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Has flaws but a worthy sequel.
31 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
There is certainly an argument as to whether Cocoon: The Return need have ever been made. Ben (Wilford Brimley) had explicitly told his grandson that he would never see him again, it serves to cheapen that scene and many other scenes of finality in the original that they 'return' for this sequel.

Another annoyance is that the hospitals and doctors that the oldsters frequent don't seem to wonder how the hell these guys have risen seemingly from the dead.

That said, it's wonderful to see the senior actors return again, and some very real issues are covered which make this more than a worthwhile sequel all things considered. The scene of sacrifice with Joe (Hume Cronyn) and Alma (Jessica Tandy) is a whirlpool of emotion and I defy anyone not to be moved by this pair of stunning performances - it really does tug on the heartstrings, as much as anything in the first movie does. It's also superb watching Bernie (Jack Gilford) move on with his life by dating the feisty Ruby (Elaine Stritch) who is more than a match for the cantankerous curmudgeon. Some brilliantly moving moments as Bernie believes he is betraying his late wife by kissing another woman...

And that's what the Cocoon movies do, they move you, they move senior citizens - disregarded by society - to the forefront of importance and rightfully so too, before we were around - they were. They deserve these films to showcase the hardships they have to go through in later life, where a great deal of them to crave immortality...these films take a look what if?...and it what it was cracked to be.

Wonderful films, wonderful actors - I'll defend these movies to the end.
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To comedy what Rik Waller is to music
19 April 2005
This is easily the most pathetic unfunny piece of abysmal crud ever broadcast on BBC Anyone who says the acting is good, should be hung, drawn, quartered, shot, boiled in oil and then BURNT!! The 'actors' featured are of such high calibre that they were all unemployed at the time this drivel was commissioned and on these shining performances are likely to be so for the foreseeable future. The fact that anyone can compare this show to any of the great comedies of the past shows what an easily pleased nation this really is. In fact, i'm surprised given the average intelligence of the public at large that this classic didn't make the top ten comedies in some hastily cobbled together poll by channel 4.

That said, i really do not like this show
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Flawed, but ONE GREAT performance
25 June 2004
This movie could have been so much better, if it stuck to more of the original idea's from the movie (prince Adam, the king and Queen, more of the cartoon's villains) then we could have had a real classic on our hands, if only a lot more of the film was spent on eternia, as opposed to earth, maybe an extra half an hour showing Skeletors taking over of grayskull in full along with more scenes of He-man and co in Eternia.

BUT, what we are left with is still an effective movie whilst some of the characters fail to warm, i.e. Gwildor, Man-At-Arms, Teela and even He-man some of the others are great Meg Foster was perfect for the role of Evil-Lyn as was Courtney Cox and Robert Duncan McNiell as the young couple, Skeletors four henchman ranged from pretty good to poor, Blade was an excellent idea, and the Beastman was one of the only original elements from the cartoon to remain, but Saurod was awful and Karg was just irritating, but that said, they could have been worse

But of course the final mention on performances has to get a special paragraph to itself, a Truly Inspired piece of casting brought Frank Langella the part Skeletor, and if not for his truly wondrous showing then this film could have sunk without trace, his voice and mannerisms were awesome (nothing like the cartoon, but not a problem) and the delivery of some truly great lines such as 'I must possess all, or i possess NOTHING' or 'Everything comes to he who waits, and i have waited so very long for this moment' as well as his transformation into a god were stupifyingly amazing, a 10/10 for him.

Some of the action scenes were very good, whereas some were bad, its easy to see that the budget on this film was unwisely used, too much effort was used to make the cosmic key effective rather then having super cool henchman for skeletor (who were too much like darth vader's soldiers for me) i liked the air centurions though.

Summing up this film is a 7 1/2 out of 10, purely because of Langella's greatness.
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No Way Out (1987)
The 5th Best film ever
25 January 2001
I cannot express in words how much i love this film, it is simply one of the greatest films ever made - and i mean that.

In my mind only The Godfather, The Philadelphia Experiment, The Deer Hunter and Twelve Angry Men are better than this film

It's riveting, it's fast paced, it's supremely acted, and to top it all off it has the by far the best movie twist i have ever seen - even better than the Usual Suspects one.

If there is a fault to this movie - than i fail to see it.

