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Mega Man 3 (1990 Video Game)
***** out of ***** stars: Simply put, my favorite Mega Man game.
21 December 2001
Graphics: 9.5

Sound: 9.5

Playability: 10

Challenge: Medium

Replay value: High

Nostalgia rating: 10


This was my first mega man game ever. This game was an excellent one. Sure the sound may not seem like a big deal but its not bad. The graphics are very nicely done. The robot master designs were also very nice. And while the story may not be all that big of a deal by itself it is excellent compared to the other ones. But the best thing about it is the music. Sure the stage music & such may seem regular but. My favorite music themes in this game are the intro theme & the protoman theme. GOD I LOVED THE INTRO THEME! It was the most beautiful theme I have ever heard in a Mega man game. And for extra measure it was one of the best things in sci-fi related symphonic music since Vince DiCola's work in Transformers the movie. (I wonder why they never did any Transformers games back then?) And I consider it as one of the best NES themes around. I do quite like the Protoman theme. It is very much playable and as for the challenge well it is no big deal but some parts in the game may seem frustrating while it is nothing that a Game genie can't fix. So to be honest I consider this to be my favorite Mega man game ever.

Overall Rating: 10
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Silverhawks (1986)
*** out of 4 stars a visually stylish and good-old fashioned piece of science fiction.
13 October 2000
Summary:A small group of individuals assigned to become a new crime-stopping fighting force. The only catch is that they must become cyborgs but apparently it didn't bother them. Yes it is another superhero squad show. What do you expect? This is a known case of 80's animation.

Review:Utter Garbage? The nadir of 80's animation? I don't think so.

This is old fashioned campy sci-fi this isn't kubrick's 2001. Sure even when you consider the material this isn't exactly the pinnacle of its kind. But it was a good show nevertheless.

Actually the animation of the show is better than most shows of its time. And it does have some of that cheeky campy humor charm that shows like these have. So it may not be cerebral but just because it isn't philosophical doesn't make it "dumb". Sure if you're the type that makes a big fuss over things like "Cliches" or things like that then don't bother. If you are a 80's animation fan like me then do see it. Sure it isn't the absolute best in 80's animation but it is quite far from the worst.
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***** a perfect 5 stars,the first "great" movie of the year.
29 September 2000
Cast:Jim cummings(Who framed roger rabbit),Kath Soucie(Rugrats),Peter Cullen(Transformers the movie),Ken sansom(Transformers),John Fielder(Fox and the hound)


MPAA rating G(although it had an intense avalanche scene in it)

Star rating:5 out of 5 stars(Excellent)

Summary:Its kinda like "Muppets from space" it stars Tigger(Jim cummings) who is starting to get tired of his "I'm the only one" reputation. And then he tries to find his family while Pooh (Jim cummings) and piglet (John fielder) and kanga (Kath soucie) and roo (noptika hopkins in her 1st performance) and owl (andre stojka) and eeyore (Peter cullen) help tigger. While rabbit (ken sansom) isn't all that thrilled with that idea while he is preparing for winter.

Well the cast is very good.The movie is very thrilling.This movie did the original one justice. (It almost surpassed the original)

Its basically the finest animated film featuring Peter cullen ever since "Transformers the movie" (He was optimus prime and ironhide in Transformers the movie).

The sight gags are truly a treat because with "tiggerish" parodies of art pictures like "american gothic","venus de milo" or even things like Jerry Springer. (Don't worry parents it is still a good kids movie anyways).

Its a great treat for all those who remembered the first film & then some. I admit it was quite tear-jerking. It has very fine simplistic animation. And those are just some things I could say. Not too mention that this is one of the finest movies featuring Kenny Loggins music ever since Top Gun.

And there are only 2 disappointments. While cummings did a great job as tigger it was kinda sad that the original voice of tigger (paul winchell) wasn't in the film. Because this could've surpassed the original. What happenend to gopher how come he wasn't in the film? I know its a small question but still.

