
79 Reviews
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it a movie, not a painting
1 November 2023
This is just boring beyond words.

Guessing the sun never shines there character development at all, just artsie fartsie music and cinematography. Is is too much to ask for a movie without having to go to the art museum!?? Do yourself a solid and run away from this disaster.

If I want art I go to the museum, when i want a movie I want a movie.

I didn't know if the director wanted a movie or an art project.

Kept waiting for the beatniks poets to breakout in a fingersnap salute at any moment.

What a total waste of time that I'll never be able to get back

watching paint dry is more entertaining.
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Rapture (II) (2019)
no spoilers because no plot at all..
23 July 2023
I have no idea what I just watched.

No character development, no plot, no real direction. It's like somebody said hey let's do something that makes no sense at all and film it. Is it a rapture?

Is it aliens? Is it a government scientific experiment gone wrong?

You will never know...... because they don't explain anything at all from beginning to end your left in a mystery wrapped in bacon?

So do yourself a favor and watch the wind blow through the trees, watch grass grow, what's your butterfly float on the breeze, watch paint dry.. because that's more entertaining than this flip-flop whatever they want to call it..
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Oats Studios (2017–2020)
can't give zero
10 July 2022
I have no idea what this crap is.. minutes wasted. Zero and I mean zero entertainment, just one episode after another of stupidity.i truly do not understand this nonsense, other than killing off any good brain cells left.
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Signs (2002)
are you serious?
2 May 2022
You expect us to believe that beings smart enough travel light years thru space would choose to invade a planet with 90 percent of what's deadly to them? To not have smarts enough to have protective gear!? Give me a break 🤣
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The Cursed (2021)
I spoilers, no plot
1 May 2022
Who? What? Why? Figure it out, because they're not telling you. Just a waste of time and money. I feel dumbbeeerr for watching this. Don't believe me? Try it yourself..
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Let Us In (2021)
what is this?
1 March 2022
I couldn't make it past 3 minutes. Tobin Bell most assuredly did someone a solid or he's broke as hell.. if you're going to be making a movie about the B. E. K. At least try to stick to the jest of the lore. Do yourself a favor and skip this nonsense.
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Reacher (2022– )
same ole
27 February 2022
Started out strong and interesting, but by episode three, it turned into typical Hollywood. Blame the evil racist white man. Why in the hell can't you people stop the crap and just make a movie or series without your political crap!?
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pure liberalism at it's finest
19 February 2022
Werner Herzog, states how could God let there be capital punishment!? Go ask the victims family! I knew Delbert Burkette, knew him for years, he's a thief, and child molester. His mother, a bank manager..bought him cars, trucks, homes, gave him thousands of dollars.. and payed his way outa trouble countless times. Yet this filth attacked her also. Delbert was and still is a pedophile. And his son had so many opportunities that he just crapped on. That boy should have been on the row too! He bragged about pulling the trigger also. And Chris Burkette is the exact same way. A tragedy waiting to happen.
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The Wasteland (2021)
i should've watched paint dry
10 January 2022
Plot? Nope, horror, nope, sensible? Nope... this if you want to call it a movie is just 100 percent crap. It makes no sense from beginning, middle or ending. I feel like I've lost brain cells just watching this crap.
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it's Danny trejo
5 January 2022
Gotta love the 20 shot six shooters.. but it's Danny Trejo. Who seems to have a magical way of making anything he's in watchable. Not much of a plot at all, but like I stated.. it's Danny Trejo. So just put away the history crap, sit back and watch a half decent movie.
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29 October 2021
If you like minstrel music or violin, no basic dialogue..long panning shots of fog and walking, scenes that jump around, make no sense at all. If you like scratching your head and asking over and over again, what tha hell? If you like no character description at all and no real plot .. then this crap is for you.
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The Fountain (2006)
uggh! so drawn out
27 October 2021
Bottom line is.. if you want art go to a museum. This is just a very long look at the same painting, just from 3 different sides. But don't take my word for it, just remember, you'll use up time better spent watching paint dry.
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Astro (2018)
holy cow patty batman!?
1 October 2021
This is beyond awful, no plot, actor's reading from quecards. But hey, don't take my word for it. Just remember, you can't get that lost time back.
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Angel (II) (2019)
so dull it couldn't cut a thought
9 September 2021
Couldn't make it past 20 minutes.. this is just so bad. Don't believe me? Give it a try. But don't say you weren't warned.
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so drawn out...
28 August 2021
How in the hell can you have 50 lights on in a single room, yet still be in the dark!? Go watch grass grow.. it's better than this crap.
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Intersect (I) (2020)
just soooo boring...
19 August 2021
If you want art, go to a museum. I couldn't make it past the 15 minute mark. Do yourself a favor, watch grass grow.. it's more entertaining.
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Into the Dark: Blood Moon (2021)
Season 2, Episode 12
draaaaaawn ouuutt
9 June 2021
What a waste, good acting all around. But could've been so much better. If it's a werewolf, make it a wearwolf. Not a cute dog that you only see for 10 seconds.. holy crap ya sure dropped the ball on this one.
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Gemini Man (2019)
29 May 2021
This plays out like a PlayStation game. Same cg.just so predictable it's uncanny.
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gotta pay the bills I guess..
4 March 2021
Well, no plot what so ever.. no character build up neither. cool creatures rescues it somewhat so thee stars for creatures... this seems to start in the middle and continue. it's a mystery wrapped in a question dipped in enigma. can see direct to video for any following movies. but they should do is a favor and just stop now.
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Quiet Killer (1992 TV Movie)
kinda prophetic
19 February 2021
Entertaining movie with some prophetic truth mixed in..
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awesome movie
12 February 2021
This is an awesome movie.. you could watch with the family, unfortunately it doesn't stand up to the liberal socialist hollywood of today, so good luck finding it.
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Gangster Land (2017)
28 January 2021
Daddy!? can I have some money? me and my friends are gonna make a movie.. sure Milo be home by supper..
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14th century S. O. A.
25 January 2021
It's sons of anarchy in the 14th century. just bad.
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truly horrendous
25 January 2021
If you made it past the 10 minute mark, your a better person than me.
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Alien Worlds (2020)
typical netflix fodder..
22 January 2021
Well if it isn't blaming the evil white man or critizing you for being hetrosexual or force-feeding bollywood crap, Netflix brings you this fodder.. 4-5 minutes cgi and the rest is just unimagined crap.
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