11 Reviews
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A hidden gem of a movie from Bob Zemeckis
8 August 2019
Robert Zemeckis's Death Becomes her is an instant classic. Sarring Goldie Hawn,Meryl Streep and a top form Bruce Willis this dark comedy is highly underrated and barely recognized. The film has supernatural and fantasy elements with some superlative special effects and top notch acting performances by three talented thespians. Streep and Hawn play vain socialites who chance upon the elixir of life, with a hapless Bruce Willis caught in the mix. Robert Zemeckis is a great animator but also pays equal attention to the story which is why the special effects of his movies complete the story and not the other way around- and Death Becomes Her is a prime example of his mastery visualized for the screen. Bruce Willis fans, many who are unware of this film are surprised by the actor's comic chops and impeccable timing. Death Becomes her is a hidden gem and I whole heartedly recommend it.
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Complicated but interesting.
24 March 2019
Chimera Strain by first time filmmaker Maurice Haemms is an interesting subject that it tackles, however the film is a bit complicated and expects the audiences to understand the scientific jargon as though they were experts in the subject. There are many visions and flashbacks, and some come out of nowhere which also effects the continuity. Regardless, Chimera Strain is interesting and worth your hour and twenty minutes.
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Sully (2016)
Incredible look at a hero's moment of valor.
24 December 2018
By now everyone reading this review would be somewhat aware of the Miracle on the Hudson. This film is based on the hero of that incident- the Captain Sullenberg. Featuring another solid performance by the ever-versatile Tom Hanks and careful direction by Clint Eastwood, Sully is an interesting look into the psyche of an everyday man who inadvertently becomes a hero. The audience always feels connected to Sully's plight as a reluctant target of the media and the post-traumatic stress he goes through in the aftermath of the crash. The only major issue I had with the film is that the supporting characters did not have much to work with. It just seemed like most of their dialogue was there merely to enhance the character development of Sully himself rather than to bring a different perspective to the story.
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Clint Eastwood in top form.
29 November 2018
Clint is such a badass! Sure, he's in the shadow here of his more famous Leone westerns, but this vehicle, amiably directed by Don Siegel and aided by a quirky Ennio Morricone score, is an entertaining little spaghetti western knockoff shot on location in Mexico. Story-wise, it's an old west Heaven Knows Mr. Allison with a comic twist, and with an offbeat nemesis in the French Army. The humorous chemistry between Eastwood's Hogan and MacLaine's Sara at times clicks so well it's hard to believe they reportedly didn't get along very well during production. Though when it comes to Shirley MacLaine nothing really surprises me. This is a great western.
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A humbling recreation.
28 October 2018
There is a great deal of craft evident in the way Rabbit-Proof Fence was put together. The music, an adaptation of Aboriginal melodies by Peter Gabriel, is haunting and singularly effective. The camerawork is such that it never allows the beauty of the Australian outback to eclipse the human element - an impressive feat when considering how glorious the countryside is. Under the hands of some directors, a film like this could easily turn into a travelogue; as developed by Noyce, it is an exploration of the heart and soul. And, at an economical 94 minutes, Rabbit-Proof Fence trims all the fat and tells its heartfelt and stirring story. This is one of 2002's most memorable imports. This is an account by the famed online critic/reviewer James Berardinelli. You owe it to yourself to see this film- for the sake of art.
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Amélie (2001)
Awesome French drama.
19 September 2018
Audrey tatou is perfect as the titular character and the French capital has rarely looked as lovely in this charming French film. This film causes a stir when it was released in 2001 and you should have a look to see why. The dark comedic element, eccentric nature of the scenes and some great acting by Tatou should encourage you to do so.
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Watch it for the tender moments.
6 September 2018
Leon: The Professional seems somewhat dated I feel but it is still a good film. Starring a young Natalie Portman who is fostered by Jean Runo in a career defining role, leon can get a bit sentimental. But there are some great set pieces and Gary Oldman steals the show as the bad guy. The pacing is efficient and the director Luc Besson has made a name since. This is a good film to see if you have free time.
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Jurassic Park (1993)
One of the greatest science fiction films ever made.
2 August 2018
Jurassic Park was such an event movie that it reinvigorated the dinosaur craze all on its own in the early 90s. This is a great popcorn film based on the Michael Crichton novel and features some of the most iconic and well known scenes in cinema history. To this day Sam Neill, Jeff Goldblum and Laura Dern are most known for playing Alan Grant, Ian Malcolm and Ellie Satler respectively. Spielberg is low on characterization- a sentiment echoed by many well known critics upon the film's release but when the Dinos are chomping on people the way the T-Rex does here- why complain? Jurassic Park has already attained mythical status and its stature shall only increase with each passing day.
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Shout (1991)
strictly for Travolta fans only.
11 July 2018
Shout is a decent watch starring John Travolta as a music teacher tutoring young rebellious students. The cinematography is decent and the acting is alright. Heather Graham much before being successful plays one of the leads. You can watch it if you are interested in early 90s musicals or are a fan of john Travolta and have vowed to watch every film of his.
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A must Watch movie
19 June 2018
Matchstick men is a return to form for master filmmaker Ridley Scott. Although much lower key than his other films Matchstick men is witty, finely paced and well-acted. Nicholas Cage plays a con artist whose plans to pull off a heist are interrupted when his daughter comes to stay with him. Ably supported by Sam Rockwell this is one of those great comedies that defy expectation. Go see it asap.
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Go watch it for the Dinos!!
28 May 2018
The Dinos are back and they are as ferocious as ever. Jurassic World succeeds because it is great entertainment. Not as great as the original but certainly on par with the Lost World if not better. Chris Pratt and Brys Dallas Howard easily fill the shoes left vacant by Laura Dern and Sam Neill
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