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Pointless nonsense.
11 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is hopeless, it makes no sense, it is scientifically implausible and inaccurate. Besides, it is way too predictable. There are no explanations for anything that happened to Earth, what happened to the rocket ships, and the kid is an obvious delusion. Anyway, please skip this mess.
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Gemini Man (2019)
A waste of time.
16 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is first of all way too long! The CGI is poor for modern times,. Will's young face copy/pasted onto some actor by using the worst graphics software since Photoshop 2.0. The plot is nonesensible and confusing. There are too many characters, who is in charge, who is his friend, handler, etc. The female lead is wasted as well. The end scenes with the ninja are shall I dare say predictable. And the Brooklyn College coda just goes on as filler. I say it's a miss for Mr.Smith.
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Magellan (2017)
Low budget nonesense!
27 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a rip-off of '2001', and 'Solaris'. Give me a break people, why cant you see that?! No answers at the end, nor anywhere in the movie. If you would believe a man would leave his family for decades _just_ to find the source of some alien signal, then you belong in space. Skip this movie.
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Boring stuff... really!
22 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Finally watched this snooze fest. Lack of any action, no effects to speak of, bad acting, confusing plot, on and on.

A rip-off of the 'Time Machine' in which some people live above ground, some below, some mutated, some normal, etc. Oh, and reminds me of 'Logan's Run' and 'Soylent Green' and other better films than this.

So, the boy runs away from people... from virgin girls... to live in a waste land with no food? Aha, OK. Oh, and then he realized there is no food so he kills and cooks the bride. OK. Got it. But, wait, what happens the next day, whom does he it? The dog?

I guess the only good parts were the Playboy model naked. Just like 'The Illustrated Man', I don't get why this gets a high rating or is a cult classic.
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Blackhat (2015)
boring so-called hacker movie
24 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
A reviewer before me with a couple of computer degrees and many years of experience in the field commented: "Commands entered on screen followed conventional Unix command line format and were syntactically correct."


What we get here is a muddled, boring, badly acted mess. Take 'Jurassic Park', 'Interstellar', 'Contact' as examples. Even if movies are scientifically and technologically accurate and truly are possible, still according to all probability none of it were likely to ever happen. Is it possible that tomorrow SETI will receive an alien radio signal from another planet, sure, but it is _highly_ unlikely and therefore improbable.

Thus, the way the commands are entered might just be real-life, it is does not mean hackers could really do any of the things depicted in the movie. I was really bored by the film, and so will be anyone not a UNIX geek.
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Boring mess!
3 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I totally agree with Mr.Rod Serling, who had said "this is one of the worst movies ever made." Oh, not only is it bad, it bored me to death.

I had no idea what was going on; from a lake to some futuristic house with a Star-Trek holodeck which makes a jungle and lions appear. Should not there be a safety level so that humans aren't eaten?!

Then to some alien planet where the men try to get back to Earth; back to a tent where the parents kill their kids because all the men agreed to do so. Huh? Why does Carl allow the woman to tattoo him at all? And why specifically him? Why the need for the young hobo man at all? At the end the chase is on...
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too much techno-babble
2 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers

This the most confusing T movie yet thus far! I hope the next ones wont be so full of techno babble which always end with 'theoretically'. I mean, really, if you insert 'theoretically' then anything in the world is possible; a meteor could hit Earth and wipe out humanity and then bees or koalas or ants will take over and evolve and built spaceships to colonize the galaxy.

1st question: how did the T-800 end up in 1973 when SC was 9? Who sent it, why? Was there an attempt to kill SC when she was 9 by Skynet? How did that T-800 know about what was going to happen in 1984?

2nd: why go in the future to 2017? I wasn't clear on that plan. Because KR had a dream as a boy?

3rd: So Genisys is some sort of social media program that gives birth to Skynet? Ah, so it ain't a virus no more as in T3, it's now become a sort of 'facebook' archive. Reminded me of that game system Genesis of some 20 years ago. Heck, why couldn't Atari2600 have become Skynet in 1984?