Quote:Yes you bounced me many times-Pooh
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1.5 out of 5 stars:Does show some pleasing moments but overall its another sci-fi gorefest.
9 August 2000
Warning: Spoilers
Starring:Sigourney Weaver(Galaxy Quest),Wynona Ryder(Girl,Interrupted)


Rated R:For Graphic Violence,some language,mild sensuality

Summary:Basically its your basic "don't mess with dangerous monstrous forces" kind of film. Ripley gets resurrected as a clone. And she ends up fighting them aliens again!


And it is also one of those "Just about everyone" dies sort of films. This kind of films are not always bad I thought "Deep Blue Sea" was a good film and only 2 of the main characters came out alive. But still this is rather bad anyways.


The Good:The wisecracks are funny and there are some cool & suspenseful moments in here. The performances & SFX are decent but nothing for helping this film.

The bad:Gore,gore & more gore. If that sounds good for you be my guest. Although this is the first Alien movie I have seen I hope the others are better. So I guess I can recommend this film to alien fans & certain others. Overall this film tries to be good but it isn't all that successful. I agree with Roger Ebert & his rating (which is a 1.5 out of 4 which is what I would've done if I went by that system). Heck the last alien killing makes me almost wonder if I am being too nice on this film. At least this is not as bad as the first Halloween film that I have seen which is the 6th one. (Don't worry folks at least I am still open-minded about the others).

So overall if you think "Batman & Robin" is the worst of 1997. Take a look at this little messy mess.
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1 out of 5 stars 90% incompetent:Forget Pokemon,Star wars,W.W west THIS IS THE CON JOB OF 1999
23 June 2000
Pros: Good for a few chuckles. Cons: Proof that critical and popular moviegoing opinion can be quite absurd.

The hype for this movie is quite absurd.

Even the most respected film critics of professional and amatuer types drooled over this.

Sadly so did a large portion of the public.

The plot simply goes like this 3 filmmakers go into the woods to find the blair witch and they end up lost.

This is one of the dumbest,most inept,boring movies of 1999.

Sure blair witch isn't the only highly-hyped film of 1999 there are films like American Beauty,Three Kings,Being John Malkovich,Toy Story 2,The sixth sense,etc. were better than this movie.

Even highly-hated films of 1999 like Pokemon the first movie,Baby Geniuses,Wild wild west were much better than this dreck.

And no I'm not hating just because it doesn't have traditional scare tactics like big budget scares or cheaply made killers or just to sound different.

I may be too nice for giving this film a 1 instead of a 0 but I find some of the intentional humor funny so it is at least worth a few chuckles.

This film is purely for "Arthouse" fans only sure although I'm not a big fan of arthouse flicks there are plenty of good arthouse flicks out there.

But needless to say THIS ISN'T ONE OF THEM!

Although it was more boring that irratating afterall this film could be fun if it were treated by the folks of MST3K.

This film could've also been tolerable if they used the actual footage instead of this shotty re-make.

Originality is not a bad thing. But this makes the concept of originality look like "something nobody else was stupid to do".

Low-budget films can be good. Now I can't say this films budget should be bigger it just needs a better script.

So please I know that films like Pokemon the first movie,Wild wild west,Star wars episode 1 are highly flashy but they are more entertaining than this thrash.

Though it wasn't as bad as films like Very Bad Things and such but it was pretty close.

After sitting through this film I actually felt sleepy so I guess it is at least good for some sleeping medicine.

So please ignore the massive slobber over this and stay away from this unless you're a certain MST3K fan.

So if you want to see a good critically aclaimmed flick see Toy story 2 or the sixth sense (which sadly didn't do as well as blair witch)or something like that.

Hey say most of anything 1999 flick than this.

(Sure films like "Titanic" and "2001:A Space oydssey" weren't all that much but they were better than this.)
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4.5 out of *****(Flawed but Grand):A bit flawed but it almost deserved all of its hype.
17 June 2000
Genre:Dark comedy,drama,satire

Rated R for drug use,violence,nudity,language

The Summary:Basically its a serious yet comical observance of suburbia on how one family is pratically "normal" to pratically folks on Jerry Springer.

Kevin spacey,OK so this isn't "A bug's life" but he was pretty close.

