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Left me emotionally numb for a week and a half
17 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
You'll either love it or hate it.

I adore just watching this film slowly go from an experience of anxiety to a deep place of trauma. It feels like someone is trauma dumping on you and you just gotta sit there and go "oh yeah sure okay"

I don't really look too deeply into this one, I feel most of it's messages are pretty front and centre. But this "film" isn't really bothered with giving you a plot as much as it is dying for you to feel suffocated.

This film, if you can empathise with Beau's heightened anxiety, will show you your worst case scenario. The joke is on Beau, his world and us watched him suffer then die. At least none of our dad's are a penis monster.
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Glass Onion (2022)
Absurdly Entertaining Mystery
25 December 2022
In the highly anticipated sequel to the acclaimed Knives Out, we see more twists and more entertaining filmmaking from the mind of Rian Johnson.

In the act of subverting expectations and creating a wildly entertaining non linear narrative, glass onion achieves something a lot of films are missing. Entertaining beyond its downsides.

The reveal was a bit meh, but in all honesty I can't say I could have guessed who it was. While being obvious I had no clue till the ending monologue. This film was delightfully silly, expertly crafted and a great example of how fun a mystery can be.

I trusted no one, and the twists kept me guessing till the end. So even if it wobbles on the landing, it's still a close to perfect score for me.

I'll be rewatching this and the first while eagerly awaiting the third!
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Blue Velvet (1986)
I could take it or leave it really
15 December 2022
Blue velvet is a mixed bag for me and I simply can't understand the huge acclaim it gets. Especially since his other films/project do what this film does but better. This film shows the good in the world existing next to the evil. As does alot of Lynch's work.

The usual insane twisted stories of Lynch's projects are complimentary to the abstractions. Lost Highway is about a mystery, the abstractions are there to guide that uncertainty with that universe. However in this film it feels like the abstractions are completely distracting from the films dark and twisted story.

The characters make unavoidably strange decisions that just take me out of the film. Jeffery seems smart, but I just can't believe he would be the one to stumble into this mystery. Sure he found the ear but he wouldn't go in the apartment, I don't believe that for a second. I feel that is why Lost Highway works more, the main character is so believably falling into a hole he can't escape.

Twin peaks did this story better with a similar character also played by Kyle. He was an FBI agent, he had to solve the crime.

There are moments of solid greatness though, the dream song, every scene with frank booth, there are more but I won't list for spoilers. But I just keep getting pulled out of it. The dialogue is also noticeably worse than lynch's other films.

I mean I still gave it a positive review, there is merit to this. But I don't think I'll ever watch it again.
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Enjoyable But Repetitive
10 November 2022
As a film student I found this film to be very funny. But as a reviewer I find it hard to recommend this film if you arnt in the know how about low budget film making.

A lot of the jokes are in jokes around the industry and may fly over the heads of an audience that don't understand the job of every character on set.

As a film I didn't find it to be the most engaging. It feels more like a feature length sketch comedy. This isn't to say there was nothing to enjoy. It just felt a bit shallow.

Nothing too notable about cinematography, sharp snappy dialogue and a lot of fun scenes that are very funny. But overall left me wanting more.
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Cameraperson (2016)
Raw Empathy Through A Camera Lens
3 November 2022
I was lucky enough to watch this on the big screen which may have given me a bias to my sheer adoration for this film.

I was moved. I feel this captured the sheer power of cinema to give insight into ways of life we have never seen or experienced. The wonderful eye of Kirsten Johnson guides us through her experiences. Her empathy bleeds through the screen and give you a truly breathtaking documentary.

It gives you a moment to detach yourself from the world. And look at it through someone else's eye.

A documentary that isnt worried about teaching you explicit facts, but more letting you empathise and wonder about this world and all of us who reside here.

I captivated from the very first shot to the end of the credits. I will watch this again.
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Men (2022)
Profoundly Disturbing, Impactful Surrealism
1 November 2022
While watching Men I found myself on edge. Not just because of tension written into a scene, the whole film has an inescapable feeling of deep down fear.

The narrative around the husband was harrowing to watch. It was perfect in how it interacted with the narrative of harper going to the rental house. The more we see the husband get aggressive, the more hostile the entire world feels.

Now onto the ending (no spoilers). Which was both highly disturbing and also quite sudden. I found it to be a culmination of the films main themes and harpers reaction fully explains her characters arch of the film, through no words at all. It's very impactful. The disturbing nature of this ending is as if the director wanted us to feel his disgust he has towards the patriarchal norms pushed by religion.