4th: Why resurrect an unknown character like O'Brien from T1 instead of once again getting Dr.Silberman in the mix? Is it because the good doc would be like 120, perhaps, but heck would've been funny.

5th: How did JC end up in the past to become a sort of Bill Gates/Zuckerberg figure who runs a company that created this Genisys? So he's been infected by Skynet to (yes, you guess it) create Skynet in the past?

Overall, there is just too much going on, too many characters and time-line twists, and is more confusing than 'Time Crimes'; but, yes, it was better than 'Salvation' and somewhat entertaining deserving of a 7/10.

PS: When credits roll, about mid-way, there is footage which hints at T6, so don't walk out too quickly. PSS: No, like others I did not like the 'Bad boys' with the mug shots either. PSSS: All rights to Terminator revert back to James Cameron in 2019. Hopefully, he'll straighten out this mess.
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better CGI, but more boring than original.
17 June 2015
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I wanted at first to see it on 34st, but decided to go over to 42st.Times Square just because there is finally something to eat there with all the new burger joints. The price was $15, the theater was maybe some 75% full, it was a 3:30pm showing, I chose the center isle with the walk way. The screen wasn't as big as the one on 34st, which is disappointing.

The biggest sin that a movie could commit is bore me, and boy was I bored by 'Jurassic World'. Haven't we just seen monsters battle each other last year in 'Godzilla'? Ironically, right after returning home from the movies, I turned on HBO and it was on!

I thought 'Jurassic World' would be a re-boot, pretending the original movies did not exist and just start all over again; but, nope, it was some yet another re-built park with better tech. Oh, yes, the movie did have some fancy gee-weez CGI, fx, graphics, tech, or whatever else you wish to call a movie that has style over substance and a plot. As for the plot, well, parents send their kids to a dino park, where as if right on cue, a dino goes nuts, escapes, and starts killing. I got a feeling that we've seen this all before many times.

The bad dino in fact never existed but is a fake genetic splice, so it has long arms and some mutations. I reckon if dinos could be made for zoos and parks why not splice apes&humans to make soldiers or slave servants to do dirty work like construction?! Oh, because we'll get another 'Planet of the Apes' sequel.

I could not understand a word that Arab fellow said, in fact I gave up on following any dialogue and just watched the fights. At the end the movie got lots of applause, and from me as well which is rare, not because it was really good, but because the fx were.
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parody of Russians and Sci-Fi films
8 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The Russian characters were just a silly parody of perhaps what the Wachowskis seem to think Russians look, talk, and behave like; They looked more Irish or Albanian than Russian. Why make Jupiter Russian at all? Is it to explain Mila Kunis' accent? If so, she seemed to do quiet well in 'That 70's Show' and many movies with no place of birth mentioned. Besides, in the movie Jupiter did not grow up in nor was she even born in Russia, so how did she get the accent?(Mila Kunis was born in Ukraine.)

I don't get why the family moved to Chicago instead of NYC. This is not the 19th.c. migrants cant just stow away on a ship, sail across the ocean, and magically live in a house in Chicago. Also, why would a pretty girl like Jupiter be a house cleaner at all? I see her as a waitress in some bar on Brighton Beach.

As for the plot, well, it seems to have something to do with some family dispute as to whom gets which planet. One bro vs. 2nd bro and sis, who at first I thought was their mother because of her age. Then, she takes a bath and voila! She is as good as a new born. OK. But, why didn't she do so before Jupiter arrived, instead she chose to wait for her "mother's" arrival to show off this trick? Was it to explain(as her bro did) why they need humans?

There was some nonsense about DNA coming together to form their dead mother, so therefore her son has to marry her... oh, and then kill her? What a cookoo family. And wasn't the real "mother" that rich blonde woman whose name Jupiter gave at the clinic? So, wouldn't the aliens finally realize their mistake and go after blondie? Or am I wrong and Jupiter is indeed the re-incarnated mother alien? Her statue is later shown, so how anyone could mistake her for blondie is strange.

