
13 Reviews
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14 January 2005
This is the single most racist movie I have ever seen. I am referring to the constant anti-white ramblings of Martin Lawrence. How he has a career is beyond me. And how his comments could remain in this film at the frequency that they come is a wonder as well. Lawrence, the producers, and the fans of this movie should be ashamed.

It is obviously common for black comics to use black/white relations as a source of their material. It's funny that education and culture is working to dissolve the color barrier. Admittedly there is plenty of work to do but these counter-productive acts from members of either community serve only to rebuild barriers.

This movie was irresponsibly written, acted, and produced.
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Great performance, so-so film.
25 March 2001
As a WWII historian I felt the scenes lat in the film had quite an impact, particularly with reference to her "choice". Streep's performance was unquestionably powerful and warranting of praise and awards. Getting to the parts of the film where, as a viewer, I was moved took unnecessarily too long. While we really became to understand the characters, the only one we really needed to relate to was Sophie. The preamble could have been reduced significantly and the tragedy in the Camp could have been played out longer.

Such a story, such a tragedy, and I really am left trying to decide whether the film was about the victims of the Nazi's or a twisted romance. I believe it can be about both, but the determination of the primary plot needed have been so muddled.
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A terribly overrated director
20 February 2001
Aside from "Platoon", Oliver Stone has an annoying tendency to over "Oliver Stone-ize". For example, the freaky camera angles and background effects in "Natural Born Killers" almost made sense since the characters were on drugs most of the time (he certainly could have toned it down a notch or three though). But in "Any Given Sunday" and especially "Nixon" these effects occur far too often and usually for no apparent reason. This adds unnecessary length and confusion to what could have and perhaps would have otherwise been a much better film. I enjoyed both "Any Given Sunday" and "Nixon" for their stories and their actors but didn't rate them as highly as I would have liked because they were so overly Oliver STONED!
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Nixon (1995)
A terribly overrated director
20 February 2001
Aside from "Platoon", Oliver Stone has an annoying tendency to over "Oliver Stone-ize". For example, the freaky camera angles and background effects in "Natural Born Killers" almost made sense since the characters were on drugs most of the time (he certainly could have toned it down a notch or three though). But in "Any Given Sunday" and especially "Nixon" these effects occur far too often and usually for no apparent reason. This adds unnecessary length and confusion to what could have and perhaps would have otherwise been a much better film. I enjoyed both "Any Given Sunday" and "Nixon" for their stories and their actors but didn't rate them as highly as I would have liked because they were so overly Oliver STONED!
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John "Peuw"
23 December 2000
While John Woo obviously has the tools to be considered a truly talented director, it seems he tries to use each and every one of them in each and every scene. This was somewhat less evident in Face/Off, but then he made up for it by ruining what could have been a perfectly good speedboat chase.

Hey John, sometimes less is more!
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Fairly Typical Woody Allen
19 May 2000
Like most of the "great" directors, you either like or don't like Woody Allen... there's rarely an in between. This movie is typical Woody Allen. In my home that means my wife loved it and I could've lived without it.

While the funny moments (often one liners) were indeed funny, the movie climbs to cruising altitude and, well, cruises. And then it ends... a la Woody Allen!

The film was less about criminal activity as the title suggests, although it does start and finish that way. The brunt of the plot involves Allen and Tracey Ullman as out of place, blue collar millionaires.

An enjoyable film, particularly for Woody Allen fans.
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Realistic... I'm Afraid
24 October 1999
As a former paramedic myself in one of the worst parts of Toronto, I must admit that aside from exaggerated moments, BOTD is actually an extremely realistic view of a day in the life of an EMS worker. Some of the thoughts were very obviously written by a real paramedic. Such as actually USING your training less than 10% of the time, or being a "misery mop".

My wife criticized the movie as "not going anywhere". I think that's exactly the point. You punch in at the start of your shift and punch out at the end - in between anything goes. No patterns, no system, no logic. Maybe you'll have an opportunity to save a life but more than likely you'll take turns with the cops on who will be hauling the next drunk. And believe me, some of the crazy antics aren't so far fetched (many are however). You can work with a different partner - a completely different personality - every shift. Not like the endless line of heros in ER or Third Watch.

The fact that I can even offer this sort of insight after almost 10 years OFF the job (I'm a businessman now) is a testament to the impact of this film. Not just for paramedics (although I suspect this will become a sad favorite), but for everyone who wants to know what the city is REALLY like.
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Good, but simply NOT great
17 August 1999
While I enjoyed this film and was at times quite moved by it, I am sad to say that I found it rather boring. I sincerely respect the message of the film and don't mean to imply that there wasn't enough "Rambo" sequences. Quite the contrary. It seems that viewers of war films have matured since the combat glorification of the Rambo and Chuck Norris tripe of the 80's.

