22 Reviews
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Better Than Expected
21 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Before I watched this, I was told that I was going to want to turn it off within the first ten minutes. But I watched it and actually got into it. The acting wasn't bad by most characters, the band members wern't that good at acting but oh well. I had a good laugh at the lame graphics, with the laser guns, flying and "powers" the band members had. It actually had an alright sort of plot with a good ending. The name of the movie could of been a little more creative (when I heard the name, I thought of "Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein"). But overall the movie wasn't bad, the acting was alright, and I'm sure it was considered amazing back in the 70's when it came out. So I'm giving this movie an 8/10.
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WrestleMania 22 (2006 TV Special)
One Of The Best WrestleManias Ever!
6 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Heres a list of the matches and what I thought Of Them, They're not in order.

1. World Tag Team Championships: Kane and Big Show Def. Carlito and Chris Masters to retain. This was a pretty decent solid match and a good argument leading up to a feud with Carlito and Chris Masters. 7/10 2. Money In The Bank Ladder Match: RVD Wins Money In The Bank. This was an excellent match with a lot of bumps and high flying. 9/10 3. United States Championship: JBL Def. Chris Benoit to become the new US Champ. This was an alright match with a cheap finish. 6/10 4. Hardcore Match: Edge Def. Mick Foley. This was the most brutal match of the night. A lot of bumps and shots and a flaming table. 10/10 5. Boogeyman def. Booker T/ Sharmell. This was pretty pointless indeed. No wrestling really, just messing around. 5/10 6. Womens Championship: Mickie James Def. Trish Stratus to become the new Womens Champion. Good Womens Competition. 8/10 7. Casket Match: Undertaker Def. Mark Henry. An alright match but nobody expected much. 7/10 8. No Holds Barred. Shawn Michaels Def. Mr McMahon. This was probably the most entertaining match of the night. LOADS of pumps, entertaining commentary(especially by Jim Ross), and the crowd got really fired up when HBK did the DX Crotch Chop on top of the ladder. 10/10 9. Smackdown! Main Event. Triple Threat For The World Heavyweight Championship. Rey Mysterio Def. Randy Orton and Kurt Angle to become the New World Heavyweight Champion! Rey Rey does the 619 and the Hurricanrana on RKO for the win. Good Match and a Great Tribute to Eddie. 9/10 10. WWE Championship. John Cena Def. Triple H to retain. This was a good solid match. The crowd was behind Triple H most of the time therefore they booed the hell out of Cena. Crowd gets fired up from a single DX Crotch Chop by Triple H. A good sledgehammer shot to Cena makes the building erupt. But in the end, Cena gives an FU that Triple H kicks out of to everyones surprise, then an STFU on Triple H, which he ends up tapping out to. 9/10 This was one of the best WrestleManias Ever without a doubt. 9/10
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See No Evil (2006)
Very Well Done
3 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Prior to watching this movie I was rather skeptical about how good it might actually be, but in the end, I was very impressed. The acting was actually pretty good, and Kane a.k.a Glen Jacobs did a very good job, much better than I expected. I am a wrestling fan, and I have seen some movies that have not impressed me due to poor acting, but this one was very well done. There was good edge of your seat moments, lots of blood and gore and a good twist.

I recommend this movie to any horror movie fan. Don't be afraid to give it a try, you'll like it.

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Stand by Me (1986)
16 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie last night with my girlfriend. She claimed it was one of her favorite movies, so I figured I'd give it a shot. This was also one of the best movies I have ever seen in my life. The acting was surprisingly great and the plot was also great. The movie had actors like the late River Phoenix, Wil Wheaton, Corey Feldman and Jerry O'Connell. This was a relaxing movie for the family. Then again it is Rated R, due to the plot in going to find a dead body, Coarse Language, Violence and some suggestive content. There is a scene where you see the dead body and the face of the body looks sort of morbid. BUT, this movie was very entertaining in every way.

I'm giving this classic a 9/10.
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Stick It (2006)
Horrible Acting, Terrible Movie..VERY LAME
16 November 2006
I recently watched this movie with my girlfriend and some of her friends and we thought that maybe it would not be half bad. Oh were we ever wrong. This movie contained the worst acting I have ever seen in my life. The people in this movie should either get acting lessons or get out of acting for good. Jeff Bridges did an alright job, that's why I gave this movie a 2. The plot was lame and very predictable. They even put a Blink 182 song in this lame piece of work.

I would never recommend this movie to anyone. It was a waste of my time and I wish I could get that over an hour of my life back. I almost feel dumber after watching it.