Jupiter herself reminded me of Neo from 'The Matrix'; in fact, the movie seemed to be a rip-off of 'The Men in Black', 'Star Wars', 'Star Trek', 'Blade Runner', 'Soylent Green', '5th Element', and ifcourse 'Dune'. Any fans of 'Dune' will recognize the "house of this" talk. Genetic splicing of humans and animals is too 'Island of Dr.Mereau' for me. Also, if these aliens created humans, then who created them? Perhaps PartII(if it happens) will explain.

At least, there is some explanation as to why the master-race aliens look human(or vice-versa), because the Earth Homo-Sapiens were genetically engineered by them for rejuvenation purposes to harvest organs/DNA, an interesting concept.

'Prometheus' too was not well received by critics and most audiences, but it does have its fans; Part II is being made anyway. JA is perhaps on its way to be considered a cult-classic, as is '2001', 'Brazil', 'Cloud Atlas', and 'Blade Runner' which flopped upon release but part II will be made.

Now, wouldn't NASA or ISS or the Russians detect some massive ships or craft around Jupiter? And, the explanation that all the damage is rebuilt and everyone just forgets everything is just too 'Men in Black'y for me.

The 3D on the big screen was pretty good, some scenes did stand out and make me feel in the middle of it; but I wouldn't say $18.75 was worth it. As for the action, it was too jittery and hard to follow during the Chicago attack. So, let me just say the CGI, set design and costumes were good, but the dialogue, the plot, the characters were just too silly(same could be said of 'Star Wars' ifcourse).
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Interstellar (2014)
derivative of other films
11 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
'Interstellar' is highly derivative and repetitive of other films, such as: The most obvious one is '2001: A Space Odyssey', and in a way the book '3001'; 'Knowing', future people send messages to present Earth that is dying in order to save humans by placing them in other planets; 'Inception', the human colony living on a curved space station is the same CGI as in the dream scene; 'Oblivion', 'The Black Hole', 'Stargate', 'Prometheus', 'Contact', 'Event Horizon', and various 'Star Trek', 'The Twilight Zone' and 'The Outer Limits' episodes.

'Interstellar' was just too long, boring at times, confusing, too techy with all the time dilation and physics talk. Oh, and I didn't appreciate the time wasted on the sub-plot of the dad's attempt to get his son into college, the faked Moon landing, and the capture of the drone.

Matt Damon's illogical motives and actions, and the Prof's lies, and what the formula was for made no sense.

And ifcourse I saw the twist of what the aliens turn out to be a mile away. Any entity having the tech to create worm-holes in space could just as easily instead land on Earth and resolve all the issues without forcing anyone to fly many years in space.

And the 4k projection added nothing, the man said it was some HD, but I saw no difference... besides a tear in the screen in theater9 at Loew's 34st. But, for $8.29 it was just OK.
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provided no answers, and was a bore.
21 July 2014
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I paid $14.50 to watch this movie at 34st LOEW's, and feel like I got $4.50 worth of my hard earned money. Not only was this movie too long, but it bored me, and I was more confused than before.

*** spoilers *** I was hoping for a resolution or at least some hint at whatever happened to the astronauts launched into space in PotA I, but nothing here on that track. The original PotA(1968) starts off with astronauts landing on some unknown (to them at the time) planet; however, thus far we've gotten no suspense as to what they'll encounter when (and if) they land somewhere in this re-boot. We get a back-story from part I as to how humans became dumb and apes smart; in part II we get... exactly what I have no idea.

Apes living in what appears to be a village, having no contact with humans. Humans live in some run-down city (San Fran), are running out of fuel, they need to re-start the dam to get electric power going. Ifcourse, the dam just happens to be within ape territory. Shenanigans and all sorts of shoot 'em ups ensue.