It's premise was almost well-executed. (At least the premise was delivered better than "Pleasantville".)

I'm not gay nor a homophob but the nudity in this film was actually well used part of the storyline instead of just a cheap thrill.

Basically it was close to be "The Truman Show" or the dark comedy world.

So it may not be Best picture of 1999 but it was close.

While the film may seem a bit iffy at first but it did well later on.

(The awards people could've done so much worse they already did in previous years.)

To be honest I could've gave this a lesser rating but it whouldn't feel right.

Basically its what you get if you mix Good will hunting with Pleasantville. (With a bit of Ghost in the shell.)

The homophobia in here was plainly dumb.

Annette Benning wasn't bad in here although she was a bit annoying at times.

There were other times in the movie when MST3K was in my mind in a certain way.

Maybe I'm missing something here but it did miss something one of the messages in this film but this film did a bad job on what is "normal".

This film is funny but not always in a good way.

I'm not a pervert or anything but I found those "flower" scenes a bit annoying.

Intellect will never be a bad thing but I can only recromend this to those who are into "deep & intellectual" films.

The quotes:"I rule"-Kevin Spacey

"How can I be mad when there is so much beauty in the world."-Kevin Spacey
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Mobile Suit Gundam Wing (1995–1996)
**** A perfect 4 stars:Intelligent animated sci-fi but although it isn't highly obscene like south park,it is too story heavy for the kids.
11 May 2000
Starring:Paul Dobson(The new addams family),Scott McNeil(Street Fighter)


Rated Y7:Violence(Censored Version)

Rated PG:Violence,mild language,blood (Uncensored version)

Summary:5 young men pilot 5 mobile suits called the gundams. While at first they are quite alone in their business. They end up making friends and allies. Some are true friends other are rather unsure. Basically its a darker version of Robotech.

The good:Good animation,Great stories,good performances,good cast,a very good philosophical look at war,and while the highly cynical may knock the other anime shows down I can actually and honestly recromend this to the highly cynical. And some of the more chrisitianic folks in here might appreciate the brief mentionings of God. And this is one of the few good shows that have a definte ending. (Kinda like samurai pizza cats)

The bad:The grim & nastiness of this show may give a bitter feeling to you. And the extremely complex stories might confuse you. Quote:Next time deliver it in person-Relina
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Dragon Ball Z (1996–2003)
*** out of 4 stars:A bit snail-paced and dragging but it does rather well. Its a all-around good anime
10 May 2000
Starring:Ian James Cortlett(Reboot),Scott McNeil(Beetlejuice),Terry Klassen(Mega Man),Brian Drummond(Beast Machines),Lalainia Lindbjerg(Ronin warriors),Pauline Newstone(Beast wars),Richard Newman(Kimba)

Genre(s):Animated,martial arts,fantasy,sci-fi,action

Rated Y7:For kung-fu violence.

Summary:Well you can't truly sum this whole show in one summary but it focuses on folks such as an incredibly strong fighter that although he was born in the planet vegeta he was raised in earth he is known as the strongest fighter ever he is goku (Cortlett).There are his friends Krillen(Klassen),Bulma(Lindbjerg),Piccalo(McNeil) and certain others. Even his sometimes ally/sometimes enemy Vegeta(Drummond). But this summary will go to long if I gave you a complete summary.

The good:Excellent performances (especially to those like McNeil,Drummond & such),Good animation,engaging storyline,and more. And although there is a lot of violence in this there is a story behind it.

The bad:Sometimes this show's pace is at a moderately ok speed but at a good amount of times its so annoyingly slow. (Battle of Goku Vs. Frieza for example)

Besides its highly developed story can be very confusing.

And the animation is good although it may not appear to be like that if you see a good amount of the fight scenes in this.

Comment:You didn't say please!-Goku
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Ronin Warriors (1988–1995)
*** out of 4 stars:A good dark anime.
10 May 2000
Starring:Matt Hill(Ninja turtles next mutation),Lalainia Lindbjerg(Disturbing Behavior)


Rated Y7:Violence and this show is a bit gothic.