Screw this movie 2/10
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Con Air (1997)
The Best Movie............ EVER
17 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I first saw this movie when i rented it in 1997, back then some movies came out on rent before they came out on video. Anyways, this movie was nothing short of amazing. I have owned it since the first day it came out. The acting is great, especially John Malkovich who does very well of playing the insane yet intelligent antagonist. Nicolas Cage also did a very good job at his Cameron Poe character.

I would recommend this movie to anybody. Maybe not younger children, due to Strong language and Violence. Go buy it now! I know that you will not be disappointed.

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16 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I bought this DVD a while back and I have to say, the first day I watched it, I was blown away. It is pure genius. What has to be said, was said in that movie. I Highly recommend it to anybody.

" In this way, I make a rhyme, about a day and a time, if one says that this did not affect the world they lied, in April 1999 12 people died, if you dislike talking about it thats fine, but you can not deny what happened that day at columbine"



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Flight 93 (2006 TV Movie)
Disturbing yet amazing
16 February 2006
I recently had the privilege of viewing this movie on A&E, I enjoyed it from start to finish. It is one of those movies that you can not help but feel that lump in your throat start to form. It is quite possibly the saddest movie I have ever seen. The acting was great, the action scenes were disturbing and suspenseful.

"I hope this movie comes out on DVD sometime. I would buy it in a sec, it may leave some people a sad wreck,it touched me throughout in every way, i pray for the families who lost their loved ones that day"



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Great Movie
13 February 2006
I recently purchased this movie on DVD. It is safe to say that I enjoyed it a lot. People are tending to judge it before watching it, they are judging it because they saw House of 1000 Corpses, and it is also safe to say that House of 1000 Corpses was not a very good movie. The acting was great throughout the film. Not many big named actors or actresses, but possibly rising stars. Although this was a very disturbing movie, with quite a bit of gore and disturbing sexual content, it still is a great movie.

So fans, this is worth the watch for sure. It is way better than House of 1000 Corpses. Rent it or Own it, you will not be disappointed. So I'm giving this movie, 8/10
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WrestleMania XV (1999 TV Special)
Pretty Good
6 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This was a pretty good WrestleMania. Heres a list of matches and my comments on them.

1. Triple Threat Hardcore Championship Match Hardcore Holly def. Billy Gunn and Al Snow to become champion. This was a pretty good match. Billy Gunn got over really well with the crowd. I even cheered a bit myself. 8/10

2. World Tag Team Championship Owen Hart & Jeff Jarrett w/ Debra def. Test & D-Lo Brown w/ Ivory to retain. This was a good match. I still miss Owen Hart a lot. But anyways this was a pretty quick match, with a good quick brawl between Test and D-Lo in the end. 7/10

3. Brawl 4 All Butterbean def. Bart Gunn by knockout. This was pretty quick and somewhat pointless. But it wasn't horrible. 6.5/10

4. Fatal Four Way Intercontinental Championship Match Road Dogg def. Ken Shamrock, Val Venis and Goldust w/ Blue Meanie and Ryan Shamrock to retain. This was a pretty good match, Lame way to get rid of two competitors by double count out. But Road Dogg picks up the win in the end. Blue Meanie was so annoying during the match. 7.5/10

5. Kane def. Triple H by DQ, pretty quick match with a funny moment where Pete Rose gets tombstoned...not choke slammed, in the Beginning.

6. Women's Championship Sable def. Tori, pretty lams stuff. But not horrible. 6.5/10

7. European Championship Shane McMahon w/ Test def. X-Pac to retain, not bad, actually pretty good. 7.5/10

8. Hell in a Cell Match Undertaker w/ Paul Bearer def. Big Boss Man, memorable match with Bossman being hung. I love Hell In A Cell. 8.5/10

9. WWE Championship Main Event Stone Cold def. The Rock to become champion, another memorable Rock and Austin Match-up. Good ending. 9/10

overall good wrestlemania. i enjoyed it, kept me in my seat.
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WrestleMania X-Seven (2001 TV Special)
My Favorite WrestleMania!
6 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This Was My favorite WrestleMania of all time! Heres a list of the matches and my comments.

