
48 Reviews
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Trap (I) (2024)
All hung on Josh
30 August 2024
Funny whenever it's a M Night movie people will always speak of the Director. So many other movies, reviewers will barely even mention them. I don't know if that makes Night a major player on par with speilberg and tarentino as one of the few directors that are noticed, or simply that he has an oddly name that everyone remembers. Certainly and uniquely nearly all negative reviews mention Night in any of his movies and even here people now bemoan there was no signature twist. Really the direction was okay with the whole movie revolving around Josh who somehow let you you know he was not everything he appears to be with just a smile. It's a basic movie with scenes of tension, some of which could easily be skipped without ruining the plot. Horrific in some parts but mostly intended as a will-he won't-he thriller. An enjoyable watch created for big screen viewing.
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All on set
19 April 2024
Not often I watch a film so closely usually distracted by my phone or pausing to fetch a snack. Here I was engrossed from the very start with a feeling that everything was happening live, helping to keep me in the present moment.

Being a period piece didn't seem to be important and will need a while to consider why it couldn't be set in present day as a night show on a smaller cable channel. It did however help me this feel like it will become a cult classic while actually touching on secret cult Skull and Crossbones type conspiracies. With the main character having a definite element of ambiguity on his reputation.

This had great camera work on a tiny set and might be the first time a carved pumpkin has taken on a sinister element for me. The two major horror scenes were done very well calling to mind the exorcist and early 80s rental gore.

I have to admit by the final scene it got confusing and didn't come together for me at all. Maybe a second watch will make it clearer as it did appear to tie in with the introduction sequence.

Instead of watching a late night show, watch this.
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Odd Thomas (2013)
Loved it but not joyously
11 April 2024
I usually like light hearted movies with elements of science fiction, clairvoyance or as here communion with ghosts. If course the subject matter cannot ever be fully comedic or even a black comedy but this managed to be a lot lighter than a movie such as The Lovely Bones. Michael j Fox would have been great as the lead if this was an eighties movie. Not that anything was wrong with the current casting.

Actually my entire reason for the extremely high rating is that nothing wrecked me the way this movie did. The ending was full of so many emotions of joy mixed with love and sadness that no movie has ever done so much to truly knock the wind out of me. I did wonder how they got William Defoe involved and in guessing (obviously) he was taken in by the impact of the final scenes in the script. Great movie for home viewing. I loved it even more as I had no expectations, watching it on ad-suported Plex. Best movie they have in my book.
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Imaginary (2024)
Not quite
26 March 2024
I usually like this genre of horror that requires suspension of disbelief in a massive way to believe something inanimate can be sinister. Here though it was far off with the camera work and coincidental soundtrack doing nothing to make the dumb teddy possess any quality of fear. This was made worse as other times the camera work was excellent in composition as well as lighting and sound bearing hallmarks of quality movie making. The high drama aspect required to create chills didn't hit at all and dialogue in places seemed to be very low effort. The handful of shivers that didn't require acting did hit but in hindsight had nowhere near the impact they could have had. Towards the end the horror did take a twist reminiscent of nightmare of elm street's dream sequence end in suspense and thrills.

I'd be surprised if there was a sequel or a series of movies in the future in the same way as the conjuring.
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A little bit Hallmark unfortunately
28 September 2022
Everything from costume to situation is great the reason I don't give it a 10 is the coincidental music is to loud and overly sentimental. I hope to can fix this for the next season. Situation and main character reminded me of ally McBeal and certainly the lead is the biggest draw and is possibly the greatest finger actor around right now. I can understand why the title used extraordinary, yet quirky or akward would have done just as well. If I could change anything it would be an overdubbed version so I could watch more of the actors than I can with subs. The standout quality of this and why I give this such a high rating for a series is that it's even better on a second watch after its been watched beginning to end, that is. Can hardly wait for season 2 as I love all the main characters that are created to be far more complex than simply baddies Vs goodies. All in all a very humanistic show with humour and adversity.
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Elvis (2022)
Tom Hanks: wow
8 September 2022
I watched as people spoke about costume, insight into the king, nostalgia, Buzz's direction etc. What really amazed me in all this was Tom Hanks playing the Colonel. While hanks is clearly not the star character, he made the whole thing gel with both his act and voiceover. Really makes one realise how the best actors can truly understand the nature of what it is to be human. Asbrr soundtrack, it's pretty average and several compilations will beat it. The commentary on the costumes painstakingly replicated seems well deserved and the vibe of the period comes through effortlessly. Without hanks tho, this could be a netflix movie as opposed to a big screen cinema release.
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Mortal Kombat (2021)
Excellent start
30 April 2021
The prologue was first rate horror on par with many Japanese classics for the few minutes it lasted - with a very promising fight scene. After that the rest was all meh with some nice gory fx.
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Kung Fu (2021–2023)
I want to like this
14 April 2021
But so far, after 1 episode it seems made for TV filler. The main actor and her ghost mentor are good but the rest feels like cable TV production standards in camera work, lighting, scenes (except the first scene in China which was excellent).