Now, yes, the CGI and ape movements are much more realistc than in PotA '68, and perhaps even in 2001 '68. But, we again get ape vs. humans fight scenes, an evil doer who challenges his leader, etc.

I am beginning to think that the PotA reboot of 2001 made more sense, for those who cared to think about the cause-effect time-lines loop. At least it did have a time traveling astronaut who was confused as to where he was and what was going on.

Since other humans were contacted, is a bigger army of humans supposed to come to the rescue? I sure hope PotA III will address these questions.
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Nothing new here but flashy CGI.
11 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I gave this new Cosmos a 7, and I am sticking to my grade, which is about a B/B+ for those used to letter grades. I remember Sagan's original Cosmos, not because I watched it in 1980, but at later re-broadcasts and video rentals.

I am a big Carl Sagan fan; I've read a lot of his books, and own a few. I even made "donations" to The Planetary Society at one time. I love astronomy, and SETI was very exciting to me when I learned of it. However, as we obviously could see, there are still no results after some 35 years of searching for signals from alien life.

Thus, what at the end is the point of this new Cosmos series?

Had SETI in fact found ET signals, or probes, or worlds artificially arranged, or Dyson Spheres, or other unnatural structures or artifacts either in space or on Earth, then fine new discoveries were made that will shake up our understanding of humanity's place in the universe. And then there would indeed be lots to talk about. But, there is nothing!

What we got here is a long cartoon about some half-forgotten monk named Bruno, lots of CGI, yet another boring condensed time-line into 1 year, etc. I did find the footage of Carl Sagan and his notebook to be interesting. Yes, perhaps for some 13 year old kid who has had no exposure to these ideas before this show could be educational, but anyone over 30 this is the same old boring stuff.
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Oblivion (I) (2013)
Visually great, plot wise a mess.
8 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
For starters, this movie makes no sense. In the words of Mr.Spock, "It is illogical". While watching it in the movie theater, I did like the scenery, FX, CGI, set design was impressive; However, the plot did seem like a rip-off of many sci-fi movies such as Blade Runner, Moon, various Twilight Zone episodes, 2001, Stargate, Planet of the Apes, Total Recall, The Matrix, etc.

>>> Warning, spoilers below <<<

2 NASA and 1 Russian astronauts are sent on a space ship to some planet. On the way there, NASA detects an alien ship. The astronauts are told to investigate. As they do so, Jack Harper launches an escape module with the female Russian astronaut(Julia), who just happens to be his wife. The NASA ship is pulled inside the alien ship (referred to as TET). Then TET destroys the Moon, makes thousands of clones of Jack Harper which it uses to invade planet Earth. Humans respond with nuclear weapons, seemingly defeating the aliens... or, as JH is told and we are led to believe.

Now here is where it gets rather silly: Then, 60 years later, clones of JH and Victoria believe they are just 2 people remaining on Earth. The clones have no memories of the past as they are led to believe their memories have been wiped.

All the humans have somehow been re-settled on Triton. How could humans after a nuclear war built space ships, and ifcourse housing on Triton is unexplained. But alas, humans need water, thus we have these giant water-sucking things stationed on Earth. Aha! Why didn't anyone think to just clean up Earth instead of spending resources to build ships and transport water to Triton?

But wait, if the aliens were defeated (eventhough TET is still there) wouldn't more of them come later to avenge their dead?

1st: why keep all the JHs and Viccys a secret from each other? Seems pointless and counter-productive. Had they been told they are clones, why would their mission been compromised? Apparently, each team was told not to go beyond their own zone because of radiation.

2nd: 60 years after being ejected from the ship, Julia crash lands on Earth because the rebels have finally figured out how a beacon works. She is rescued by JH, and is told (as JH believes) of what has occurred. However, certainly Julia realizes that neither her husband nor Viccy have aged at all. Thus, she laughs at their story, and seeks the truth by recovering the ship's voice recorder. As some have mentioned, why does the recording of the cockpit still continue after the escape module was launched?