Gene Hackman as usual is brilliant playing the cold hearted ruthless SOB to a tee, Kevin Costner is also excellent as Farrell but it is Will Patton who steals the show in my opinion with a brilliant portrayal of absolute loyalty.

It has a chase - one of the best chases if you ask me.

When i first saw the ending to this film i was in shock - i just couldn't believe it - it throws the entire film out of the window.

10/10 - Superb. Highly Recommended.
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Philadelphia (1993)
Tremendously Moving Film
22 January 2001
It takes a lot for me to get upset in films, the elephant man being an example of a film making me cry.

However the ending to this film has to be one of the saddest sights i've ever seen. Beckett's brothers, sisters and parents saying goodbye to him, especially the brother who simply breaks down in tears - so realistic and so upsetting.

A wonderful tour de force performance from Hanks who really proved that he is among the greats. Washington too handling his homophobic character excellently. I wouldn't say he is completely turned by the end of the film, but he's not so against them as he was.

Robards too gave off an aura of a truly prejudiced man - who doesn't really get his compuppance.

All in all an excellent film with the expected sad ending - which is beautifully handled
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12 Angry Men (1957)
A Wonderful True Classic
4 December 2000
This is one of the most flawless and well acted films i have ever seen - never less then compelling from start to finish.

All twelve actor deliver Oscar worthy performances.

Sure - Fonda was given first billing - and rightfully so as he was clearly the main character in the film -but 3 other characters steal the show.

Ed Begley (Juror 10) an excellent portrayal of a racist bigot and his racist tirade at the end is one of the highlights especially when everyone gets up and leaves the table - (except Warden and Marshall - who are disgusted but can bear to hear it.)

E.G. Marshall (Juror 4) - The most intelligent juror that maintains his guilty plea to the end whilst the other 2 have prejudices. He will not be swayed by Fonda - and he genuinlely believes the boy is guilty - great acting by marshall.

Lee J Cobb (Juror 3) - I was blown away by the stunning emotional, electrifying performance that Cobb effortlessly gives - some actors can shout - but Cobb can SHOUT like no-one else - "Everything in this case HAS BEEN TWISTED" Oh so realistic - and his final tirade was the best moment in the film.

A brilliant character study - and the epitome of great acting

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Superb- but not as good as part 1
30 November 2000
The Godfather part 2 is a spectacular, all-out brilliant film - the reason it does not better the original is the missing characters Sonny and Old Vito and Clemenza. And there aren't as many memorable moments.

Don't get me wrong however this is still a masterpiece of cinema and reminder of how films should be made rather than all the hyped up garbage we see on our screens today.

Al Pacino is BACK as Michael Corleone - the all powerful head of the corleone family. Robert Duvall returns, as does John Cazale, Diane Keaton and Talia Shire (also Morgana King, Richard Bright, Tom Rosqui and Joe Spinell) and are joined by 3 major new characters - Clemenza's replacement Frank Pentangeli (Michael. V. Gazzo), Meyer Lansky clone Hyman Roth (Lee Strasberg) and the slimy senator geary (G.D. Spradlin) There is also a supreme prequel section which takes up about a third of the film - This introduces Robert De Niro as the young Vito Corleone, flanked by Genco (Frank Sivero), Tessio (John Aprea) and Clemenza (Bruno Kirby) . And pursued by Don Fanucci (Gaston Moschin) and Don Ciccio.

The performances are superb - No doubt about that Pacino, Duvall, De Niro, V.Gazzo - all outstanding but special mention to the late GREAT John Cazale - who took his character Fredo Corleone from a brief role in the first film to elevated it to a sincerely higher plein. He was simply outstanding and should have won an oscar for his incredibly realistic and stunning portrayal of a resentful, useless, fool who can't accept that baby brother is better than him (and wouldn't we all) we can understand the way he feels and in a way we are sympathetic.

Cazale's supremacy aside, The film is 9 1/2 out of ten and i strongly recommend it , should watch part 1 first though.
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The Godfather (1972)
A reprise
24 November 2000
This is my second comment about this film - I am just pleased to see that there are some film fans with the sense to recognise that this motion picture is superior to any other.

And that a lot of you are realising the true supremecy of James Caan as Sonny.

