
19 Reviews
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Gemini Man (2019)
Unexpected fun without overly relying on CGI.
25 August 2020
I generally bypass the whole over-the-top action films. With Direction by Ang Lee, and starring Will Smith, I thought I'd give it a try. I am happy with my choice to watch this one.

Yeah, the script wasn't awesome, but it was far from failing. The story itself had many predictable aspects to it, but I was able to overlook them. The various settings, and the cinematography were very good. The motorcycle chase was clever and well done. They did a fine job with the cloned version of Will.

If you're looking for really high-tech, CGI and special effects, you'll be disappointed. What I DID like was that the special effects were NOT over the top and dominant. I could actually see the action/ fight/ chase scenes and know what was going on. There is just a bit of "Crouching Tiger" types of moves in the final fight scenes. Not so much as to mess with me too much.

It was a nice surprise for me. I didn't expect much, but it turned out to be a fun little trip.
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The Lighthouse (I) (2019)
Stranded nowhere
15 March 2020
Great cinematography and acting. The story goes nowhere and stays there.
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Pilot Error (2020)
Compelling story
9 November 2014
I had never heard about this crash, or this story before this movie. We know that planes crash from time to time. Planes disappearing don't happen as often though. There were over 200 people on this flight. I am not sure why this didn't get the same national and international media coverage that the missing Malaysia Air flight got earlier this (2014)year.

The story has a good deal of interesting twists. Not the least of which is that the lead character, Nikola, feels guilty about the disappearance of her friend on this flight because of Nikola's own fear of flying that put her friend on this flight in the first place. I liked the device (with the escalator) that they used each time that Nikola did NOT get on her flight.

There are some technical errors and shortcomings in the production value. The film was made with a very limited budget and crew compared to Hollywood type of films. This is, however, a nice step forward in their (Producers) second release.

Set aside the production glitches and you will experience a very good movie with an extremely compelling story and items of import to today's flying public.
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Pocket Money (1972)
star power can't save this.
12 December 2013
I was surprised to see a movie with Lee Marvin and Paul Newman on the shelf. I'd never heard of it. Cool, let's try it.

What a waste of time. The only 2 movies with stars in it that i imagine would be worse are "Pluto Nash"and "Leonard Part 6". Heck, the supporting cast included Gregory Sierra, Wayne Rogers, Hector Elizondo and Strother Martin. I like Rogers, but I didn't buy into his performance for even one second. The cast was not enough to save this Turkey in any manner.

The dialog was horrible. The story just never seemed to develop,nor finish. There were 3 scenes with women. Only the scene with the ex wife did anything to advance the story, and that scene was lame.

Cinematography? Mostly too washed out. There was one scene in the moonlight that was hilarious. We see him in what appears to be moonlit moment. Cut away, then right back to him and the lighting looks like midday.

Carole King did the opening song. I suppose her singing would have fit with what they "wanted" this movie to be. The rest of the score was interesting, but incongruent. Sometimes sounding like Mike Post, sometimes western, some times folk or Mexican.

I gave this 2 stars. Thinking back, I'm not sure why i was so generous.
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it's not After Hours
12 May 2013
I had never heard of this movie before. I needed another movie for my BOGO. I noticed the cast and it description seemed interesting enough. Besides it has Emmanuelle Chriqui. I had not seen her in anything other than Entourage.

I did like the cinematography.

This felt like a game of "telephone" where the phrase just gets passed from one scene to the next and it keeps losing more of its original meaning with each scene. I usually like interlocking stories, but this one had just too many stories and loosely interlocking aspects.

If this was sold as a comedy, they missed the mark by a mile. Almost no one in this movie was having fun. I did like the lead in scene with Rosario Dawson. You wondered why in the world people were just taking off and handing over their clothes to her. Somehow, the scene, once they got beyond the curtain could have been played funnier.

If you want a good comedy about late night bar related activity, then check out "After Hours" with Griffin Dunne, Teri Garr, Cheech and Chong and others. That movie succeeds in some many of the places that this one fails.
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Waterwalk (2012)
father / son bonding or adventure
24 June 2012
This is a wonderful true story of ? I am not sure whether it was a father / son bonding movie or an adventure movie.

A man, Faulkner, loses his job and is seemingly on the brink of losing his 18 y.o. son. The son convinces him to go on a canoe trip. They agree to retrace the route of Marquette and Joliet from St. Ignace, MI to St. Louis, MO.

Along the way there are adventures both with nature and with the people that they meet along the way. The cinematography was wonderful. The acting was first class. Chase Maser, the son, has a bright future ahead of him.

This was a low budget film with some technical challenges that could be hard to overcomewithout big budget equipment. One of these was the sound. There were certainly scenes where the sound was not what we are used to in a feature movie. However, it doesn't spoil the movie and I am sure that next time they will do much better.

I didn't read the book, but have to believe that the relationships were much more fully fleshed out than they were in the movie. For me, that was the disappointing part. The relationship evolved during the journey but, for me, I really didn't see exactly how. There didn't really seem to be a turning point and the son has one outburst that comes completely out of left field.

There was one scene near the opening that tied in towards the end, but nobody that I spoke with really quite understood why those scenes were there.

Overall I did enjoy the story and would recommend it for the whole family, especially father and son.
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No need to stay clear of the moors
22 February 2012
What a great film. It is a comedy. It is drama and a love story. There is wonderful soundtrack and musical score. The comic moments are sometimes subtle and often unexpected. The special effects in the transformation scene were the best that could be at that time, and still hold up well against all of the CGI effects of today.

David Naughton and Griffin Dunne are two very under-appreciated actors of our time. They were wonderful in this. Jenny Agutter adds nicely to the cast as the pretty nurse.