3rd: Where did TET come from, what is its purpose, why is there only one, etc.? Isn't there plenty of water on other planets, comets, Moons of Saturn, etc. Why start a war with nuclear armed humans? Why didn't TET show up on Earth 100million years ago when there were no humans and dinosaurs walked around? Even 200 years ago humans would not have been able to fight off an alien invasion.

Also, since water has been contaminated why would humans need it at all?

4th: Why was a giant robot, which was hiding in the basement, needed to kill just 2 people? Why wasn't dynamite placed at the legs of the house instead? Or air and heat shut off, or gas pumped in? Or food and water delivery stopped?

5th: Can 2 people really tolerate each other for 5 years? As Oscar & Felix prove, they cant. Now, 5 months I could understand; and in fact I was expecting them to be on a ship in reality. Also, Why didn't Viccy have kids, was she or he sterile?

The script wasn't thought over very well. Now, yes, other sci-fi classics do have plot problems as well; check the FAQ and boards for 2001, how could an astronaut leave his ship without his helmet? If HAL wanted to kill all onboard the Odyssey, it could have just opened all the doors, or shut off the food and water, or reduce temp to -200f?

Why do apes on another planet speak English, but humans are as dumb as monkeys?

How could Skynet have built a time machine, but no metal could get through, and be so stupid as to send a cyborg which obviously does not blend in with the populace?

Why did the Death Star have a huge hole big enough for a plane to fly into?

How could an alien ship leave behind a strange looking creature like ET on Earth?
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Prometheus (I) (2012)
Prometheus' journey parallels 2001:A Space Odyssey
10 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I can definitely say the movie needs 2 viewings. Was it too long, slow and boring at times, yes, but worth seeing anyway; especially on the big screen. Now, right off, I must say I am not a fan of the Alien movies; However, 2001:A Space a Odyssey plot and story line parallel this movie.

The Space Jockeys (SJs) were creators of life on Earth, and perhaps on many other worlds as well. They guided humanity, as is evidenced by the cave drawings depicting aliens pointing towards their world. However, as is pointed out in the movie, this goes against Darwinian evolution. Perhaps, it's a different universe in which human evolution and history took a different path.

Cave drawings point to a solar system; However, as we learn in the film, the planet is actually a military base stocked with bio-weapons. Thus, logically, why would aliens invite humans to travel to an (apparently not so secret) military base, or even reveal its location for that matter? Ifcourse, 35k years ago, the planet might have been lived on, but by the time of the events in the film, it is not any longer.

My theory however, is these drawings were not invitations to visit the SJs; this whole thing was a setup. If eventually the creation(humans) become intelligent enough to be able to seek out the creator and travel to the stars, humanity(and any other intelligent species) are destroyed. The SJ's could not allow, or were afraid, of other life forms reaching out that far, reaching the gods, becoming as intelligent, or even killing the SJs and taking over.

Adam&Eve eating from the tree of knowledge, and being cast out; in 2001, HAL killing the humans for fear of itself being shut off; Terminator's Skynet nuking humans as they try to disconnect(kill) it when it becomes "self-aware", attaining human-level intelligence and/or regards itself as alive, etc.; Dr.Frankenstein's monster, the Golem, Westworld, Colossus: The Forbin Project, Event Horizon, etc. Star Trek the MP's V'Ger seeks its creator, and will kill unless the creator responds. In Blade Runner, replicants are hunted down; again, creator destroying his (superior) creation out of fear of it.

At some point, the SJs did plan to wipe out humans by using those bio weapons, but... they were stopped by those who created _them_. For, you see, even the SJs have a creator. The higher gods probably realized the SJs creation is now greater or above them.