The message of this film (and obviously the recent "Saving Private Ryan") does indeed get delivered. But the delivery is via Pony Express rather than FedEx. It simply took too long for anything to happen. And it was not captivating enough to have the 3+ hours seem any shorter.

While the acting was very good, I didn't see any career performances. We've seen all of these characters before in some form in a variety of other films. Some of the dialogue between characters seemed a little too "poetic" at times and not reflective of what my interpretation of real-life communication would be like in those circumstances.

One aspect I found particularly interesting, however, was the display of fear shown by soldiers on both sides. This is more realistic rather than showing us the "bad guys" as evil and glad to be where they were shooting our "heros". There was the same fear and perhaps reluctance on both sides.

To compare this film, as another reviewer has, to Lawrence of Arabia, All Quiet on the Western Front, etc. or to say it is among the top 20 films of all time is a more than a little overly enthusiastic.

It was a GOOD film, with an important message that does EVENTUALLY get delivered to the viewer. That's about it.
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Rounders (1998)
Lingo, lingo, lingo
30 May 1999
Good movie, somewhat interesting (but not captivating) script, and fine performances as usual by Damon, Norton, Malkovich, and Landau.

Landau's character was just a little too "preachy" for my liking. You knew when his "words of wisdom" were coming from a mile away. A comment on his lines and NOT his acting.

Overall the movie had far too much insider dialogue that the average shmuck (shmuck = non-cardshark = me) very likely missed. When the girlfriend (who is very obviously opposed to Damon's former vice) gives pointers of her own to him on more than one occasion in "the language of the cards" I thought...wouldn't it be great if my wife spoke to me in hockey-speak! Yeah right, like THAT'S realistic!

I recommend Rounders (--- insider term) as decent entertainment, but how some IMDB voters give films like this a 10 really disappoints me.
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Best Men (1997)
Like Shakespeare? Hardly.
25 May 1999
Let me begin by saying that I enjoyed this movie. It was a light way (despite a few dark moments) to spend a couple of hours, but I wouldn't nominate it for any Oscars, nor would I compare it to the works of Shakespeare as a previous reviewer has.

If you wanted to, you could speak as highly of any film. All this would accomplish is to dilute the praise deserving of the real greats (if you're thinking "Armageddon", stop reading NOW!)

Let's call "Best Men" what it really is, a fun little flic. There's some gunplay, a car chase, a guy who gets the girl, a moment of revelation for a would-be lost friend, and a good helping of comic relief, with an ending reminiscent of Richard Gere in "Breathless". I enjoyed it, but just because a character is endearingly nicknamed "Hamlet", and there's a few (well acted) verses recited, "Best Men" is no Shakespearean work.

Let's call a spade a spade but reserve the real praise for the likes of Citizen Kane, Lawrence of Arabia, or even Titanic.
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Wag the Dog (1997)
Muliple viewings are a must
15 March 1999
"Wag the Dog" is not the kind of movie that would entertain fans of "Armageddon". That is to say that it is intelligent humour. This is a skillfully written and directed (oh yeah, and produced) film. I enjoyed it the first time I saw it, but after 2 subsequent viewings have discovered even more subtle gestures and comments that passed me by previously. These further little additions add to an already witty and clever story.

Clearly two type of "folk" here... show business-types and government-types. And the film pokes satirical fun at them both. DeNiro, recently (and unjustly) criticized for always playing the typical gangster, goes another way with a fine performance as a spin doctor selling a gig to a big-time Hollywood producer.

Hoffman once again show his versatility as the big-haired producer seeing oncoming problems as part of the game.

Heche does a great job as the on-site link to the White House. While I'm not a huge fan I do give credit where it's due (ironic given the end of the movie).
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Armageddon (1998)
Are you kidding me?
2 January 1999
Friends have commented to me that Armageddon is a better film than Saving Private Ryan. Others have told me that the guys they were with were all in tears at times. Maybe I'm a movie snob but this is one of the stupidest films I've ever seen. With a "yeah, right" factor as high as Armageddon, I'm left wondering what sort of judge of movies my friends are, or much of the general public for that matter going by the number of people giving this movie a 10. I was not bowled over by Deep Impact, but at least it was more than mere eye candy. The most troubling part of Armageddon for me was the attitude of the drillers in preparing for the mission. This is an event that would result in the end of mankind yet I've seen preparation for a kid's birthday party taken more seriously!
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Bang (1995)
Interesting indy-style L.A. based film
17 September 1998
A woman finds herself in a police uniform after cuffing him to a tree and spends the day as he might have. She experiences an assortment of situations and emotions.

Truly an "if I were in his shoes" approach works quite well. The film has a lower budget look but features some good acting although I do give the film a low-to-moderate "yeah, right" factor in a few scenes.
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