1. Intercontinental Championship Chris Jericho def. William Regal to retain, this was a great match , and a great way to open WrestleMania. 8.5/10

2. Bradshaw, Faarooq & Tazz def. Right To Censor, not a bad match at all. With some good bumps. 7.5/10

3. Hardcore Championship Triple Threat Match Kane def. Big Show and Raven to become new Hardcore Champion. This was a very entertaining match-up. Great bumps and weapon use. 8.5/10

4. European Championship:

Eddie Guerrero Def. Test, to become the new European Champion. This was a great match-up with two great athletes. (R.I.P Eddie) 8/10

5. Kurt Angle Def. Chris Benoit, in possibly the best match of the night. When these two get together, its amazing. 9.5/10

6. Women's Championship Chyna def. Ivory to become new champion, pretty quick and boring match. The worst match of the night in my opinion. 4.5/10

7. Street Fight Shane McMahon def. Mr. McMahon (Mick Foley was special guest referee). This was an alright match, despite the fact that it had two mcmahons in it. Sorry people but Vince McMahon was not made to be a wrestler. Shane however is good and is ready to put his body and life on the line. 7.5/10

8. Tables, Ladders and Chairs Match for World Tag Team Championship Edge & Christian def. the Dudleys and Hardy Boyz to become new champions. This was an amazing match. Great high flying and High risk moves. 8.5/10

9. Gimmick Battle Royal The Iron Sheik def. Brother Love, Bushwhackers, Jim Cornette, Doink, Duke "The Dumpster" Droese, Earthquake, Gobbledy Gooker, Goon, Michael Hayes, Hillbilly Jim, Kamala, Kim Chee, One Man Gang, Repo Man, Sergeant Slaughter, Tugboat and Nikolai Volkoff. Pretty boring match. Just a little bit better than Chynas match. But still pretty bad. 5/10

10. Undertaker def. Triple H, great match up. Lots of bumps taken. And Taker yet again comes out on top at WrestleMania. 8/10

11. WWE Championship Main Event Stone Cold def. The Rock to become new champion, this match changed everything in the WWE that was built up from 1998-that night. Great match. Very Entertaining. And a very surprising and memorable ending. 9/10

Anyways that about does it. That was my favorite WrestleMania of all time. 10/10
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WrestleMania X8 (2002 TV Special)
Pretty Good
6 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This was a pretty entertaining WrestleMania. Heres a list of the match results and my comments.

1. Intercontinental Championship Match:

Rob Van Dam Def. William Regal to become the new Intercontinental Champion. This was a good match, then again, any match with RVD is good in my opinion. 8/10

2. Eurpean Championship:

Diamond Dallas Page Def. Christian, To Retain. not a bad match overall. Christian takes a funny fit after the match. 7/10

3. Hardcore Championship:

Spike Dudley, Hurricane, Mighty Molly, Maven and lastly Christian all scored pin falls to become Hardcore Champion during the night. Pretty good stuff. 7.5/10

4. Kurt Angle Def. Kane, good match. not much to say about it. 7.5/10

5. Undertaker Def. Ric Flair, Pretty boring match, but not horrible. 6.5/10

6. Edge Def. Booker T, in a pretty good match, but not the match of the night. 8/10

7. Stone Cold def. Scott Hall w/ Kevin Nash, pretty bad match. Austin is not capable of what he use to be. 6/10

8. Fatal Four Way Elimination Match for World Tag Team Championship Billy & Chuck def. The Hardy Boyz, the APA and the Dudleys. Good match, pretty entertaining stuff. 7.5/10

9. Icon vs. Icon Match The Rock def. Hollywood Hogan , slow match. but not bad. memorable though. I'll never forget it. 7/10

10. Triple Threat Women's Championship Match Jazz def. Lita and Trish to retain. Pretty good womens competition. 7/10

11. Undisputed Championship Main Event Triple H def. Chris Jericho w/ Stephanie McMahon, Good Match. With funny ending. 9/10

Overall a good wrestlemania. But not better than X-7.
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WrestleMania XX (2004 TV Special)
Rather Good
6 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This wasn't a bad WrestleMania, definitely not as bad as the critics made it out to be. So heres a list of the matches (not sure if they are in order), and what I thought of them.