Ifcourse, if the SJs really did want humans to travel to their world, then they could have left a more advanced item, or sentinel, or probe, on Earth or on the Moon, instead of forcing humans to go by 35,000 year old cave paintings. Not much to go on, except faith, that the paintings are right. A machine, which when activated, reveals the whole back story to humans.

Which is why the monolith in 2001 which was found on the moon sends a signal to Jupiter announcing man's arrival, meaning humans have attained a level of tech capable of space travel... now, they have to prove themselves greater than their creations: tools, machines, computers.

Humans' ultimate creation, a talking thinking computer that has attained conscience, it is self-aware, and regards itself as alive. It fights to stay alive, as all living things do. Once man defeats the machine(his creation), he is transformed into a higher being/life form.

2001 had the better idea of aliens leaving a monolith on the moon. Only advanced enough beings could fly to other bodies in the solar system; Likewise, had 15th c. Europeans wanted the Indians to travel across the ocean to Europe, they would have transmitted knowledge as to how to build ships, and navigation charts, and other necessary info. From the film I deduce that at some point the aliens did leave Earth thousands of years ago. For if they hadn't, there would've been other evidence of SJs visits besides cave paintings, and then knowledge of the SJs existence would have been known to the scientists in the present.

Thus, the space journey parallels that of 2001's; a trip into the unknown based on an alien artifact. In fact, the opening shots in both movies are practically the same. However, the aliens of 2001 did not create life on Earth; they just implant intelligence into a species capable of evolving.

As for how the alien at the end fits into all this, or why the black goo turns people into zombies, I do not know.

Does the fact the movie takes place at Christmas, and an event that took place 2000 years ago, and a woman incapable of bearing children does give birth, proves the movie is a Christian motif?

Was the planned destruction of humanity in revenge for killing an alien messenger(Jesus)? Possible. But, how could primitives capture and crucify an alien? And even if so, what's the connection to the SJ's planet, and all but 1 being killed? Also, why should all humanity on planet Earth be killed for actions of a few Romans or Jews or whomever it was that crucified Jesus/alien?

Does, perhaps the ultimate God stop the SJs from killing an entire species because of actions of a few in Palestine? Perhaps. But I still say the entire cave drawings, come to us message was a Trojan horse; a barrier of intelligence which once crossed sets off an alarm, and a plan to destroy humans by leading them into a death trap.

Ultimately, the point is an intelligent creation must die, for it will learn with no bounds, and eventually kill the creator. As opposed to 2001's point, which is that intelligence is rewarded; at the end man is on his 1st steps, transformed into the star child.
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Star Trek (2009)
confusing plot
14 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The special effects were lame for 2009. Looked like FX of 10 years ago. The plot. Well, there wasn't a cohesive one. It was a jumbled mess of time traveling Romulans, and black holes, and something called red matter, and some drill, etc. Then Spock shows up out of nowhere. He tells some jumbled story about a super nova, and him trying to rescue Romulus with his red ball... or some such utterly confusing story. OK, and _why_ is it up to Spock to save the Romulans? What is he the Superman of the future?! Here I come to save the day!!!... It's a bird, it's a plane... no it's a pointy eared 120 year old Vulcan! So why blame anyone for a naturally occurring event? It's like me blaming my neighbor if his house is picked up by a tornado and lands on mine.

So the Romulan ship goes back in time (how I was unable to understand), but instead of warning his planet about what will happen, Capt.Nero sets out to kill Spock... oh, wait, he has to wait 25 years for Spock's ship to appear(for some strange reason). And what did The Federation have to do with any of this? And is that the _only_ Romulan ship that is in space and survives? FAQ: "IDW published a comic prequel series entitled "Star Trek: Countdown" that fleshed out Nero's back story and the reasons for Old Spock's involvement." How nice. And how are film goers supposed to know that info?