If this gets a second series it'll need more authentic fighting styles and more mysticism and mythology. Ill likely watch the next few episodes anyway, even though it felt like a rerun of something made two decades ago... The scenes set in San Fran could be 90s.
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Playhouse (2020)
Better than the usual tripe...
22 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
... That is made in the UK as horror. Good stylised camera work, sound and ambience but ultimately feels like a tv production than a cinematic experience. Goes for eerie rather than truly horrifying through most of the time.
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Come Play (2020)
Babadook and sixth sense
2 November 2020
If you like those two you'll like this. Not in terms of story line but has that vibe. I was expecting it to be more sci fi from the premise. Good quality movie fully budgeted for big screen viewing
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Polaroid (I) (2019)
Teenage group thriller horror tension genre
30 October 2020
This style is done to death but still a cut above the tripe released by Indies. Bit of a slow starter but watchable of you are left with nothing to do
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The Hunt (II) (2020)
The greatest satire of the U S of A
9 April 2020
This is made so well to show the idiocy of American bifurcation
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Jojo Rabbit (2019)
Mandatory viewing
31 March 2020
A film good enough to watch several times over. Very well layered. I can't remember when I last saw a movie so well put together. A true emotional rollercoaster.
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Bloodshot (2020)
A fine vin
30 March 2020
Well made to be an easy watch but was heavily focused on the main character. Given it's sci fi I think it was a bit irritating that the two nerds were used as comic foils.
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The Invisible Man (I) (2020)
Innocent actors
25 March 2020
We'll at least they weren't A list actors. Made this all the more greater. The women weren't even pretty and yet the quality of the plot was splendid. Had all the elements of sci fi, horror, thriller and action to make a quality watch. I guarantee this will become a cult classic at the very least.
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The Grudge (2019)
Like when you're caught smoking
15 March 2020
You know that punishment when you are caught smoking and then forced to smoke and entire pack to make you sick and so anytime you smell smoke it reminds you of that time you had an entire pack? That's just happened to me watching this with Lin Shayne featured in this thing. The Shayne brand makes me vomit now.
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Dracula (2020)
Seen the first 2
13 February 2020
Who knew Van Helsing as a middle aged nun with a Germanic accent could make such hot viewing? I feel like a total wrongen. Heil Dolly!
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Should be seen
25 January 2020
Not sure why this is considered less successful than previous ones. This is a real terminator style movie and can easily be viewed as part 3. Frankly 1 and 2 are classics and the rest were milking the franchise until this one. Fans of the first two will enjoy this.
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No One Lives (2012)
Liked more than John Wick 3
5 January 2020
Only just now watched this. Well produced but the anti hero had it too easy. Good thriller that borders on horror. Many senseless and far fetched deaths... The worst actors die earliest.
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The purge inspired
7 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Very easy to see the vibe was taken from the purge. Some nice tense scenes and graphic gore but ended without a point covered up with just a nutter in his basement kinda deal. The kids of the mum played useless millennials pretty well. The running time suggests a fair amount was scrapped. As a sociological piece, I very much doubt people are so easily willed to take away life. But then I live in England not America.
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Dark Water (2005)
A few chills but not an actual horror
4 December 2019
Not a film to watch if you are looking to watch a horror. This concentrates on mystery and suspense. The last scenes did leave my blood running cold tho. As a movie about how people live and their every day struggles it works thanks to a cast that can act convincingly and a crew that are technically competent.
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Not *that* bad
19 November 2019
Really not awful. Like a TV movie. Camera, light are ok to a professional level not like the usual indie wannabe film makers. My subwoofer liked the deep bass which was the best thing about this movie. This in the days of blockbuster brick and mortar would be a filler on the shelves. Had to be very poorly produced to be a 1 star; this is edited well and uses proper lighting for night scenes with actors that appear to be trained at a college level so gets a 3. Watch if you're bored but not good enough for a planned night in.
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The Wicked (2013 Video)
Neither as good nor as bad as reviewers claim
31 October 2019
Watchable of you got nothing to do. Kinda reminds me of a budget It. Feels very 80s. First 30 mins are a bit slow to it does turn into a better thriller/horror after that. I suspect the very low judgements are from people who got bored a need judged prematurely. Much better than most indies and looks like their was a decent sized budget.
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10 October 2019
Watched to see why so much hype. Audiences hear the hype and lose their minds. So dull. Downey is as always, or at least used to be, enigmatic. The idiocy of the script made me realise the viewers that like this drivel like nothing more than cult like worship of actors names, fictional characters and nothing else. Last one was good but this one was lamer than the new Hulk. Absolutely nothing to gain from watching this Disney reprise to a soy latte drinking generation. GOTG 1 or 2 was at least funny but this was just plain dull scenes welded together like a very expensive TV series. Petty in every way except the budget.
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Anna (II) (2019)
It's a Luc Besson, innit!
10 October 2019
Has the Luc style written all over it though made smarter dye to the international espionage element. Super attractive cast makes this all the more watchable. Best to go in knowing nothing more than one just said. Best thriller I've seen this year and certainly better than Lucy. Superb in every aspect, even the soundtrack melded in perfectly. Only reason this isn't a 10 is because on The Professional.
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