1. United States Title: John Cena Def. Big Show, to become the new U.S. champion. Not a bad match, a little slow in my opinion, but with a funny rap at the beginning.7/10

2. Fatal Four Way World Tag Team Championship Match: Booker T & RVD def. La Resistance, Jindrak & Cade and The Dudleys to retain the titles. This was a good match, not the best but hey. 7.5/10

3. Christian Def. Chris Jericho w/ Trish Stratus, in a pretty good match with a good heel turn by Trish Stratus. Ya know, WWE has a thing for Trish backstabbing people at WrestleMania. anyways, 8/10

4. Handicap Match: Randy Orton, Batista and Ric Flair Def. The Rock n' Sock Connection in an alright match. 6.5/10

5. Playboy Evening Gown Match: Sable & Torrie Wilson Def. Stacy Keibler & Miss Jackie. This was a pretty hot match. I enjoyed it. 7.5/10

6. Cruiserweight Open: Ultimo Dragon Def. Shannon Moore; Jamie Noble Def. Ultimo Dragon; Jamie Noble Def. Funaki; Jamie Noble Def. Nunzio; Billy Kidman Def. Jamie Noble; Rey Mysterio Def. Billy Kidman; Rey Mysterio Def. Tajiri; Chavo Guerrero w/ Chavo Classic Def. Rey Mysterio to retain the Cruiserweight title. I was very entertained and impressed with all of this. 8.5/10

7. Goldberg Def. Brock Lesnar (Stone Cold Steve as Special Guest Referee). This was the Worst Match of the night. Sorry Goldberg and Lesnar fans. But it was very sad. 4/10

8. Fatal Four Way WWE Tag Team Championship Match:

Scotty 2 Hotty & Rikishi Def. Basham Brothers, Worlds Greatest Tag Team and APA to Retain. Not a bad match up. 7/10

9. Womens Championship Match:

Victoria Def. Molly Holly to Retain the Womens Title. Not too bad but not too good. 7/10

10. WWE Championship Match:

Eddie Guerrero Def. Kurt Angle to Retain the title. This was one of the best matches of the night. I enjoyed it. 9/10

11. Undertaker w/ Paul Bearer Def. Kane, this wasn't bad, again, not to good. 7.5/10

12. Triple Threat World Heavyweight Championship Match:

Chris Benoit Def. Triple H and Shawn Michaels to become the new World Heavyweight Champion. This was a great match. I will tie this one with the WWE Championship Match. 9/10

Anyways, overall it wasn't a bad WrestleMania, but not the best WrestleMania ever.
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WrestleMania 21 (2005 TV Special)
Great WrestleMania!!!!!
1 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I absolutely loved this WrestleMania. Leading up to it I was not too sure if I would like it as much as I do now. Here is the results and my comments on the matches from WrestleMania 21! I'm not quite sure if they are in order or not.

1. Rey Mysterio Def. Eddie Guerrero; in a very entertaining match with two very talented entertaining wrestlers. (R.I.P. Eddie) 9/10 2. Money In The Bank Ladder Match: Edge Def. Chris Benoit, Shelton Benjamin, Chris Jericho, Christian and Kane; in a very entertaining match with great high risk moves and bumps. 8.5/10 3.Interpromotional Match: Undertaker Def. Randy Orton; this was a pretty good match with Legend v.s. Legend Killer, Taker wins another WrestleMania, still being undefeated on the grandest stage of them all. 8/10 4.Womens Championship: Trish Stratus Def. Christy Hemme w/ Lita to retain her title in an alright match. I can't say that this was the match of the night but it was not horrible. 7/10 5. Interpromotional Match: Kurt Angle Def. Shawn Michaels, in a great match, this was possibly the match of the night. Kurt Angle is an amazing wrestler as is Shawn Michaels. Great match, with great skill. 9.5/10 6. Sumo Match: Akebono def. Big Show, this was a pretty sad wrestling match although I am not much of a sumo wrestling follower so it may of been good to sumo fans. It was pretty short and stalling at the beginning. Possibly the worst match of the night. 5/10 7. WWE Championship Match: John Cena Def. JBL to become the new WWE Champion! This was a pretty good match with some alright skill. 8/10 8. World Heavyweight Championship Match: Batista Def. Triple H, to become the new World Heavyweight Champion! This was a pretty good match with some good skill. 8.5/10 So there you have it Wrestling fans, This was a great WrestleMania and I am looking foreward to WrestleMania 22! 9/10
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Amazing Movie! And not just for KISS fans!
1 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is a great movie that is for those who may not be the biggest of KISS fans. I myself am a huge KISS fan. This is a great comedy starring Eddie Furlong, James DeBello and KISS themselves! I first saw this movie on television and loved it so much that I had to buy it. But I realized how hard it is to get in this town so I waited a while, relying on friends who own it and television, then I finally found it! I watch it a lot and it never gets old. This will be a classic for years to come. So If you are a KISS fan then you will Love this movie like no other, and even if you are not a KISS fan, you will still love this movie like no other!

