
9 Reviews
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Four Lions (2010)
Cheap and cruel poke at a serious issue
7 April 2012
What a ridiculous shallow and insensitive film! This film glamorises the growth of mainly Pakistani terrorists in the ever expanding Asian ghettos in Britain. This is not funny. I'm sure the people who suffered in these awful events would not find this one iota amusing. It's a bit like making a film about the serial killer Myra Hindley and saying 'oh it's just comedy'! For some unknown reason to me most of the Pakistani people I know seem to think this film is absolutely hilarious and the best thing since sliced bread! I'm not sure why as all it does help to perpetuate and solidify the numerous and mostly unfair stereotypes that the British Pakistani community are collecting faster than the spread of the bird flu! I certainly would not be happy about my community being stereotyped in such a negative way.

The acting is mostly poor and the writing lacks depth.

Give this a miss if you have some sensitivity and intelligence.
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Moon (2009)
i want to hit this annoying character in the face
1 April 2012
First sentence, what an annoying F word Actor!

Annoying irritating typical macho yank, and ugly to boot with a rubbish why show it in the shower scene?? If it was..josh hartnet then OK that would be sexy and hot The film is boring. Weak plot with hardly any interesting turns.

Drags on and on. Why does the this annoying idiot have to talk so loud..oh yeh and of course he had to mention football and being laid because that's what ALL American men do ..don't you know!..

I just fast forwarded the whole movie after 15 minutes of this excruciatingly annoying actor and grey plot. Again the high rating shows the general retardness of society and low levels of intelligence
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a pair of selfish narcissistic toffs
2 March 2012
This film is a long drawn out boring documentary about 2 idiots. Its interesting if your a climber maybe.

I'm sorry but these two idiots deserved everything. They asked for. I mean why would something not happen when you're climbing dangerous uncharted mountains. They were prepared to sacrifice their lives for stupid yuppie risks.

They sound selfish and self absorbed and narcissistic spoilt rich brats.At the start one of the men says they didn't care about anyone or anything except there climbing. Have no sympathy for these 2 prats. Pair of selfish self absorbed toffs. Again IMDb high rating for terrible films shows peoples low level of intelligence and worship off narcissists.
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Gia (1998 TV Movie)
Trashy Hollywood soft porn!?
21 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The film feels flat from start to finish. Slow boring dragged out storyline. The film starts off with the tone that sleeping around and promiscuity are cool and this women, Gia was OK to do this!? Her behavior is condoned. Nice message!

This film is basically another excuse for Hollywood to show soft porn. The lesbian scenes are just.. there to satisfy the male audiences bottomless pit of lust(or so the writer-producers seem to imply in so many films!)

Why was this women even made out as a heroine, if this is a correct portrayal, then she was promiscuous, obnoxious, foul mouthed and selfish. Angelina plays that well ,per usual!

Oh and great advertising for the smoking industry Angelina! I'm sure people who suffer from cancer will commend you-NOT! The whole film seems full of a bunch of vile shallow creatures. The story is actually empty and void of any soul. Angelina overacts everything. You can't really connect with her. Bits of her neediness seep through, that's the only characterization you get. The romance is bland with no chemistry Angelina Jolie couldn't carry the ' bad girl model attitude'real model . You simply have to look at Canadian supermodels Yasmeen Ghauri and UK's Naomi Campbell to see what real 'sexual power and model attitude' is about. The last 20 mins off the film are a bit interesting and give the film some depth and meaning. we can connect a bit more with gia, but it's a bit late on in the film! Best thing about the film is Eric Michael Cole's beautiful backside shot .Also, for being brave and considerate enough to show two hot guys kissing for once!
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Baise-moi (2000)
excellent well acted film
14 February 2012
Two women end up as serial killers in a raw uncut version of thelma and louise.

The acting is amazing and you can connect to the characters and still feel empathy even though they are horrendous killers.It shows the vulnerability of women in society and the supremacy of men and how they take advantage of women.This is however flipped on to it's head in this film.

It's really refreshing seeing the male in a vulnerable position physically,sexually and emotionally.

I suspect the reason this has partly got such a low rating is because most men couldn't handle the contents of the film i.e 2 powerful women taking control of the male.It also shows men in a sexually pornographic vulnerable position.Another reason why a lot of men would feel uncomfortable with this film.

