
23 Reviews
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Obviously a spoof
21 August 2022
This can't seriously have any connection to Day of the Dead.....stupid characters who do everything you wouldn't do during a zombie apocalypse.

At least on SYFY you know what you're getting with 3 headed mega sharknado...
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31 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What have a just watched? The biggest pile of horse ****.

Space cars, 4 mile long death slide escapes across Edinburgh..& electromagnets.... Awful script.

It's embarrassing.... everyone involved should be ashamed.
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The Northman (2022)
30 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Should have been edited down to about 90 minutes. The story runs far too slowly. The story is nothing new....father's murder, son disappears for few years and returns for revenge. No surprises, no original ideas.

It's all been done before.

It didn't have the feel of the epic film it could have been...some of the CGI left a bit to be desired too.
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Dated but fascinating
5 April 2022
Bentine was right when he said it suffered from poor editing.

His character was the connecting thread on which to hang various short sketches or skits, some better than others.

Bentine's character is mostly a bystander to the action, mainly cut shots showing his reaction to what's going on, which is a shame as he's not really given a chance to shine.
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It was desperate
5 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Obviously made during lockdown, it's just Naomi Watts jogging through the woods and running up her phone bill. No suspence or tension to speak of. Her intermittent limp was hilarious and the street where the reunion occurs seemed twice as long for her and her son as anyone else!

The only saving grace is Naomi's got a great pair of legs in those tight jogging pants.
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Moore deserved better for his swan song
5 December 2021
He was too old and the script too weak. The silly Beach Boys snow surfing segment sums the whole movie up.

The series had lost its way, become far too much of a parody of itself.

Moore himself knew it wasn't good and apparently said so later.
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Frothy fun
5 November 2021
Exactly what you'd expect. A bit for fun which was entertaining. All played with tongue in cheek and some great special effects.

Not quite up to the original Robin Williams movie but worth watching in its own right.

Plus anything with Karen Gillan in is fine by me!
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Black Widow (2021)
Better than I expected
31 October 2021
Pretty much what you'd expect from Marvel.

CGI is pretty good, script has humour. Florence Pugh steals this movie outright from under every other participants nose.
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Till Death (I) (2021)
It's not as bad as I expected
9 October 2021
I've given it a 7 it wasn't the best but it held my attention. Plot hole well yes but find them for yourself.

A formula seen plenty of times before but I've seen worse.

Megan Fox wasn't the worse thing about this film and her acting has come in for some flack recently.

Give it a look, it's not awful.
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Tomb Raider (2018)
It's ok but all been done before
13 June 2021
It an enjoyable way to spend a couple of hours but it's nothing new.

Gamers complain it's not true to the game characters or story, having not played the game I take it for what it is, an adventure movie.

The story is a partial rip off of Last Crusade,, the action stunts etc work well but you tend to know what's coming.

There are no real surprises and it's full of clichés.

All in all its an ok watch saved by the lead actress.
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Stowaway (I) (2021)
Could have been better
24 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A sci fi drama that isn't dramatic enough.

If you can suspend belief that a guy could get locked into a service hatch and not be missed by a space agency and he gets blasted into space then ok..... The cast are good, the script is weak. There should have been more drama.
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Sean should have stuck with it at least for this film...
5 April 2021
OHMSS is the film that took Bond back to the spy genre without too many gadgets and gizmos, one if the things that Connery began to dispise along with the financial disagreements with the producers. It's not that Lazenby was bad, he wasn't, for me he just didn't fit.

It's a little ironic that after Connery left the gadgets were toned down for this outing and the film was in my opinion better for it.

If connnery had done this as his last one it would be a far better coda than the less than spectacular Diamonds are forever or the rather odd cousin Never say never again.
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Beneath (I) (2013)
Utter rubbish
2 April 2021
I have never seen a more useless group of characters in a movie. Such poor writing. No one in real life is this stupid..... If they are not fear for the future!
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28 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Plot holes a did he get out of the police station? SLJ could have phoned in his serial killer character...he probably did. Stupid police officers and a bad script.
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Country at Heart (2020 TV Movie)
Well that makes a change...
27 February 2021
Woman returns to her hometown but.... doesn't open a candle shop or a bakery and big plus....Wait for's not Christmas either! Watchable but still predictable. There's far worse out there
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Centigrade (2020)
This must be the worst movie ever
16 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
2 inches of snow on top of their car, 2 feet from the side of the road and they decide to stay in the car for weeks? Where did the candles come from? Why didn't they try to get out as there was enough light coming in to the car for them to see during the day. So they were not totally covered. He died because he didn't want to leave the car? 8 months pregnant and flies to Norway for a book tour. I've written better than this in an English class 40 years ago. How this piece of crap ever got made I'll never know.
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Never Let Go (I) (2015)
Total crap
27 November 2020
What can I say, for someone with a special set of skills she runs like an egg whisk and appears to be able to outsmart everyone. Holds her palm up and puts two fingers up against it and knows exactly which way is north. A really crap remake of taken.....should be called taken...the piss
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Sorry, I just didn't get it
13 November 2020
Sat and watched it right to the end, made no sense to me at all, wondered when the story would start to make sense.... It didn't. Can't see why this film is so highly rated, it bored me. An hour and forty one minutes I'll never get back.
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Journey's End (I) (2017)
Low raters have missed the point
7 November 2020
Based on a play by RC Sheriff this movie shows what the effects of war do to people. There's no special effects or action sequences to speak of but an intelligent script, obviously too much for some reviewers! No spoilers, watch it and make up your own mind.... I did and enjoyed the fact it wasn't gung ho or frantic.
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Halloween (1978)
1 November 2020
I fail to see why anyone rates this film lower than an 8 Having read some of the low rated reviews people obviously haven't realised that all the film's they think this is like came after Halloween. Some say it's full of clichés, no the films that followed Halloween piggybacked this and became pale imitations. It's a classic and will remain so....
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Good but not great
29 October 2020
Pretty much run of the mill thriller, could have been so much more. It's not as bad as some have said. Take it for what it is, 90-ish minutes of entertainment and don't take it so seriously.
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Stargirl (2020–2022)
Buffy the superhero anyone?
11 October 2020
It's okay, follows the Buffy template. Highschool kids mentored by an older more knowledgeable adult to save the world from evil. Typical superhero stuff, better than some I've seen.
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Oh dear
13 September 2020
I sat through this but I wouldn't recommend it. It doesn't know what it is. It tries too hard to be serious and tries too hard to be funny. It achieves neither unfortunately.
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