Summary:An acient demon horde (Known as the dynasty) is at a semi-old fashioned quest for world conqeust. But 5 heroes such Ryo of the wildfire(Hill) as others must stop him.

The good:Very nicely done animation,good stories,etc. And this anime will certainly appeal to gothic fans. (Although it isn't gothic as in Tim Burton goth but sometimes not being as goth as burton can be a good thing.)

The bad:If you can't stand the common fighting that happens on DragonBall Z (also featuring Lailania Lindbjerg) then don't bother here. And if you can't stand goth then you also don't bother. Besides this show can get easily mockable.

Quote:I'll show you how wicked I really am!-Kento of hardrock
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*** out of 4 stars:A good thing for quest fans & more.
10 May 2000
Starring:George Segal(Look whos talking),Frank Welker(DuckTales),Rob Paulsen(Bump in the night),Jennifer Hale(Bruno the kid)


Rated Y7:Violence (Though I have heard a cuss word in it before but no big deal)

Summary:Basically its a darker version of the original series except for a few differences (questworld & all).

The good:The animation for both questworld & the real world are good,there is stories,cast,etc.

The bad:Despite the differences it doesn't top the original series which also gets a 3 out of 4.

Quote:N/A (It's been a while since I last saw it due to Cartoon network placing it out of Toonami ever since september of 1999)
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Sailor Moon (1995–2000)
*** out of 4 stars:You'd think I whould have no reason to like this sappy,campy,soap opeartic,what whould you get if you mix barbie with power rangers anime & all-around big mesh of things to superhero c
10 May 2000
Starring:Terri Hawkes(Care bears Movie),Toby Daniels(X-men)

Featuring music from:Stan Bush(Transformers the movie)


Rated Y7:For non-graphic violence

Summary:5 young girls are destined to stop the evil forces of the negaverse although they are regularly aided by tuxedo mask (Daniels) they do a good job fighting evil.

The good:This is along with pokemon are quite underrated. (If you think S.M and pokemon are bad look at g-force) The animation is stylish the stories are good & most of the characters are quite likeable. Some will like as the lightweight anime fluff it is (like me) or some will like for other reasons (like regularly seeing young full-figured women in skimpy clothes for example).

The bad:Sorta like Wild Wild West(Will Smith,1999). As in you shouldn't take this show too seriously otherwise you'll be very irratable to put it mildly. And while Sailor moon isn't truly hateable she can be annoying. And the "Sailor Moon Says" thing is kinda unnescessary. And its a bit stereotypical towards women. (Though folks I have seen shows much more stereotypical than this.)

Quote:See you later meatball head.-Sailor Mars A.K.A Raye
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ReBoot (1994–2001)
**** out of 4 stars:Before films like the Toy stories and the bug movies of '98 (Antz,A bugs life) & before they where shows like Beast Wars/Machines and Max Steel there was this intelligent series.
10 May 2000
Starring:Ian Cortlett(Gundam Wing),Tony Jay(Hunchback of notre dame),Kathleen Barr(Mega man),Paul Dobson(DBZ),Scott McNeil(Beetlejuice),Gary Chalk(Beast wars)

Featuring Guest spots of:Gillian Anderson(X-Files),David Kaye(Beast Machines),Blu Mankuma(Bone Daddy)


Rated Y7:Violence

Summary:The summaries are different to each season.

1.Everyday live of the city (system) of mainframe. (Sorta like what can happen in your computer).But later on after the guardian Bob's (Cortlett) attempt to save the system from a nasty web creature. He is lost in the web.

2.Before bobs disappearance he left enzo (a small male sprite which in season 3 he'll be played by Paul Dobson) in charge to defend while he has trouble with the systems infamous virus MegaByte (Jay).

While he has help from folks like his sister Dot matrix (Barr). So during the end of this season he and his best friend andraila(sharon alexander in season 3) go on a quest for bob as going through systems while being in the games.

3.Now our duo are still looking for bob while trying to find their way home but after they got bob and returned home well...I'm not gonna spoil it entirely.