Respect to everyone Any Godfather lovers out there feel free to E-mail me.
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Good Film
12 January 2000
A very tight character drama - in which Al pacino successfully shows a new dimension to his acting reportoir - With a very brave performance as a bisexual. Coming after brooding masculine performances in the best film of all time - the Godfather, along with Godfather part Two and Serpico. This role came as a surprise to me but Pacino with his often usual shouting role was brilliant (by shouting i mean all the yelling he does in films like Serpico, Scarface, Godfather Three). John Cazale a personal favourite actor of mine - his stunningly brilliant performance in godfather part two is something i will never forget, also his performances in the deer hunter and godfather one were EXCELLENT (The elusive "5th" Cazale film - the conversation is something i can't find anywhere) Cazale's performance was pretty good - "But i'm not Homosexual"!!! The most heartbreaking line of the film is when Sal says - "because i don't want to get cancer" (he says of smoking) - is that poetic justice or what as John Cazale died of bone cancer in march 1978!!! . Anyway a very good film with realistic ending 8/10
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7 June 1999
This is an excellent underrated picture.

Everyone has a go at the script - whats wrong with it??

Old jewish people are really like that, and 70's preachers were exactly like Gene Hackman.

Hackman is an actors actor - the guy is just fantastic, my three favourites Hackman films are this - " The Poeidon Adventure" , and also "The French Connection" and my personal favourite "No Way Out"

Anyway, the first time i watched TPA , i was physically shocked, when Acres (McDowall) fell into the water taking borgnine with him, thank God Borgnine emerged - he really was Excellent in this movie, another bit which really got my heart pounding fast was when Reverend Scott sacrificed his life for the others, that was a really brilliant and saddening moment which i will never forget.

This and "The Towering Inferno" are the two flagships of disaster movie excellence - i love them both,
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Goodfellas (1990)
19 May 1999
A true class act, this film breaks new barriers in violence and excitement.

There are always the stupid people who moan and moan about the violence BUT I LOVE IT.

De Niro - As Always - is marvelous, Ray Liotta too is excellent but the star of the show was definitely Joe Pesci as the maniacal Tommy DeVito, WHAT I AMUSE YOU!!!

There are so many excellent set pieces, the trademark Scorsese camera work, this is a true classic and the third best gangster film ever. (third to godfathers 1 & 2)
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Cocoon (1985)
10 May 1999
This film completely surprised me first time. I thought it was your usual silly alien film - but it is so much more then that - and if it is possible the brilliant Ron Howard makes it all believable. Two things stand out among all else - the fantastic score (one of the best I have ever heard) The superb ending - which was one of the most original endings - possibly ever.

I just can't say enough about just how good this film is.

As far as performances go I was particularly surprised by the acting of the senior citizens especially Jack Gilford as the miserable old codger Bernie - I love it when he completely breaks down and softens after spending an hour and 20 minutes as the most awful old man you could ever have the misfortune to bump into - the transformation was immediate but so believable - and I personally think that performance was worthy of a supporting actor oscar.

Also Brian Dennehy, Wilford Brimley, Don Ameche and Steve Guttenburg were also excellent.

An all round fantastic film which everyone can enjoy - all ages
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The Godfather (1972)
12 March 1999
This film is true classic - One of the best films ever made BAR-NONE. There are the obvious reasons for liking this film - firstly the plot is wonderful - how one thing leads on to another.

Al Pacino and Marlon Brando were electrifying as Vito and Michael but in my opinion the star of the show was James Caan as Sonny - he is probably the most memorably brilliant character ever, also turning excellent performances were the superb but terribly underrated John Cazale as Fredo - The disregarded brother (he would shine trough in part 2) and Robert Duvall as Tom Hagen.

The most memorable scene in my mind if where Sonny gives his brother in law Carlo a slight beating with a dustbin lid.;

A true classic and JUST better than the sequel
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Underrated, Excellent
11 March 1999
This film is brilliant - I don't care what others think - It is your basic adventure time travel film. I think the plot is genius - When something disappears nobody thinks what's going on while it's invisible - This is what happens in the film as a ship is cloaked during world war 2 to prevent radar detection but the ship completely vanishes - while invisible 2 crew members jump overboard into one of the best time warps i've ever seen, into 1984 - I think the acting, effects and overall tension of the movie was way ahead of it's time and will remain my personal favourite film.
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