Pedro.
17 March 2009
Did you guess which Pedro!?

I was overwhelmed by this leap of genius from Woody Allen, this gem of a scenario is sculpted to perfection! Vicky Christina Barcelona is provocative, natural, wild, controversial, visionary, funny as hell; simply genius.

In his "perverted" way, Woody Allen milked the roles from the three main actresses, Bardem is just a natural.

The camera shows all the beauty, the soundtrack is superb, the events keep you reaching out for the next minute, again it's a story that doesn't drop for a second.

It's a symphony, see it, enjoy it.
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Watchmen (2009)
it does not work.
12 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Well I was sure surprised. Watchmen is not your average superhero movie, but it tries to be more, only falls short... or actually long!

Watchmen is still a superhero movie, and it is still an adaptation, an adaptation that makes it look like the director was pulling his hair with every turn of the page. That was the impression i had all along this overlong feature.

Forget about transition in this movie, it does not exists. Snyder looks like he's gluing scenes together at one point. But my issue was not even that, the story had too much lows compared to highs with an overdose of "lessons" being learned by our superheroes from beginning to end. Too preachy for my taste.

On the positive side, it keeps you wondering, when will it all stick... and it does at the end. In terms of fantasy, I can't say I'm amazed but it's O.K.

***SPOILER*** People are saying it's complex, I have to differ as complexity without substance is just complication. Dr. Manhattan, on the brink of nuclear war, goes into a mid-life crisis, his gf dumps him and guilt eats him up inside. So he forgets about earth an peace... and flies to Mars. So in order to have an ending, the Doctor had to fall into depression, hmmmm.

So overall, Watchmen is a miss, for curiosity purposes may be worth a watch.
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Yes Man (2008)
Oh my God was that AWFUL or what!!!
19 February 2009
Nothing, not one laugh, I tried, I like Jim Carrey, I know I tried to laugh, I wanted to be a YES MAN but during this I was the embodiment of the NO MAN!

Plot is predictable all the way throughout, even cornier than I expected... but I was hoping for silly laughs at least, no.

Acting was lame really. No one stood out. Jim Carrey looks like he was desperate to film anything, as if his carrier was Pauly Shorish, which I can now imagine it can be if he keeps on doing this.

I can't say much about the movie, it's just bad all over, do yourselves a favor and skip it.
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Religulous (2008)
Atheism 101
24 December 2008
I wanted to see this documentary for a while now, and it was nice to finally see Bill Maher and Larry Charles' satirical investigation into the three monotheistic religions, alongside some wacky branches coming out of them.

The documentary is overall pretty light, it's nothing too complicated, mostly based on quick arguments going back and forth, that pausing briefly when someone's at a loss, mostly the interviewee in this case.

In any case, didn't expect a thorough study, I expected an intro and this is what I got, this should be the beginning of many "documentaries" to come, productions that shed light on religion with increased depth and analysis.

The humor is there, I personally like Maher's style, and even though the film went hard on some issues while soft on others, just being made is an achievement by itself, go see it and start from there!
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This is NEW!
31 December 2007
The style, the scenario and the whole thing: fresh! When you think how many movies you watched and how many stand out, this is when you look at no Country For old Men differently and say: hell yeah!

The movie delivers, yet not the obvious! Delivers, with talent, a "simplepic" story. A breed of both reality and fiction, that preys on your attention. Watch it and talk back to yourself couple of times...

A word on acting, just brilliant. Bardem is magnificent, Brolin is rising above the rest in Hollywood, and Jones fits perfectly. The pace: fantastic, at the end I said: "but that's exactly how it should be!"

I wont say more,just enjoy it from beginning to end!
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Caramel (2007)
Great surprise from Nadine Labaki!
15 August 2007
A very good impression was left in me after viewing Caramel, on the stories, the scenario, the acting, the comedy/drama smooth transitions, the cinematography... It was all very impressive, a well made movie, something the Lebanese cinematography has been missing for a long time.

Most of all innovative for the usual oriental mood. A excessive dose of reality coupled with genuine laughing moments, made Caramel rise above the usual, traditional Lebanese movie making. And last but not least, great acting. I know people don't like to compare here, but I can say that the acting was altogether, as a result, above anything else I've seen in Lebanon's movie history.

The one thing that lacked in Caramel was a great revelation of some sort. Maybe that's just what I wished to see. There was a couple of discreet ones, but I think the intention of the movie was to project a hidden reality to most people, and it succeeded in doing so.

Congratulations to Nadine Labaki and all the team behind Caramel, go see Caramel, a wonderful experience, I will be waiting anxiously for Nadine's next wonder!
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Murder has never been so sweet!
12 April 2007
Tom Tykwer really surprised me with that movie. I read The Perfume a long time ago, and found out that people like Kubrick and Scorcese said it was unfilmable. So i went expecting the book to be reshaped for the big screen.

But I was amazed, the film is haunting. It has originality I did not see before. More than just film, it hits your senses hard and leaves you wondering, daydreaming about this achievement, these murders and the outcome. Adding on top of that a great cast with Wishaw playing the role perfectly.

If you are not impatient, if you are looking for more than picture and sound, go smell "The Perfume".
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300 (2006)
A Major Disappointment!
2 April 2007
A bloody confrontation that lasted two hours: the brave Spartans held back the great Persian army for the sake of duty, honor and glory.

After Sin City, I thought I was in for another graphical treat, but the result is far from it. The movie is practically based on slow motion takes and High pitch Gothic chants in the background, making every move of our 300 warriors Epic-like swings.

The movie is based on a linear culmination of violence starting with the enemy's infantry and ending with mutants from hell. The creatures effects there are not even bizarre, just out of place.

The cinematography and screen effects are nice, but far from striking. I had hoped for any kind of wit in this supposedly epic recount of the battle, but i was left with nothing but casualties of war when the credits rolled.
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Pearl Harbor (2001)
Millions on the effects, zeros on the Plot
28 July 2001
I went to see Pearl Harbor with as much objectivity possible, but I just couldn't see where the positive stuff if except in the astounding graphics, the audience was probably hit by a bomb or two. But anyway its weight is the effects, the story was weakly delivered in a very shallow "we are (Americans) the victims and heros" way. Even though we know Randall Wallace is all about heroism and glory, it's just loses all kinds of originality and becomes purely political.
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