
38 Reviews
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The MOST boring movie of all time
28 June 2001
I didn't have high expectations for this movie, yet it still seemed to make me sick. I wasted 90 minutes of my life that I will never get back with this piece of crap! NOTHING happens... the high point of the movie is when the ugly woman goes to the store to get some candles and what not. It's so boring, that I found myself watching it in about 6 parts, because I kept getting board to death. Do NOT see this one, unless your looking for a good way to fall asleep! UGH PURE trash. Just because it's from G Romero, dosen't mean it is in any way decent. I'm telling you, it sucks worse that anything you could imagine!!
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Only for Udo fans
24 May 2001
I tracked this movie down, because I'm a total Udo Kier fan. I really don't see how anyone could like this movie other than if they are looking at him, though.

The plot is - Well... there is not actually a real plot, but anyway... There is this Island, and there are women slaves on it. They are forced to do all the work, have sex with the Island owners, they get beat, tortured, etc... Well Udo plays Hartman, who is in love with one of the slaves. He's kind of the hero of the movie. Well finally, the girl slaves get tired of it, and they all develop a plan (w/Udo) to escape and kill the owners. I wont tell you what happens, cuz I don't wanna spoil it! :)

Udo is dubbed in this one. Actually... the dubbing is horrible. But he's still pretty to look at. I give it a 5/10
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--For Udo fans only--
24 May 2001
It took me a while to find this one, but I finally did. I was dying to see it (because Udo Kier is in it), but I was totally disappointed.

As you may know, it is a Jekyll Hyde plot. Udo plays Dr. Jekyll, and some totally ugly guy plays Mr. Hyde. I agree with the other person who commented, it's much like a disturbing nightmare. Like a dream. The colors in parts are sort of like and Argento film. And it is really bad that it's cut to pieces. I mean, everything half gory must have been cut out.

The movie is dubbed (cutting out Udo's great voice), and he has a really lame hair-do! I just had to tell y'all fellow Udo fans. It's not really worth tracking down, like I did. I give it - 4/10
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Turn around, you filthy thing!!
4 April 2001
Wow I love this movie! Udo Kier is absolutely hilarious in this!! His accent, plus overacting, makes this mostly a comedy! It has it's fair share of gore, nudity, and comedy. What more could ya want, right? lol. The music gives it a really eerie strange feeling. The end is, well, just plain out weird! There are a couple of scenes in there that leave you just dying laughing!! If you see it at your vid store, you really should pick it up!

My rating - ~*~9/10~*~
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Comedy/Gore/Udo - What else could you want!?
4 April 2001
What a great movie! I saw this a few days ago, and I automatically fell in love with it! It's a really different twist on the Dracula story, but it totally works! Udo brings comedy into this role. Which is great.

The plot is - Count Dracula needs the blood of a virgin to live (lol). So his "assistant" takes him to Italy because he thinks girls there are very religious, and keep themselves pure. Well he meets this family with four sisters, which turn out to be total sluts. LoL And things just go downhill from there...He gets sicker...And you will have to rent the movie to know the rest! =)

Once again, the music is creepy...And in his portrayl, Kier actually puts human feelings and traits into the Dracula character. Not just a vampire who sucks blood. It kind of makes you feel sorry for him! But this really is a good, funny movie. The only problem I had with it, was it's tasteless overuse of sex. I see why it was rated X! :P

My rating - ~*~7/10~*~
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Bolero (1984)
A VERY stupid movie...
3 April 2001
I really don't think you will like this unless you are a fan of Bo Derek, or someone else in the movie. Yes, I rented it because of Andrea Occhipinti. I was really let down though. That is one of the stupidest movie I've seen! I mean, other than the fact that Bo Derek is a total airhead that can't even act, and ain't very pretty either, the plot is so weak!

I mean, she is supposed to play a 18 year old I guess, but she looks about 30! But anyway...she goes on a hunt to find someone to lose her virginity too. (Yea, yea, I'm SURE she would be a virgin with the we she acted in the beginning!) And she finds Angel (Occhipinti), and they hook up...And she's obsessed with finding extacy w/him. There are a couple of really *detailed* sex scenes! I was really suprised with that! If watching flaky Bo Derek in a bad soft-core porno is your thing, then hey, go for it!

But this is just my opinion! ~*~3/10~*~
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I don't want to hurt you...I WANT YOUR BLOOD!
3 April 2001
I'm serious, this is my absolute favorite horror movie! And I've seen a lot! Other than the fact that the dubbing is..well, bad, it's a perfect movie.

The plot is Bruno (the adorable Andrea Occhipinti) is trying to record music for his friends horror movie. He has rented a huge villa, and all that. Well, there is a killer around it, and when he finds out that the murders have taken place, he trys to uncover who the killer is. It's really interesting! The killers voice is so....funny! lol It's really original too.

The gore is great...The music is good...The guy looks very good...If you see this in the video store, definently pick it up!