I'm giving this a much deserved 10/10~!
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WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2006 (2005 Video Game)
Awesome Game!
30 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I just recently got this game for Christmas and I have to say that I am very impressed. It has much more than the last Smackdown! v.s. Raw, even though the first Smackdown v.s. Raw is good as well. I enjoy the new Buried Alive Match, Backstage Brawls and the Fulfill Your Fantasy Matches. It has great updated talent like Chris Masters and Carlito. It still has that Muhammad Hussan on it but who cares.

Anyways this is a very enjoyable game for wrestling fans and even for some people who don't usually watch wrestling, I'm sure they will enjoy it as well.

So I am giving this game a 9.5/10
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WWE Sunday Night Heat (1998–2008)
Not Bad, Not Bad at all.
28 December 2005
This is a pretty good wrestling show to tune into....if you have a computer! It has been taken off TV and the only way you can view it is on wwe.com! It has some pretty good rising and steady talent on it. Such as Matt Striker, Rosey, Gregory Helms and Val Venis.

I have yet to tune in since it went from Television to the internet, but I am looking foreward to tuning in sometime soon.

I cant say I am impressed with the fact that it has moved , but hey what can ya do. It is just as good as velocity.

So My rating judgement is based on what I saw when I actually watched it.

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WWE Smackdown! (1999– )
Great! I Love It!
28 December 2005
This is a great wrestling show! Great Talent and everything. I don't know if it is as great as Monday Night Raw but it is Second if not tied at first. Like Raw it has lots of great new guys and lots of great old ones. They have new guys such as Randy Orton, Batista , MNM and Older guys such as Bob Orton and Animal. I tune in when I can to watch Smackdown! but sometimes I work on Thursday's. I asked my work to try not to book me Monday nights for obvious reasons. But I recommend this show to any wrestling fan who is in for a good watch of some great professional wrestling.

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WWE Raw (1993– )
Love it! Absolutely Love It!
28 December 2005
This is the best wrestling show on the planet! Although Smackdown! is good, I still prefer Raw. People say that wrestling today isn't as good as what it was back in the 80's to the late 90's, Well I disagree with that, although wrestling was great then, I say it has not died down a bit. I know a lot of people may disagree with me but who cares. They have great new talent and are still keeping around some old, new guys such as Chris Masters, Carlito , John Cena and Old Guys such as Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan (occasionally) and Mick Foley. Although Mick Foley is not that old, he has been around longer than some other guys. Anyways, I Highly recommend that people tune in every Monday night or whenever they get it, lounge back in your favourite chair, grab a drink, something to eat, just sit back and relax because your about to watch Monday Night Raw baby! 10/10
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WrestleMania 2000 (2000 TV Special)
A Great WrestleMania!
28 December 2005
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People Wine all the time because they say that "Tradition was broken at WrestleMania 2000" So what! Tradition needs to be broken sometimes. And it didn't hurt much because it was like one of the only wrestlemanias where the title didn't change hands (not including wrestlemania 1). But Wrestlemania 2000 was a great wrestlemania with great matches. Too bad wrestling isn't much like it was then. Although I am still a die hard wrestling fan. The Main event although Kind of predictable , but it was good! Vince Mcmahon turning on The Rock to help his little girl , help her hubby retain the gold. Good stuff there, kind of started an era...and ended one.
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One of my favourite movies of all time!
28 December 2005
This movie is absolutely amazing. It has great acting and special effects. Johnny Depp does a great job of playing Hunter S Thompson, the crazy Gonzo Journalist. Benicio Del Toro also does a great job of playing the wacky Doctor Gonzo. I was very impressed when i first saw the movie with a friend of mine. He was always into Hunter S Thompson and wanted me to get a feel of some HST. So I watched Fear and Loathing and absolutely loved it. If you like this movie then I also recommend "Where The Buffalo Roam", somewhat same basic storyline, not as good as this one but still worth watching. I can't wait for Rum Diary to come out next year. I imagine it will be great!
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WrestleMania I (1985 TV Special)
A Vision of a Brilliant Man is brought to life, and a new door is opened.
28 December 2005
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This is the First Ever WrestleMania. It is recommended for real wrestling fans only. Those armchair wrestling fans won't enjoy this one bit. It is obviously much different from what wrestling is today. It had great talent that some around still around and some are not, such as, Hulk Hogan, Andre The Giant, Junkyard Dog, Roddy Piper, Paul Orndorff and Big John Studd. The event was great with very entertaining and enjoyable matches. The Main event was well done even though nothing was on the line. The main event was Hulk Hogan and Mr.T v.s. Paul Orndorff and Roddy Piper. Great event over all and recommended for anyone who is a real wrestling fan.
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