A great movie. Also a terrible one.
5 July 2016
It starts out so well. Isaac and Malachai are so well cast that they should creep most people out during the iconic opening scene. There are a few more scenes that are really well done and Burt and Vicky's introduction make them likable enough for you to care what might happen to them later on.

Just the idea of children turning on grownups like this will always give me the shivers.

Some of the children are amazing actors but some of them just fall flat. This unfortunately is the same for how most of the movie develops. For each great idea there are some terrible executions and I am not talking about the people who don't survive during the film. At some point the movie even seems to forget Linda Hamilton is one of the main characters as she just has no line for a very long time at all.

It's almost like they shocked themselves so much while watching their opening scene that they decided to tone the rest of the film down so much that they killed what it could have become. The eerie soundtrack is almost as good as what John Carpenter wrote for Halloween which does help to keep some atmosphere doing while the film starts to struggle. There is definitely something to this movie which also explains why people keep trying to remake it.

I give the beginning of the movie a 7 and the ending a 5, if that makes any sense
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