I also found the film before this body horror style ending to be simply fantastic. Nothing felt right, nothing was ok. And I really admire the film for going straight up insane at the end.

I'm glad I have seen this film, it was a lot better than I expected. Beautiful cinematography and amazing acting all the way through. It's message was delivered in a admirably strange way.

I recommend watching alone and giving yourself time to process afterwards. Like Garlands other work, it's a very confrontational experience. You are made to see some very disturbing things, not just the body horror but also mental and physical abuse.

The more time i give this film to settle the more I admire it's attitude towards the audience. That being; I want you to feel this trauma, not just witness. I fully feel the film excels at that.
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Barbarian (2022)
Very Entertaining, Popular Horror Done Right
29 October 2022
TLDR: A fantastically strange and totally unpredictable Horror film that I will no doubt be showing to all my friends for a fantastic horror film night. Although the last 10 minutes do leave more to be desired.

When it comes to originality in story structure I give this film a 10. Wonderful and bonkers. It kept me guessing right till the final act.

I can't say a thing about the plot because if I spoiled this film for anyone I wouldn't forgive myself. But it's solid and quite disturbing too. But never fully scary.

My main flaws are with how sudden it all ends. It really feels like the best content of this film is the first and second act. That final 10 mins felt like they had no idea how to end it and it fizzled out a bit. Don't get me wrong I did enjoy the ending but it by far didn't live up to the pace and the tension of the film before. There are loads of plot holes too. But I can over look that because of how much fun I had watching this film.

I loved this film as a horror fan. It felt like a homage to the horror films of new and the 80's. But I can also see how this film will not be what you expect, I can promise you that, and some people may be put off with how sudden and drastic the twists are. I for one loved this film and its sheer unpredictable nature. I was gripped from start to finish and as horror films go this was the most engaged I have felt in years. Saw levels of creativity and twists. I loved it, despite its very strange structure and admittedly weaker ending.

There is so much more I loved but I simply can't say, that would spoil the simply jaw dropping twists. And I wouldn't want to do that at all.

I guess when it comes to horror films I judge them based on what I think they want me to feel vs how I actually felt. This film, from my perspective, was made to keep you in suspense and to surprise. It played off common genre tropes of new suspense thrillers like the stranger, and also tropes from a different genre I can't say without spoilers. This film kept me guessing and I had a blast trying to predict it through out.
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Knives Out (2019)
A Joy To Watch, Go In Blind
27 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Here is a murder mystery where within the first hour every genre trope is acknowledged and shattered. Here is a film where all characters are a delightful satire of American society without it taking away from the plot.

Knives out is delightfully silly in its humour and presentation. But under the hood is a truly intellectually crafted mystery too.

The script is tight, call backs a plenty and a truly fantastic first act twist that leads to a truly fantastic final act reveal. The simple act of telling us a part truth as to how the murder happens and letting the audience simply fall for it is beautiful. The art of misdirection is not this easy to achieve but the film makes it seem simply effortless.

Of course marta didn't do it by accident. It's a murder mystery. But I fell for it. I thought, oh that's a cool subversion. Then boom there was a murderer and I was surprised. How do you do that in a self proclaimed who dun it. Incredible writing, sharp humour and a simply brilliant mystery.

However there is a few downfalls making this just shy of a perfect score; Blanc is amazing and funny but man that accent is a bit too far on the silly side isn't it. I do feel that it was a tad too easy to guess it was Ransom after the "I know what you did letter" I mean, other than blanc he is the only one she told and it can't be blanc. The downfall isn't with how ransom is written, I think it's just so clear the family didn't do it. I feel they could have been less aggressive as a group when the wills was written. They all jumped on her like a pack of hounds together.

But still a fantastic film!
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Amsterdam (2022)
Amsterdam and Longing For What Was
20 October 2022
I really enjoyed the style of this film. The setting was perfect, the production design was stand out and the energy in not only most of the acting but the editing was another positive.

My strongest criticism is towards the story, I liked it but I feel the film was too busy being quirky to give us full context into the mystery. I felt lost often but somehow was able to predict the ending from about half way in. I feel for the film to hit perfectly it either needed to focus more on its mystery or more on its comedy. As the two seem to be working against each other.

Christian bale was simply a joy to watch though and he truly carried this film in its moments where it lacked.

And also Taylor Swift has a moment early in the film that truly took me by surprise and I just wish the film was able to catch me off guard like that more. The ending really didn't feel like a revelation, it felt more like a confirmation of what we the audience have already been told, but some how the characters only just found out.