Different from so many of today's films with English accent actors that are often difficult to understand, all actors are understandable throughout this movie.

My only knock on the movie is that ending left me wanting something different. Otherwise it is a must see.
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The Yards (2000)
great cast, poor design
23 August 2011
It is a tale that has been told before. Nothing really new here. The cast was very good. The production design was OK. Lighting and sound should have been better. I wonder about the choices the director made.

It is one thing to try to make a Noir film, but I was totally turned off by the hushed tones, and whispers. Conversations seemed to take place in echo chamber. As it continued to be unhearable, it became unwatchable.

If you have a quiet media room, then you might get more out of this than I did.

There are plenty of other crime dramas out there.
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entertaining and fun
28 May 2011
It has been over a decade since I have seen this film. I remember just a few bits of the details. But I do remember it as a very entertaining movie. A bit of escapism.

The cast was tremendous. All through the movie you'll recognize people. Hey isn't that...? I recognize her. Wow, that is the guy from... At the time that I first watched it I didn't realize that so many directors had parts in the movie.

I liken this movie to "After Hours" with Griffin Dunne (of American Werewolf fame) and Teri Garr. These would be a fun double feature together.

It has been years since i have lived in So. Cal, but this movie brings back memories. The atmosphere, the weather at night in LA was very well represented. The various locations were familiar. And who could forget Cal Worthington and his dog Spot?!

Time to go look this one up on Netflix.
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Hell to Pay (2005)
as bad as it gets
30 April 2007
This has got to be the worst case of over acting since the silent era. Not just one or two actors but virtually the entire cast. Lee Majors and Bo Svenson were fine but the rest of them look like their first time acting.

So the budget was not tremendous. Much of the costumes and set were believable but there were many things that jump out at the viewer to let us know that they couldn't double check or get all of the props to match the period.

I can't think of one aspect of the film that I liked or didn't shake my head. Your time will be better spent burning lint collected from your bellybutton.
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Bun-Bun (2003)
Wonderfully told story
8 February 2004
I just saw this film at Muskegon Film Festival. Fantastic production value. Sharp and taut short film. It is a shame, from a moral point of view, how the story ends. I would not condone what the parents ended up doing but given the information that we have been given they really have no apparent choice.
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Too many mile to nowhere.
23 February 2002
Expecting something a little fun? Think again. This was such a waste of celluloid and pyrotechnics. Not a believable part in the entire movie. Paul Anka as a pit boss? Calling for a rifle? Please.

Even the closing credits were a waste. Take out 95% of the fireworks and cut the movie to about 90 minutes and MAYBE you have a movie that isn't a COMPLETE waste of time.
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Bandits (2001)
Laugh out loud
14 October 2001
I defy anyone to see this movie and not laugh out loud at least once if not consistently. The laughs are more intelligent than you might expect. It moves along well and is well directed.

This has got to be another Oscar nomination for Billy Bob Thornton. He used a little physical humor, just a little (but who expects physical humor from him?) and tremendous timing as the smart, somewhat nerdy hypochondriac part of the team. Kate Blanchett gives a very good performance and is much more attractive here than any other film I have seen her in. Bruce Willis gives another very good performance but nothing that seems to be a stretch for him.

Other Oscar nominations for the Screenwriter and Barry Levinson's direction. This is one of those movies that fits well into multiple genres: comedy, romance, drama. Finally, the music is a very nice fit into this charming, funny little escape from reality.
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Stalag 17 (1953)
See this film if you get the chance
11 September 2001
Stalag 17 is one of those films that you can watch over and over again. So well written. Award winning acting and direction. While this is obviously idea behind Hogan's Heroes (TV series), it is not the farcical humor or plots of its TV counterpart.

It is very believable for the dramatical storyline and the humor seems to be just right.

Von Ryan's Express and The Great Escape have til now been my favorite POW films. I now have to put Stalag 17 ahead them both. See this film if you get a chance
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Space Cowboys (2000)
fun movie about 2nd chances
13 October 2000
This movie was almost exactly what i expected. Good natured and fun. At more than 2 hours it didn't seem too long. The 4 stars are terrific as well as William Devane.

The plot is pretty predictable, doesn't seem to bog down anywhere and has the one predictable twist where there had to be a glitch in the mission for the excitement at the end. i enjoyed it.
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Scary Movie (2000)
wait for it on video
16 July 2000
Just a few good laughs. It gets tiresome really quickly. It is some sort of hybrid, mutant cross of Farrally Brothers (Dumb & Dumber) and ZAZ (Airplane). The acting was fine but you go to a spoof movie for the laughs and parodies and this comes up short as so many jokes are repetitive and predictable.

Don't waste your money on it in first run theatres. Good movie for a second run theatre or home video.
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funny and quirky
2 December 1999
I enjoyed the film and laughed out loud many times. Although it is a dark comedy, it would have worked better for me if the cinematography and lighting had been more true to life. There is some great work done by John Malkovich, Not since Steve Martin in "all of Me" has an actor done so well "sharing" his body.
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very bad movie
17 January 1999
Some movies ask us to suspend disbelief just once to make the plot seem plausible. In this movie we are constantly bombarded with actions that require us to suspend disbelief.

If it were played much more straight after the hooker dies, it probably would have been a much better movie. Despite the awful story being told there are a few very funny scenes if you like dark comedy.

I would not recommend this movie to anyone.
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Private Parts (1997)
a story of success and devotion to family.
17 January 1999
This movie is for everyone including those who "think" that they don't like Howard. It shows Howard as a regular guy who can do some outrageous bits. Some bits you like, some you don't. The two thoughts that I was left with leaving the theatre is 1) he is devoted to his wife and family, 2) he is a success story despite so very many obstacles. Love him or hate, all but the most prudish will enjoy this.
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