Comment:Starring:Ian Cortlett(Gundam Wing),Tony Jay(Hunchback of notre dame),Kathleen Barr(Mega man),Paul Dobson(DBZ),Scott McNeil(Beetlejuice),Gary Chalk(Beast wars)

Featuring Guest spots of:Gillian Anderson(X-Files),David Kaye(Beast Machines),Blu Mankuma(Bone Daddy)


Rated Y7:Violence

Summary:The summaries are different to each season.

1.Everyday live of the city (system) of mainframe. (Sorta like what can happen in your computer).But later on after the guardian Bob's (Cortlett) attempt to save the system from a nasty web creature. He is lost in the web.

2.Before bobs disappearance he left enzo (a small male sprite which in season 3 he'll be played by Paul Dobson) in charge to defend while he has trouble with the systems infamous virus MegaByte (Jay).

While he has help from folks like his sister Dot matrix (Barr). So during the end of this season he and his best friend andraila(sharon alexander in season 3) go on a quest for bob as going through systems while being in the games.

3.Now our duo are still looking for bob while trying to find their way home but after they got bob and returned home well...I'm not gonna spoil it entirely.

Star rating:4 out of 4 stars(Excellent)

MST rating:1 out of 5 stars(A few MSTable scenes)

The good:Great animation,excellent in-jokes,great performances,good stories,great parodies (the episode that parodied Star trek was written by a writer of the original star trek TV series.),etc.

The bad:Well if you're not into grim & gothic animation then you may want to check out season 1 or if want grim & gothic animation then you may wanna check season 3 while season 2 is a bit of a mix between both. So lets just say that this isn't for all tastes. (But then again what is?)

Quote:(After he discovers that he stepped in some doggie feces)Nevermind I think I already found it.-MegaByte
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Thundercats (1985–1989)
**** A perfect 4 stars:Ahhh sweet childhood memories..oops sorry I mean excellent piece of 80's animation
10 May 2000
Starring:Larry Kenney(Silverhawks),Earle Hyman(The cosby show),Doug Pries(Doug's 1st Movie)


Rated Y7:For non-graffic violence (Although the outtakes have a considerable amount of vulgar language)

Summary:It's the old "A race of aliens just lost their planet due to that planet had just blown up now they end up in earth"

The good:This show is one of the reasons why I love 80's animation so much you barely (if ever find) anything bad in 80's animation. If you love 80's animation,old fashioned "Alien race survival" shows,and can tolerate to like something campy,or things like that then go right ahead then. Everything else is find animation,storylines,etc.

The bad:Although the voice-acting isn't bad its kinda flat at times.

Quote:Chauvanist reptile-Monkian
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**** A perfect 4 stars:Another 80's animation winner.
10 May 2000
Starring:Neil Ross(Transformers),B.J Ward(Scooby-doo on monster island),Michael Bell(Rugrats),Peter Cullen(New adventures of winnie the pooh),Jack Angel(Tarzan)


Rated Y7:For non-graffic violence(Although one episode did have a cuss word in it I know how trivial that is)

Summary:5 space explorers from the galaxy garrison galatic alliance after when they end up in planet doom they were gonna be sentenced to a slaughter with one of the monsters they escaped. After they successfully escaped the explorers went to a planet called airess they had a tough time adjusting at first but after meeting up with princess allura(ward) & Koran(Cullen) and after some searching around for a few "certain" keys and such they end up to be the voltron force.

The good:Good cast,Good animation,Good stories,Good...well just about everything. Good for anime fans & good for those who remember this during their childhood.

The bad:This is really for those who can tolerate anything sci-fi and campy.

Comment:Dynotrems Connected..Infocells up...Megathrusters are go!-Keith
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Battle of the Planets (1978–1980)
** out of 4 stars:Think Pokemon & Sailor Moon are the worst in anime? Then take a look at this!
10 May 2000
Starring:Casey Kasem(Transformers the movie)


Summary:Its basically a futuristic animated version of Power rangers.

Rated Y7:For Power rangerish violence.

The good:Well as just for animation this is only decent. But as a anime there is nothing all that much here. Though the cast does try to save it.