But still I really enjoyed it, just room for improvement in my mind.
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Smile (V) (2022)
A horrifying look into trauma
2 October 2022
Smile at its core is very reminiscent of the horror style of James Wan. It has excellent suspense and beautiful cinematography. Where the film is let down is it's jumpscares. There were a few I found to be profoundly unsettling but a majority did sadly miss the mark. However I will say it didn't detract from how dark and uncomfortable this film is. It's tone is perfect and the lead actor carried the film in its weaker moments.

And overall I would still say this film is quite scary. It's final act was superb. No spoilers, but I do have to mention the ending.

I was worried about the film flaking on its core message and giving us just another jumpfest of a finale and while again there were jumps, it actually ended in quite a brave way. The script fully commits and embraces the core themes and ends on a devastatingly haunting note.

I was very surprised and really did enjoy this film, despite some of its flaws. I especially enjoyed the films obvious inspiration from films such as the ring, insidious and saint maud. Three horror films I quite enjoy. And I also loved it's core themes surrounding trauma and mental health instead of just being "Spooky monster film" while also managing to have a spooky monster too.
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The Happening (2008)
The worst film ever written
27 September 2022
Plot holes galore, genuine worse than first draft dialogue and above all some truly hysterical death scenes.

It's so clear that it's trying to be a hardcore horror film. It's trying to unearth that fear of unknown and also some low level body horror. But the film fails exactly at both of those by not only having the most wooden characters I have ever seen but also by dealing with these horrific events in severely underwhelming way. With the worse of the events being some quite shocking suicides the reaction usually is "Oh no that's not good is it" or "oh cheese and crackers" (actual line from the film)

It's awful but it gains one star just because it's so funny, but it absolutely has no idea that it is.
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Absolutely horrifying
23 September 2022
Don't hug me I'm scared is quite simply a very entertaining comedy horror while also parodying the style of children's television shows.

This show is scary. More so than the original YouTube shorts. Not only does it body horror shock you to the core but it's psychological horror is also surprisingly effective.

This show is also absolutely hilarious. It's fantastic sence of deadpan humour really juxtaposed the sheer horror of the situation at hand and also never interrupts the horror when it goes full on.

The show tricks you with long stretches of unsettling comedy only to be suddenly hit with sudden and extreme violence.

You will never predict it's next move story wise, that is for certain.

Absolutely watch it, there is nothing quite like it.
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Stranger Things (2016–2025)
Mediocre but never boring
10 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Stranger things is hard to review. Especially as the final season is now in production.

However I find I am compelled to say how I feel towards the show in its current state.

Season one was scary, interesting and above all entertaining television. I loved its pace and it's characters and how it wrapped up in the end while leaving a lot of plot threads loose for interpretation/sequel seasons.

Seasons 2-3 worried me. I noticed that season 2 was just season one with a different monster. Honestly the plot points are super close to the point of redundancy, Atleast when it comes to wills story. But it was still fun. Season 3 shook up the formula to the point of extreme but some how kept the stranger things cookie cutter formula.

1. Introduce big spook 2. Have everyone happy and forgetful over the severe trauma they will have had from last season 3. Introduce one person new to the group and then any other new characters are there to be killed 4. Oh no someone is in trouble but the adults done believe them 5. People are dying!

6. Race to find eleven and get her to solve the problem as she is the only character that has any chance winning a fight with the monsters realistically. what fun let's hope it's done forever now.

Season 4 follows this as well. It's just boring. While the acting and the cinematography was simply outstanding in this newest season it felt bloated and also Vecna is not scary. He looks goofy. OH NO WATCH OUT ITS THE TALL SLIME MAN.

Jokes aside I feel like the show has gotten to a point of where they found what works and are afraid to do anything that would change that cookie cutter formula. I'm not saying main characters need to die, but come on how the hell are all the main characters alive, I'm looking at Steve and that whole group that went into the upside down and returned minus Eddie.

It has too much plot armour and also the season 4 finale killed any hope I had. Underwhelming and predictable.

Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy watching the show but it is only to see the characters. All other elements of this show are way below par.
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Event Horizon (1997)
Hell is only a word, reality is much worse
27 August 2022
Event horizon is full of fantastic acting and amazing sets but is ultimately let down by a few minor issues that stop it from being the masterpiece it really could be. These criticisms do come from a place of love though, the film is highly entertaining and never has a dull moment.

