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True Detective: Night Country: Part 4 (2024)
Season 4, Episode 4
That cliffhanger makes me want to build a timemachine! Can't wait for next week!
5 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
If you are watching this season with a predetermination of what True Detective should be like, you might get frustrated and that could hurt your enjoyment, but if you appreciate this for what it is there is no doubt you find yourself in the smack middle of what the best horror, mysteries, dramas and thrillers have to offer.

If you have a better attention span than a social media, dopamine addicted goldfish you'll love the character development The show is definitely questioning our perception of reality and maybe there will be a more grounded explanation for the paranormal aspects of the show in its conclusion, but I, for one, am just loving the ride so far.
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Unwelcome (2022)
If you go in with the right mindset, you'll have a great time here
3 April 2023
This movie is just a mad and fun ride!

The two leads have great chemistry together and what they go through at the beginning of the story is build upon quite nicely. The first villains they face are actually quite menacing and believable which unfortunately can't be said for the other human villains later on. Some of the characters are a bit too over the top and one dimensional but do serve for some good entertainment. The movie is well shot and its just a joy so see this many practical effects nowadays.

The movie is in a bit of a weird middle ground and while quite a lot of scenes are really well executed and just work, the movie does lose a bit of steam sometimes due to an inconsistent character arc. It leads simultaneously to some genuine laughs but also to a bit of a let down for that character.

Overall Unwelcome is just a very enjoyable horror comedy and if you just want to have a good laugh, you will not be disappointed.

I for one will be looking forward to future projects by this director because if he can manage to find a slightly better balance when it comes to humor and believable villains, we're in for some really solid horror films!
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Sandra Bullock well on her way to a lifetime achievement award
12 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Tense drama/thriller. Great to see Sandra Bullock take on such a gritty role.

A good reminder how in many cases we're better at judging than at asking the right questions. Don't want to say too much but this had me on the edge of my seat for the first time in quite a while. Recommended.
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Intersect (I) (2020)
If "The Room" was a horror movie? Bad in so many ways but hilarious and entertaining for all the wrong reasons!
10 December 2021
Overacting and this movie is all over the place but with all the things that don't quite work this movie just is hilarious. Often intentionally but this could become a cultclassic.

One of those movies that maybe shouldn't have been made but I am glad that it did.

Get some popcorn, get some friends and have fun judging this movie!

(Not entirely in the same vain but almost like if The Room was a horror movie?)
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I watched this in pitch dark on my own and I am genuinely a little freaked out
22 October 2021
Watching this movie on my own brought me back to the fear I felt when I saw the original Halloween when I was really young. Haven't felt this unnerved by a horror movie in a long time as in I kinda feel like I am not alone in this space. Could that also be the reason that a lot of people aren't giving this movie the credit it deserves?

Not wanting to admit it actually got to them?

Seriously though, darken your room, watch it alone and tell me this movie wasn't as effective as horror can be..

Incredible suspense and amazing throwbacks to the original movies.

I've been cheering, screaming, laughing out loud and dreading the entire movie long which to me makes it a perfect horror movie.

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Black Widow (2021)
There is something really wrong with people their abilty to enjoy good mocvies nowadays
9 July 2021
This one of the best action films ever made. The cast is incredible, the fight choreography as good as it gets, character development on point, laugh out loud funny, jaw dropping visuals, really imposing villain and a constant rush of being hunted.

And still people are pretending like they've watched an Ed Wood movie.

Sorry but, get yourself checked if you're in that camp because I have the feeling that ain't healthy. Being critical is absolutely fine but looking for stuff to hate when something is this entertaining is downright unhealthy.

I am not sure if any other action movie in 2021 will top this even though I am really looking forward to No Time to Die.

Just bloody enjoy this spectacular movie!
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The 8th Night (2021)
Gotto love a good story drenched in blood
6 July 2021
Beautiful cinematography, some really endearing and funny moments, mystery, a supernatural doomsday setting. A lot to love here. The only horror movie that really beats this movie that came out in 2021 is A Quiet Place Part 2. (Sorry The Conjuring 3, you really did miss the magic Wann touch!)

