
9 Reviews
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The Duellists (1977)
definitely worth watching
14 May 2002
Seems this film has left most viewers with only positive comments to make (quite rare actually). I agree with most of them.

This is a very believable film and is beautiful to watch in parts thanks to Scott's eye for design and natural beauty, esepecially regarding the use of light.

I was mesmerised to know how it was all going to end. I was so sure it was going to end tragically but then was surprised and elevated by the ending that showed the richness & depth of the human experience. I believe there's some meaning for us all in this movie. And I got to hear about this movie by accident!

An amazing quality of a film overall when you read about it's history, which was almost not made!

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interesting despite slow-moving pace and unsure evolution
18 November 2001
I was thinking about the people who have moved me in some way in my life and I remembered this little film, which didn't leave much of an impression here in Sydney unfortunately. Nevertheless, it is a representation of a real person, and what a life she lived! Most of us haven't the courage or daring to be one's true self in the way that Isabelle was. Thank God for a few brave souls to pave some less-travelled roads. Yes the film may have been slow-moving and a bit vague at times but I believe that it in some way reflected the mind of Isabelle herself, for things were not so clear cut for her, and she must have felt the irony of being able to be passed off as both genders at a time when roles were clearly defined. No, I was very glad to see a film such as this made. They number too few! (7/10)
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one of the best films i'll ever see
27 September 2001
So much could be said but words wouldn't be able to express the depth of emotion and reflection one goes through when seeing this film. It's a film that needs to be seen many times and every time something new is felt deep inside. It's not a film for everyone unfortunately. The world would be a different place if we lived from that place of realisation about the dreadfulness, futility and waste of war. Certainly the most intelligent film presentation about the craziness of war. I was particularly moved by the sensitivity and honesty with which the 'enemy' was filmed. A courageous film. And brilliant acting by all. A flawless film for me. 10 out of 10.
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Yes, a memorable film indeed
27 September 2001
I can see by previous comments that others have noted the elevated quality of this film, a rare type of film, one that lingers in your mind long after its viewing. I saw this film well over 10 yrs ago and would love to see it again. But I don't know if it will translate well in the English language as one recent viewer intends to do. Why do films need to be repeated? Many remakes have died a quick death and tarnished the vision of the original. Better to savour the experience of the original.
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Henry & June (1990)
23 July 2001
So some people described this film as: "great cinema", "absorbing movie", "perfectly acted", "amazing story", "stunningly filmed", and so on. I must have been watching a different movie!!!

Maybe we like movies if we see ourselves reflected in them? I couldn't relate to these characters. Were they really like this? I've been curious about Anais Nin for years and if this her actual portrayal, well I'm very disappointed. Henry, June and Anais are all selfish people who actually need to feel pain to feel alive! What a weird lot! And Hugo, what a fool to love someone like Anais.

None of them seem to know the meaning of true love. Anais particularly. June got it right when she criticised her for using people as food for her writing.

There's nothing in this film that makes it endearing or memorable to me. I lost interest early on but watched to the end in the hope that the film would redeem itself. But if you want an experience of erotica, then maybe this is a good example. And June Miller became a social worker (end credits)... give me a break!
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A moving experience
31 January 2001
As usual, if one reads the user comments, one gets a whole array of views. Mostly people enjoyed this film and it's easy to see why, because it is well made. I preferred it to 'Shawshank', and it's hard for me to believe it's a Stephen King story 'cos it wasn't as scary as you'd expect from King in general. Rather thought-provoking for him.

Also I didn't notice the hours go by. A sign of a good movie. The praise for Duncan is spot on. I'd like to see him in more films. A natural at the craft.

All the acting was good in my opinion. But go see for yourself. I wish there were more films of this calibre.
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Fargo (1996)
not a bad one
9 January 2001
I finally got to see this film that seemed much applauded when it first came out in 1996. It was worth viewing. It's a good example of how an action can lead to enormous, disastrous consequences. My only gripe with the film is discovering, while surfing the net, that it wasn't an actual true event with the Coen brothers being rather evasive on the subject. Otherwise there should have been a postscript at the end of the film as others do. I was initially intrigued that it was based on true life, thinking that one couldn't conceive such disaster. Now, if that was only a gimmick, then I think it's a cheap one and one that the Coen brothers need not have used. What do others think? Does truth matter in this way?

As to the overall rating, I'd give it a 4/5 for being a well-constructed film and captivating entertainment.
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Unbreakable (2000)
Not great but not bad either
2 December 2000
I preferred Sixth Sense - it was more unexpected, scarier, and thought-provoking. I was interested to see how its director would handle his second film after such success. The theme was worth a closer look. I didn't have a problem with the ending like some have mentioned. It's just that I didn't get into this film as much, not that it is a good idea to compare films. I think that Jackson had the meatier role and he handled it well. Willis seemed the same as in 6th Sense. He could have varied a bit more. I gave this 3/5.
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Great film!
4 February 2000
I can see this film has received mixed reviews - you either love it or hate it. I found it very entertaining, funny and thought-provoking. You can't ask more than that in a film. So I guess it comes back to one's personal taste of films. I didn't hear about the hype. I didn't know what to expect. So I was pleasantly surprised. I based my decision to see the film on the previews, which made me chuckle right off. I walked away wanting to ensure I didn't end up like Lester, or any of his family really!
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