I often found myself not fully being able to follow where characters were due to the sheer pace of the editing in the action heavy scenes. I really do feel that this film could have had more time to really soak us in the sheer dread of being locked in a ship far far away. I do also wish we spent a bit more time with the crew, Alien did it best, spend time with the character to let their deaths have more of a emotional impact.

However I can't let this detract from the things I LOVE about this film. The set design is just superb. The action is exciting and unpredictable. I was never sure what to fear, but that dread is really what kept my interest. Also the practical gore effects make up for the sub par CGI In the beginning.

Overall a quite effective horror with an interesting premise that while it's characters are let down by its break neck pace the positive elements and scope of the films story hold up what could have been a cookie cutter sci-if horror ended up being a rather enjoyable B movie type horror with a story far beyond what I at first expected. I had a lot of fun with this one!
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Twin Peaks (2017)
Who is the dreamer who dreams in the dream?
24 August 2022
As a new fan of this show, the return took me by full surprise even though I was told to brace for it before hand.

This season is quite simply fantastic and has been an outright joy for me to watch. Filled with stunning cinematography and so many plots being twisted around each other this show does become quite overwhelming. But I can't stop watching, I can't stop thinking about possible interpretations.

This show has me in the palm of its hand and I am fully ok with that.

Dougie is both hilarious and tragic Naomi watts, Laura dern, and many others give a performance of a life time.

This show is slow and menacing with sudden violence and comedy thrown in. There is a tangible sence of melancholy in the lives of those in twin peaks, and the sence of a truly gargantuan danger looming for the people falling into this mystery.

I don't care about the somewhat janky special effects and the admittedly sub par acting from some of the players. I am in love with this mystery and god damn it is this one addictive show.

Not enough props is given to mark frost for co-writing this truly huge season of television that feels more like an 18 hour film instead of serialised TV. And David Lynch is here with his fantastic style of cinema that always hits the right spot for me. Episode 8 is all I will say.

If I ever lose my memories you can bet you could wave the blu ray for this show in front of me and I'll follow you around like Dougie does with coffee.
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Nope (2022)
16 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Nope is a film that took me by surprise in the best way possible.

From what I was shown in the trailer I was expecting a horror film with frequent jumpscares and a simple plot.

That isn't what we got.

Nope is a film that takes its time to let you develop a closeness with its characters. This ramps up the tension in the second and third acts of this film. A truly intelligent thriller that never that never feels smarter than you. It's easy to follow but will surprise you with every scene.

I have to mention spoilers there is no way I cant.

The scene where everyone gets eaten watching the show was downright horrifying. The panic and fear displayed by everyone was enough to make my skin crawl. Some truly amazing horror film making.

Jean Jacket is my all time favourite alien/predator creature in all of film. The reveal of the flying saucer being the alien was amazing, and was one of those twists i feel will be replicated for years to come. The VFX on Jean jacket is highly realistic, and it's movement is alien enough to cause highly powerful discomfort. When Jean jacket becomes it's true form (not sure if that's the right term but you know what I mean, that lovecraftian looking thing at the end) was truly a sight to behold, shame you can look at it ;)

This film is unpredictable, unique and best of all damn fun. It takes its time to set the characters but once the action starts it hardly stops. The tention is up there with the likes of that one scene where everyone is under the table in parasite, but for half a movie.

Truly needs to be seen by those wanting more from blockbusters, im so damn happy something this original can still be funded a large studio. Thank you everyone that worked on this film, it was stunning.
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A suffocating experience
11 August 2022
This film is for people who have seen twin peaks seasons 1 & 2.

To say this is a hard film to watch is a god damn understatement. The true horrors of twin peaks on full display to the point of nearly going too far.

The sheer emotional weight you bear watching Laura Palmer fall into hell is almost enough to make me cry. The onslaught of suffering and fear she feels is put front and centre.

I didn't really care for the first 30 mins, while interesting I feel it didn't add to what the core film was about. Infact I feel it tainted the mood a little too much. However I still enjoyed it, it could have served better as either it's own thing or as an episode of the show itself.

Then once we meet with Laura, the film shows it's teeth. A pure hell full of abuse, mistreatment, drug addiction are amongst some of the topics this film explores. It's not an easy watch.

But still, it was a film I will never forget. The surrealistic elements of twin peaks are also at full force here and with all these elements combined you get a slightly disjointed but overall effective horror/drama from the twisted world of twin peaks.
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Lost Highway (1997)
A place where paranoia reins supreme
21 July 2022
Lost Highway is a masterclass in suspense, narrative storytelling and visual abstraction.

Through beautiful cinematography we explore the mind of a man who is paranoid about his wife having an affair. Then they get a VHS tape in the mail showing a recording of their house. Someone is taunting them.