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ehh Not that bad, I guess...
3 April 2001
I'm not going to dog all over this movie, because I have to admit It was watchable. I rented it to begin with because I saw that Andrea Occhipinti (A Blade In The Dark) is in it. I think everyone knows the plot, so I wont go into that. The gore is just...eep! For those who like TONS of blood, this really is your movie! It's pretty sick. It's pretty predictable too. If your bored, and have nothing to do...It's not that bad of a movie. Not one I'd watch over and over though. It goes slow sometimes, it's sort of a mystery more than horror in my opinion.

~*~My rating~*~ - 5.5/10

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This movie SUCKS!!!
27 October 2000
This movie totally sucks. It makes the first one look like a masterpiece! This movie was soooo bad that I could hardly sit through it! Don't expect ANYTHING spooky about this film. The only scary thing is I had to pay to see it!! Not even a damn witch!! Don't see this c***!!
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Should be called Justin Timberlakes first movie...
25 June 2000
I, like mostly everyone, only watched it because Justin Timberlake was in it. Did ANYONE watch it for any other reason? But, it turned out to be a really cute movie! People who like movies like She's All That, and Clueless, will like this one. It's about a girl who switches identities with a super model, and they trade lives and everything. Justin plays a male super model. Sorry to say he isn't that much of an actor...But if you are a fan of his, I bet you wont care! It's a cute movie, so I think you should watch it!
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Deep Impact (1998)
Ummm no
5 June 2000
This movie is really boring. The end is kinda sad, having to be seperated from their families and all. But, most of it is just so unbelievable. Like the marriage of Leo, and Sara. Umm yeah I'm sure that would happen. I don't like the movie, but everyone has their opinions. My rating 2 out of 10.
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North (1994)
A cute movie!
5 June 2000
I like this movie! Elijah Wood is so cute as North! This is just a really cute movie. Probably mostly girls only like it. The plot is North (Elijah) feels his parents don't pay enough attention to him, so he decides to find new parents. So he goes all over at the world staying with families, trying to find the right one. But...if he does not find a family, or is not in the arms of his original family by Labor Day, he will go into foster care. So...if you like cute comedies, go get it!
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Radio Flyer (1992)
A wonderful movie
5 June 2000
This is a really sad, and touching movie! It deals with the subject of child abuse. It's really sad, but mostly a true story, because it happens everyday. Elijah Wood and Joseph Mazzello play the two children or Lorraine Bracco, a single mother who just tries to make a home for them. While living with her parents, a man, who likes to be called "The King" comes into their life. He hits the youngest boy, Bobby, but the two brothers vow not to tell their mother. But finally she finds out, after the Bobby is hurt badly. The end kind of ruined it for me, because it is so totally unbelievable. But, except for that, I love the movie.
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Trauma (1993)
5 June 2000
This movie isn't really that bad. But, it's just me, but I seem to find someone I think is even a tiny bit cute in every movie, and I did in this one to, so if you aren't watching it for the actor, you may not like it as much. The plot is okay, but the movie seems to just drag on...and on...and on! You keep thinking it's the end, but something new starts. If you have time to waste, check it out, but don't try to find the movie, it's not worth it.
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The Church (1989)
Decent...I guess!
5 June 2000
The first half of the movie is really boring, nothing at all happens. About the last 30 minutes or so is pretty good, not great, but watchable. I really liked Demons (1985), it's not hardly as good as the original. The part I really think was weird, it looks like they copied straight from Rosemary's Baby, there's no point in it. The end wasn't very good either. But overall if you have some time to waste, just watch Demons again! I give it a 4 out of 10.
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Demons (1985)
I love it!
5 June 2000
I think this is by far Argentos' best movie! I'm not a huge fan of his, but I just love this movie! I love 80's horror movies, not the new stuff that comes out, you don't find many good movies like this!

It's basically people are trapped in a movie theatere, and a girl scratches her face on a demon mask she put on, just like in the movie they are watching, and she turns into a Demon, and kills. When she scratches people, they turn into demons. A great film for a horror fan!
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Suspiria (1977)
5 June 2000
I saw this movie a few minutes ago AND IT IS PURE CRAP. BELIEVE ME. This is one of the most boring movies I have seen in my whole life. Argentos' "Demons" is a whole lot better than this one. This tagline should be theres nothing more BORING than the last 10 minutes, except the first 90!!!! Don't rent this movie expecting a masterpiece, or even a good film, rent it if you want something to fall asleep too. The music also gets annoying, its the same tune played over, and over, and over until you just wanna yank the tape out and kick it across the room! The color is just plain weird, not as great as everyone says it is. Its just red or green the whole time. The end sucks most of all, although I shouldn't have expected more...How this movie got such a great rating, I will never know, or understand! My rating is 2 out of 10. DON'T CHECK IT OUT...........
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A b-movie success!
11 May 2000
Okay, sorry, but I loved this movie. I just love the whole 80's genre of these kind of movies, because you don't see many like this one anymore! I want to ask all of you people who say this movie is just a rip-off, or a cheesy imitation, what is it imitating? I've never seen another movie like this one, well, not horror anyway.