Well done to the directors for being so raw with a well written and well acted film.It's really not for the faint hearted as some of the scenes are extremely graphic.
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Defiance (I) (2008)
Cheap&Tacky rip off the phenomenally thought provoking film 'COME AND SEE'!!
10 February 2012
The beautifully well acted European film 'Come and See' is what this film aspires to be.Instead it comes across as tacky, cheap and badly acted.It has that cheap American tackiness to it i.e over played machismo, cringey one liners that aren't funny, trying really hard to be emotional but coming across as wooden and so forth..

Bottom line is the film is a complete tapping your fingers thinking of lunch.. bore.Nothing much happens except for running around in a forest and lots of close ups of Daniel Craig's face.He actually looks like a German SS! Bad casting.

The gaggle of Jews are so stereotyped it's embarrassing, bordering on offensive. The film tries to be emotional and deep by playing LOTS and LOTS of sad violin music in the forest !!

Like a lot of American films on IMDb with big name Hollywood actors ,the masses rate them highly, a lot of people just generally have low levels of intelligence when it comes to films, music etc.., so they're easily satisfied by what APPEARS to be a deep, intelligent film.Films that actually do have amazing acting, writing, directing etc are rated low on IMDb! Mind boggles!

Best thing about this film are the few shots of Daniel Craig s handsome backside in trousers:)
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127 Hours (2010)
A boring arrogant over masculinized idiot
26 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly, this movie is really boring.

Basing a movie around one character would mean that the actor should be able to carry the whole movie with his emotional depth.James frank comes across as disconnected and you really don't feel any connection with him.It's hard to feel massive empathy with him because he's such a typical over hyped masculine male.He actually tries to masturbate over a girls breasts with his arm already crushed, starving and exhausted.Would you even have a sex drive left??Oh i forgot,it's the SUPER BIONIC MALE that Hollywood portrays time and time again!

This movie promotes all the negative stereotypes that people already have of men.Dumb,oversexed,lacking real emotion, don't really care about connecting deeply with other people etc..

It does a nice job of promoting lots of brands too, alcohol brands,mcdonalds etc.

How the hell do rubbish movies like these get such high scores and excellent, amazingly performed, well written movies like Lindsay Lohans 'Labor Pains' and the Australian horror 'Black Water' get such low votes?? Shows the level of depth society really has.

I suspect a lot of the audience who voted for this shallow piece,were young males.The type that love reservoir dogs and fight club.

If you want to watch a movie that tries too hard to be cool(really annoying split screen every few minutes, strange applets whilst watching the film etc..) with an annoying tosspot then watch this by all means.
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The Lost World (1999–2002)
Ned Malone makes it even better
18 November 2011
This series is basically about a group of people who manage to get lost in a prehistoric land.It's based on the novel by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The plot deviates from the original book ,but remains faithful in parts.

Love this TV series. It's full off excitement and adventure.You connect with the characters too.

If you love monsters and dinosaurs then this is for you.It has a similar feel to Jason and the Argonauts.It has most of the mythical beasts that these type of films have.

You can forgive the small errors of this series because it's still great fun to watch.

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perverted rubbish
12 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
What a dirty vulgar filthy film! Is there any need to show such graphic sex scenes? Soon as the film starts we see a hard sex scene. It should be a 25 certificate because it's porn! I don't care how artsy they dress it up.It's disgusting showing things like the two main actors masturbating and then there semen.and him pissing!!? I can't believe how low actors stoop to with there immorality. You can't relate to the main characters they were such filthy vulgar pervs including the girl asking the boys filthy questions about there manhoods!

Also, I hate the fact that there's so much smoking going on in virtually every scene. Obviously financed heavily by the evil tobacco companies!

The story takes aages to take off.There's far too many characters to remember at the start so it all becomes soo confusing.The main protagonist is introduced by the narrator half way though the film. I'm totally confused!Its so boring and dragged out.The narration is annoying and dull.Its such a pain when everything goes quite and the narration INTERRUPTS rudely! Its boring the story just plods conflicts or's far too long too!Nothing actually happens in this stupid film.

Also, I think that actor is ugly..He looks like a baby alligator/Dinosaur.

I hate the two male protagonists they are so dirty and vulgar. They portray a horrible hyper masculinity which seems to be so 'cool', in films.
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