The bad:If you don't like power rangers then don't bother here. If you like campy sci-fi animation then I guess you can give it a shot but I can't promise anything. Even if you don't take it seriously it is still not for the cynics.

Quote:N/A (Sorry its been a while since the last time I saw this.)
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***** A perfect 5 stars:An excellent underrated "simple-gag" comedy that slightly surpasses its original.
8 May 2000
The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas (2000)

Directed by Brian Levant (Beethoven)

Starring: Mark Addy (Full Monty), Stephen Baldwin (Fled), Kristen Johnston (3rd Rock from the Sun), Jane Krakowski (Ally McBeal),Thomas Gibson (Dharma & Greg), Alan Cumming (Goldeneye), Joan Collins (Dynasty), Harvey Korman (The Original Flintstones series)

Featuring voices of: Mel Blanc (Jetsons the movie), Rosie O'Donell (The Flintstones)

Rated PG: Light Adult Content, One swear word. (Yes, that can happen because that is the reason why the 1998 film "Madeline" got a PG rating)

Genre(s): Family, Comedy, Romance, Based on a TV show (The Flintstones animated series of the 60's)

Summary: It is basically a prequel of the 1994 underrated hit. (The Flintstones starring John Goodman). Fred (Addy) and Barney (Baldwin) just got their jobs in the rock quarry. Barney is feeling highly in content of his life although Fred is unsure of his future. Yet they'll meet "The Great Gazoo" (Cumming) for the 1st time soon enough. Meanwhile Wilma (Johnston) despite her financially wealthy life is feeling rather bored with her glamorous but rather humdrum life. After all she has her overbearing mother (Collins) her ex-boyfriend soon to be suitor for financial reasons of course Chip Rockefeller (Gibson) and who is trying to win Wilma's heart for financial reasons only, but at least she had her senile but good-hearted father (Korman). Wilma tries to escape her wealthy but unhappy life. So she runs away and gets a job at a local fifty-ish fast food place. Soon she meets with Betty (Krakowski) after trying to give a reason why she came there in the first place (but failing because Betty wouldn't let her completely explain) Betty gets Wilma a job at the fast food place. (Known as "Bronto King" gee try to guess what product plug in joke that was suppose to be.) Soon Fred and Barney meet the girls and you pretty much have an idea what's going on here.

The good: If it weren't for the fact that this was a prequel the casting would look downright absurd. (I mean c'mon a Baldwin Brother as Barney Rubble? I don't hate the Baldwins but still). The special effects are first rate. Yet despite the special effects and the gags this isn't just "eye candy with simple gags" the movie was well made as itself. The cast did well & the performances were well done too. Despite the fact that this is a PG film this is perfectly fine for the whole family. And I can easily recommend this to any Flintstone fan. (Although I am not a Flintstone fan, I did enjoy the show and the movies though). The animals were a really nice touch such as dino (Blanc) a massaging squid (O'Donell) and more. From start to finish this film plays out really well. Overall this is one of the best "gag" comedies I have seen for a while but so far the animation world is on a winning streak this year I hope the simple gag comedy world can do the same. (Although it's rather unlikely)

The bad: The humble morality element in this is a bit schmaltzy, but that is no big deal. But if you don't like comedies that its humor is mainly simple-gags then you may want be careful.

Quote: "You think you're tensed I just found out what Calimari means". -The massaging squid of the hotel in Viva Rock Vegas.
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***** A perfect 5 stars:Another Animated hit for the new millennium.
27 April 2000
Warning: Spoilers
Starring:Kevin Kline(Hunchback of notre dame),Kenneth Branagh(Wild wild west),Frank Welker(The transformers),Jim Cummings(Pokemon),Armand Assante(Mambo Kings)


Brief Summary: (Spoiler Warning) 2 spanish con men called Miguel (Branagh) & Tolio (Kline) head out to el dorado after getting a map to that place after conning a few sailors.

Although the ship they stowed away with doesn't have a pleasant captain (Cummings).

Our heroes although they got caught at first they manage to escape with the captain's horse (Welker).