I read some complaints about CGI by other reviewers. I don't share their complaints. Had a really good time with this movie.
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Signs (2002)
This movie deserves be a 7 or 8 on imdb
19 May 2021
Just saw this again for the first time in a long time. It's so much better than I remembered it. There is genuine tension in this film, an actual sense of vulnerability and if the people who didn't like the movie wouldn't overreact on everything Shyamalan puts out there, there wouldn't be so many nonsense 1 star votes. Like 1 star, that's a mark a student film that isn't finished might earn, not a well crafted movie like this one.
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The Djinn (2021)
No Burn
15 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Visually this movie certainly has some nice moments but the complete lack of really getting to know anyone in this movie besides the one big event that has traumatised the main character makes it really hard to develop any attachment to anyone at all. The young actor does a good enough job to deliver on what little he has to work with but there is this one scene that's just so ridiculously poorly written:

*** Spoiler In one of the many cat and mouse scenes the boy finds something to spray the assailant in the eyes with but neither of them move straight after. The boy then starts to slowly walk backwards only to crack a picture frame with his bare feet which lets the Djinn know he's in the room with the boy. But he already knew that. There isn't any reason why the Djinn wouldn't be trying to wail at he boy, they were in the same room in the exact same spot before the boy sprayed the Djinn in the eyes. Like, you cannot betray your presence when the enemy already knows exactly where you are. Come onnnn. If I don't stop cringing, please inform my family and loved ones what did me in. /Spoiler***

This is like an uninspired Wishmaster but with all the fun stripped entirely from it and although I can appreciate a way more dramatic approach on the Djinn mythology, at least let us get to know the family from before the traumatic events happen so we can get invested in them.
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Cherry (I) (2021)
This is not your friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man, this is Tom Holland being so much more than that
25 March 2021
Will keep this short: I'm expecting that a lot of the negative reviews come from people who expected a Toys R Us colorgraded Tom Holland Disneyflick. Jim Carrey took years to outgrow his stereotypical roles but Tom Holland is already way beyond being just Spider-Man, which role he embodies wonderfully might I add just as well. I'm expecting this to become a classic, highly underrated at release.

Dark, sweet, laugh out loud funny, gut wrenching and I can't say much more without giving too much away. Incredible performance by an actor which I didn't expect to mature this fast.
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The Predator (2018)
This movie got way more hate than it deservers
18 February 2021
Once you see so many angry one star reviews you can do two things: Either stay away or realize that many people just love to jump on hate trains.

This movie has a lot of things going for it. Deliciously gory and well shot action, genuinely funny moments and suspense.

In a way, most action movies are a little dumb but once you take them too seriously, imo, you're the one being silly. It's a fun movie. Stop expecting oscar scenarios with these flicks and you'll have a good time.
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The Undoing (2020)
4 episodes in, this is the best new show of 2020
16 November 2020
It's all here. A great script, an incredible cast and all of them playing one of the best roles in their entire career in The Undoing. I can only hope the conclusion will be as magnificent as the 4 episodes that were out while I wrote this. Highly recommended
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Slender Man (I) (2018)
Trolls are real. (and there aren't any in this movie)
17 October 2018
Just a quick spoilerfree review.

This ain't the best horrorfilm you'll ever see. It's also far from the worst. Performances by the cast are pretty good, special effects are actually amazing, the editing is on point too and there are some truly memorable scenes here.

This movie suffers from releasing far after the Slenderman hype has died down but in it's own right it's an absolutely more than decent movie.

I don't understand people anymore, why are people so eager to destroy movies and people's lives of the ones that work on them?

This movie is not a 3 out of 10 stars movie. Far from it.
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Titanic (1997)
I've hated this movie for 19 years but then...
5 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
...then I finally watched it and discovered a masterpiece! Hands down one of the best movies ever made!