This film scares me. The whole first act is a fantastic nightmare with slow purposeful pacing and genuinely scary moments.

After a midpoint twist, that I will not spoil, the mood changes from a paranoid confusion to outright loss as to what is going on. It's delightful in how you are messed with. This story doesn't care that you are lost.

That isn't to say the film is impenetrable though. I do believe you are given all the pieces to get a satisfactory story. There are still questions but that's just part of the mystery and, for me, the main draw of this film.

Get the 4K remaster too, it looks stunning.
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Twin Peaks (1990– )
Quite simply magnificent
19 July 2022
Twin peaks is a show that you will never forget. Filled with magnificent characters and engaging mystery. You never quite know where you are going next. What lies under the cheese soap opera feel of these two seasons is something truly dark and horrible.

This show demands your attention and if you let it's hypnotic pacing and endearing characters take you, you will have a journey you will never forget.
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A haunting dream, a wonderful nightmare
6 July 2022
Wow. The sheer emotional heights this film teachers would be enough to sell me on a high score but also the sheer talent in front of and behind the camera makes this film one of the most original, visually striking and emotionally resonant films I have ever seen.

A blend of dark nightmares soaked in jealousy.

I can't say anymore than that. Watch it and see for yourself.
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Lynch and the Battle of Good and Evil
2 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Lynch loves to explore the balancing act that is good and evil through his films. Be that the dark underbelly of a perfect suburbia in Twin-peaks and Blue Velvet. Or a wonderful fantasy to be shattered by a horrible reality in Mulholland Drive or lost highway.

The elephant man, however, Explores this duality through a man. We get attached as we see his rise from hell only to realise. This is Victorian England, hell for this man is everywhere. No matter how kind hearted the few may be. The many arrive to profit and laugh.

It's powerful and breathtaking cinema.
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Very Atmospheric Horror
29 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It is easy to dismiss this film as not scary. Sure, I never jumped watching this film but I sure as hell was on edge on my first viewing.

The sound design really sells this film, it really does sound like something is out there watching them. Add on top some amazing improv from the actors and suddenly you are effortlessly drawn into the world.

These characters are scared, hungry and lost. The horror comes from there. You feel bad for them as you see their arguments. I genuinely get chills every time I see that famous scene where heather talks to the camera near the end. You can see all the hope in here eyes has gone. That, for me Atleast, is very scary.

I love this film, it was original for its time and I do think everyone should give it a go! Its more a story of people coming to terms with their inevitable deaths than the death itself.
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Jackass 4.5 (2022 Video)
More Laughs Than Expected
20 May 2022
I see the .5 films in the jackass series as a fun feature length behind the scenes. But this felt like another full jackass film! While there are more failed ideas and behind the scenes chat, I'm surprised at how many stunts that are better than the ones in Jackass Forever here in 4.5.

The new cast felt a bit restricted before but this really did feel like everyone at their A Game.

If this is where the series ends I'm happy, because not only did they make a great 4th film but they also managed to make the best .5 film in the franchise too. Great stuff!

I would love to see a Jackass Forever directors cut with all the things from 4 and 4.5 together. Because the quality of stunts and pranks here are on par with the main instalment. Unlike say 2.5 which did feel like the deleted segments of Jackass Number Two, 4.5 is a solid entry and I'm worried not enough people will see it. Especially after how popular Jackass Forever was.
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Cloverfield (2008)
A fun decent into pure chaos
19 April 2022
Cloverfield is a fun monster flick with memorable characters and great set pieces.

If you are a fan of found footage this is the best big budget one I have seen. The monster is truly amazing and I love the fact that this TOWERING BEAST is considered a baby. I wouldn't want to meet the thing that brought clover into the world let's just say that.

The film really lets you wait, it builds tension till you can't take it anymore and it just shows you the monster in full. It's great popcorn devouring stuff.

It is t without its flaws, the dialogue is a bit silly and I don't care how much this group cares about each other I wouldn't go NEAR that monster after seeing how useless guns and bombs seem to be be against it.

But still. It's a real fun watch.
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Thanks JJ for ruining Cloverfield
19 April 2022
This one feels like they attached the cloverfield name to a film that had no intention of being a cloverfield film. And that's because it is.

Riddled with strange imagery that try's to be shocking but just fell flat and a separate story taking you off the claustrophobic setting of space back to earth.

I really think this could have done with being it's own film. At least 10 cloverfield lane was suspenseful. This one was just boring.
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