After they got to land and after a trip through the jungle they found the city and its populated by aztec-like indians such as the town's chief (Edward James Olmos) & certain others like a female theif (Rosie Perez) & Tzekel-Khan (Assante) ol'miguel & tolio are known as gods.

And..(Well I don't want to tell the entire story and I know that this summary is supposedly brief).

(End of Spolier Warning)

Rated PG:Mild Language,Mild adult content

Comment:"Another animated hit for the new millennium"

The good:So many good things so little time.

Well theres the animation,cast,story,humor,performances, all sorts of things.

It makes a good animated movie,action comedy movie,buddy flick,etc.

Although I did like Wild wild west you shouldn't be too narrow-minded for this film just because it has kline,braunagh of that movie.

The bad:Although it is quite a good film the highly cynical folks in here should be careful.

The casting isn't bad but its a tad odd for a american actor (Kline) & british actor (Branagh) to be voicing spanish con men but things like that are certainly not rare.

Quote(s):Perhaps they should call this the road to cheldorado.

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*****:A perfect 5 star rating,one of the most underrated movies of 1999
24 January 2000
Good:Gee where do I begin?

Well its got all sorts of good things about it.

I can easily see why this would probably be considered a cult classic.

For all you 80's nostalgia fans like myself you can consider this movie as "Half Transformers the movie and Half the Care bears movie"

For all those of you unsure of seeing this movie it is better than the show (Although its a pity they didn't follow with the mangas).

And while they're other VG-based anime around of all the USA theatrically released VG-based movies this is the best one.

The beautiful:The animation and music was very nice.

The bad:I have seen one problem on why this movie was hated by so many people.

It had no background.

So that means don't make the mistake that so many critics and movie goers made by thinking this movie is a explaination of the poke-world.

So if you don't know pokemon look at some poke-comics or watch some of the pokemon episodes on TV or something like that.

Although one thing is that Misty and brock had too little to do.

The ugly:Bad reviews from just about all the critics,badly shunned by a good amount of moviegoers.

Hey doesn't this remind you anything there Transfans?

*cough* Transformers the movie *cough*

At least this movie's B.O record is a lot better than Transformers the movie was.

Side notes:Many people are going by "Watch Toy Story 2 instead" don't get me wrong TS2 is a fine movie but a certain reason why people do that is that both movies are kids movies yet TS2's tries to appeal to all ages (which is a good thing) but pokemon's appeal is mainly for the little kiddies.

(Although there where a few clever in-jokes such as the minesota vikings one)

So I am placing this on my fave anime list


(I have certainly seen more movies than this)

So adults don't expect that this movie is gonna give "appeal" to you adults it is really just a kids movie.
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*****:A perfect 5 star rating,one of the best movies of 1986
24 January 2000
Warning: Spoilers
(This is my last review for the movie the reason why I did the others was before I saw the movie again during my older brothers birthday)

Good:Too many to list here.

But here goes

1:Incredible performances 2:Great soundtrack (The only other soundtrack I like more is the blues brothers) 3:Great casting 4:Some of you movie-fans might wanna see this because this is the final movie performance of Orson welles and scatman crothers. 5:Its not just for transfans for one example it is also great for anime fans too.

I can name all sorts of other things too.

(By the way if you want to pick which version to go I defintely pick the canadian version because it is uncensored)

The beautiful:Well the animation is well done but the soundtrack is fantastic.

The bad:Well there are 2 things


If you're observant enough you can see certain things like thundercracker (no john stephenson voice of thundercracker isn't in this movie) has appeared in starsreams coronation even though beforehand he got re-formated to one of galvatron's troops.

(Spoilers end)

The only way I can see on why would transfans be disappointed in this is because of that of all the original transformers perceptor had more screen time than any of the others.

The ugly:You pokefans think you got it bad.

Well we basically got the same thing.

(Although the B.O record for this film was much lower)
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Bump in the Night (1994–1995)
****:A perfect 4 stars a really humorous series of claymation! !
7 November 1999
Good:All sorts of things such as the humor & claymation & the storylines & of course the music & not to mention the cast.