I wanted to keep it at this but the review requires more lines so:

First of all, this is what a 200 million dollar movie should look like. Amazing set pieces and camera-work which genuinely immerse you and take you to another time and place, top notch special effects, a brilliant cast,and to me to this day, a still very important reflection on our priorities in life; decency vs "winning one way or the other", appeasing and preserving privilege or freeing yourself from a golden cage, security or real love without any material guarantees.

And for the love of god, Jack died in the water, let's save DiCaprio and ourselves from actual flooding! And no I don't agree, saving our planet isn't a political statement, it's absolute insanity to not see that as at least "kinda important".

So I am not going into any arguments about technical inaccuracies however valid they might be. It's a damn movie, Hobbits aren't realistic either, your argument is invalid.

If you can't enjoy this movie, honestly, you are probably spoiling many movies for yourself.
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This movie deserves a way better score (and better reviewers!)
29 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Not going to write a very in depth review here but I've seen some incredibly bad reviews on this site with even worse motivations to give this movie a bad score. Some even included *spoiler*

pro-rape sentiment and a total lack of empathy and insight towards why the characters would behave and react in certain ways. /Spoiler

So to the people who are more sensitive to how vulnerable we all are/can be and how in a way we've become very dependent on things we have taken for granted, I feel that this movie can be a beautiful yet sometimes heartbreaking experience.

The movie was beautifully shot, some scenes are genuinely scary, the leads give incredible performances and the movie really captures quite well how traumatic events can partially shape a person but that there's always someone's character, spirit itself that will define one's choices as well.

Honestly, there are some people who are saying that this is the worst movie they have ever seen. I can tell you, Saving Christmas is not in the same league as Into the Forest!

I recommend this movie for sure. 8/10
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A great movie. Also a terrible one.
5 July 2016
It starts out so well. Isaac and Malachai are so well cast that they should creep most people out during the iconic opening scene. There are a few more scenes that are really well done and Burt and Vicky's introduction make them likable enough for you to care what might happen to them later on.

Just the idea of children turning on grownups like this will always give me the shivers.

Some of the children are amazing actors but some of them just fall flat. This unfortunately is the same for how most of the movie develops. For each great idea there are some terrible executions and I am not talking about the people who don't survive during the film. At some point the movie even seems to forget Linda Hamilton is one of the main characters as she just has no line for a very long time at all.

It's almost like they shocked themselves so much while watching their opening scene that they decided to tone the rest of the film down so much that they killed what it could have become. The eerie soundtrack is almost as good as what John Carpenter wrote for Halloween which does help to keep some atmosphere doing while the film starts to struggle. There is definitely something to this movie which also explains why people keep trying to remake it.

I give the beginning of the movie a 7 and the ending a 5, if that makes any sense
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New Girl (2011–2018)
This show deserves a better review and a lot of love!
5 October 2011
The 1 star review that shows up when I looked this up on IMDb is ridiculous! I watch quite a few shows (way too many) and this one genuinely gets a smile on my face without cheap tricks, fake laughter, annoying punchline tunes trying to convince me what just happened was funny.

The main characters in this show are already memorable in the pilot, they just have chemistry straight away. A lot of shows that I really love now didn't start off as well as 'New Girl' has for me.

The 'formula' feels fresh to me, I haven't seen this show before in another form and I absolutely love Zoey in this. Her personality in this show is exactly why I fall in love in real life. Just watched the third episode and I'll be sure to tune in next week!
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Mental (2009)
Mental Pilot
4 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I can't believe the very negative review earlier so I had to write something as I really think people should give this show a chance. All the other nice shows are on summer holiday and this is really a very enjoyable show with a nice cast and a great theme.

Also the show tackles some very important issues that prevent people from solving problems in real life because of bureaucracy, rules and being disconnect from really caring because of the workload and losing touch of the things that really matter..

The show is funny, witty and I thought the Pilot was more than enjoyable and the people that haven't seen it can't be the one telling us it's no good! (ratings are overrated ;))

Give this show a go, I am giving it a 10 out of 10, I think it's an 8 at least but the 1 star given by my fellow reviewer is ridiculously unfair!
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