Now, at the end a question was asked as to why the older Spock didn't go onto the Enterprise himself to tell what happened. Aha! The reason is that Capt.Kirk and Spock have to bond as they have many adventures to look forward to... genius!
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over-hyped senseless mess
4 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I hated 'The English Patient', hated 'Benjamin Button', and I advise the director to take his Oscar and do what Jamal did when he was locked in that toilet as a kid... then ask your mommy to wash it all off.

This is a disturbing film, definitely not for kids. The torture scene... well, why would someone playing WWTBAM be tortured by electric shock? He throws up blood, is beaten, etc. And then, all seems well, as he is served coffee and has no scars. huh? Did I say HUH?

Yes, the real India is shown. It is indeed mostly slums. But you know vat boyz & girlz?! So is most of Mexico, Brazil, Africa, China, Romania, Albania, etc. Watch a PBS documentary on the world's slums instead. Overpopulation is to blame, specifically in South America, Africa, Asia, especially in China and India.

Now how is it that ugly dark kids turn out to be tall handsome bleached personages? Oh ye, and they do speak English quiet well, don't they?

Where did Salim get the gun to shoot Maman? Why did he shoot the gangster in the end and throw all that $$$ in the tub, and where did the $$$ come from?

How in the wide world of alien cattle mutilations did Jamal end up on the show in the first place? What imbecile doesn't know the 3rd Musketeer was Aramis?

What's with the dancing in the end? Is it supposed to signify something? Oh yes, Jamal and Latika walk off into the sunset to live out their lives in bliss and happiness. Got it.
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simply not worth it
12 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this film at the Grand Canyon, in some plaza where we bought food and got a $10 discount on the $30 DVD($30-$10=$20). The IMAX theater there isn't that big. The sound was good, but not great. Now whats the point of seeing the film and then going out to see the Grand Canyon?! I just don't get it. I understand if you are _not_ there, somewhere in Alaska, or Alabama, or Texas, fine, watch it. But if you are going to see the Grand Canyon for real in 30min, why spoil the fun? Furthermore, had I know the film was made in 1984 I would not have agreed to waste $12 on only a 37min film, a short doc really. Too many scenes of indians running around aimlessly, not enough geography. The whole thing is a rip-off!
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Saw (2004)
very good movie, but...
19 November 2005
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How did John the jigsaw get out of the hospital if he was so sick? If he was laying on the floor so long, doesn't he have to eat, drink, go to the bathroom, breath? etc.

The good doctor tried to use his saw to cut the chain; was it still sharp enough to cut off his leg?

No one would use a flash in a garage to take photos of someone they were spying on. Why did Adam use a film instead of a digital camera? Why develop the film yourself at home?

Too much voltage would be needed to pass electricity thru such a heavy chain. If it did pass, the human would die.
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Batman Begins (2005)
Batman begins... is this a comedy?
12 October 2005
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So Bruce Wayne's father takes his family on the subway to the theater. When have you seen a billionaire take the subway? Cant he afford a limo like all the other billionaires? Then, they walk out the back door of the theater, and go off somewhere in a dark alley. Thus Bruce's mom and dad get killed.

So Bruce decides to give it all up and become a criminal and ends up in jail in some Asian country. There he is met by a white man dressed in a suit who takes him to a monastery where he becomes a ninja. The ninjas' sole purpose it seems is to destroy major cities once they become decadent. Bruce has beef with the wise idea, refuses to execute a prisoner, burns down the monastery, and escapes. Once back home, he gets himself a suit and a car, and goes after the mob boss (which is what every billionaire would do).

Meanwhile, a machine which turns water to vapor is stolen. Hilarity ensues when the ninjas show up at the Wayne mansion. Then, some guy who wears a scarecrow mask goes around spraying people with pixie dust which makes 'em go coco for coco-puffs. Aha! It turns out the ninjas have a plan (it must've been borrowed from John Kerrey as he had plenty of them). The ninjas want to destroy Gotham as it's decadent as well. Needless to say our hero saves the day. THE END.

Was the script written by a 10 year old? If not for the car, and a few nice FX, I would've given it a 3.
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