Basically its about the popular group in school, who like to make everyones lives living hell, so they decided to pick on this nerdy boy named Marty. It turns fatal when he really gets hurt from one of their little pranks.

So, its like 10 years later, and the group of friends who hurt Marty start getting High School reunion letters. But...they are the only ones receiving them! So they return back to the old school, and one by one get knocked off by.......Yeah you probably know what happens!

The only part that disappointed me was the very end. It could have been left off, or thought out better.

I think you should give it a try, and try not to be to critical!

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11 May 2000
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, I love this movie! I guess I am just a weird person! This is like the best horror + Christmas movie ever! Black Christmas was not this good. Although the summary on the main page describes great, I thought I'd just tell you what I thought! I don't like hearing about how it is offensive to women, I am a women, even though I'm only 15, and I found nothing about it offensive! It was just a really interesting and fun movie! This movie is not trying to imitate anything either, I'd like you to name me one movie that came before this one that had the same plot...go on...try...Black Christmas was nothing like this. Heres a quick summary...


A little boy (Billy), and his brother wittnesed his parents be killed by someone dressed as Santa. He is put in a Foster Home, where he gets beat, and detests it there. When he turns 18, he gets out, and works at a little toy store. It is close to Christmas...The boy, Billy, is forced into dressing up as Santa for the little kids. This makes him snap, so he goes on a wild killing rampage, and finally back to the person who he hates most of all, the women that beat him in the Foster Home....

I'll let you find the rest out, if you don't already know!

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Very bad experience
7 May 2000
THE WORST MOVIE OF THE YEAR (so far) AWARD. First of all, I have never been to a movie I wanted to walk out of so bad in my whole life. I agree with the person who said it is like "Clockwork Orange" without a plot. The movie made absolutely no sense at all. It was a really sad excuse for a film. Sure the twist at the end was interesting, but the movie itself was such a waste of time, I surely would have rather been returning some video tapes. Nothing could save it. A must see movie??? I think not. A must see if you want to waste your time and money... And if you are a very disturbed person. I knew I should have went to see Final Destination again! What also pisses me off is Jared Letos' part was cut really short. I went to the movie with low expectations, and thats what I got. It was nothing but a disappointment. I don't recommend this to anyone. I give it a 2 out of a 10.
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What's wrong with everyone?
29 April 2000
I love this movie! I saw it about a year ago, but decided to rent it again, and loved it even more. This is a really fun movie to watch. Maybe its just me, but I thought the original was very boring, and tiresome, but this one was great. It was funny, and even had some suspense. And I loved T.E.S's performance. I really can't see why everyone hated it. I guess its the kind of people who saw the original when it first came out, and think this movie is just a poor excuse at trying to remake the original. But guess what IT ISN'T. So, if your a big fan of American Werewolf in London, then don't watch A.A.W.I.P. thinking its just a spoof. It has a lot of more action, humor, and better effect than A.A.W.I.L. And lets also not forget this isn't a sequel. It's a totally different movie. So try to stop picking it totally apart, and comparing it to the 80's movie. My vote is a 10/10, and my vote for A.A.W.I.L. is 2/10, only because David Naughton was in it.
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Specimen (1996)
It wasn't that bad...
22 April 2000
Ok, well, maybe it was! But don't be too hard on Mark Paul Gosselaar! He didn't do that bad of a job. I actually rented the movie because of him. I guess you would have to be a fan of his to enjoy the movie. It really dosen't make any sense. So, if you think he is cute, get it. I guess I am one of those people who actually liked Saved By The Bell. I like him as Zack better.
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Twisted Love (1995)
Misery rip-off...
22 April 2000
This movie reminds me of something....ahhh yes...A teen version of Misery. Poorly done also. Its been a while since I saw this movie...but I think I remember enough to know I didn't like it. It is basically a girl like hits the guy she likes, or somehow hurts him, takes him home, ties him to the bed, just like Misery. I only rented it because M.P.G is in it. And he had a bit part, so that really sucked...
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9 March 2000
I'm sorry, but this is the most boring movie I have ever seen. It is absolutely pitaful! I gave it a 1 out of 10. Not only did the movie not make one bit of sense, how the HELL did it get such a good rating??? I think all the people that voted were on crack, because this is a poor excuse for a film. I can only think of one reason someone would like it, and that is if they are a fan of one of the actors in it, but thats it. What a loser.
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Cupid (1997)
First of all...
26 February 2000
My name dosen't have to do with the movie! I was born on Valentines day...

I still haven't decided if I like this movie or not! Zach Galligan gives a great performance, and looks really good in it though.

The plot is basically Eric(Galligan) is obsessed with the myth of "Cupid and Psyche". He keeps trying to find the right girl, to spend eternity with, like the myth. But when they don't work out, he kills them...
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