(Jim cummings & Rob Paulsen & Gail Mattheus of SNL & Tiny toons)

Beautiful:I dunno what to report here.

Bad:Although some may find Bumpys "Gross-out" humor attempts a little juvenille to just plain crude & disgusting not much to say here.

Ugly:That it way too short-lived on ABC.

(Although its availible on Toon Disney)
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Dilbert (1999–2000)
****:A perfect 4 stars more than does great justice to the comic strip its actually better than the strip!
7 November 1999
(I've seen a book about many strips of the comic series before although its usually funny some of the strips I found rather bland)

The Good:As I said in the summary this show is better than the strip!

(although I guess some purist fans where displeased about this)

Although I'll go over about how good it is well there is the humor (I know big suprise).

The Casting & their performances.

(Daniel Stern of The wonder years & Home alone 1 & 2 for example)

And of course the excellent theme called "The dilbert zone"

The Beautiful:I dunno what to place here

The Bad:Other than they kinda drew Dilbert kinda crooked with his tie.

(See on how his tie always stick up)

But other than that its really no big deal.

The Ugly:Not much to report here
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A Pup Named Scooby-Doo (1988–1991)
***:3 stars, a good series of scooby doo.
5 November 1999
The good:Its still a lot of fun here in this series plus we have the original voices of shag & scoob. (Casey Kasem as shag & the late Don Messick as Scoob.)

It did the old series very well altough there are some exceptions.

The Beautiful:I dunno what to place here

The Bad:Purist fans will be displeased about how velma was made in this show but to folks like me its really no big deal.

They really lowered freddy's IQ in this one & daphne was rather annoying in this one.

The ugly:Read about Freddy & Daphne in "The Bad" section.
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Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (1994 Video Game)
***.5:Sure it seems like a bland mix of TMNT & the MMPR show but its actually a good game.
8 October 1999
All a bit too short..well thats kinda true but this game is NOT bad I'll point out some things that I just started now.

The Good: Good Gameplay & such but its mainly a fun game to go with & its good for those who like the original PR series such as myself.

The Bad: OK this basically feels like Fox competing against Ninja turtles because of game set-up. But it doesn't damage the game all that much but the game could've been a bit more complex.

The Ugly: Nothing really all that ugly here.
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Steel (1997)
****.5,4.5 out of 5 stars,heroes don't get any bigger & films almost don't get anymore underrated than this incredibly underrated flick.
4 July 1999
I dunno why do so many people knock this one down immensely it's no where as bad as so many people have said(& no I'm not a fan of b-movies or shaq.) This film has plenty of good humor & amazing design. Well-made storyline & all that. OK so Judd nelson(jack of suddenly susan & hot rod(believe or not) of transformers the movie) did play his part well but he's not exactly the idea of an terrorist villian (so many people expected the villian to be a supervillian but the film ended up as having a terrorist as the villian) & sure the story had a major difference to the comic, but just because movies place in more than just a li'l bit of artistic license doesn't always make a movie bad (which I can say for the movies of SMB & street fighter) so there my 2 cents for right now.
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Heavyweights (1995)
****.5,4.5 out of 5 stars,they don't run the fastest they don't jump the highest but they have made one of the funniest films & well made film's I've seen.
4 July 1999
This is another badly treated film it got knocked down as "Gross & dumb & places in a lot of offensive fat jokes & all in all abusive & offensive" well here's what I say about this.

Gross & dumb:Hey I can name plenty of films grosser & dumber than this

Offensive fat jokes:being a bit overweight myself when I saw this film I personally was not offended by the film's humor

Abusive & offensive:Sure Tony perkis made the film a bit abusive but if you wanna see abusive see "Major payne" but at least this film didn't rely on abusiveness unlike the other film & as in for the offensive part apparently the people who reviewed this film are a bit overly sensitve about the fat jokes because I could probably find a film that whould be a big offense to overweight people around.

Okay now that I'm done with that lemme tell you that this was not a bad movie & if you're like me you won't be offended by this films humor so bye for now.
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